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* 与配置信息操作相关的方法的封装
class Config extends Controller {
* 注意事项:
* 1、所有的控制器都要继承基类控制器:Controller
* 2、基类控制器中包含:数据库连接对象、守护进程通信对象、视图层对象、公共函数等,继承后可以直接使用基类的变量和对象
* 用法:
* 1、使用父类的变量:$this->xxx
* 2、使用父类的成员函数:parent::yyy()
* 3、使用父类的非成员函数,直接用即可:zzz()
* 4、
function __construct() {
* 避免子类的构造函数覆盖父类的构造函数
* 其它自定义操作
public function Get($key) {
$result = $this->database_medoo->select("config", ["config_value"], ["config_name" => $key]);
return $result[0]['config_value'];
public function Update($key, $value) {
$result = $this->database_medoo->update("config", ["config_value" => $value], ["config_name" => $key]);
public function GetBasicSetting($requestPayload) {
$all_mail_status = $this->Get("ALL_MAIL_STATUS") == 1 ? true : false;
$result = array(
"server_ip" => $this->Get("SERVER_IP"),
"server_domain" => $this->Get("SERVER_DOMAIN"),
"svn_repository_path" => $this->Get("SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH"),
"backup_path" => $this->Get("BACKUP_PATH"),
"all_mail_status" => $all_mail_status
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['data'] = $result;
$data['message'] = '获取基础配置信息成功';
return $data;
public function SetBasicSetting($requestPayload) {
$server_ip = trim($requestPayload['server_ip']);
$server_domain = trim($requestPayload['server_domain']);
$svn_repository_path = trim($requestPayload['svn_repository_path']);
$backup_path = trim($requestPayload['backup_path']);
$all_mail_status = $requestPayload['all_mail_status'];
if (empty($server_ip) || empty($server_domain) || empty($svn_repository_path) || empty($backup_path)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = '参数不完整或错误';
return $data;
$old_path = $this->Get("SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH");
$new_path = $svn_repository_path;
$UpdateRepositoryParentPath = true;
if ($old_path != $new_path) {
$UpdateRepositoryParentPath = $this->UpdateRepositoryParentPath($old_path, $new_path);
if ($UpdateRepositoryParentPath) {
$this->Update("SERVER_IP", $server_ip);
$this->Update("SERVER_DOMAIN", $server_domain);
$this->Update("SVN_REPOSITORY_PATH", $svn_repository_path);
$this->Update("BACKUP_PATH", $backup_path);
if ($all_mail_status) {
$this->Update("ALL_MAIL_STATUS", 1);
} else {
$this->Update("ALL_MAIL_STATUS", 0);
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = "保存成功";
return $data;
} else {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['message'] = "修改版本库父文件夹出错";
return $data;
private function UpdateRepositoryParentPath($old_path, $new_path) {
parent::RequestReplyExec(" mkdir $new_path");
$info = parent::RequestReplyExec(' ps auxf|grep -v "grep"|grep svnserve');
if ($info == '' && !file_exists('/usr/bin/svnserve')) {
* 没有安装过svn服务
$file_arr = scandir($old_path);
foreach ($file_arr as $file_item) {
if ($file_item != '.' && $file_item != '..') {
if (is_dir($old_path . '/' . $file_item)) {
$file_arr2 = scandir($old_path . '/' . $file_item);
foreach ($file_arr2 as $file_item2) {
if (($file_item2 == 'conf' || $file_item2 == 'db' || $file_item2 == 'hooks' || $file_item2 == 'locks')) {
parent::RequestReplyExec(' mv -b -f ' . $old_path . '/' . $file_item . ' ' . $new_path);
$file_arr = scandir($old_path);
foreach ($file_arr as $file_item) {
if ($file_item != '.' && $file_item != '..') {
if (is_dir($old_path . '/' . $file_item)) {
$file_arr2 = scandir($old_path . '/' . $file_item);
foreach ($file_arr2 as $file_item2) {
if (($file_item2 == 'conf' || $file_item2 == 'db' || $file_item2 == 'hooks' || $file_item2 == 'locks')) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
* 安装过svn服务
parent::RequestReplyExec(' systemctl stop svnserve');
$file_arr = scandir($old_path);
foreach ($file_arr as $file_item) {
if ($file_item != '.' && $file_item != '..') {
if (is_dir($old_path . '/' . $file_item)) {
$file_arr2 = scandir($old_path . '/' . $file_item);
foreach ($file_arr2 as $file_item2) {
if (($file_item2 == 'conf' || $file_item2 == 'db' || $file_item2 == 'hooks' || $file_item2 == 'locks')) {
parent::RequestReplyExec(' mv -b -f ' . $old_path . '/' . $file_item . ' ' . $new_path);
parent::RequestReplyExec(' sed -i \'s/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $old_path) . '/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $new_path) . '/g\'' . ' /etc/sysconfig/svnserve'); //bug
parent::RequestReplyExec(' systemctl start svnserve');
$file = fopen("/etc/sysconfig/svnserve", "r") or exit("无法打开文件!");
$file_content = array();
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_content, fgets($file));
foreach ($file_content as $key => $value) {
if (strstr($value, $old_path)) {
return false;
$file_arr = scandir($old_path);
foreach ($file_arr as $file_item) {
if ($file_item != '.' && $file_item != '..') {
if (is_dir($old_path . '/' . $file_item)) {
$file_arr2 = scandir($old_path . '/' . $file_item);
foreach ($file_arr2 as $file_item2) {
if (($file_item2 == 'conf' || $file_item2 == 'db' || $file_item2 == 'hooks' || $file_item2 == 'locks')) {
return false;
return true;