Svngorup = new svngroup(); } /** * 新建仓库 */ function CreateRep() { //检查表单 FunCheckForm($this->requestPayload, [ 'rep_name' => ['type' => 'string', 'notNull' => true], 'rep_note' => ['type' => 'string', 'notNull' => false], 'rep_type' => ['type' => 'string', 'notNull' => true], ]); //检查仓库名是否合法 FunCheckRepName($this->requestPayload['rep_name']); //检查仓库是否存在 \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::CheckRepExist($this->requestPayload['rep_name']); //创建空仓库 //解决创建中文仓库乱码问题 FunShellExec('export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 && svnadmin create ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . $this->requestPayload['rep_name']); if ($this->requestPayload['rep_type'] == '2') { //以指定的目录结构初始化仓库 \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::InitRepStruct($this->requestPayload['rep_name']); } //检查是否创建成功 \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::CheckRepCreate($this->requestPayload['rep_name']); //向authz写入仓库信息 $status = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::SetRepAuthz($this->globalAuthzContent, $this->requestPayload['rep_name'], '/'); if ($status != '1') { FunShellExec('echo \'' . $status . '\' > ' . SVN_AUTHZ_FILE); } //写入数据库 $this->database->insert('svn_reps', [ 'rep_name' => $this->requestPayload['rep_name'], 'rep_size' => 0, 'rep_note' => $this->requestPayload['rep_note'], 'rep_rev' => 0, 'rep_uuid' => 0 ]); FunMessageExit(); } /** * 物理仓库 => svn_reps数据表 * * 1、将物理仓库存在而没有写入数据库的记录写入数据库 * 2、将物理仓库已经删除但是数据库依然存在的从数据库删除 */ function SyncRepAndDb() { $svnRepList = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetSimpleRepList(); $dbRepList = $this->database->select('svn_reps', [ 'rep_name', ]); foreach ($dbRepList as $value) { if (!in_array($value['rep_name'], $svnRepList)) { $this->database->delete('svn_reps', [ 'rep_name' => $value['rep_name'] ]); } else { //更新 $this->database->update('svn_reps', [ 'rep_size' => FunGetDirSizeDu(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . $value['rep_name']), 'rep_rev' => \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepRev($value['rep_name']) ], [ 'rep_name' => $value['rep_name'] ]); } } foreach ($svnRepList as $value) { if (!in_array($value, FunArrayColumn($dbRepList, 'rep_name'))) { $this->database->insert('svn_reps', [ 'rep_name' => $value, 'rep_size' => FunGetDirSizeDu(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . $value), 'rep_note' => '', 'rep_rev' => \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepRev($value), 'rep_uuid' => '' ]); } } } /** * 物理仓库 => authz文件 * * 1、将物理仓库已经删除但是authz文件中依然存在的从authz文件删除 * 2、将在物理仓库存在但是authz文件中不存在的向authz文件写入 */ function SyncRepAndAuthz() { $svnRepList = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetSimpleRepList(); $svnRepAuthzList = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetNoPathAndConRepAuthz($this->globalAuthzContent); $authzContet = $this->globalAuthzContent; foreach ($svnRepList as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($value, $svnRepAuthzList)) { $authzContet = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::SetRepAuthz($authzContet, $value, '/'); if ($authzContet == '1') { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '同步到配置文件错误'); } } } foreach ($svnRepAuthzList as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($value, $svnRepList)) { $authzContet = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::DelRepAuthz($authzContet, $value); if ($authzContet == '1') { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '同步到配置文件错误'); } } } FunShellExec('echo \'' . $authzContet . '\' > ' . SVN_AUTHZ_FILE); } /** * 用户有权限的仓库路径列表 => svn_user_pri_paths数据表 * * 