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533 lines
19 KiB

* @Author: witersen
* @Date: 2022-05-08 13:31:07
* @LastEditors: witersen
* @LastEditTime: 2022-05-12 00:11:29
* @Description: QQ:1801168257
* 安装和升级程序
* 将工作模式限制在cli模式
if (!preg_match('/cli/i', php_sapi_name())) {
exit('require php-cli mode');
define('BASE_PATH', __DIR__);
require_once BASE_PATH . '/../app/util/Config.php';
require_once BASE_PATH . '/../config/database.php';
require_once BASE_PATH . '/../config/reg.php';
require_once BASE_PATH . '/../config/svn.php';
require_once BASE_PATH . '/../config/update.php';
require_once BASE_PATH . '/../config/version.php';
require_once BASE_PATH . '/../app/function/curl.php';
class Install
private $config_database;
private $config_reg;
private $config_svn;
private $config_update;
private $config_version;
private $scripts = [
'index' => 1,
'note' => '帮我安装并配置Subversion'
'index' => 2,
'note' => '按照本系统的要求初始化Subversion(针对以其它方式安装的Subversion)'
'index' => 3,
'note' => '检测SVNAdmin的新版本'
function __construct()
Config::load(BASE_PATH . '/../config/');
$this->config_database = Config::get('database');
$this->config_reg = Config::get('reg');
$this->config_svn = Config::get('svn');
$this->config_update = Config::get('update');
$this->config_version = Config::get('version');
* 由于array_column到php5.5+才支持
* 为了兼容php5.4
* 这里选择手动实现 可能性能不高
function FunArrayColumn($array, $columnKey)
$resultArray = [];
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (!array_key_exists($columnKey, $value)) {
return false;
array_push($resultArray, $value[$columnKey]);
return $resultArray;
* 检测SVNAdmin的新版本并选择更新
function DetectUpdate()
foreach ($this->config_update['update_server'] as $key1 => $value1) {
$json = FunCurlRequest($value1['url']);
if ($json == null) {
echo '节点 ' . $value1['nodeName'] . ' 访问超时,切换下一节点' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
//json => array
$array = json_decode($json, true);
$last = $array['version'];
if ($this->config_version['version'] == $last) {
echo '当前为最新版:' . $last . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
if ($this->config_version['version'] < $last) {
echo '有新版本:' . $last . PHP_EOL;
echo '修复内容如下:' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($array['fixd']['con'] as $cons) {
echo ' [' . $cons['title'] . ']' . ' ' . $cons['content'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '新增内容如下:' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($array['add']['con'] as $cons) {
echo ' [' . $cons['title'] . ']' . ' ' . $cons['content'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '移除内容如下:' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($array['remove']['con'] as $cons) {
echo ' [' . $cons['title'] . ']' . ' ' . $cons['content'] . PHP_EOL;
echo "确定要升级到 $last 版本吗[y/n]:";
$answer = strtolower(trim(fgets(STDIN)));
if (!in_array($answer, ['y', 'n'])) {
echo '不正确的选项!' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
if ($answer == 'n') {
echo '已取消!' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
$packages = $array['update']['download'][$key1]['packages'];
$forList = $this->FunArrayColumn($packages, 'for');
$current = [
'source' => $this->config_version['version'],
'dest' => $last
if (!in_array($current, $forList)) {
echo '没有合适的升级包,请尝试直接手动安装最新版!' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
$index = array_search($current, $forList);
$update_download_url = $packages[$index]['url'];
$update_zip = FunCurlRequest($update_download_url);
if ($update_zip == null) {
echo '从节点 ' . $value1['nodeName'] . ' 下载升级包超时,切换下一节点' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents(BASE_PATH . '/update.zip', $update_zip);
shell_exec('unzip ' . BASE_PATH . '/update.zip');
if (!is_dir(BASE_PATH . '/update')) {
echo '解压升级包出错,请尝试手动解压并执行升级程序!' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '正在执行升级程序' . PHP_EOL;
passthru('php ' . BASE_PATH . '/update/index.php');
