You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1450 lines
58 KiB
1450 lines
58 KiB
4 years ago
* 与svn服务相关的方法的封装
* 相关目录:
* 1、conf目录地址:/www/svn/conf
* 2、repository地址:/www/svn/repository
* 3、/etc/sysconfig/svnserve 文件内容指定了SVN服务的repository目录 不清楚为自动生成的配置或为手动生成的配置
* 4、/etc/subversion
* 5、SVN项目部署目录:自定义 文件会自动保存在自定义的部署目录
* 6、/var/svn 为subversive的默认仓库目录
* 7、如果在本地检出时,http://domain/仓库名称/format 无法访问 权限不够 需要关闭Linux系统的selinux
class Svnserve extends Controller {
* 注意事项:
* 1、所有的控制器都要继承基类控制器:Controller
* 2、基类控制器中包含:数据库连接对象、守护进程通信对象、视图层对象、公共函数等,继承后可以直接使用基类的变量和对象
* 用法:
* 1、使用父类的变量:$this->xxx
* 2、使用父类的成员函数:parent::yyy()
* 3、使用父类的非成员函数,直接用即可:zzz()
* 4、
private $Config;
private $svn_repository_path;
private $server_domain;
private $protocol;
private $svn_web_path;
private $svn_port;
private $http_port;
private $server_ip;
private $Firewall;
private $System;
private $Mail;
private $Mod_dav_svn_status;
private $Clientinfo;
function __construct() {
* 避免子类的构造函数覆盖父类的构造函数
* 其它自定义操作
$this->Config = new Config();
$this->Firewall = new Firewall();
$this->System = new System();
$this->Mail = new Mail();
$this->Clientinfo = new Clientinfo();
$this->svn_repository_path = $this->Config->Get("SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH");
$this->server_domain = $this->Config->Get("SERVER_DOMAIN");
$this->server_ip = $this->Config->Get("SERVER_IP");
$this->protocol = $this->Config->Get("PROTOCOL");
$this->svn_web_path = $this->Config->Get("SVN_WEB_PATH");
$this->svn_port = $this->Config->Get("SVN_PORT");
$this->http_port = $this->Config->Get("HTTP_PORT");
$this->Mod_dav_svn_status = $this->Config->Get("Mod_dav_svn_status");
function SetRepositoryHooks($requestPayload) {
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
$hooks_type_list = $requestPayload['hooks_type_list'];
if (!is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/' . 'hooks')) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '仓库不存在或文件损坏';
return $data;
parent::RequestReplyExec(' chmod 777 -R ' . $this->svn_repository_path);
foreach ($hooks_type_list as $key => $value) {
file_put_contents($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/' . 'hooks' . '/' . $value['value'], $value["shell"]);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '设置hooks数据成功';
return $data;
function GetRepositoryHooks($requestPayload) {
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
if (empty($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if (!is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/' . 'hooks')) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '仓库不存在或文件损坏';
return $data;
$hooks_type_list = array(
"start-commit" => array(
"value" => "start-commit",
"label" => "start-commit---事务创建前",
"shell" => ""
"pre-commit" => array(
"value" => "pre-commit",
"label" => "pre-commit---事务提交前",
"shell" => ""
"post-commit" => array(
"value" => "post-commit",
"label" => "post-commit---事务提交后",
"shell" => ""
"pre-lock" => array(
"value" => "pre-lock",
"label" => "pre-lock---锁定文件前",
"shell" => ""
"post-lock" => array(
"value" => "post-lock",
"label" => "post-lock---锁定文件后",
"shell" => ""
"pre-unlock" => array(
"value" => "pre-unlock",
"label" => "pre-unlock---解锁文件前",
"shell" => ""
"post-unlock" => array(
"value" => "post-unlock",
"label" => "post-unlock---解锁文件后",
"shell" => ""
"pre-revprop-change" => array(
"value" => "pre-revprop-change",
"label" => "pre-revprop-change---修改修订版属性前",
"shell" => ""
"post-revprop-change" => array(
"value" => "post-revprop-change",
"label" => "post-revprop-change---修改修订版属性后",
"shell" => ""
$hooks_file_list = array(
$file_arr = scandir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/' . 'hooks');
foreach ($file_arr as $file_item) {
if ($file_item != '.' && $file_item != '..') {
if (in_array($file_item, $hooks_file_list)) {
$hooks_type_list[$file_item]['shell'] = file_get_contents($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/' . 'hooks' . '/' . $file_item);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['data'] = $hooks_type_list;
$data['message'] = '获取hooks数据成功';
return $data;
//系统首页 获取概览情况
function GetGailan($requestPayload) {
$userid = $this->this_userid;
$resultlist = array(
'os_type' => "", //操作系统类型
'os_runtime' => "", //系统运行天数
'repository_count' => "", //svn仓库数量
'admin_count' => "", //系统管理员数量
'user_count' => "", //普通用户数量
$resultlist['os_type'] = file('/etc/os-release');
if (file_exists('/etc/redhat-release')) {
$resultlist['os_type'] = "CentOS";
} elseif (file_exists('etc/lsb-release')) {
$resultlist['os_type'] = "Ubuntu";
} else {
$resultlist['os_type'] = "-";
$info = trim(explode(" ", file_get_contents('/proc/uptime'))[0]); //系统自启动开始的秒数
$resultlist['os_runtime'] = floor($info / 60 / 60 / 24);
$svn_check_status = $this->CheckSvnserveStatus();
$resultlist['repository_count'] = 0;