1、列表中存在的但是数据表不存在则向数据表插入 * 2、列表中不存在的但是数据表存在从数据表删除 */ function SyncUserRepAndDb() { //获取在authz文件配置的用户有权限的仓库路径列表 $userRepList = []; //获取用户有权限的仓库列表 $userRepList = array_merge($userRepList, \SVNAdmin\SVN\User::GetUserPriRepListWithPriAndPath($this->globalAuthzContent, $this->globalUserName)); //获取用户所在的所有分组 $userGroupList = $this->Svngorup->GetSvnUserAllGroupList($this->globalUserName); //获取分组有权限的仓库路径列表 foreach ($userGroupList as $value) { $userRepList = array_merge($userRepList, \SVNAdmin\SVN\Group::GetGroupPriRepListWithPriAndPath($this->globalAuthzContent, $value)); } //按照全路径去重 $tempArray = []; foreach ($userRepList as $key => $value) { if (in_array($value['unique'], $tempArray)) { unset($userRepList[$key]); } else { array_push($tempArray, $value['unique']); } } //处理不连续的下标 $userRepList = array_values($userRepList); //从数据库中删除该用户的所有权限 $this->database->delete('svn_user_pri_paths', [ 'svn_user_name' => $this->globalUserName ]); //处理数据格式为适合插入数据表的格式 foreach ($userRepList as $key => $value) { $userRepList[$key]['rep_name'] = $value['repName']; unset($userRepList[$key]['repName']); $userRepList[$key]['pri_path'] = $value['priPath']; unset($userRepList[$key]['priPath']); $userRepList[$key]['rep_pri'] = $value['repPri']; unset($userRepList[$key]['repPri']); $userRepList[$key]['svn_user_name'] = $this->globalUserName; } //向数据库插入该用户的所有权限 $this->database->insert('svn_user_pri_paths', $userRepList); } /** * 获取仓库列表 */ function GetRepList() { /** * 物理仓库 => authz文件 * * 1、将物理仓库已经删除但是authz文件中依然存在的从authz文件删除 * 2、将在物理仓库存在但是authz文件中不存在的向authz文件写入 */ $this->SyncRepAndAuthz(); /** * 物理仓库 => svn_reps数据表 * * 1、将物理仓库存在而没有写入数据库的记录写入数据库 * 2、将物理仓库已经删除但是数据库依然存在的从数据库删除 */ $this->SyncRepAndDb(); $pageSize = $this->requestPayload['pageSize']; $currentPage = $this->requestPayload['currentPage']; $searchKeyword = trim($this->requestPayload['searchKeyword']); //分页 $begin = $pageSize * ($currentPage - 1); $list = $this->database->select('svn_reps', [ 'rep_id', 'rep_name', 'rep_size', 'rep_note', 'rep_rev', 'rep_uuid' ], [ 'AND' => [ 'OR' => [ 'rep_name[~]' => $searchKeyword, 'rep_note[~]' => $searchKeyword, ], ], 'LIMIT' => [$begin, $pageSize], 'ORDER' => [ $this->requestPayload['sortName'] => strtoupper($this->requestPayload['sortType']) ] ]); $total = $this->database->count('svn_reps', [ 'rep_id' ], [ 'AND' => [ 'OR' => [ 'rep_name[~]' => $searchKeyword, 'rep_note[~]' => $searchKeyword, ], ], ]); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $list[$key]['rep_size'] = FunFormatSize($value['rep_size']); } FunMessageExit(200, 1, '成功', [ 'data' => $list, 'total' => $total ]); } /** * SVN用户获取自己有权限的仓库列表 */ function GetSvnUserRepList() { /** * 物理仓库 => authz文件 * * 1、将物理仓库已经删除但是authz文件中依然存在的从authz文件删除 * 2、将在物理仓库存在但是authz文件中不存在的向authz文件写入 */ $this->SyncRepAndAuthz(); /** * 用户有权限的仓库路径列表 => svn_user_pri_paths数据表 * * 1、列表中存在的但是数据表不存在则向数据表插入 * 2、列表中不存在的但是数据表存在从数据表删除 */ $this->SyncUserRepAndDb(); $pageSize = $this->requestPayload['pageSize']; $currentPage = $this->requestPayload['currentPage']; $searchKeyword = trim($this->requestPayload['searchKeyword']); //分页 $begin = $pageSize * ($currentPage - 1); $list = $this->database->select('svn_user_pri_paths', [ 'svnn_user_pri_path_id', 'rep_name', 'pri_path', 'rep_pri' ], [ 'AND' => [ 'OR' => [ 'rep_name[~]' => $searchKeyword, ], ], 'LIMIT' => [$begin, $pageSize], 'ORDER' => [ 'rep_name' => strtoupper($this->requestPayload['sortType']) ], 'svn_user_name' => $this->globalUserName ]); $total = $this->database->count('svn_user_pri_paths', [ 'svnn_user_pri_path_id' ], [ 'AND' => [ 'OR' => [ 'rep_name[~]' => $searchKeyword, ], ], 'svn_user_name' => $this->globalUserName ]); FunMessageExit(200, 