#!/bin/bash # # WANdisco Subversion install script. # Copyright (C) 2013 WANdisco plc # # Please contact opensource@wandisco.com if you have any problems with this # script. set -e SVN_VERSION=1.9.9-1 REPO_SERVER=${REPO_SERVER:-opensource.wandisco.com} ARCH=$(uname -m) # Functions function handle_error() { echo echo "There has been an error, exiting" exit 2 } function check_connection() { if which curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then GET='curl -s -f' elif which wget > /dev/null 2>&1; then GET='wget -O - -q' else echo -n "You do not have curl or wget installed. At least one of these is " echo "required to install WANdisco Subversion" exit 1 fi } function check_root() { test $EUID -eq 0 || { echo "You need to be root to install WANdisco subversion." echo echo "Please re-run this script as the root user." exit 1 } } function unsupported() { echo "Your operating system is not currently supported." echo echo -n "Please visit http://www.wandisco.com/subversion/download for a list" echo " of supported systems." exit 1 } function confirm() { local confirm= local message=$1 local default=${2:-y} local prompt= test -n "$NON_INTERACTIVE" && return 0 prompt="$message (" if test "$default" = "y"; then prompt="${prompt}Y/n" else prompt="${prompt}y/N" fi prompt="$prompt) " while test "$confirm" != "$default"; do read -n 1 -p "$prompt" confirm echo confirm=${confirm:-$default} confirm=${confirm/Y/y} confirm=${confirm/N/n} if test "$default" = "y"; then test "$confirm" = "n" && return 1 test "$confirm" = "y" && return 0 else test "$confirm" = "y" && return 1 test "$confirm" = "n" && return 0 fi echo "Invalid input, please enter 'y' or 'n'" done return 0 } function remove_other() { local other=$1 echo -n "You currently have subversion installed for another architecture " echo -n "($other). This should be removed before installing " echo "WANdisco Subversion." echo if ! confirm "Remove Subversion $other?"; then echo "Exiting at user request" exit 1 fi case $OS in rhel|centos) yum erase -y subversion.$other ;; debian|ubuntu) apt-get -y --purge remove libsvn1:$other ;; suse) zypper rm -y subversion.$other ;; esac return 0 } function check_alternative_arch() { local other= local confirm= case $OS in centos|rhel|suse) for foreign in $(rpm --showrc | awk -F: '/compatible archs/{print $2}') do test "$foreign" = "$ARCH" && continue if other=$(rpm -q --queryformat='%{arch}' \ subversion.$foreign 2>/dev/null); then test -z "$other" && continue remove_other $other unset other fi done ;; debian|ubuntu) dpkg --print-foreign-architectures >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 0 ARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture) for foreign in $(dpkg --print-foreign-architectures); do if other=$(dpkg-query -f '${Architecture}' -W libsvn1:$foreign \ 2>/dev/null); then remove_other $other unset other fi done ;; esac test -z "$other" && return 0 return 0 } function is_lsb() { which lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 1 OS=$(lsb_release -si | tr A-Z a-z) OS=${OS%% *} OSVER=$(lsb_release -sr) OSVER=${OSVER%%.*} OSNAME=$(lsb_release -sc | tr A-Z a-z) case $OS in redhat*) OS=rhel ;; oracle*) OS=rhel ;; esac return 0 } function is_debian() { test -r /etc/debian_version || return 1 OS="debian" OSVER=$(cat /etc/debian_version) OSVER=${OSVER%%.*} case "$OSVER" in 6) OSNAME="squeeze" ;; 7) OSNAME="wheezy" ;; 8) OSNAME="jessie" ;; squeeze) OSNAME=$OSVER; OSVER=6 ;; wheezy) OSNAME=$OSVER; OSVER=7 ;; jessie) OSNAME=$OSVER; OSVER=8 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac return 0 } function is_redhat() { local release= test -r /etc/redhat-release || return 1 release=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | tr A-Z a-z) OS=${release%% release *} OSVER=${release##* release } OSVER=${OSVER%%.*} case $OS in red*) OS="rhel" ;; centos*) OS="centos" ;; *) return 1 ;; esac return 0 } function is_suse() { test -r /etc/SuSE-release || return 1 OS="suse" OSVER=$(awk '$1 == "VERSION" {print $NF}' /etc/SuSE-release) OSVER=${OSVER%%.*} return 0 } function is_oracle() { test -r /etc/oracle-release || return 1 OS="rhel" OSVER=$(sed -e 's/.*release \([0-9]+\).