shell_exec(sprintf("cd '%s' && rm -rf ./update && rm -f update.zip", BASE_PATH));
echo '升级成功!请重启守护进程文件使部分配置文件生效' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
* 将SVNAdmin加入到开机自启动
function InitlSVNAdmin()
* 将SVNAdmin取消开机自启动
function UninitSVNAdmin()
* 将SVNAdmin加入监控 如果检测到异常退出则自动重启
function Monitor()
* 修改已经安装的Subversion配置以适合SVNAdmin的管理
function ConfigSubversion()
echo PHP_EOL . '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '确定要开始配置Subversion程序吗[y/n]:';
$continue = strtolower(trim(fgets(STDIN)));
if (!in_array($continue, ['y', 'n'])) {
echo '不正确的选项!' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
if ($continue == 'n') {
echo '已取消!' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
* 1、检测Subversion的安装情况
if (shell_exec('ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve') != '') {
echo '请先手动停止正在运行的 svnserve 程序后重试!' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
* 2、令用户手动选择配置程序的路径
$needBin = [
'svn' => '',
'svnadmin' => '',
'svnlook' => '',
'svnserve' => '',
'svnversion' => '',
'svnsync' => '',
'svnrdump' => '',
'svndumpfilter' => '',
'svnmucc' => ''
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '开始配置Subversion程序!' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($needBin as $key => $value) {
echo "请输入 $key 程序位置:" . PHP_EOL;
echo '自动检测到以下程序路径:' . PHP_EOL;
passthru("which $key 2>/dev/null");
echo '请输入回车使用默认检测路径或手动输入:';
$binPath = fgets(STDIN);
if ($binPath == '') {
echo '输入不能为空!' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
if ($binPath == "\n") {
$binPath = trim(shell_exec("which $key 2>/dev/null"));
if ($binPath == '') {
echo "未检测到 $key ,请手动输入程序路径!" . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$binPath = trim($binPath);
echo "$key 程序位置:$binPath" . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
$needBin[$key] = $binPath;
$binCon = <<<CON
return [
'svn' => '{$needBin['svn']}',
'svnadmin' => '{$needBin['svnadmin']}',
'svnlook' => '{$needBin['svnlook']}',
'svnserve' => '{$needBin['svnserve']}',
'svnversion' => '{$needBin['svnversion']}',
'svnsync' => '{$needBin['svnsync']}',
'svnrdump' => '{$needBin['svnrdump']}',
'svndumpfilter' => '{$needBin['svndumpfilter']}',
'svnmucc' => '{$needBin['svnmucc']}'
file_put_contents(BASE_PATH . '/../config/bin.php', $binCon);
* 3、相关文件配置
$templete_path = BASE_PATH . '/../templete/';
echo '创建相关目录' . PHP_EOL;
is_dir($this->config_svn['home_path']) ? '' : mkdir($this->config_svn['home_path'], 0700, true);
is_dir($this->config_svn['rep_base_path']) ? '' : mkdir($this->config_svn['rep_base_path'], 0700, true);
is_dir($this->config_svn['recommend_hook_path']) ? '' : mkdir($this->config_svn['recommend_hook_path'], 0700, true);
shell_exec(sprintf("cp -r '%s' '%s'", $templete_path . '/hooks', $this->config_svn['home_path']));
is_dir($this->config_svn['backup_base_path']) ? '' : mkdir($this->config_svn['backup_base_path'], 0700, true);
is_dir($this->config_svn['log_base_path']) ? '' : mkdir($this->config_svn['log_base_path'], 0700, true);
is_dir($this->config_svn['temp_base_path']) ? '' : mkdir($this->config_svn['temp_base_path'], 0700, true);
is_dir($this->config_svn['templete_base_path']) ? '' : mkdir($this->config_svn['templete_base_path'], 0700, true);
// is_dir($this->config_svn['templete_init_struct']) ? '' : mkdir($this->config_svn['templete_init_struct'], 0700, true);
shell_exec(sprintf("cp -r '%s' '%s'", $templete_path . '/initStruct', $this->config_svn['templete_base_path']));
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '创建相关文件' . PHP_EOL;
$con_svnserve_env_file = file_get_contents($templete_path . 'svnserve/svnserve');
$con_svnserve_env_file = sprintf($con_svnserve_env_file, $this->config_svn['rep_base_path'], $this->config_svn['svn_conf_file'], $this->config_svn['svnserve_log_file']);
file_put_contents($this->config_svn['svnserve_env_file'], $con_svnserve_env_file);
$con_svn_conf_file = file_get_contents($templete_path . 'svnserve/svnserve.conf');