if ($svn_check_status['code'] == '01' || $svn_check_status['code'] == '11') {
$i = 0;
$file_arr = scandir($this->svn_repository_path);
foreach ($file_arr as $file_item) {
if ($file_item != '.' && $file_item != '..') {
if (is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $file_item)) {
$file_arr2 = scandir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $file_item);
foreach ($file_arr2 as $file_item2) {
if (($file_item2 == 'conf' || $file_item2 == 'db' || $file_item2 == 'hooks' || $file_item2 == 'locks')) {
$resultlist['repository_count'] = $i;
$resultlist['super_count'] = $this->database_medoo->count("user", ["roleid" => '1']);
$resultlist['sys_count'] = $this->database_medoo->count("user", ["roleid" => '2']);
$resultlist['user_count'] = $this->database_medoo->count("user", ["roleid" => '3']);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['data'] = $resultlist;
$data['message'] = '获取概览数据成功';
return $data;
function Install($requestPayload) {
$platform = $this->System->GetPlatform();
$data = array();
if (!$platform['status'] == 1) {
return $platform;
$platform = $platform['platform'];
parent::RequestReplyExec(' mkdir -p ' . $this->svn_repository_path);
if (!is_dir($this->svn_repository_path)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '安装失败 创建目录失败';
return $data;
//通过ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve和判断文件/usr/bin/svnserve是否存在这两方面来同时判断 如果没有安装过则进行安装
$info = parent::RequestReplyExec(' ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve');
3 years ago
if ($info == ISNULL && !file_exists('/usr/bin/svnserve')) {
4 years ago
if ($platform == 'CentOS') {
parent::RequestReplyExec(" yum install -y subversion");
* 安装目录浏览的依赖模块
* 在/etc/httpd/conf.d/下创建空文件AuthUserFile.conf
if ($this->Mod_dav_svn_status) {
parent::RequestReplyExec(" yum install -y mod_dav_svn");
parent::RequestReplyExec(" touch /etc/httpd/conf.d/AuthUserFile.conf");
parent::RequestReplyExec(" chmod 777 /etc/httpd/conf.d/AuthUserFile.conf");
//通常cp的别名为cp -i ,取消别名
parent::RequestReplyExec(" alias cp='cp'");
parent::RequestReplyExec(' cp -f /etc/sysconfig/svnserve /etc/sysconfig/svnserve.bak');
//更改存储库位置 将配置文件/etc/sysconfig/svnserve中的/var/svn/更换为svn仓库目录
parent::RequestReplyExec(' sed -i \'s/\/var\/svn/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $this->svn_repository_path) . '/g\'' . ' /etc/sysconfig/svnserve');
//设置存储密码选项 将以下内容写入文件/etc/subversion/servers servers文件不存在则创建
* [groups]
* [global]
* store-plaintext-passwords = yes
parent::RequestReplyExec(" touch /etc/subversion/servers");
$con = "[groups]\n[global]\nstore-plaintext-passwords = yes\n";
parent::RequestReplyExec(' echo \'' . $con . '\' > /etc/subversion/servers');
parent::RequestReplyExec(" systemctl reload httpd");
} else if ($platform == 'Ubuntu') {
parent::RequestReplyExec(' apt install subversion -y');
parent::RequestReplyExec(' cp /etc/subversion/servers /etc/subversion/servers.bak');
//设置存储密码选项 将文件/etc/subversion/servers中store-plaintext-passwords对应的值由no改为yes
parent::RequestReplyExec(" sed -i 's/# store-plaintext-passwords = no/store-plaintext-passwords = yes/g' /etc/subversion/servers");
* [Unit]
* Description=Subversion protocol daemon
* [Service]
* Type=forking
* ExecStart=/usr/bin/svnserve --daemon --pid-file=/run/ -r /www/svn/repository
* [Install]
if (!file_exists('/lib/systemd/system/svnserve.service')) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '文件/lib/systemd/system/svnserve.service不存在';
return $data;
parent::RequestReplyExec(' cp /lib/systemd/system/svnserve.service /lib/systemd/system/svnserve.service.bak');
$con = "\n[Unit]\nDescription=Subversion protocol daemon\\n\n[Service]\nType=forking\nExecStart=/usr/bin/svnserve --daemon --pid-file=/run/ -r " . $this->svn_repository_path . "\n\n[Install]\\n";
parent::RequestReplyExec(" echo '$con' >> /lib/systemd/system/svnserve.service");
//执行命令systemctl daemon-reload使配置生效
parent::RequestReplyExec(' systemctl daemon-reload');
} else {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '当前操作系统不受支持';
return $data;
parent::RequestReplyExec(" systemctl enable svnserve.service");
parent::RequestReplyExec(" systemctl start svnserve.service");
3 years ago
// $this->Firewall->SetFirewallPolicy('tcp', $this->svn_port, 'add');
// $this->Firewall->SetFirewallPolicy('tcp', $this->http_port, 'add');
4 years ago
parent::RequestReplyExec(' setenforce 0');
parent::RequestReplyExec(" sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config");
} else {
if ($platform == 'CentOS') {
} else if ($platform == 'Ubuntu') {
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '安装服务成功';
return $data;
function UnInstall($requestPayload) {
$platform = $this->System->GetPlatform();
parent::RequestReplyExec(" rm -rf " . $this->svn_repository_path);
