var inputType = "string"; var stepped = 0, rowCount = 0, errorCount = 0, firstError; var start, end; var firstRun = true; var maxUnparseLength = 10000; $(function() { // Tabs $('#tab-string').click(function() { $('.tab').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $('.input-area').hide(); $('#input-string').show(); $('#submit').text("Parse"); inputType = "string"; }); $('#tab-local').click(function() { $('.tab').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $('.input-area').hide(); $('#input-local').show(); $('#submit').text("Parse"); inputType = "local"; }); $('#tab-remote').click(function() { $('.tab').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $('.input-area').hide(); $('#input-remote').show(); $('#submit').text("Parse"); inputType = "remote"; }); $('#tab-unparse').click(function() { $('.tab').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $('.input-area').hide(); $('#input-unparse').show(); $('#submit').text("Unparse"); inputType = "json"; }); // Sample files $('#remote-normal-file').click(function() { $('#url').val($('#local-normal-file').attr('href')); }); $('#remote-large-file').click(function() { $('#url').val($('#local-large-file').attr('href')); }); $('#remote-malformed-file').click(function() { $('#url').val($('#local-malformed-file').attr('href')); }); // Demo invoked $('#submit').click(function() { if ($(this).prop('disabled') == "true") return; stepped = 0; rowCount = 0; errorCount = 0; firstError = undefined; var config = buildConfig(); var input = $('#input').val(); if (inputType == "remote") input = $('#url').val(); else if (inputType == "json") input = $('#json').val(); // Allow only one parse at a time $(this).prop('disabled', true); if (!firstRun) console.log("--------------------------------------------------"); else firstRun = false; if (inputType == "local") { if (!$('#files')[0].files.length) { alert("Please choose at least one file to parse."); return enableButton(); } $('#files').parse({ config: config, before: function(file, inputElem) { start = now(); console.log("Parsing file...", file); }, error: function(err, file) { console.log("ERROR:", err, file); firstError = firstError || err; errorCount++; }, complete: function() { end = now(); printStats("Done with all files"); } }); } else if (inputType == "json") { if (!input) { alert("Please enter a valid JSON string to convert to CSV."); return enableButton(); } start = now(); var csv = Papa.unparse(input, config); end = now(); console.log("Unparse complete"); console.log("Time:", (end-start || "(Unknown; your browser does not support the Performance API)"), "ms"); if (csv.length > maxUnparseLength) { csv = csv.substr(0, maxUnparseLength); console.log("(Results truncated for brevity)"); } console.log(csv); setTimeout(enableButton, 100); // hackity-hack } else if (inputType == "remote" && !input) { alert("Please enter the URL of a file to download and parse."); return enableButton(); } else { start = now(); var results = Papa.parse(input, config); console.log("Synchronous results:", results); if (config.worker || console.log("Running..."); } }); $('#insert-tab').click(function() { $('#delimiter').val('\t'); }); }); function printStats(msg) { if (msg) console.log(msg); console.log(" Time:", (end-start || "(Unknown; your browser does not support the Performance API)"), "ms"); console.log(" Row count:", rowCount); if (stepped) console.log(" Stepped:", stepped); console.log(" Errors:", errorCount); if (errorCount) console.log("First error:", firstError); } function buildConfig() { return { delimiter: $('#delimiter').val(), header: $('#header').prop('checked'), dynamicTyping: $('#dynamicTyping').prop('checked'), skipEmptyLines: $('#skipEmptyLines').prop('checked'), preview: parseInt($('#preview').val() || 0), step: $('#stream').prop('checked') ? stepFn : undefined, encoding: $('#encoding').val(), worker: $('#worker').prop('checked'), comments: $('#comments').val(), complete: completeFn, error: errorFn, download: inputType == "remote" }; } function stepFn(results, parser) { stepped++; if (results) { if ( rowCount +=; if (results.errors) { errorCount += results.errors.length; firstError = firstError || results.errors[0]; } } } function completeFn(results) { end = now(); if (results && results.errors) { if (results.errors) { errorCount = results.errors.length; firstError = results.errors[0]; } if ( && > 0) rowCount =; } printStats("Parse complete"); console.log(" Results:", results); // icky hack setTimeout(enableButton, 100); } function errorFn(err, file) { end = now(); console.log("ERROR:", err, file); enableButton(); } function enableButton() { $('#submit').prop('disabled', false); } function now() { return typeof window.performance !== 'undefined' ? : 0; }