Robust, efficient CSV parsing (supports custom delimiting characters). Malformed CSV files are especially common, and this parser is an attempt to handle parsing errors more robustly and parse CSV text more efficiently.
| `delimiter` | The delimiting character. Usually just a comma or tab. Can be set to anything anything except `"` or `\n`.
| `header` | If true, interpret the first row of parsed data as a header column; fields are returned separately from the data, and data will be returned keyed to its field name. If false, the parser simply returns an array (list) of arrays (rows), including the first column.
| `dynamicTyping` | If true, fields that are strictly numeric will be converted to a number type. If false, each parsed datum is returned as a string.
The output and error handling depends on whether you include a header row with your data. If you have a header, each row must have the same number of fields as the header row, or an error will be produced.
As you can see, any "extra" fields at the end, when using a header row, are simply tacked onto a special field named "__parsed_extra", in the order that the remaining line was parsed.
### Is jQuery needed?
Here's a little secret: you don't really need jQuery for this. Just pull out the `Parse` function embedded in the plugin and use its external interface.
I've packaged this as a jQuery plugin primarily for publicity and convenience.