1, '成功', [ 'data' => $list, 'total' => $total ]); } /** * 修改仓库的备注信息 */ function EditRepNote() { $this->database->update('svn_reps', [ 'rep_note' => $this->requestPayload['rep_note'] ], [ 'rep_name' => $this->requestPayload['rep_name'] ]); FunMessageExit(); } /** * SVN用户根据目录名称获取该目录下的文件和文件夹列表 */ function GetUserRepCon() { $path = $this->requestPayload['path']; $repName = $this->requestPayload['rep_name']; /** * 获取svn检出地址 * * 目的为使用当前SVN用户的身份来进行被授权过的路径的内容浏览 */ $bindInfo = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Info::GetSubversionListen(); $checkoutHost = 'svn://' . $bindInfo['bindHost']; if ($bindInfo['bindPort'] != '3690') { $checkoutHost = 'svn://' . $bindInfo['bindHost'] . ':' . $bindInfo['bindPort']; } //获取SVN用户密码 $svnUserPass = \SVNAdmin\SVN\User::GetPassByUser($this->globalPasswdContent, $this->globalUserName); if ($svnUserPass == '0') { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '文件格式错误(不存在[users]标识)'); } else if ($svnUserPass == '1') { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '用户不存在' . $this->globalUserName); } $cmdSvnList = sprintf("svn list '%s' --username '%s' --password '%s' --no-auth-cache --non-interactive --trust-server-cert", $checkoutHost . '/' . $repName . $path, $this->globalUserName, $svnUserPass); $result = FunShellExec($cmdSvnList); if ($result == ISNULL) { $resultArray = []; } else { if (strstr($result, 'svn: E170001: Authentication error from server: Password incorrect')) { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '密码错误'); } if (strstr($result, 'svn: E170001: Authorization failed')) { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '无访问权限'); } if (strstr($result, 'svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL')) { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '其它错误'); } $resultArray = explode("\n", trim($result)); } $data = []; foreach ($resultArray as $key => $value) { //补全路径 if (substr($path, strlen($path) - 1, 1) == '/') { $value = $path . $value; } else { $value = $path . '/' . $value; } //获取文件或者文件夹最年轻的版本号 $lastRev = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepFileRev($repName, $value); //获取文件或者文件夹最年轻的版本的作者 $lastRevAuthor = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepFileAuthor($repName, $lastRev); //同上 日期 $lastRevDate = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepFileDate($repName, $lastRev); //同上 日志 $lastRevLog = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepFileLog($repName, $lastRev); $pathArray = explode('/', $value); $pathArray = array_values(array_filter($pathArray, 'FunArrayValueFilter')); $pathArrayCount = count($pathArray); if (substr($value, strlen($value) - 1, 1) == '/') { array_push($data, [ 'resourceType' => 2, 'resourceName' => $pathArray[$pathArrayCount - 1], 'fileSize' => '', 'revAuthor' => $lastRevAuthor, 'revNum' => 'r' . $lastRev, 'revTime' => $lastRevDate, 'revLog' => $lastRevLog, 'fullPath' => $value ]); } else { array_push($data, [ 'resourceType' => 1, 'resourceName' => $pathArray[$pathArrayCount - 1], 'fileSize' => \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepRevFileSize($repName, $value), 'revAuthor' => $lastRevAuthor, 'revNum' => 'r' . $lastRev, 'revTime' => $lastRevDate, 'revLog' => $lastRevLog, 'fullPath' => $value ]); } } //处理面包屑 if ($path == '/') { $breadPathArray = ['/']; $breadNameArray = [$repName]; } else { $pathArray = explode('/', $path); //将全路径处理为带有/的数组 $tempArray = []; array_push($tempArray, '/'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($pathArray); $i++) { if ($pathArray[$i] != '') { array_push($tempArray, $pathArray[$i]); array_push($tempArray, '/'); } } //处理为递增的路径数组 $breadPathArray = ['/']; $breadNameArray = [$repName]; $tempPath = '/'; for ($i = 1; $i < count($tempArray); $i += 2) { $tempPath .