jquery.parse ============ Robust, efficient CSV parsing (with nearly any delimiting character) Basic usage ----------- ```javascript results = $.parse(csvString, { delimiter: "\t", header: true }); ``` The default delimiter is `,` but can be set to anything anything except `"` or `\n`. By default, a header row is expected. The output and error handling depends on whether you include a header row with your data. **If `header: true`, the output looks like:** ```javascript { errors: [ // errors, if any (parsing should not throw exceptions) ], results: { fields: [ // field names from the header row ], rows: [ // objects, where each field value is keyed to the field name ] } } ``` **If `header: false`, the output looks like:** ```javascript { errors: [ // errors, if any (parsing should not throw exceptions) ], results: [ // each row is itself an array of values separated by delimiter ] } ``` **Errors look like:** ```javascript { message: "", // Human-readable message line: 0, // Line of original input row: 0, // Row index where error was index: 0 // Character index within original input } ```