if (is_dir($this->svn_repository_path)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '卸载失败 删除目录失败';
return $data;
if (!$platform['status'] == 1) {
return $platform;
$platform = $platform['platform'];
parent::RequestReplyExec(' systemctl stop svnserve');
parent::RequestReplyExec(' systemctl disable svnserve');
parent::RequestReplyExec(' yum remove -y subversion');
* 目录浏览
* 卸载开启目录浏览的支持模块
* 删除配置文件
if ($this->Mod_dav_svn_status) {
parent::RequestReplyExec(' yum remove -y mod_dav_svn');
parent::RequestReplyExec(" rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/AuthUserFile.conf");
if ($platform == 'CentOS') {
parent::RequestReplyExec(' rm -f /etc/subversion/servers');
parent::RequestReplyExec(' rm -rf /etc/subversion');
parent::RequestReplyExec(' yum clean all');
} else if ($platform == 'Ubuntu') {
parent::RequestReplyExec(' mv -f /etc/subversion/servers.bak /etc/subversion/servers');
parent::RequestReplyExec(' mv -f /lib/systemd/system/svnserve.service.bak /lib/systemd/system/svnserve.service');
parent::RequestReplyExec(' systemctl daemon-reload');
parent::RequestReplyExec(' apt-get clean');
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '卸载服务成功';
return $data;
//修复svn服务 包括重新扫描仓库列表重新写入仓库表
function Repaire($requestPayload) {
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '修复成功';
return $data;
//获取所有仓库信息 计划任务列表下拉菜单使用
function GetAllRepositoryList($requestPayload) {
$userid = $this->this_userid;
$result = $this->database_medoo->select("user", ["roleid"], ["id" => $userid]);
if (empty($result)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '获取仓库列表失败 用户角色不在允许范围'; //检测到非法用户应该返回另外的状态码使token立即失效并退出登录
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
$list = array();
if ($result[0]['roleid'] == "1" || $result[0]['roleid'] == "2") {
$list = $this->database_medoo->select("repository", [
], [
"ORDER" => ["repository_edittime" => "DESC"],
} else {
$list = $this->database_medoo->select('user_repository', [
"[>]repository" => [
"repositoryid" => "id"
], [
], [
"userid" => $userid,
"ORDER" => ["repository.repository_edittime" => "DESC"],
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
$list[$key]['label'] = $value['value'];
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '获取仓库列表成功';
$data['data'] = $list;
return $data;
//项目管理 获取仓库信息
function GetRepositoryList($requestPayload) {
$userid = $this->this_userid;
$pageSize = trim($requestPayload['pageSize']);
$currentPage = trim($requestPayload['currentPage']);
$svn_check_status = $this->CheckSvnserveStatus();
if ($svn_check_status['status'] == 0) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '获取仓库列表失败 ' . $svn_check_status['message'];
return $data;
if (empty(trim($pageSize)) || empty(trim($currentPage)) || trim($pageSize) == 0) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '获取仓库列表失败 参数不完整或错误';
return $data;
$result = $this->database_medoo->select("user", ["roleid"], ["id" => $userid]);
if (empty($result)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '获取仓库列表失败 用户角色不在允许范围'; //检测到非法用户应该返回另外的状态码使token立即失效并退出登录
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
if ($result[0]['roleid'] == "1" || $result[0]['roleid'] == "2") {
$begin = $pageSize * ($currentPage - 1);
$list = $this->database_medoo->select("repository", [
], [
"ORDER" => ["repository_edittime" => "DESC"],
"LIMIT" => [$begin, $pageSize]
$total = $this->database_medoo->count("repository");
$i = 0;
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
$list[$key]["id"] = $i + $begin;
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '获取仓库列表成功';
$data['data'] = $list;
$data['total'] = $total;
return $data;
} else {
$begin = $pageSize * ($currentPage - 1);
$list = $this->database_medoo->select('user_repository', [
"[>]repository" => [
"repositoryid" => "id"
], [
], [
"userid" => $userid,
"ORDER" => ["repository.repository_edittime" => "DESC"],
"LIMIT" => [$begin, $pageSize]
3 years ago
$total = $this->database_medoo->count('user_repository', [
4 years ago
"userid" => $userid
$i = 0;
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
$list[$key]["id"] = $i + $begin;
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '获取仓库列表成功';
$data['data'] = $list;
3 years ago
$data['total'] = $total;
4 years ago
return $data;
//项目管理 按钮 添加svn仓库 包括项目标题
function AddRepository($requestPayload) {
$repository_name = $requestPayload['repository_name'];
$this_userid = $this->this_userid;
$this_username = $this->this_userid;
3 years ago
// $svn_check_status = $this->CheckSvnserveStatus();
// if ($svn_check_status['status'] == 0) {
// $data['status'] = 0;
// $data['message'] = '添加仓库失败 ' . $svn_check_status['message'];
// return $data;
// }
4 years ago
//只允许数字 字母 中文 下划线
if (!$this->CheckStr($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '添加仓库失败 包含非法字符';