= $tempArray[$i] . $tempArray[$i + 1]; array_push($breadPathArray, $tempPath); array_push($breadNameArray, $tempArray[$i]); } } FunMessageExit(200, 1, '', [ 'data' => $data, 'bread' => [ 'path' => $breadPathArray, 'name' => $breadNameArray ] ]); } /** * 管理人员根据目录名称获取该目录下的文件和文件夹列表 */ function GetRepCon() { /** * 有权限的开始路径 * * 管理员为 / * SVN用户为管理员设定的路径值 */ $path = $this->requestPayload['path']; //获取全路径的一层目录树 $cmdSvnlookTree = sprintf("svnlook tree '%s' --full-paths --non-recursive '%s'", SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . $this->requestPayload['rep_name'], $path); $result = FunShellExec($cmdSvnlookTree); $resultArray = explode("\n", trim($result)); unset($resultArray[0]); $resultArray = array_values($resultArray); $data = []; foreach ($resultArray as $key => $value) { //获取文件或者文件夹最年轻的版本号 $lastRev = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepFileRev($this->requestPayload['rep_name'], $value); //获取文件或者文件夹最年轻的版本的作者 $lastRevAuthor = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepFileAuthor($this->requestPayload['rep_name'], $lastRev); //同上 日期 $lastRevDate = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepFileDate($this->requestPayload['rep_name'], $lastRev); //同上 日志 $lastRevLog = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepFileLog($this->requestPayload['rep_name'], $lastRev); $pathArray = explode('/', $value); $pathArray = array_values(array_filter($pathArray, 'FunArrayValueFilter')); $pathArrayCount = count($pathArray); if (substr($value, strlen($value) - 1, 1) == '/') { array_push($data, [ 'resourceType' => 2, 'resourceName' => $pathArray[$pathArrayCount - 1], 'fileSize' => '', 'revAuthor' => $lastRevAuthor, 'revNum' => 'r' . $lastRev, 'revTime' => $lastRevDate, 'revLog' => $lastRevLog, 'fullPath' => $value ]); } else { array_push($data, [ 'resourceType' => 1, 'resourceName' => $pathArray[$pathArrayCount - 1], 'fileSize' => \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepRevFileSize($this->requestPayload['rep_name'], $value), 'revAuthor' => $lastRevAuthor, 'revNum' => 'r' . $lastRev, 'revTime' => $lastRevDate, 'revLog' => $lastRevLog, 'fullPath' => $value ]); } } //处理面包屑 if ($path == '/') { $breadPathArray = ['/']; $breadNameArray = [$this->requestPayload['rep_name']]; } else { $pathArray = explode('/', $path); //将全路径处理为带有/的数组 $tempArray = []; array_push($tempArray, '/'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($pathArray); $i++) { if ($pathArray[$i] != '') { array_push($tempArray, $pathArray[$i]); array_push($tempArray, '/'); } } //处理为递增的路径数组 $breadPathArray = ['/']; $breadNameArray = [$this->requestPayload['rep_name']]; $tempPath = '/'; for ($i = 1; $i < count($tempArray); $i += 2) { $tempPath .= $tempArray[$i] . $tempArray[$i + 1]; array_push($breadPathArray, $tempPath); array_push($breadNameArray, $tempArray[$i]); } } FunMessageExit(200, 1, '', [ 'data' => $data, 'bread' => [ 'path' => $breadPathArray, 'name' => $breadNameArray ] ]); } /** * 根据目录名称获取该目录下的目录树 * * 管理员配置目录授权用 */ function GetRepTree() { $path = $this->requestPayload['path']; //获取全路径的一层目录树 $cmdSvnlookTree = sprintf("svnlook tree '%s' --full-paths --non-recursive '%s'", SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . $this->requestPayload['rep_name'], $path); $result = FunShellExec($cmdSvnlookTree); $resultArray = explode("\n", trim($result)); unset($resultArray[0]); $resultArray = array_values($resultArray); $data = []; foreach ($resultArray as $value) { $pathArray = explode('/', $value); $pathArray = array_values(array_filter($pathArray, 