var passCount = 0; var failCount = 0; var testCount = 0; $(function() { // First, wireup! $('.results').on('click', 'td.rvl', function() { var tr = $(this).closest('tr'); if (tr.hasClass('collapsed')) { $('.revealer', tr).hide(); $('.hidden', tr).show(); $(this).html("-"); } else { $('.revealer', tr).show(); $('.hidden', tr).hide(); $(this).html("+"); } tr.toggleClass('collapsed expanded'); }); $('.expand-all').click(function() { var $testGroup = $(this).closest('.test-group'); $('.collapsed .rvl', $testGroup).click(); }); $('.collapse-all').click(function() { var $testGroup = $(this).closest('.test-group'); $('.expanded .rvl', $testGroup).click(); }); function asyncDone() { // Finally, show the overall status. if (failCount == 0) $('#status').addClass('status-pass').html("All " + passCount + " test" + (passCount == 1 ? "" : "s") + " passed"); else $('#status').addClass('status-fail').html("" + failCount + " test" + (failCount == 1 ? "" : "s") + " failed; " + passCount + " passed"); } // Next, run tests and render results! runCoreParserTests(); runParseTests(asyncDone); runUnparseTests(); }); // Executes all tests in CORE_PARSER_TESTS from test-cases.js // and renders results in the table. function runCoreParserTests() { for (var i = 0; i < CORE_PARSER_TESTS.length; i++) { var test = CORE_PARSER_TESTS[i]; var passed = runTest(test); if (passed) passCount++; else failCount++; } function runTest(test) { var actual = new Papa.Parser(test.config).parse(test.input); var results = compare(, actual.errors, test.expected); displayResults('#tests-for-core-parser', test, actual, results); return && results.errors.passed } } // Executes all tests in PARSE_TESTS from test-cases.js // and renders results in the table. function runParseTests(asyncDone) { for (var i = 0; i < PARSE_TESTS.length; i++) { var test = PARSE_TESTS[i]; var passed = runTest(test); if (passed) passCount++; else failCount++; } var asyncRemaining = PARSE_ASYNC_TESTS.length; PARSE_ASYNC_TESTS.forEach(function(test) { var config = test.config; config.complete = function(actual) { var results = compare(, actual.errors, test.expected); displayResults("tests-for-parse", test, actual, results); if ( && results.errors.passed) { passCount++; } else { failCount++; } if (--asyncRemaining === 0) { asyncDone(); } }; config.error = function(err) { failCount++; displayResults(test, {data:[],errors:err}, test.expected); if (--asyncRemaining === 0) { asyncDone(); } }; Papa.parse(test.input, config); }); function runTest(test) { var actual = Papa.parse(test.input, test.config); var results = compare(, actual.errors, test.expected); displayResults('#tests-for-parse', test, actual, results); return && results.errors.passed } } function displayResults(tableId, test, actual, results) { var testId = testCount++; var testDescription = (test.description || ""); if (testDescription.length > 0) testDescription += '
'; if (test.notes) testDescription += '' + test.notes + ''; var tr = '' + '+' + '' + testDescription + '' + passOrFailTd( + passOrFailTd(results.errors) + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + ''; $(tableId+' .results').append(tr); if (! || !results.errors.passed) $('#test-'+testId+' td.rvl').click(); } function compare(actualData, actualErrors, expected) { var data = compareData(actualData,; var errors = compareErrors(actualErrors, expected.errors); return { data: data, errors: errors } function compareData(actual, expected) { var passed = true; if (actual.length != expected.length) passed = false; else { // The order is important, so we go through manually before using stringify to check everything else for (var row = 0; row < expected.length; row++) { if (actual[row].length != expected[row].length) { passed = false; break; } for (var col = 0; col < expected[row].length; col++) { var expectedVal = expected[row][col]; var actualVal = actual[row][col]; if (actualVal !== expectedVal) { passed = false; break; } } } } if (passed) // final check will catch any other differences passed = JSON.stringify(actual) == JSON.stringify(expected); // We pass back an object right now, even though it only contains // one value, because we might add details to the test results later // (same with compareErrors below) return { passed: passed }; } function compareErrors(actual, expected) { var passed = JSON.stringify(actual) == JSON.stringify(expected); return { passed: passed }; } } // Executes all tests in UNPARSE_TESTS from test-cases.js // and renders results in the table. function runUnparseTests() { for (var i = 0; i < UNPARSE_TESTS.length; i++) { var test = UNPARSE_TESTS[i]; var passed = runTest(test); if (passed) passCount++; else failCount++; } function runTest(test) { var actual; try { actual = Papa.unparse(test.input, test.config); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Error) { throw e; } actual = e; } var testId = testCount++; var results = compare(actual, test.expected); var testDescription = (test.description || ""); if (testDescription.length > 0) testDescription += '
'; if (test.notes) testDescription += '' + test.notes + ''; var tr = '' + '+' + '' + testDescription + '' + passOrFailTd(results) + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + ''; $('#tests-for-unparse .results').append(tr); if (!results.passed) $('#test-' + testId + ' td.rvl').click(); return results.passed; } function compare(actual, expected) { return { passed: actual === expected }; } } // Makes a TD tag with OK or FAIL depending on test result function passOrFailTd(result) { if (result.passed) return 'OK'; else return 'FAIL'; } // Reveals some hidden, whitespace, or invisible characters function revealChars(txt) { // Make spaces and tabs more obvious when glancing txt = txt.replace(/( |\t)/ig, '$1'); txt = txt.replace(/(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/ig, '$1$1'); // Make UNIT_SEP and RECORD_SEP characters visible txt = txt.replace(/(\u001e|\u001f)/ig, '$1$1'); // Now make the whitespace and invisible characters // within the spans actually appear on the page txt = txt.replace(/">\r\n<\/span>/ig, '">\\r\\n'); txt = txt.replace(/">\n\r<\/span>/ig, '">\\n\\r'); txt = txt.replace(/">\r<\/span>/ig, '">\\r'); txt = txt.replace(/">\n<\/span>/ig, '">\\n'); txt = txt.replace(/">\u001e<\/span>/ig, '">\\u001e'); txt = txt.replace(/">\u001f<\/span>/ig, '">\\u001f'); return txt; }