file_put_contents($this->config_svn['svn_conf_file'], $con_svn_conf_file);
$con_svn_authz_file = file_get_contents($templete_path . 'svnserve/authz');
file_put_contents($this->config_svn['svn_authz_file'], $con_svn_authz_file);
$con_svn_passwd_file = file_get_contents($templete_path . 'svnserve/passwd');
file_put_contents($this->config_svn['svn_passwd_file'], $con_svn_passwd_file);
file_put_contents($this->config_svn['svnserve_log_file'], '');
file_put_contents($this->config_svn['svnserve_pid_file'], '');
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
* 4、关闭selinux
* 包括临时关闭和永久关闭
echo '临时关闭并永久关闭seliux' . PHP_EOL;
shell_exec('setenforce 0');
shell_exec("sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config");
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
* 5、配置SQLite数据库文件
echo '配置并启用SQLite数据库' . PHP_EOL;
copy($templete_path . '/database/sqlite/svnadmin.db', $this->config_svn['home_path'] . 'svnadmin.db');
//配置SQLite数据库文件的父目录权限配置为777 解决无法写入且不报错的问题
shell_exec('chmod 777 ' . $this->config_svn['home_path']);
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
* 6、主目录授权
echo '配置主目录权限' . PHP_EOL;
shell_exec(sprintf("chmod 777 -R '%s'", $this->config_svn['home_path']));
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
* 7、将svnserve注册为系统服务
echo '清理之前注册的svnserve服务' . PHP_EOL;
shell_exec('systemctl stop svnserve.service');
shell_exec('systemctl disable svnserve.service');
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '注册新的svnserve服务' . PHP_EOL;
$con_svnserve_service_file = file_get_contents($templete_path . 'svnserve/svnserve.service');
$con_svnserve_service_file = sprintf($con_svnserve_service_file, $this->config_svn['svnserve_env_file'], $needBin['svnserve'], $this->config_svn['svnserve_pid_file']);
file_put_contents($this->config_svn['svnserve_service_file'], $con_svnserve_service_file);
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '开始启动svnserve服务' . PHP_EOL;
passthru('systemctl start svnserve');
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '将svnserve服务加入到开机自启动' . PHP_EOL;
passthru('systemctl enable svnserve');
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'svnserve安装成功,打印运行状态:' . PHP_EOL;
passthru('systemctl status svnserve');
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
* 程序入口
function Run()
echo '===============SVNAdmin==================' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($this->scripts as $value) {
echo '[' . $value['index'] . '] ' . $value['note'] . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '请输入命令编号:';
$answer = trim(fgets(STDIN));
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
if (!in_array($answer, $this->FunArrayColumn($this->scripts, 'index'))) {
exit('错误的命令编号:' . PHP_EOL);
if ($answer == 1) {
$shellPath = BASE_PATH . '/../templete/install/WANdisco/';
if (!is_dir($shellPath)) {
exit('安装脚本目录不存在!' . PHP_EOL);
$shell = scandir($shellPath);
echo '安装脚本来自 WANdiso' . PHP_EOL;
echo '如果由于网络延迟原因安装失败,可手动停止后多尝试几次' . PHP_EOL;
echo '在通过脚本安装Subversion的过程中,请注意信息交互!' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '可选择的Subversion版本如下:' . PHP_EOL;
$noShell = true;
foreach ($shell as $value) {
if ($value == '.' || $value == '..') {
$noShell = false;
echo $value . PHP_EOL;
if ($noShell) {
exit('没有可选的安装脚本!' . PHP_EOL);
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '请注意SVNAdmin支持管理的Subversion版本为1.8+!' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '请输入要安装的Subversion版本(推荐Subversion-1.10):';
$answer = trim(fgets(STDIN));
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
if (!file_exists($shellPath . 'subversion_installer_' . $answer . '.sh')) {
exit('请选择正确的版本!' . PHP_EOL);
echo '现在开始执行脚本:' . 'subversion_installer_' . $answer . '.sh' . PHP_EOL;
echo '===============================================' . PHP_EOL;
passthru('sh ' . $shellPath . 'subversion_installer_' . $answer . '.sh');
} else if ($answer == 2) {
} else if ($answer == 3) {
(new Install())->Run();