return $data;
if (is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '添加仓库失败 仓库已经存在';
return $data;
parent::RequestReplyExec('export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 && svnadmin create ' . $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name);
if (!is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
3 years ago
$data['message'] = '添加仓库失败';
4 years ago
return $data;
parent::RequestReplyExec(' chmod 777 -R ' . $this->svn_repository_path);
* 配置目录浏览部分
* 1、在conf目录下创建用户目录浏览的用户文件http_passwd
* 2、在/etc/httpd/conf.d/AuthUserFile.conf文件中检测是否包含本仓库记录 如果包含 则不进行写入
if ($this->Mod_dav_svn_status) {
parent::RequestReplyExec(" touch " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $repository_name . "/conf/http_passwd");
parent::RequestReplyExec(' chmod 777 -R ' . $this->svn_repository_path);
$file = fopen("/etc/httpd/conf.d/AuthUserFile.conf", "r") or exit("无法打开文件!");
$file_content = array();
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_content, fgets($file));
$flag = true;
foreach ($file_content as $key => $value) {
if (strstr($value, "<Location " . $this->svn_web_path . "/" . $repository_name . ">")) {
$flag = false;
if ($flag) {
$con = "<Location " . $this->svn_web_path . "/" . $repository_name . ">\n"
. "DAV svn\n"
. "SVNPath " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $repository_name . "\n"
. "AuthType Basic\n"
. "AuthName \"Authorization SVN\"\n"
. "AuthzSVNAccessFile " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $repository_name . "/conf/authz\n"
. "AuthUserFile " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $repository_name . "/conf/http_passwd\n"
. "Require valid-user\n"
. "</Location>\n";
parent::RequestReplyExec(" echo '$con' >> /etc/httpd/conf.d/AuthUserFile.conf");
* 取消注释# anon-access = read所在行
* 取消注释# password-db = passwd所在行
* 取消注释# authz-db = authz所在行
parent::RequestReplyExec(" sed -i 's/# anon-access = read/anon-access = none/g' " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $repository_name . "/conf/svnserve.conf");
parent::RequestReplyExec(" sed -i 's/# password-db = passwd/password-db = passwd/g' " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $repository_name . "/conf/svnserve.conf");
parent::RequestReplyExec(" sed -i 's/# authz-db = authz/authz-db = authz/g' " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $repository_name . "/conf/svnserve.conf");
* 配置目录浏览后重载服务·
if ($this->Mod_dav_svn_status) {
parent::RequestReplyExec(" systemctl reload httpd");
parent::RequestReplyExec(' setenforce 0');
if (!$this->InsertRepositoryTable($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '添加仓库成功 但写入仓库表失败';
return $data;
$time = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
$ip = $send_content = ""
. "被创建的仓库名称:$repository_name \n"
. "操作用户:$this_username \n"
. "操作用户uid:$this_userid \n"
. "服务器已设置域名:$this->server_domain \n"
. "服务器已设置IP地址:$this->server_ip \n"
. "当前时间:$time";
$send_title = "SVN仓库创建通知";
$receive_roleid = 2;
$receive_userid = 1;
$this->Mail->SendMail($send_title, $send_content, $receive_roleid, $receive_userid);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '添加仓库成功';
return $data;
//项目管理 按钮 删除svn仓库
function DeleteRepository($requestPayload) {
$repository_name = $requestPayload['repository_name'];
$this_userid = $this->this_userid;
$this_username = $this->this_userid;
if (empty($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if (!is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '失败,项目不存在';
return $data;
parent::RequestReplyExec(' rm -rf ' . $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name);
if (!is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '删除仓库失败';
return $data;
if (!$this->DeleteRepositoryTable($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '删除仓库成功但从表中删除仓库信息失败';
return $data;
$time = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
$send_content = ""
. "被删除的仓库名称:$repository_name \n"
. "操作用户:$this_username \n"
. "操作用户uid:$this_userid \n"
. "服务器已设置域名:$this->server_domain \n"
. "服务器已设置IP地址:$this->server_ip \n"
. "当前时间:$time";
$send_title = "SVN仓库删除通知";
$receive_roleid = 2;
$receive_userid = 1;
$this->Mail->SendMail($send_title, $send_content, $receive_roleid, $receive_userid);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '删除仓库成功';
return $data;
//项目管理 按钮 为svn项目授权 -> 在账号列表收集并提交账户相对于svn项目的权限变化
function SetRepositoryPrivilege($requestPayload) {
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
$this_account_list = $requestPayload['this_account_list'];
if (empty($repository_name) || empty($this_account_list)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if (!is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '项目不存在';
return $data;
$all_account_list = $this->GetRepositoryUserList(array("repository_name" => $repository_name))['data'];
