diff --git a/docs/docs.html b/docs/docs.html
index da3c8b6..c2d82bd 100644
--- a/docs/docs.html
+++ b/docs/docs.html
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
- The delimiting character. It must not be found in Papa.BAD_DELIMITERS.
+ The delimiting character. Multi-character delimiters are supported. It must not be found in Papa.BAD_DELIMITERS.
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ var csv = Papa.unparse({
- The delimiting character. Leave blank to auto-detect from a list of most common delimiters, or any values passed in through delimitersToGuess . It can be a string or a function. If string, it must be one of length 1. If a function, it must accept the input as first parameter and it must return a string which will be used as delimiter. In both cases it cannot be found in Papa.BAD_DELIMITERS.
+ The delimiting character. Leave blank to auto-detect from a list of most common delimiters, or any values passed in through delimitersToGuess . It can be a string or a function. If a string, it can be of any length (so multi-character delimiters are supported). If a function, it must accept the input as first parameter and it must return a string which will be used as delimiter. In both cases it cannot be found in Papa.BAD_DELIMITERS.
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ var csv = Papa.unparse({
- An array of characters that are not allowed as delimiters.
+ An array of characters that are not allowed as delimiters (\r, \n, ", \ufeff ).
diff --git a/papaparse.js b/papaparse.js
index 090c663..057a16c 100755
--- a/papaparse.js
+++ b/papaparse.js
@@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ License: MIT
var spacesBetweenQuoteAndDelimiter = extraSpaces(checkUpTo);
// Closing quote followed by delimiter or 'unnecessary spaces + delimiter'
- if (input[quoteSearch + 1 + spacesBetweenQuoteAndDelimiter] === delim)
+ if (input.substr(quoteSearch + 1 + spacesBetweenQuoteAndDelimiter, delimLen) === delim)
row.push(input.substring(cursor, quoteSearch).replace(quoteCharRegex, quoteChar));
cursor = quoteSearch + 1 + spacesBetweenQuoteAndDelimiter + delimLen;
diff --git a/tests/test-cases.js b/tests/test-cases.js
index d727bfe..0c3a62d 100644
--- a/tests/test-cases.js
+++ b/tests/test-cases.js
@@ -847,6 +847,16 @@ var PARSE_TESTS = [
errors: []
+ {
+ description: "Multi-character delimiter (length 2) with quoted field",
+ input: 'a, b, "c, e", d',
+ config: { delimiter: ", " },
+ notes: "The quotes must be immediately adjacent to the delimiter to indicate a quoted field",
+ expected: {
+ data: [['a', 'b', 'c, e', 'd']],
+ errors: []
+ }
+ },
description: "Callback delimiter",
input: 'a$ b$ c',
@@ -1713,6 +1723,12 @@ var UNPARSE_TESTS = [
config: { delimiter: ', ' },
expected: 'A, b, c\r\nd, e, f'
+ {
+ description: "Custom delimiter (Multi-character), field contains custom delimiter",
+ input: [['A', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f, g']],
+ config: { delimiter: ', ' },
+ expected: 'A, b, c\r\nd, e, "f, g"'
+ },
description: "Bad delimiter (\\n)",
notes: "Should default to comma",