You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1431 lines
46 KiB

4 years ago
* 与svn服务相关的方法的封装
* 相关目录:
* 1、conf目录地址:/www/svn/conf
* 2、repository地址:/www/svn/repository
* 3、/etc/sysconfig/svnserve 文件内容指定了SVN服务的repository目录
4 years ago
* 4、/etc/subversion
* 5、SVN项目部署目录:自定义 文件会自动保存在自定义的部署目录
* 6、/var/svn 为subversive的默认仓库目录
* 7、如果在本地检出时,http://domain/仓库名称/format 无法访问 权限不够 需要关闭Linux系统的selinux
class Svnserve extends Controller
4 years ago
private $Config;
private $svn_repository_path;
private $server_domain;
private $svn_protocol;
4 years ago
private $svn_port;
private $http_port;
private $server_ip;
private $Firewall;
private $System;
private $Mail;
private $Clientinfo;
function __construct()
4 years ago
* 避免子类的构造函数覆盖父类的构造函数
* 其它自定义操作
$this->Config = new Config();
$this->Firewall = new Firewall();
$this->System = new System();
$this->Mail = new Mail();
$this->Clientinfo = new Clientinfo();
$this->svn_repository_path = SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH;
$this->server_domain = SERVER_DOMAIN;
$this->server_ip = SERVER_IP;
$this->svn_protocol = SVN_PROTOCOL;
$this->svn_port = SVN_PORT;
$this->http_port = HTTP_PORT;
* 添加仓库用户
function RepAddUser($requestPayload)
$username = trim($requestPayload['username']);
$password = trim($requestPayload['password']);
$password2 = trim($requestPayload['password2']);
if (empty($username) || empty($password) || $password != $password2) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整或错误';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z_]*$/", $username, $match) == 0) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '用户名只能包括数字、字母、下划线';
return $data;
if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z_.@]*$/", $password, $match) == 0) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '密码只能包括数字、字母、下划线、点 、@';
return $data;
if ($username == MANAGE_USER) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = 'SVN用户与管理员账号冲突';
return $data;
$status = FunAddSvnUser(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_PASSWD), $username, $password);
if ($status == '0') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '文件中不存在[users]标识';
return $data;
if ($status == '1') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '用户已存在';
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $status . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_PASSWD);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
return $data;
* 获取仓库用户列表
function RepGetUserList($requestPayload)
$pageSize = $requestPayload['pageSize'];
$currentPage = $requestPayload['currentPage'];
if (empty($pageSize) || empty($currentPage)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整或错误';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
$svn_check_status = $this->CheckSvnserveStatus();
if ($svn_check_status['status'] == 0) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = $svn_check_status['message'];
return $data;
$userPassList = FunGetSvnUserPassList(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_PASSWD));
$begin = $pageSize * ($currentPage - 1);
$temp = array();
foreach ($userPassList as $key => $value) {
array_push($temp, array(
'username' => $key,
'password' => $value
$temp = array_splice($temp, $begin, $pageSize);
$info = array();
foreach ($temp as $key => $value) {
array_push($info, array(
'username' => $value['username'],
'password' => $value['password'],
'rolename' => 'SVN用户'
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
$data['data'] = $info;
$data['total'] = count(FunGetSvnUserList(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_PASSWD)));
return $data;
* 编辑仓库用户信息
function RepEditUser($requestPayload)
$edit_username = trim($requestPayload['edit_username']);
$edit_password = trim($requestPayload['edit_password']);
$edit_password2 = trim($requestPayload['edit_password2']);
if (empty($edit_username) || empty($edit_password) || $edit_password != $edit_password2) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整或错误';
return $data;
if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z_]*$/", $edit_password, $match) == 0) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '分组名只能包括数字、字母、下划线';
return $data;
if ($edit_username == MANAGE_USER) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = 'SVN用户与管理员账号冲突';
return $data;
$status = FunUpdSvnUserPass(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_PASSWD), $edit_username, $edit_password);
if ($status == '0') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '文件中不存在[users]标识';
return $data;
if ($status == '1') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '用户不存在';
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $status . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_PASSWD);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
return $data;
* 删除仓库用户
function RepUserDel($requestPayload)
$del_username = $requestPayload['del_username'];
if (empty($del_username)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整或错误';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
$status = FunDelSvnUserPasswd(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_PASSWD), $del_username);
if ($status == '0') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '文件中不存在[users]标识';