if (!empty(array_diff_key($all_account_list, $this_account_list))) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '传递的数组参数不符合要求';
return $data;
$file = fopen($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/authz', "r") or exit("无法打开文件!");
$file_content = array();
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_content, fgets($file));
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($file_content); $i++) {
if (trim($file_content[$i]) == '[/]') {
$file_content[$i] = '';
for ($j = $i + 1; $j < sizeof($file_content); $j++) {
if (strstr($file_content[$j], '['))
$file_content[$j] = '';
$con = implode($file_content);
//读取数组 拼接项目与账户权限字符串
$con .= '[/]' . "\n";
foreach ($this_account_list as $key => $value) {
if ($value['privilege'] == 'rw' || $value['privilege'] == 'r') {
$con .= $value['account'] . ' = ' . $value['privilege'] . "\n";
parent::RequestReplyExec(' echo \'' . $con . '\' > ' . $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/authz');
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '账户授权成功';
return $data;
//项目管理 按钮 编辑svn项目 提交用户对svn项目的标题的修改
function SetRepositoryInfo($requestPayload) {
$old_repository_name = trim($requestPayload['old_repository_name']);
$new_repository_name = trim($requestPayload['new_repository_name']);
if (strstr($new_repository_name, ' ')) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '修改失败 输入不规范';
return $data;
if (empty($old_repository_name) || empty($new_repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if (!is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $old_repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '要修改的项目不存在';
return $data;
if (is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $new_repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '项目名称冲突';
return $data;
parent::RequestReplyExec(' mv ' . $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $old_repository_name . ' ' . $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $new_repository_name);
// //修改authz文件中的仓库名称
// parent::RequestReplyExec('sed -i \'s/' . $old_repository_name . '/' . $new_repository_name . '/g\' ' . SVN_CONF_PATH . '/authz');
if (!$this->UpdateRepositoryName($old_repository_name, $new_repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '修改仓库信息成功但仓库表信息修改失败';
return $data;
* 目录浏览
if ($this->Mod_dav_svn_status) {
$file = fopen("/etc/httpd/conf.d/AuthUserFile.conf", "r") or exit("无法打开文件!");
$file_content = array();
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_content, fgets($file));
foreach ($file_content as $key => $value) {
if (strstr($value, "<Location " . $this->svn_web_path . "/" . $old_repository_name . ">")) {
$file_content[$key] = "<Location " . $this->svn_web_path . "/" . $new_repository_name . ">\n";
$file_content[$key + 1] = "DAV svn\n";
$file_content[$key + 2] = "SVNPath " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $old_repository_name . "\n";
$file_content[$key + 3] = "AuthType Basic\n";
$file_content[$key + 4] = "AuthName \"Authorization SVN\"\n";
$file_content[$key + 5] = "AuthzSVNAccessFile " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $old_repository_name . "/conf/authz\n";
$file_content[$key + 6] = "AuthUserFile " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $old_repository_name . "/conf/http_passwd\n";
$file_content[$key + 7] = "Require valid-user\n";
$file_content[$key + 8] = "</Location>\n";
$file_content = implode($file_content);
parent::RequestReplyExec(" echo '$file_content' > /etc/httpd/conf.d/AuthUserFile.conf");
parent::RequestReplyExec(" systemctl reload httpd");
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '修改仓库信息成功';
return $data;
function GetRepositoryUserList($requestPayload) {
$repository_name = $requestPayload['repository_name'];
if (empty($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
3 years ago
// $svn_check_status = $this->CheckSvnserveStatus();
// if ($svn_check_status['status'] == 0) {
// $data['status'] = 0;
// $data['message'] = '获取仓库对应的账户列表失败 ' . $svn_check_status['message'];
// return $data;
// }
4 years ago
$file = fopen($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/passwd', "r") or exit('无法打开文件');
$file_content = array();
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_content, fgets($file));
$account_info = array();
for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < sizeof($file_content); $i++) {
if (strstr($file_content[$i], '=')) {
$temp = explode('=', $file_content[$i]);
$account_info[$j]['id'] = $j;
$account_info[$j]['account'] = trim($temp[0]);
// if ($is_need_passwd == 1) {
$account_info[$j]['password'] = trim($temp[1]);
// }
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '获取仓库对应的账户列表成功';
$data['data'] = $account_info;
return $data;