'FunArrayValueFilter')); $pathArrayCount = count($pathArray); if (substr($value, strlen($value) - 1, 1) == '/') { array_push($data, [ 'expand' => false, 'loading' => false, 'resourceType' => 2, 'title' => $pathArray[$pathArrayCount - 1] . '/', 'fullPath' => $value, 'children' => [] ]); } else { array_push($data, [ 'resourceType' => 1, 'title' => $pathArray[$pathArrayCount - 1], 'fullPath' => $value, ]); } } //按照文件夹在前、文件在后的顺序进行字典排序 array_multisort(FunArrayColumn($data, 'resourceType'), SORT_DESC, $data); if ($path == '/') { FunMessageExit(200, 1, '', [ [ 'expand' => true, 'loading' => false, 'resourceType' => 2, 'title' => $this->requestPayload['rep_name'] . '/', 'fullPath' => '/', 'children' => $data ] ]); } else { FunMessageExit(200, 1, '', $data); } } /** * 获取某个仓库路径的用户权限列表 */ function GetRepPathUserPri() { $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepUserListWithPri($this->globalAuthzContent, $this->requestPayload['rep_name'], $this->requestPayload['path']); if ($result == '0') { //没有该路径的记录 if ($this->requestPayload['path'] == '/') { //不正常 没有写入仓库记录 FunMessageExit(200, 0, '该仓库没有被写入配置文件!请刷新仓库列表以同步'); } else { //正常 无记录 FunMessageExit(200, 1, '成功', []); } } else { foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $result[$key]['index'] = $key; if ($value['userPri'] == '') { $result[$key]['userPri'] = 'no'; } } FunMessageExit(200, 1, '成功', $result); } } /** * 获取某个仓库路径的分组权限列表 */ function GetRepPathGroupPri() { $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepGroupListWithPri($this->globalAuthzContent, $this->requestPayload['rep_name'], $this->requestPayload['path']); if ($result == '0') { //没有该路径的记录 if ($this->requestPayload['path'] == '/') { //不正常 没有写入仓库记录 FunMessageExit(200, 0, '该仓库没有被写入配置文件!请刷新仓库列表以同步'); } else { //正常 无记录 FunMessageExit(200, 1, '成功', []); } } else { foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $result[$key]['index'] = $key; if ($value['groupPri'] == '') { $result[$key]['groupPri'] = 'no'; } } FunMessageExit(200, 1, '成功', $result); } } /** * 增加某个仓库路径的用户权限 */ function AddRepPathUserPri() { $repName = $this->requestPayload['rep_name']; $path = $this->requestPayload['path']; $pri = $this->requestPayload['pri']; $user = $this->requestPayload['user']; /** * 这里要进行重复添加用户的判断操作 * * 如果不对用户重复添加进行限制 则会导致用户的权限被重设为rw */ //todo or no todo /** * 处理权限 */ $pri = $pri == 'no' ? '' : $pri; /** * 包括为已有权限的用户修改权限 * 包括为没有权限的用户增加权限 */ $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::SetRepUserPri($this->globalAuthzContent, $user, $pri, $repName, $path); //没有该仓库路径记录 if ($result == '0') { //没有该仓库路径记录 则进行插入 $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::SetRepAuthz($this->globalAuthzContent, $repName, $path); if ($result == '1') { FunMessageExit(200, 1, '未知错误'); } //重新添加权限 $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::SetRepUserPri($result, $user, $pri, $repName, $path); if ($result == '0') { FunMessageExit(200, 1, '未知错误'); } } //写入 FunShellExec('echo \'' . $result . '\' > ' . SVN_AUTHZ_FILE); //返回 FunMessageExit(); } /** * 删除某个仓库路径的用户权限 */ function DelRepPathUserPri() { $repName = $this->requestPayload['rep_name']; $path = $this->requestPayload['path']; $user = $this->requestPayload['user']; $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::DelRepUserPri($this->globalAuthzContent, $user, $repName, $path); if ($result == '0') { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '不存在该仓库路径的记录'); } else if ($result == '1') { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '已被删除'); } else { //写入 FunShellExec('echo \'' . $result . '\' > ' . SVN_AUTHZ_FILE); //返回 FunMessageExit(); } } /** * 修改某个仓库路径的用户权限 */ function EditRepPathUserPri() { $repName = $this->requestPayload['rep_name']; $path = $this->requestPayload['path']; $pri = $this->requestPayload['pri']; $user = $this->requestPayload['user']; /** * 处理权限 */ $pri = $pri == 'no' ? '' : $pri; $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::UpdRepUserPri($this->globalAuthzContent, $user, $pri, $repName, $path); if ($result == '0') { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '不存在该仓库路径的记录'); } //写入 FunShellExec('echo \'' . $result . '\' > ' . SVN_AUTHZ_FILE); //返回 FunMessageExit(); } /** * 增加某个仓库路径的分组权限 */ function AddRepPathGroupPri() { $repName = $this->requestPayload['rep_name']; $path = $this->requestPayload['path']; $pri = $this->requestPayload['pri']; $group = $this->requestPayload['group']; /** * 这里要进行重复添加分组的判断操作 * * 如果不对分组重复添加进行限制 则会导致分组的权限被重设为rw */ //todo or no todo /** * 处理权限 */ $pri = $pri == 'no' ? '' : $pri; /** * 包括为已有权限的分组修改权限 * 包括为没有权限的分组增加权限 */ $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::SetRepGroupPri($this->globalAuthzContent, $group, $pri, $repName, $path); //没有该仓库路径记录 if ($result == '0') { //没有该仓库路径记录 则进行插入 $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::SetRepAuthz($this->globalAuthzContent, $repName, $path); if ($result == '1') { FunMessageExit(200, 1, '未知错误'); } //重新添加权限 $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::SetRepGroupPri($result, $group, $pri, $repName, $path); if ($result == '0') { FunMessageExit(200, 1, '未知错误'); } } //写入 FunShellExec('echo \'' . $result . '\' > ' . SVN_AUTHZ_FILE); //返回 FunMessageExit(); } /** * 删除某个仓库路径的分组权限 */ function DelRepPathGroupPri() { $repName = $this->requestPayload['rep_name']; $path = $this->requestPayload['path']; $group = $this->requestPayload['group']; $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::DelRepGroupPri($this->globalAuthzContent, $group, $repName, $path); if ($result == '0') { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '不存在该仓库路径的记录'); } else if ($result == '1') { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '已被删除'); } else { //写入 FunShellExec('echo \'' . $result . '\' > ' . SVN_AUTHZ_FILE); //返回 FunMessageExit(); } } /** * 修改某个仓库路径的分组权限 */ function EditRepPathGroupPri() { $repName = $this->requestPayload['rep_name']; $path = $this->requestPayload['path']; $pri = $this->requestPayload['pri']; $group = $this->requestPayload['group']; /** * 处理权限 */ $pri = $pri == 'no' ? '' : $pri; $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::UpdRepGroupPri($this->globalAuthzContent, $group, $pri, $repName, $path); if ($result == '0') { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '不存在该仓库路径的记录'); } else if ($result == '1') { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '该仓库下不存在该分组'); } //写入 FunShellExec('echo \'' . $result . '\' > ' . SVN_AUTHZ_FILE); //返回 FunMessageExit(); } /** * 修改仓库名称 */ function EditRepName() { //检查新仓库名是否合法 FunCheckRepName($this->requestPayload['new_rep_name']); //检查原仓库是否不存在 \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::CheckRepCreate($this->requestPayload['old_rep_name'], '要修改的仓库不存在'); //检查新仓库名是否存在 \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::CheckRepExist($this->requestPayload['new_rep_name'], '已经存在同名仓库'); //从仓库目录修改仓库名称 FunShellExec('mv ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . $this->requestPayload['old_rep_name'] . ' ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . $this->requestPayload['new_rep_name']); //检查修改过的仓库名称是否存在 \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::CheckRepCreate($this->requestPayload['new_rep_name'], '修改仓库名称失败'); //从数据库修改仓库名称 $this->database->update('svn_reps', [ 'rep_name' => $this->requestPayload['new_rep_name'] ], [ 