return $data;
if ($status == '1') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '用户不存在';
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $status . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_PASSWD);
$status = FunDelUserAuthz(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ), $del_username);
if ($status == '1') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '用户不存在';
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $status . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
return $data;
* 添加仓库分组
function RepAddGroup($requestPayload)
$groupname = trim($requestPayload['groupname']);
if (empty($groupname)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整或错误';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z_]*$/", $groupname, $match) == 0) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '组名称只能包括数字、字母、下划线';
return $data;
$status = FunAddSvnGroup(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ), $groupname);
if ($status == '0') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '文件中不存在[groups]标识';
return $data;
if ($status == '1') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '分组已存在';
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $status . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
return $data;
* 获取仓库分组列表
function RepGetGroupList($requestPayload)
$pageSize = $requestPayload['pageSize'];
$currentPage = $requestPayload['currentPage'];
if (empty($pageSize) || empty($currentPage)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整或错误';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
$svn_check_status = $this->CheckSvnserveStatus();
if ($svn_check_status['status'] == 0) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = $svn_check_status['message'];
return $data;
$authz = file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
$groupList = FunGetSvnGroupList($authz);
$groupUserList = FunGetSvnGroupUserList($authz);
$total = count($groupList);
$begin = $pageSize * ($currentPage - 1);
//array_splice会将下标自动转换 使用要注意
$groupList = array_splice($groupList, $begin, $pageSize);
$info = array();
foreach ($groupList as $key => $value) {
$usercount = count($groupUserList[$value]);
if ($usercount == 1) {
$usercount = trim($groupUserList[$value][0]) == '' ? 0 : 1;
} else {
$usercount = count($groupUserList[$value]);
array_push($info, array(
'groupname' => $value,
'usercount' => $usercount,
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
$data['data'] = $info;
$data['total'] = $total;
return $data;
* 编辑仓库分组信息
function RepEditGroup($requestPayload)
$oldGroup = trim($requestPayload['oldGroup']);
$newGroup = trim($requestPayload['newGroup']);
if (empty($oldGroup) || empty($newGroup)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整或错误';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z_]*$/", $newGroup, $match) == 0) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '分组名只能包括数字、字母、下划线';
return $data;
if ($oldGroup == $newGroup) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '无修改';
return $data;
$status = FunUpdSvnGroup(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ), $oldGroup, $newGroup);
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $status . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
return $data;
* 删除仓库分组
function RepGroupDel($requestPayload)
$groupname = $requestPayload['del_groupname'];
if (empty($groupname)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整或错误';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
$status = FunDelSvnGroup(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ), $groupname);
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $status . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
return $data;
* 获取仓库分组用户
function RepGetGroupUserList($requestPayload)
$groupname = $requestPayload['groupname'];
if (empty($groupname)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整或错误';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
$status1 = FunGetSvnUserListByGroup(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ), $groupname);
if ($status1 == '0') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '文件中不存在[groups]标识';
return $data;
if ($status1 == '1') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '分组不存在';
return $data;
$status2 = FunGetSvnUserList(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_PASSWD));
if ($status2 == '0') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '文件中不存在[users]标识';
return $data;
$list = array();
foreach ($status2 as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($value, $status1)) {
array_push($list, array(
'username' => $value,
'status' => 'in'
} else {
array_push($list, array(
'username' => $value,
'status' => 'no'
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
$data['data'] = $list;
return $data;
* 设置仓库分组用户
function RepSetGroupUserList($requestPayload)
$group_name = trim($requestPayload['group_name']);
$this_account_list = $requestPayload['this_account_list'];
if (empty($group_name) || empty($this_account_list)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
$authz = file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
foreach ($this_account_list as $key => $value) {
if ($value['status'] == 'no') {
