description:"Makes provisioning users easy as cake in CircleHD",
quote:"Papa made it easy for our React devs to be able to import and parse the user data files in CSV format, all in browser."
description:"verifies addresses, many of which are submitted in CSV files. Papa Parse can process files with over a million addresses in the browser.",
quote:"Because of Papa Parse, we rapidly built an awesome client-side list processing service."
description:"helps you see your data from a meta perspective before you start detailed analysis.",
quote:"Papa Parse made it very easy to load and ready user CSV files in the browser on the client side."
description:"is an agent-based mathematical model for the web, still in its early stages of development.",
quote:"Papa makes it so easy to use CSV, which is good for scientists."
description:"Mailcheck is email validation service. All emails usually stored in CSV's. We use Papa Parse to process data from our customers in browser",
quote:"Papa Parser allowed our customers to preview and process csv's in browser, without uploading them to server. It saves lots of time and space :)"
description:"is an add-in data importer for web-apps, providing the full UX to upload a spreadsheet, field match, and repair issues found during import.",
quote:"Papa is a core part of our importer, so much so that we're committed to helping maintain it!"
description:"is a brand-new messaging app made specifically for busy families. Automatically align all family members when sending text messages to parents in the kindergarten or school or when planning your kids birthday parties.",
quote:"With Papa it was a joy to implement our tool for importing messages and places from external systems."