function GetRepositoryUserPrivilegeList($requestPayload) {
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
if (empty($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if (!is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '项目不存在';
return $data;
//读取文本到数组 获取该项目对应的所有账号和权限
$file = fopen($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/authz', "r") or exit("无法打开文件!");
$file_content = array();
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_content, fgets($file));
$all_account_list = array();
$all_account_list = $this->GetRepositoryUserList(array("repository_name" => $repository_name))['data'];
//聚合 目的是为了防止密码文件和权限文件中的用户列表不一致导致获取的数据不准确
$temp = array();
foreach ($all_account_list as $key => $value) {
$all_account_list[$key]['privilege'] = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($file_content); $i++) {
if (strstr($file_content[$i], '=')) {
$temp = explode('=', $file_content[$i]);
$temp[0] = trim($temp[0]);
$temp[1] = trim($temp[1]);
foreach ($all_account_list as $key => $value) {
if ($value['account'] == $temp[0]) {
$all_account_list[$key]['privilege'] = $temp[1];
//对权限字段为空的 设置为no
foreach ($all_account_list as $key => $value) {
if ($value['privilege'] == '') {
$all_account_list[$key]['privilege'] = 'no';
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '获取仓库对应账户及权限成功';
$data['data'] = $all_account_list;
return $data;
//账号管理 添加账号
function AddAccount($requestPayload) {
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
$account = trim($requestPayload['account']);
$passwd = trim($requestPayload['password']);
3 years ago
// $svn_check_status = $this->CheckSvnserveStatus();
// if ($svn_check_status['status'] == 0) {
// $data['status'] = 0;
// $data['message'] = '添加账户失败 ' . $svn_check_status['message'];
// return $data;
// }
4 years ago
* 校验
$account = trim($account);
$passwd = trim($passwd);
if (strstr($account, ' ') || strstr($passwd, ' ')) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '添加账户失败 输入不规范';
$data['data'] = '';
return $data;
if (empty($account) || empty($passwd) || strlen($passwd) < 8) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '失败 账户为空或密码长度不符合要求';
return $data;
//是否包含特殊字符校验 待完成
$account_list = array();
$temp = $this->GetRepositoryUserList(array("repository_name" => $repository_name))['data'];
// $temp = $this->GetAccountList(0, 99, 99)['data'];
foreach ($temp as $key => $value) {
array_push($account_list, $value['account']);
if (in_array($account, $account_list)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '失败 账户已存在';
return $data;
* 添加账户
$file = fopen($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/passwd', "r") or exit("无法打开文件!");
$file_content = array();
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_content, fgets($file));
array_push($file_content, $account . ' = ' . $passwd . "\n");
$file_content = implode($file_content);
parent::RequestReplyExec(' echo \'' . $file_content . '\' > ' . $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/passwd');
* 目录浏览
* 向仓库的conf文件下的用户文件中添加用户和密码
if ($this->Mod_dav_svn_status) {
parent::RequestReplyExec(" htpasswd -m -b " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $repository_name . "/conf/http_passwd $account $passwd");
parent::RequestReplyExec(" sytemctl reload httpd");
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '添加账户成功';
return $data;
//账号管理 删除账号
function DeleteAccount($requestPayload) {
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
$account = trim($requestPayload['account']);
if (empty($account)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if ($account == 'root') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = 'root账户不可删除';
return $data;
$file = fopen($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/passwd', "r") or exit("无法打开文件!");
$file_content = array();
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_content, fgets($file));
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($file_content); $i++) {
// if (!strstr(trim($file_content[$i]), '[users]')) {
if (strstr(trim($file_content[$i]), '=')) {
$temp = trim(substr($file_content[$i], 0, strrpos($file_content[$i], '=')));
if ($temp == $account) {
$file_content[$i] = '';
$con = implode($file_content);
parent::RequestReplyExec(' echo \'' . $con . '\' > ' . $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/passwd');
$file = fopen($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/authz', "r") or exit("无法打开文件!");
$file_content = array();
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_content, fgets($file));
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($file_content); $i++) {
if (strstr(trim($file_content[$i]), '=')) {
$temp = trim(substr($file_content[$i], 0, strrpos($file_content[$i], '=')));
if ($temp == $account) {
$file_content[$i] = '';
