Fast and powerful CSV (delimited text) parser that gracefully handles large files and malformed input
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

636 lines
14 KiB

Papa Parse
"use strict";
$.fn.parse = function(options)
var config = options.config || {};
var queue = [];
var supported = $(this).prop('tagName').toUpperCase() == "INPUT"
&& $(this).attr('type') == "file"
&& window.FileReader;
if (!supported)
return true; // continue to next input element
var instanceConfig = $.extend({}, config); // This copy is very important
if (!this.files || this.files.length == 0)
error("NoFileError", undefined, this);
return true; // continue to next input element
for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++)
file: this.files[i],
inputElem: this,
instanceConfig: instanceConfig
if (queue.length > 0)
return this;
function parseFile(f)
var completeFunc = complete, errorFunc;
if (isFunction(options.error))
errorFunc = function() { options.error(reader.error, f.file, f.inputElem); };
if (isFunction(options.complete))
completeFunc = function(results, file, inputElem, event) { options.complete(results, file, inputElem, event); complete(); };
if (isFunction(options.before))
var returned = options.before(f.file, f.inputElem);
if (typeof returned === 'object')
f.instanceConfig = $.extend(f.instanceConfig, returned);
else if (returned === "skip")
return complete(); // Proceeds to next file
else if (returned === false)
error("AbortError", f.file, f.inputElem);
return; // Aborts all queued files immediately
if (f.instanceConfig.step)
var streamer = new Streamer(f.file, {
inputElem: f.inputElem,
config: $.extend({}, f.instanceConfig) // This copy is very important
});, errorFunc);
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onerror = errorFunc;
reader.onload = function(event)
var text =;
var results = $.parse(text, f.instanceConfig);
completeFunc(results, f.file, f.inputElem, event);
reader.readAsText(f.file, f.instanceConfig.encoding);
function error(name, file, elem)
if (isFunction(options.error))
options.error({name: name}, file, elem);
function complete()
queue.splice(0, 1);
if (queue.length > 0)
$.parse = function(input, options)
var parser = new Parser(options);
return parser.parse(input);
function isFunction(func) { return typeof func === 'function'; }
// Streamer is a wrapper over Parser to handle chunking the input file
function Streamer(file, settings)
if (!settings)
settings = {};
if (!settings.chunkSize)
settings.chunkSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5; // 5 MB
if (settings.config.step) // it had better be there...!
var userStep = settings.config.step;
settings.config.step = function(data) { return userStep(data, file, settings.inputElem); };
var start = 0;
var partialLine = "";
var parser = new Parser(settings.config);
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = blobLoaded;
reader.onerror = blobError; = function(completeCallback, fileErrorCallback)
settings.onComplete = completeCallback;
settings.onFileError = fileErrorCallback;
function blobLoaded(event)
var text = partialLine +;
partialLine = "";
// If we're maxing out the chunk size, we probably cut a line
// in half. However: doing these operations if the whole file
// fits in one chunk will leave off the last line, which is bad.
if (text.length >= settings.chunkSize)
var lastLineEnd = text.lastIndexOf("\n");
if (lastLineEnd < 0)
lastLineEnd = text.lastIndexOf("\r");
if (lastLineEnd > -1)
partialLine = text.substring(lastLineEnd + 1); // skip the line ending character
text = text.substring(0, lastLineEnd);
var results = parser.parse(text);
if (start >= file.size)
return done(event);
else if (results.errors.abort)
function done(event)
if (typeof settings.onComplete === 'function')
settings.onComplete(undefined, file, settings.inputElem, event);
function blobError()
if (typeof settings.onFileError === 'function')
settings.onFileError(reader.error, file, settings.inputElem);
function nextChunk()
if (start < file.size)
reader.readAsText(file.slice(start, Math.min(start + settings.chunkSize, file.size)), settings.config.encoding);
start += settings.chunkSize;
// Parser is the actual parsing component.
// It is under test and does not depend on jQuery.