$status1 = FunDelSvnGroupUser($authz, $group_name, $value['username']);
if ($status1 == '0') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '文件中不存在[groups]标识';
return $data;
} elseif ($status1 == '1') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '用户组不存在';
return $data;
} elseif ($status1 == '2') {
} else {
$authz = $status1;
} else if ($value['status'] == 'in') {
$status2 = FunAddSvnGroupUser($authz, $group_name, $value['username']);
if ($status2 == '0') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '文件中不存在[groups]标识';
return $data;
} elseif ($status2 == '1') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '用户组不存在';
return $data;
} elseif ($status2 == '2') {
} else {
$authz = $status2;
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $authz . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
return $data;
4 years ago
function SetRepHooks($requestPayload)
4 years ago
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
$hooks_type_list = $requestPayload['hooks_type_list'];
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name . '/' . 'hooks')) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '仓库不存在或文件损坏';
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('chmod 777 -R ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH);
4 years ago
foreach ($hooks_type_list as $key => $value) {
file_put_contents(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name . '/' . 'hooks' . '/' . $value['value'], $value["shell"]);
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
return $data;
function GetRepositoryHooks($requestPayload)
4 years ago
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
4 years ago
if (empty($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name . '/' . 'hooks')) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '仓库不存在或文件损坏';
return $data;
$hooks_type_list = array(
"start-commit" => array(
"value" => "start-commit",
"label" => "start-commit---事务创建前",
"shell" => ""
"pre-commit" => array(
"value" => "pre-commit",
"label" => "pre-commit---事务提交前",
"shell" => ""
"post-commit" => array(
"value" => "post-commit",
"label" => "post-commit---事务提交后",
"shell" => ""
"pre-lock" => array(
"value" => "pre-lock",
"label" => "pre-lock---锁定文件前",
"shell" => ""
"post-lock" => array(
"value" => "post-lock",
"label" => "post-lock---锁定文件后",
"shell" => ""
"pre-unlock" => array(
"value" => "pre-unlock",
"label" => "pre-unlock---解锁文件前",
"shell" => ""
"post-unlock" => array(
"value" => "post-unlock",
"label" => "post-unlock---解锁文件后",
"shell" => ""
"pre-revprop-change" => array(
"value" => "pre-revprop-change",
"label" => "pre-revprop-change---修改修订版属性前",
"shell" => ""
"post-revprop-change" => array(
"value" => "post-revprop-change",
"label" => "post-revprop-change---修改修订版属性后",
"shell" => ""
$hooks_file_list = array(
$file_arr = scandir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name . '/' . 'hooks');
4 years ago
foreach ($file_arr as $file_item) {
if ($file_item != '.' && $file_item != '..') {
if (in_array($file_item, $hooks_file_list)) {
$hooks_type_list[$file_item]['shell'] = file_get_contents(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name . '/' . 'hooks' . '/' . $file_item);
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['data'] = $hooks_type_list;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
return $data;
//系统首页 获取概览情况
function GetGailan($requestPayload)
4 years ago
$resultlist = array(
'os_type' => "", //操作系统类型
'os_runtime' => "", //系统运行天数
'repository_count' => "", //svn仓库数量
'admin_count' => "", //系统管理员数量
'user_count' => "", //普通用户数量
$resultlist['os_type'] = file('/etc/os-release');
if (file_exists('/etc/redhat-release')) {
$resultlist['os_type'] = "CentOS";
} elseif (file_exists('etc/lsb-release')) {
$resultlist['os_type'] = "Ubuntu";
} else {
$resultlist['os_type'] = "-";
$info = trim(explode(" ", file_get_contents('/proc/uptime'))[0]); //系统自启动开始的秒数
$resultlist['os_runtime'] = floor($info / 60 / 60 / 24);
$svn_check_status = $this->CheckSvnserveStatus();
$resultlist['repository_count'] = 0;
if ($svn_check_status['code'] == '01' || $svn_check_status['code'] == '11') {
$i = 0;
$file_arr = scandir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH);
4 years ago
foreach ($file_arr as $file_item) {
if ($file_item != '.' && $file_item != '..') {
if (is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $file_item)) {
$file_arr2 = scandir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $file_item);
4 years ago
foreach ($file_arr2 as $file_item2) {
if (($file_item2 == 'conf' || $file_item2 == 'db' || $file_item2 == 'hooks' || $file_item2 == 'locks')) {
$resultlist['repository_count'] = $i;
$resultlist['super_count'] = 1;
$resultlist['user_count'] = count(FunGetSvnUserList(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_PASSWD)));
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['data'] = $resultlist;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
return $data;
function Install($requestPayload)
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
4 years ago
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('mkdir -p ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH);