'rep_name' => $this->requestPayload['old_rep_name'] ]); //从配置文件修改仓库名称 \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::UpdRepAuthz($this->globalAuthzContent, $this->requestPayload['old_rep_name'], $this->requestPayload['new_rep_name']); FunMessageExit(); } /** * 删除仓库 */ function DelRep() { //从配置文件删除指定仓库的所有路径 $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::DelRepAuthz($this->globalAuthzContent, $this->requestPayload['rep_name']); if ($result != '1') { FunShellExec('echo \'' . $result . '\' > ' . SVN_AUTHZ_FILE); } //从数据库中删除 $this->database->delete('svn_reps', [ 'rep_name' => $this->requestPayload['rep_name'] ]); //从仓库目录删除仓库文件夹 FunShellExec('cd ' . SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . ' && rm -rf ./' . $this->requestPayload['rep_name']); \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::CheckRepDelete($this->requestPayload['rep_name']); //返回 FunMessageExit(); } /** * 获取仓库的属性内容(key-vlaue的形式) */ function GetRepDetail() { $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::GetRepDetail($this->requestPayload['rep_name']); $resultArray = explode("\n", $result); $newArray = []; foreach ($resultArray as $key => $value) { if (trim($value) != '') { $tempArray = explode(':', $value); if (count($tempArray) == 2) { array_push($newArray, [ 'repKey' => $tempArray[0], 'repValue' => $tempArray[1], ]); } } } FunMessageExit(200, 1, '成功', $newArray); } /** * 获取备份文件夹下的文件列表 */ function GetBackupList() { $result = FunGetDirFileList(SVN_BACHUP_PATH); FunMessageExit(200, 1, '成功', $result); } /** * 立即备份当前仓库 */ function RepDump() { \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::RepDump($this->requestPayload['rep_name'], $this->requestPayload['rep_name'] . '_' . date('YmdHis') . '_' . FunGetRandStr() . '.dump'); FunMessageExit(); } /** * 删除备份文件 */ function DelRepBackup() { \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::DelRepBackup($this->requestPayload['fileName']); FunMessageExit(); } /** * 下载备份文件 */ function DownloadRepBackup() { $this->DownloadRepBackup2(); } /** * 下载备份文件 */ function DownloadRepBackup1() { $filePath = SVN_BACHUP_PATH . $this->requestPayload['fileName']; $fileName = $this->requestPayload['fileName']; //以只读和二进制模式打开文件 $fp = @fopen($filePath, 'rb'); if ($fp) { // 获取文件大小 $file_size = filesize($filePath); //告诉浏览器这是一个文件流格式的文件 header('content-type:application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $fileName); // 断点续传 $range = null; if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { $range = $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']; $range = preg_replace('/[\s|,].*/', '', $range); $range = explode('-', substr($range, 6)); if (count($range) < 2) { $range[1] = $file_size; } $range = array_combine(array('start', 'end'), $range); if (empty($range['start'])) { $range['start'] = 0; } if (empty($range['end'])) { $range['end'] = $file_size; } } // 使用续传 if ($range != null) { header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content'); header('Accept-Ranges:bytes'); // 计算剩余长度 header(sprintf('content-length:%u', $range['end'] - $range['start'])); header(sprintf('content-range:bytes %s-%s/%s', $range['start'], $range['end'], $file_size)); // fp指针跳到断点位置 fseek($fp, sprintf('%u', $range['start'])); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); header('Accept-Ranges:bytes'); header('content-length:' . $file_size); } while (!feof($fp)) { echo fread($fp, 4096); ob_flush(); } fclose($fp); } } /** * 下载备份文件 */ function DownloadRepBackup2() { $filePath = SVN_BACHUP_PATH . $this->requestPayload['fileName']; //文件类型 $mimeType = 'application/octet-stream'; //请求区域 $range = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'] : null; set_time_limit(0); require_once