// You could rip this entire function out of the plugin
// and use it independently (with attribution).
function Parser(config)
var self = this;
var _invocations = 0;
var _input = "";
var _chunkOffset = 0;
var _abort = false;
var _config = {};
var _state = freshState();
var _defaultConfig = {
delimiter: "",
header: true,
dynamicTyping: true,
preview: 0
var _regex = {
floats: /^\s*-?(\d*\.?\d+|\d+\.?\d*)(e[-+]?\d+)?\s*$/i,
empty: /^\s*$/
config = validConfig(config);
_config = {
delimiter: config.delimiter,
header: config.header,
dynamicTyping: config.dynamicTyping,
preview: config.preview,
step: config.step
this.parse = function(input)
if (typeof input !== 'string')
return returnable();
if (!_config.delimiter && !guessDelimiter(input))
addError("Delimiter", "UndetectableDelimiter", "Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to comma", "config");
_config.delimiter = ",";
for (_state.i = 0; _state.i < _input.length; _state.i++)
if (_abort || (_config.preview > 0 && _state.lineNum > _config.preview))
break; = _input[_state.i];
_state.line +=;
if ( == '"')
else if (_state.inQuotes)
if (_abort)
addError("Abort", "ParseAbort", "Parsing was aborted by the user's step function", "abort");
endRow(); // End of input is also end of the last row
if (_state.inQuotes)
addError("Quotes", "MissingQuotes", "Unescaped or mismatched quotes");
return returnable();
this.getOptions = function()
return {
delimiter: _config.delimiter,
header: _config.header,
dynamicTyping: _config.dynamicTyping,
preview: _config.preview,
step: _config.step
function validConfig(config)
if (typeof config !== 'object')
config = {};
if (typeof config.delimiter !== 'string'
|| config.delimiter.length != 1)
config.delimiter = _defaultConfig.delimiter;
if (config.delimiter == '"' || config.delimiter == "\n")
config.delimiter = _defaultConfig.delimiter;
if (typeof config.header !== 'boolean')
config.header = _defaultConfig.header;
if (typeof config.dynamicTyping !== 'boolean')
config.dynamicTyping = _defaultConfig.dynamicTyping;
if (typeof config.preview !== 'number')
config.preview = _defaultConfig.preview;
if (typeof config.step !== 'function')
config.step = _defaultConfig.step;
return config;
function guessDelimiter(input)
var recordSep = String.fromCharCode(30);
var unitSep = String.fromCharCode(31);
var delimiters = [",", "\t", "|", ";", recordSep, unitSep];
var bestDelim, bestDelta, fieldCountPrevRow;
for (var i = 0; i < delimiters.length; i++)
var delim = delimiters[i];
var delta = 0, avgFieldCount = 0;
var preview = new Parser({
delimiter: delim,
header: false,
dynamicTyping: false,
preview: 10
for (var j = 0; j < preview.results.length; j++)
var fieldCount = preview.results[j].length;
avgFieldCount += fieldCount;
if (typeof fieldCountPrevRow === 'undefined')
fieldCountPrevRow = fieldCount;
else if (fieldCount > 1)
delta += Math.abs(fieldCount - fieldCountPrevRow);
fieldCountPrevRow = fieldCount;
avgFieldCount /= preview.results.length;
if ((typeof bestDelta === 'undefined' || delta < bestDelta)
&& avgFieldCount > 1.99)
bestDelta = delta;
bestDelim = delim;
_config.delimiter = bestDelim;
return !!bestDelim;
function handleQuote()
var delimBefore = (_state.i > 0 && isBoundary(_state.i-1))
|| _state.i == 0;
var delimAfter = (_state.i < _input.length - 1 && isBoundary(_state.i+1))
|| _state.i == _input.length - 1;
var escaped = _state.i < _input.length - 1
&& _input[_state.i+1] == '"';
if (_state.inQuotes && escaped)
_state.fieldVal += '"';
else if (delimBefore || delimAfter)
_state.inQuotes = !_state.inQuotes;
addError("Quotes", "UnexpectedQuotes", "Unexpected quotes");
function inQuotes()
function appendCharToField()
_state.fieldVal +=;
function notInQuotes()
if ( == _config.delimiter)