RequestReplyExec('chmod 777 -R ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH);
RequestReplyExec('mkdir -p ' . BACKUP_PATH);
RequestReplyExec('mkdir -p ' . LOG_PATH);
4 years ago
//通过ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve和判断文件/usr/bin/svnserve是否存在这两方面来同时判断 如果没有安装过则进行安装
$info = RequestReplyExec('ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve');
if ($info == ISNULL && !file_exists('/usr/bin/svnserve')) {
//创建文件 svnserve.conf 并写入内容
RequestReplyExec('touch ' . SVN_SERVER_CONF);
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . '/data/templete/svnserve.conf') . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_CONF);
//创建文件 passwd
RequestReplyExec('touch ' . SVN_SERVER_PASSWD);
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . '/data/templete/passwd') . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_PASSWD);
//创建文件 authz
RequestReplyExec('touch ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . '/data/templete/authz') . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
//yum 方式安装 subversion
RequestReplyExec("yum install -y subversion");
//通常cp的别名为cp -i ,取消别名
RequestReplyExec("alias cp='cp'");
RequestReplyExec('cp -f /etc/sysconfig/svnserve /etc/sysconfig/svnserve.bak');
//更改存储库位置 将配置文件/etc/sysconfig/svnserve中的/var/svn/更换为svn仓库目录
//增加启动参数 指定所有仓库被一个配置文件管理
RequestReplyExec('sed -i \'s/\/var\/svn/ ' . str_replace('/', '\/', SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH) . ' --config-file ' . str_replace('/', '\/', SVN_SERVER_CONF) . '/g\'' . ' /etc/sysconfig/svnserve');
//设置存储密码选项 将以下内容写入文件/etc/subversion/servers servers文件不存在则创建
* [groups]
* [global]
* store-plaintext-passwords = yes
RequestReplyExec("touch /etc/subversion/servers");
// $con = "[groups]\n[global]\nstore-plaintext-passwords = yes\n";
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . '/data/templete/servers') . '\' > /etc/subversion/servers');
RequestReplyExec("systemctl enable svnserve.service");
RequestReplyExec("systemctl start svnserve.service");
$this->Firewall->SetFirewallPolicy(["port" => SVN_PORT, "type" => "add"]);
$this->Firewall->SetFirewallPolicy(["port" => HTTP_PORT, "type" => "add"]);
RequestReplyExec('setenforce 0');
RequestReplyExec("sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config");
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
return $data;
4 years ago
} else {
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = 'Subversion已存在';
return $data;
4 years ago
function UnInstall($requestPayload)
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
4 years ago
RequestReplyExec('systemctl stop svnserve');
RequestReplyExec('systemctl disable svnserve');
RequestReplyExec('yum remove -y subversion');
RequestReplyExec('rm -f /etc/subversion/servers');
RequestReplyExec('rm -rf /etc/subversion');
RequestReplyExec('rm -rf /usr/bin/svnserve');
RequestReplyExec('yum clean all');
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
return $data;
function Repaire($requestPayload)
4 years ago
//项目管理 获取仓库信息
function GetRepositoryList($requestPayload)
4 years ago
$pageSize = trim($requestPayload['pageSize']);
$currentPage = trim($requestPayload['currentPage']);
if (empty(trim($pageSize)) || empty(trim($currentPage)) || trim($pageSize) == 0) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整或错误';
4 years ago
return $data;
$svn_check_status = $this->CheckSvnserveStatus();
if ($svn_check_status['status'] == 0) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = $svn_check_status['message'];
4 years ago
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('chmod 777 -R ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH);
4 years ago
$repArray = GetRepList();
$total = count($repArray);
$authzContent = file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
foreach ($repArray as $key => $value) {
$status = FunSetRepAuthz($authzContent, $value['repository_name'], '/');
if ($status != '1') {
$authzContent = $status;
4 years ago
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $authzContent . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
if ($this->this_roleid == 2) {
$allRepList = array();
$userRepList = FunGetUserPriRepListWithoutPri($authzContent, $this->this_username, '/');
if ($userRepList != null) {
$allRepList = array_merge($userRepList, $allRepList);
$groupUserList = FunGetSvnGroupUserList($authzContent);
foreach ($groupUserList as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($this->this_username, $value)) {
$groupRepList = FunGetGroupPriRepListWithoutPri($authzContent, $key);
if ($groupRepList != null) {
$allRepList = array_merge($groupRepList, $allRepList);
4 years ago
if ($allRepList == null) {
$repArray = array();
$total = 0;
} else {
foreach ($repArray as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($value['repository_name'], $allRepList)) {
4 years ago
$begin = $pageSize * ($currentPage - 1);
//array_splice会将下标自动转换 使用要注意
$list = array_splice($repArray, $begin, $pageSize);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
$data['data'] = $list;
$data['total'] = $total;
return $data;
4 years ago
//项目管理 按钮 添加svn仓库 包括项目标题
function AddRepository($requestPayload)
4 years ago
$repository_name = $requestPayload['repository_name'];