BASE_PATH . '/extension/Download/download.class.php'; $transfer = new Transfer($filePath, $mimeType, $range); $transfer->send(); } /** * 上传文件到备份文件夹 */ function UploadBackup() { if (array_key_exists('file', $_FILES)) { //扩展名 $fileType = substr(strrchr($_FILES['file']['name'], '.'), 1); //文件名 $fileName = $_FILES['file']['name']; //备份文件夹 $localFilePath = SVN_BACHUP_PATH . $fileName; //保存 $cmd = sprintf("mv '%s' '%s'", $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $localFilePath); FunShellExec($cmd); // move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $localFilePath); FunMessageExit(); } else { $data['status'] = 0; $data['message'] = '参数不完整'; return $data; } } /** * 从本地备份文件导入仓库 */ function ImportRep() { //检查备份文件是否存在 if (!file_exists(SVN_BACHUP_PATH . $this->requestPayload['fileName'])) { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '备份文件不存在'); } //检查操作的仓库是否存在 \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::CheckRepCreate($this->requestPayload['rep_name'], '仓库不存在'); //使用svndump $result = \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::RepLoad($this->requestPayload['rep_name'], $this->requestPayload['fileName']); if ($result == ISNULL) { FunMessageExit(); } else { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '导入错误', $result); } } /** * 获取仓库的钩子和对应的内容列表 */ function GetRepHooks() { //检查仓库是否存在 \SVNAdmin\SVN\Rep::CheckRepCreate($this->requestPayload['rep_name'], '仓库不存在'); clearstatcache(); if (!is_dir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . $this->requestPayload['rep_name'] . '/' . 'hooks')) { FunMessageExit(200, 0, '仓库不存在或文件损坏'); } $hooks_type_list = [ "start-commit" => [ "value" => "start-commit", "label" => "start-commit---事务创建前", "shell" => "" ], "pre-commit" => [ "value" => "pre-commit", "label" => "pre-commit---事务提交前", "shell" => "" ], "post-commit" => [ "value" => "post-commit", "label" => "post-commit---事务提交后", "shell" => "" ], "pre-lock" => [ "value" => "pre-lock", "label" => "pre-lock---锁定文件前", "shell" => "" ], "post-lock" => [ "value" => "post-lock", "label" => "post-lock---锁定文件后", "shell" => "" ], "pre-unlock" => [ "value" => "pre-unlock", "label" => "pre-unlock---解锁文件前", "shell" => "" ], "post-unlock" => [ "value" => "post-unlock", "label" => "post-unlock---解锁文件后", "shell" => "" ], "pre-revprop-change" => [ "value" => "pre-revprop-change", "label" => "pre-revprop-change---修改修订版属性前", "shell" => "" ], "post-revprop-change" => [ "value" => "post-revprop-change", "label" => "post-revprop-change---修改修订版属性后", "shell" => "" ], ]; $hooks_file_list = [ 'start-commit', 'pre-commit', 'post-commit', 'pre-lock', 'post-lock', 'pre-unlock', 'post-unlock', 'pre-revprop-change', 'post-revprop-change' ]; $file_arr = scandir(SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . $this->requestPayload['rep_name'] . '/' . 'hooks'); foreach ($file_arr as $file_item) { if ($file_item != '.' && $file_item != '..') { if (in_array($file_item, $hooks_file_list)) { $hooks_type_list[$file_item]['shell'] = FunShellExec(sprintf("cat '%s'", SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . $this->requestPayload['rep_name'] . '/' . 'hooks' . '/' . $file_item)); $hooks_type_list[$file_item]['shell'] = trim($hooks_type_list[$file_item]['shell']); } } } FunMessageExit(200, 1, '成功', $hooks_type_list); } /** * 修改仓库的钩子内容(针对单个钩子) */ function EditRepHook() { $cmd = sprintf("echo '%s' > '%s'", trim($this->requestPayload['content']), SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH . $this->requestPayload['rep_name'] . '/hooks/' . $this->requestPayload['type']); FunShellExec($cmd); FunMessageExit(); } }