/** INSTRUCTIONS If you use Papa Parse, add your site/project/company to the list below. Here is a description of the fields: link: (optional) The URL to your web site name: The name of the site/project/company description: Say why Papa Parse is important to your application. The name is prepended to this description when rendered. Make sure that it reads as a fluid sentence when the name is concatenated with the description. quote: (optional) A short testimonial of what you think of Papa Parse. Note that the name and description are required. Please use English and keep the length similar to existing entries; entries that are too long or extremely short should be edited before being accepted. Thanks for being a part of Papa Parse! **/ var peopleLovePapa = [ { link: "https://www.circlehd.com", name: "CircleHD Enterprise Video Platform", description: "Makes provisioning users easy as cake in CircleHD", quote: "Papa made it easy for our React devs to be able to import and parse the user data files in CSV format, all in browser." }, { link: "https://smartystreets.com", name: "SmartyStreets", description: "verifies addresses, many of which are submitted in CSV files. Papa Parse can process files with over a million addresses in the browser.", quote: "Because of Papa Parse, we rapidly built an awesome client-side list processing service." }, { link: "http://jannah.github.io/MetaReader", name: "MetaReader", description: "helps you see your data from a meta perspective before you start detailed analysis.", quote: "Papa Parse made it very easy to load and ready user CSV files in the browser on the client side." }, { link: "https://github.com/JamesJansson/EpiML", name: "EpiML", description: "is an agent-based mathematical model for the web, still in its early stages of development.", quote: "Papa makes it so easy to use CSV, which is good for scientists." }, { link: "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/VisualEditor", name: "Wikipedia", description: "uses Papa Parse in VisualEditor to help article editors effortlessly build data tables from text files." }, { link: "https://www.webucator.com/webdesign/javascript.cfm", name: "Webucator", description: "created a video showing how to use Papa Parse and FileDrop.js to create a drag-and-drop CSV-JSON converter.", quote: "It's often easy to convert data to CSV. With Papa, it's easy to turn that CSV into JSON." }, { link: "http://www.yolpo.com/social/gist.github?1dbd4556e748bdb830b3&autoplay=1&interimresults=0&failfast=1", name: "Yolpo", description: "created a simple regression test for Papa Parse.", quote: "Papa's API is so intuitive, it took me no time to get it to work." }, { link: "https://www.appstax.com", name: "Appstax", description: "uses Papa Parse to import and export CSV data in their visual databrowser.", quote: "Papa is a great for parsing CSV. And what a great tone of voice - love it!" }, { link: "https://github.com/Nanofus/novel.js", name: "Novel.js", description: "is a text adventure framework that uses Papa Parse to enable user-friendly translations.", quote: "Papa saves countless hours of work and makes reading large CSV files so easy!" } ];