*/\1/' /etc/oracle-release) return 0 } function find_os() { is_lsb && return 0 is_redhat && return 0 is_debian && return 0 is_suse && return 0 is_oracle && return 0 return 1 } function check_os() { case $OS in rhel|centos) case $OSVER in 5|6|7) return 0 ;; esac ;; suse) case $OSVER in 11|12) return 0 ;; esac ;; debian) case $OSVER in 6|7|8) return 0 ;; esac ;; ubuntu) case $OSVER in 10|12|14|16) return 0 ;; esac ;; esac return 1 } function find_pkg_version { case $OS in rhel|centos|suse) if ! PKG_VERSION=$(rpm -q --queryformat='%{version}-%{release}' \ subversion.$ARCH 2>/dev/null); then return 1 fi ;; debian|ubuntu) PKG_VERSION=$(dpkg-query -f='${Version}' -W subversion 2>/dev/null) PKG_VERSION=${PKG_VERSION%%+*} ;; esac return 0 } function check_install() { if ! SVN=$(svn --version --quiet 2>/dev/null); then echo "This script will install Subversion $SVN_VERSION." echo if ! confirm "Do you want to continue?"; then echo echo "Exiting at user request" exit 1 fi return 0 fi find_pkg_version || { echo -n "You currently have Subversion $SVN installed, however it's not " echo -n "been installed with your systems package manager. Please remove " echo "this version of Subversion and re-run this script." echo exit 2 } if test "$PKG_VERSION" = "$SVN_VERSION"; then echo "You currently have the latest version of Subversion installed." exit 0 fi echo -n "You currently have Subversion $PKG_VERSION installed. If you " echo "continue with the installation it will be upgraded to $SVN_VERSION." echo if ! confirm "Do you want to continue?"; then echo echo "Exiting at user request" exit 1 fi return 0 } function configure_apt_repo() { PKG_INSTALLER="apt-get -y install" PKG_LIST="subversion libsvn-perl python-subversion subversion-tools" SVN_RELEASE=${SVN_VERSION%.*} SVN_RELEASE="svn${SVN_RELEASE//\./}" rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/WANdisco.list cat < /etc/apt/sources.list.d/WANdisco-$SVN_RELEASE.list # WANdisco Open Source Repo deb http://$REPO_SERVER/$OS $OSNAME $SVN_RELEASE EOF wget -q -O - http://$REPO_SERVER/wandisco-debian.gpg | \ apt-key add - >/dev/null 2>&1 apt-get update } function configure_yum_repo() { PKG_INSTALLER="yum install -y" PKG_LIST="subversion.$ARCH subversion-perl subversion-python subversion-tools" SVN_RELEASE="${SVN_VERSION%.*}" rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/WANdisco.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/WANdisco-rhel?.repo cat < /etc/yum.repos.d/WANdisco-svn$SVN_RELEASE.repo [WANdisco-svn${SVN_RELEASE//\./}] name=WANdisco SVN Repo $SVN_RELEASE enabled=1 baseurl=http://$REPO_SERVER/$OS/$OSVER/svn-$SVN_RELEASE/RPMS/\$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=http://$REPO_SERVER/RPM-GPG-KEY-WANdisco EOF yum makecache } function configure_zypp_repo() { PKG_LIST="subversion subversion-perl subversion-python subversion-tools" PKG_LIST="$PKG_LIST subversion-ruby" SVN_RELEASE=${SVN_VERSION%.*} SVN_RELEASE="svn${SVN_RELEASE//\./}" PKG_INSTALLER="zypper install -y -f --from WANdisco-$SVN_RELEASE" rm -f /etc/zypp/repos.d/WANdisco-suse11.repo \ /etc/zypp/repos.d/WANdisco-svn.repo zypper rr WANdisco-$SVN_RELEASE > /dev/null 2>&1 rpm -q gpg-pubkey-3bbf077a-51260c0f >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ rpm --import http://$REPO_SERVER/RPM-GPG-KEY-WANdisco zypper addservice --type=YUM http://$REPO_SERVER/suse/$OSVER/$SVN_RELEASE/ \ WANdisco-$SVN_RELEASE zypper refresh } function configure_repo() { case $OS in debian|ubuntu) configure_apt_repo ;; rhel|centos) configure_yum_repo ;; suse) configure_zypp_repo ;; esac } function check_mod_dav() { HAS_MOD_DAV= case $OS in rhel|centos|suse) rpm -q mod_dav_svn > /dev/null 2>&1 && HAS_MOD_DAV=1 rpm -q subversion-server > /dev/null 2>&1 && HAS_MOD_DAV=1 return 0 ;; debian|ubuntu) dpkg-query -W libapache2-svn > /dev/null 2>&1 && HAS_MOD_DAV=1 return 0 ;; esac } function add_packages() { case $OS in rhel|centos|suse) return 0 ;; esac PKG_LIST=$(dpkg-query -f '${Package} ${Source}\n' -W '*' | \ awk '$2 == "subversion" {print $1}') return 0 } function install_svn() { test -n "$SVN" && add_packages $PKG_INSTALLER $PKG_LIST } function install_mod_dav() { test -n "$NO_MOD_DAV" && return 0 case $OS in rhel|centos|suse) PKG_LIST="mod_dav_svn" ;; debian|ubuntu) PKG_LIST="libapache2-svn" ;; esac $PKG_INSTALLER $PKG_LIST } # Main Script trap handle_error ERR cat <