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
$svn_check_status = $this->CheckSvnserveStatus();
if ($svn_check_status['status'] == 0) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = $svn_check_status['message'];
return $data;
4 years ago
//只允许数字 字母 中文 下划线
if (!$this->CheckStr($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '包含非法字符';
4 years ago
return $data;
4 years ago
if (is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '仓库已经存在';
4 years ago
return $data;
4 years ago
RequestReplyExec('export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 && svnadmin create ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name);
4 years ago
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '添加仓库失败';
4 years ago
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('chmod 777 -R ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH);
RequestReplyExec('setenforce 0');
4 years ago
$status = FunSetRepAuthz(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ), $repository_name, '/');
if ($status != '1') {
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $status . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
return $data;
//项目管理 按钮 删除svn仓库
function DeleteRepository($requestPayload)
4 years ago
$repository_name = $requestPayload['repository_name'];
if (empty($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
4 years ago
return $data;
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '仓库不存在';
4 years ago
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('rm -rf ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name);
4 years ago
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '删除仓库失败';
4 years ago
return $data;
$status = FunDelRepAuthz(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ), $repository_name);
if ($status != '1') {
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $status . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
return $data;
* 为仓库设置用户的权限
function SetRepositoryUserPrivilege($requestPayload)
4 years ago
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
$this_account_list = $requestPayload['this_account_list'];
if (empty($repository_name) || empty($this_account_list)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '项目不存在';
return $data;
$authzContent = file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
foreach ($this_account_list as $key => $value) {
$authzContent = FunSetRepUserPri($authzContent, $value['account'], $value['privilege'] == 'no' ? '' : $value['privilege'], $repository_name, '/');
if ($authzContent == '0') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '仓库字段在配置文件中不存在 请刷新修复';
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $authzContent . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
return $data;
* 为仓库设置用户组的权限
function SetRepositoryGroupPrivilege($requestPayload)
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
$this_account_list = $requestPayload['this_account_list'];
if (empty($repository_name) || empty($this_account_list)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
4 years ago
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
4 years ago
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '项目不存在';
return $data;
4 years ago
$authzContent = file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
4 years ago
foreach ($this_account_list as $key => $value) {
if ($authzContent == '0') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '仓库字段在配置文件中不存在 请刷新修复';
return $data;
4 years ago
$authzContent = FunSetRepGroupPri($authzContent, $value['account'], $value['privilege'] == 'no' ? '' : $value['privilege'], $repository_name, '/');
4 years ago
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $authzContent . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
return $data;
//项目管理 按钮 编辑svn项目 提交用户对svn项目的标题的修改
function SetRepositoryInfo($requestPayload)
4 years ago
$old_repository_name = trim($requestPayload['old_repository_name']);
$new_repository_name = trim($requestPayload['new_repository_name']);
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
4 years ago
if (strstr($new_repository_name, ' ')) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '输入不规范';
4 years ago
return $data;
if (empty($old_repository_name) || empty($new_repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $old_repository_name)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '要修改的项目不存在';
return $data;
if (is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $new_repository_name)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '项目名称冲突';
return $data;
RequestReplyExec('mv ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $old_repository_name . ' ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $new_repository_name);
4 years ago
$status = FunUpdRepAuthz(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ), $old_repository_name, $new_repository_name);
if ($status != '1') {
RequestReplyExec('echo \'' . $status . '\' > ' . SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
return $data;
* 获取某个仓库的带有权限的用户列表
function GetRepositoryUserPrivilegeList($requestPayload)
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
4 years ago
if (empty($repository_name)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