$con = implode($file_content);
parent::RequestReplyExec(' echo \'' . $con . '\' > ' . $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/authz');
* 目录浏览
if ($this->Mod_dav_svn_status) {
parent::RequestReplyExec(" htpasswd -D " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $repository_name . "/conf/http_passwd $account");
parent::RequestReplyExec(" sytemctl reload httpd");
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '删除账户成功';
return $data;
//账号管理 编辑账号 提交用户对账号信息的修改 账号作为唯一标识不能修改
function SetCountInfo($requestPayload) {
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
$account = trim($requestPayload['account']);
$passwd = trim($requestPayload['password']);
if (empty($account) || empty($passwd) || empty($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if (strstr($account, ' ') || strstr($passwd, ' ') || strstr($repository_name, ' ')) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '修改密码失败 输入不规范';
$data['data'] = '';
return $data;
$file = fopen($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/passwd', "r") or exit("无法打开文件!");
$file_content = array();
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_content, fgets($file));
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($file_content); $i++) {
// if (!strstr(trim($file_content[$i]), '[users]')) {
if (strstr(trim($file_content[$i]), '=')) {
$temp = trim(substr($file_content[$i], 0, strrpos($file_content[$i], '=')));
if ($temp == $account) {
$file_content[$i] = "\n" . $account . ' = ' . $passwd . "\n";
$con = implode($file_content);
parent::RequestReplyExec(' echo \'' . $con . '\' > ' . $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/passwd');
* 目录浏览
if ($this->Mod_dav_svn_status) {
parent::RequestReplyExec(" htpasswd -m -b " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $repository_name . "/conf/http_passwd $account $passwd");
parent::RequestReplyExec(" sytemctl reload httpd");
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '修改成功';
return $data;
//高级设置 初始化加载 列出svnserve服务的状态
function GetSvnserveStatus($requestPayload) {
$info = parent::RequestReplyExec('ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve');
3 years ago
if ($info == ISNULL && !file_exists('/usr/bin/svnserve')) {
4 years ago
$info = array();
$info['status'] = '未安装'; //未安装
$info['port'] = '3690';
$info['type'] = 'error';
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '获取SVN服务状态成功';
$data['data'] = $info;
return $data;
if (!is_dir($this->svn_repository_path)) {
$info = array();
$info['status'] = '异常'; //存储库目录不存在
$info['port'] = '3690';
$info['type'] = 'error';
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '获取SVN服务状态成功';
$data['data'] = $info;
return $data;
$info = parent::RequestReplyExec(' ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve');
3 years ago
if ($info == ISNULL && file_exists('/usr/bin/svnserve')) {
4 years ago
$info = array();
$info['status'] = '已停止'; //svn服务未启动
$info['port'] = '3690';
$info['type'] = 'warning';
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '获取SVN服务状态成功';
$data['data'] = $info;
return $data;
$info = array();
$info['status'] = '运行中'; //svn服务未启动
$info['port'] = '3690';
$info['type'] = 'success';
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '获取SVN服务状态成功';
$data['data'] = $info;
return $data;
//高级设置 管理svnserve服务的状态
function SetSvnserveStatus($requestPayload) {
$action = $requestPayload['action'];
if (empty($action)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
switch ($action) {
case 'startSvn':
parent::RequestReplyExec(' systemctl start svnserve');
case 'restartSvn':
parent::RequestReplyExec(' systemctl restart svnserve');
case 'stopSvn':
parent::RequestReplyExec(' systemctl stop svnserve');
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '设置SVN服务状态成功';
return $data;
private function GetInitPasswd($length) {
!empty($length) or die('参数不完整');
$str = md5(time());
$token = substr($str, 5, $length);
return $token;
//只允许中文 数字 字母
private function CheckStr($str) {
$res = preg_match('/^[\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}A-Za-z0-9_]+$/u', $str);
return $res ? true : false;
//获取服务状态 检查相关的目录文件是否存在
private function CheckSvnserveStatus() {
$info = parent::RequestReplyExec(' ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve');
3 years ago
if ($info == ISNULL && !file_exists('/usr/bin/svnserve')) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['code'] = '00';
$data['message'] = 'svn服务未安装';
return $data;
if (!is_dir($this->svn_repository_path)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['code'] = '00';
$data['message'] = '存储库目录不存在';
return $data;
$info = parent::RequestReplyExec(' ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve');
3 years ago
