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* @Author: witersen
* @Date: 2022-04-24 23:37:05
* @LastEditors: witersen
* @LastEditTime: 2022-04-27 23:57:53
* @Description: QQ:1801168257
* 对数据每项键值进行trim操作
function FunArrayValueTrim(&$value, $key)
$value = trim($value);
* 去除数组中的空字符串
function FunArrayValueFilter($value)
return trim($value) != '';
* 获取数组中每个键值开始的空格数
function FunArrayGetStrSpaceCount($string)
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
if ($string[$i] != ' ') {
return $i;
* 根据数组中每个键值结尾是否包含 / 判断键值是否为目录或文件
function FunArrayIsStrFolder($string)
if (substr($string, strlen($string) - 1) == '/') {
return '1';
} else {
return '0';
* 对数据每项键值进行去除 #disabled# 操作
function FunArrayValueEnabled(&$value, $key)
$REG_SVN_USER_DISABLED = '#disabled#';
if (substr($value, 0, strlen($REG_SVN_USER_DISABLED)) == $REG_SVN_USER_DISABLED) {
$value = substr($value, strlen($REG_SVN_USER_DISABLED));
* 检查表单的参数
function FunCheckForm($checkedArray, $columns)
if (empty($checkedArray) || !isset($checkedArray)) {
FunMessageExit(200, 0, '参数不完整');
foreach ($columns as $key => $value) {
if (!array_key_exists($key, $checkedArray)) {
FunMessageExit(200, 0, '参数不完整' . $key);
if ($value['type'] != gettype($checkedArray[$key])) {
FunMessageExit(200, 0, '参数不完整' . $key);
if ($value['notNull']) {
if (empty($checkedArray[$key])) {
FunMessageExit(200, 0, '参数不完整' . $key);
* 由于array_column到php5.5+才支持
* 为了兼容php5.4
* 这里选择手动实现 可能性能不高
function FunArrayColumn($array, $columnKey)
$resultArray = [];
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (!array_key_exists($columnKey, $value)) {
return false;
array_push($resultArray, $value[$columnKey]);
return $resultArray;