else if (( == "\r" && _state.i < _input.length - 1
&& _input[_state.i+1] == "\n")
|| ( == "\n" && _state.i < _input.length - 1
&& _input[_state.i+1] == "\r"))
else if ( == "\r" || == "\n")
function isBoundary(i)
return _input[i] == _config.delimiter
|| _input[i] == "\n"
|| _input[i] == "\r";
function saveValue()
if (_config.header)
if (_state.lineNum == 1 && _invocations == 1)
var currentRow = _state.parsed.rows[_state.parsed.rows.length - 1];
var fieldName = _state.parsed.fields[_state.field];
if (fieldName)
if (_config.dynamicTyping)
_state.fieldVal = tryParseFloat(_state.fieldVal);
currentRow[fieldName] = _state.fieldVal;
if (typeof currentRow.__parsed_extra === 'undefined')
currentRow.__parsed_extra = [];
if (_config.dynamicTyping)
_state.fieldVal = tryParseFloat(_state.fieldVal);
_state.parsed[_state.parsed.length - 1].push(_state.fieldVal);
_state.fieldVal = "";
_state.field ++;
function newRow()
if (streaming())
_state.errors = {};
_state.errors.length = 0;
if (_config.header)
if (_state.lineNum > 0)
if (streaming())
_state.parsed.rows = [ {} ];
if (streaming())
_state.parsed = [ [] ];
else if (!_config.header)
_state.line = "";
_state.field = 0;
function endRow()
if (_abort)
var emptyLine = trimEmptyLine();
if (!emptyLine && _config.header)
if (streaming() && (!_config.header ||
(_config.header && _state.parsed.rows.length > 0)))
var keepGoing = _config.step(returnable());
if (keepGoing === false)
_abort = true;
function streaming()
return typeof _config.step === 'function';
function tryParseFloat(num)
var isNumber = _regex.floats.test(num);
return isNumber ? parseFloat(num) : num;
function trimEmptyLine()
if (_regex.empty.test(_state.line))
if (_config.header)
if (_state.lineNum == 1)
_state.parsed.fields = [];
_state.parsed.rows.splice(_state.parsed.rows.length - 1, 1);
_state.parsed.splice(_state.parsed.length - 1, 1);
return true;
return false;
function inspectFieldCount()
if (!_config.header)
return true;
if (_state.parsed.rows.length == 0)
return true;
var expected = _state.parsed.fields.length;
// Actual field count tabulated manually because IE<9 doesn't support Object.keys
var actual = 0;
var lastRow = _state.parsed.rows[_state.parsed.rows.length - 1];
for (var prop in lastRow)
if (lastRow.hasOwnProperty(prop))
if (actual < expected)
return addError("FieldMismatch", "TooFewFields", "Too few fields: expected " + expected + " fields but parsed " + actual);
else if (actual > expected)
return addError("FieldMismatch", "TooManyFields", "Too many fields: expected " + expected + " fields but parsed " + actual);
return true;
function addError(type, code, msg, errKey)
var row = _config.header
? (_state.parsed.rows.length ? _state.parsed.rows.length - 1 : undefined)
: _state.parsed.length - 1;
var key = errKey || row;
if (typeof _state.errors[key] === 'undefined')
_state.errors[key] = [];
type: type,
code: code,
message: msg,
line: _state.lineNum,
row: row,
index: _state.i + _chunkOffset
_state.errors.length ++;
return false;
function returnable()
return {
results: _state.parsed,
errors: _state.errors,
meta: {
delimiter: _config.delimiter
function reset(input)
if (_invocations > 1 && streaming())
_chunkOffset += input.length;
_state = freshState();
_input = input;
function freshState()
// If streaming, and thus parsing the input in chunks, this
// is careful to preserve what we've already got, when necessary.
var parsed;
if (_config.header)
parsed = {
fields: streaming() ? _state.parsed.fields || [] : [],
rows: streaming() && _invocations > 1 ? [ {} ] : []
parsed = [ [] ];
return {
i: 0,
lineNum: streaming() ? _state.lineNum : 1,
field: 0,
fieldVal: "",
line: "",
ch: "",
inQuotes: false,
parsed: parsed,
errors: { length: 0 }