if ($info == ISNULL && file_exists('/usr/bin/svnserve')) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['code'] = '01';
$data['message'] = 'svn服务未启动';
return $data;
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['code'] = '11';
return $data;
private function GetDirSize($dir) {
$dh = opendir($dir) or exit('打开目录错误'); //打开目录,返回一个目录流
$size = 0; //初始大小为0
while (false !== ($file = @readdir($dh))) {//循环读取目录下的文件
if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') {
$path = $dir . '/' . $file; //设置目录,用于含有子目录的情况
if (is_dir($path)) {
$size += $this->GetDirSize($path); //递归调用,计算目录大小
} elseif (is_file($path)) {
$size += filesize($path); //计算文件大小
closedir($dh); //关闭目录流
return $size; //返回大小
private function DeleteRepositoryTable($repository_name) {
$repository_name = trim($repository_name);
if ($repository_name == "" || $repository_name == null) {
return false;
$result = $this->database_medoo->select("repository", ["id"], ["repository_name" => $repository_name]);
if (empty($result)) {
return false;
$repositoryid = $result[0]['id']; //仓库id
$result = $this->database_medoo->delete("repository", [
"AND" => [
"repository_name" => $repository_name
if (!$result->rowCount()) {
return false;
$result = $this->database_medoo->delete("user_repository", [
"AND" => [
"repositoryid" => $repositoryid
return true;
private function InitRepositoryConfFile($repository_name) {
* [aliases]
* [groups]
* [/]
* root=rw
$con = "[aliases]\n\n[groups]\n\n[/]\nroot = rw";
parent::RequestReplyExec(' echo \'' . $con . '\' > ' . $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/authz');
* [users]
* root=随机生成的密码
$pass = trim($this->GetInitPasswd(16));
$con = "[users]\nroot = " . $pass . "\n";
parent::RequestReplyExec(' echo \'' . $con . '\' > ' . $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name . '/conf/passwd');
* 目录浏览
if ($this->Mod_dav_svn_status) {
parent::RequestReplyExec(" htpasswd -m -b " . $this->svn_repository_path . "/" . $repository_name . "/conf/http_passwd root $pass");
private function InsertRepositoryTable($repository_name) {
$repository_name = trim($repository_name);
if ($repository_name == "" || $repository_name == null) {
return false;
$this->database_medoo->insert("repository", ["repository_name" => $repository_name, "repository_edittime" => date("Y-m-d-H-i-s")]);
$account_id = $this->database_medoo->id();
return $account_id;
private function UpdateRepositoryInfo() {
$list = $this->database_medoo->select("repository", [
//循环更新数据库(虽然循环更新数据库有点扯蛋 但是这是目前能想到的最好的方法 后期有待优化)
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
$id = $list[$key]["id"];
$repository_name = $list[$key]["repository_name"];
$repository_url = $this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name;
$repository_size = round($this->GetDirSize($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $repository_name) / (1024 * 1024), 2);
$repository_checkout_url = 'svn://' . $this->server_domain . '/' . $repository_name;
if ($this->Mod_dav_svn_status) {
$repository_web_url = $this->protocol . "://" . $this->server_domain . $this->svn_web_path . '/' . $repository_name;
} else {
$repository_web_url = "-";
$result = $this->database_medoo->update("repository", [
"repository_url" => $repository_url,
"repository_size" => $repository_size,
"repository_checkout_url" => $repository_checkout_url,
"repository_web_url" => $repository_web_url
], [
"id" => $id
private function ScanRepository() {
$file_arr = scandir($this->svn_repository_path);
foreach ($file_arr as $file_item) {
if ($file_item != '.' && $file_item != '..') {
if (is_dir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $file_item)) {
$file_arr2 = scandir($this->svn_repository_path . '/' . $file_item);
foreach ($file_arr2 as $file_item2) {
if (($file_item2 == 'conf' || $file_item2 == 'db' || $file_item2 == 'hooks' || $file_item2 == 'locks')) {
$result = $this->database_medoo->insert("repository", [
"repository_name" => $file_item,
"repository_edittime" => date("Y-m-d-H-i-s")
private function UpdateRepositoryName($old_repository_name, $new_repository_name) {
$old_repository_name = trim($old_repository_name);
$new_repository_name = trim($new_repository_name);
if ($old_repository_name == "" || $old_repository_name == null || $new_repository_name == "" || $new_repository_name == null) {
return false;
$result = $this->database_medoo->select("repository", ["id"], ["repository_name" => $old_repository_name]);
if (empty($result)) {
return false;
$repositoryid = $result[0]['id']; //仓库id
$result = $this->database_medoo->update("repository", ["repository_name" => $new_repository_name], ["id" => $repositoryid]);
if (!$result->rowCount()) {
return false;
return true;
private function TruncateTable() {
$arr = array(
foreach ($arr as $value) {
$this->database_medoo->query("truncate table $value;");