4 years ago
return $data;
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '项目不存在';
return $data;
$authzContent = file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ);
4 years ago
$status1 = FunGetRepUserPriList($authzContent, $repository_name, '/');
if ($status1 == '0') {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '仓库字段在配置文件中不存在 请刷新修复';
4 years ago
return $data;
$status2 = FunGetSvnUserList(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_PASSWD));
if ($status2 == '0') {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '文件中不存在[users]标识';
4 years ago
return $data;
$list = array();
foreach ($status2 as $key => $value) {
$status2[$key]['account'] = $value;
if (array_key_exists($value, $status1)) {
array_push($list, array(
'account' => $value,
'privilege' => $status1[$value]
} else {
array_push($list, array(
'account' => $value,
'privilege' => 'no'
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
$data['data'] = $list;
4 years ago
return $data;
* 获取某个仓库的带有权限的用户组列表
function GetRepositoryGroupPrivilegeList($requestPayload)
4 years ago
$repository_name = trim($requestPayload['repository_name']);
if (empty($repository_name)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
4 years ago
return $data;
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . '/' . $repository_name)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '项目不存在';
4 years ago
return $data;
$status1 = FunGetRepGroupPriList(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ), $repository_name, '/');
if ($status1 == '0') {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '仓库字段在配置文件中不存在 请刷新修复';
4 years ago
return $data;
} else {
$status2 = FunGetSvnGroupList(file_get_contents(SVN_SERVER_AUTHZ));
if ($status2 == '0') {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '文件中不存在[groups]标识';
return $data;
} else {
$list = array();
foreach ($status2 as $key => $value) {
$status2[$key]['account'] = $value;
if (array_key_exists($value, $status1)) {
array_push($list, array(
'account' => $value,
'privilege' => $status1[$value]
} else {
array_push($list, array(
'account' => $value,
'privilege' => 'no'
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
$data['data'] = $list;
return $data;
4 years ago
//高级设置 初始化加载 列出svnserve服务的状态
function GetSvnserveStatus($requestPayload)
4 years ago
$info = RequestReplyExec('ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve');
if ($info == ISNULL && !file_exists('/usr/bin/svnserve')) {
4 years ago
$info = array();
$info['status'] = '未安装'; //未安装
$info['port'] = '3690';
$info['type'] = 'error';
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
$data['data'] = $info;
return $data;
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH)) {
4 years ago
$info = array();
$info['status'] = '异常'; //存储库目录不存在
$info['port'] = '3690';
$info['type'] = 'error';
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
$data['data'] = $info;
return $data;
$info = RequestReplyExec('ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve');
if ($info == ISNULL && file_exists('/usr/bin/svnserve')) {
4 years ago
$info = array();
$info['status'] = '已停止'; //svn服务未启动
$info['port'] = '3690';
$info['type'] = 'warning';
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
$data['data'] = $info;
return $data;
$info = array();
$info['status'] = '运行中'; //svn服务未启动
$info['port'] = '3690';
$info['type'] = 'success';
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
$data['data'] = $info;
return $data;
//高级设置 管理svnserve服务的状态
function SetSvnserveStatus($requestPayload)
4 years ago
$action = $requestPayload['action'];
if (empty($action)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整';
return $data;
if ($this->this_roleid != 1) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '非法用户';
$data['code'] = 401;
return $data;
4 years ago
switch ($action) {
case 'startSvn':
RequestReplyExec('systemctl start svnserve');
4 years ago
case 'restartSvn':
RequestReplyExec('systemctl restart svnserve');
4 years ago
case 'stopSvn':
RequestReplyExec('systemctl stop svnserve');
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = '成功';
4 years ago
return $data;
//只允许中文 数字 字母
private function CheckStr($str)
4 years ago
$res = preg_match('/^[\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}A-Za-z0-9_]+$/u', $str);
return $res ? true : false;
//获取服务状态 检查相关的目录文件是否存在
private function CheckSvnserveStatus()
4 years ago
$info = RequestReplyExec('ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve');
if ($info == ISNULL && !file_exists('/usr/bin/svnserve')) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['code'] = '00';
$data['message'] = 'svn服务未安装';
return $data;
if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH)) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['code'] = '00';
$data['message'] = '存储库目录不存在';
return $data;
$info = RequestReplyExec('ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve');
if ($info == ISNULL && file_exists('/usr/bin/svnserve')) {
4 years ago
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['code'] = '01';
$data['message'] = 'svn服务未启动';
return $data;
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['code'] = '11';
return $data;