/* Navicat Premium Data Transfer Source Server : svnadmin.sqlite.struct Source Server Type : SQLite Source Server Version : 3030001 Source Schema : main Target Server Type : SQLite Target Server Version : 3030001 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 09/05/2022 14:15:16 */ PRAGMA foreign_keys = false; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for admin_users -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "admin_users"; CREATE TABLE "admin_users" ( "admin_user_id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "admin_user_name" TEXT(45) NOT NULL, "admin_user_password" TEXT(45) NOT NULL, "admin_user_phone" TEXT(11), "admin_user_email" TEXT ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of admin_users -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO "admin_users" VALUES (1, 'admin', 'admin', NULL, NULL); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for black_token -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "black_token"; CREATE TABLE "black_token" ( "token_id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "token" TEXT(200) NOT NULL, "start_time" TEXT(45) NOT NULL, "end_time" TEXT(45) NOT NULL, "insert_time" TEXT(45) NOT NULL ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of black_token -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for logs -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "logs"; CREATE TABLE "logs" ( "log_id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "log_type_name" TEXT(200) NOT NULL, "log_content" TEXT(5000), "log_add_user_name" TEXT(200) NOT NULL, "log_add_time" TEXT(45) NOT NULL ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of logs -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for options -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "options"; CREATE TABLE "options" ( "option_id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "option_name" text NOT NULL, "option_value" text NOT NULL, "option_description" TEXT ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of options -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for svn_groups -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "svn_groups"; CREATE TABLE "svn_groups" ( "svn_group_id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "svn_group_name" TEXT(200) NOT NULL, "include_user_count" integer NOT NULL, "include_group_count" integer NOT NULL, "svn_group_note" TEXT(1000) ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of svn_groups -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for svn_reps -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "svn_reps"; CREATE TABLE "svn_reps" ( "rep_id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "rep_name" TEXT(1000) NOT NULL, "rep_size" integer, "rep_rev" integer, "rep_uuid" text, "rep_note" TEXT(1000) ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of svn_reps -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for svn_user_pri_paths -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "svn_user_pri_paths"; CREATE TABLE "svn_user_pri_paths" ( "svnn_user_pri_path_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "rep_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "pri_path" TEXT NOT NULL, "rep_pri" TEXT, "svn_user_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "unique" TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("svnn_user_pri_path_id") ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of svn_user_pri_paths -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for svn_users -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "svn_users"; CREATE TABLE "svn_users" ( "svn_user_id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "svn_user_name" TEXT(200) NOT NULL, "svn_user_pass" TEXT(200) NOT NULL, "svn_user_status" integer(1) NOT NULL, "svn_user_note" TEXT(1000) ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of svn_users -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for verification_code -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "verification_code"; CREATE TABLE "verification_code" ( "code_id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "uuid" text(45) NOT NULL, "code" TEXT(45) NOT NULL, "start_time" TEXT(45) NOT NULL, "end_time" TEXT(45) NOT NULL, "insert_time" TEXT(45) NOT NULL ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of verification_code -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for sqlite_sequence -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "sqlite_sequence"; CREATE TABLE "sqlite_sequence" ( "name", "seq" ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of sqlite_sequence -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES ('admin_users', 1); -- ---------------------------- -- Auto increment value for admin_users -- ---------------------------- UPDATE "sqlite_sequence" SET seq = 1 WHERE name = 'admin_users'; PRAGMA foreign_keys = true;