You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1478 lines
59 KiB
1478 lines
59 KiB
param( |
$Language = 'zh-CN', |
$OsVersion = 11, |
$WindowsProductName = 'Enterprise', |
$Architecture = 'x64', |
$DiskId = -1, |
$PartitionId = -1, |
$PartitionStyle = 'GPT', |
$FullName = 'MyPC', |
$Password = '', |
$VentoyDriverLetter = '', |
$ISOPath = '', |
[switch]$Interactive, |
[switch]$NotFormat, |
[switch]$Version |
) |
function GetDefaultFolderPath { |
return [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath([System.Environment+SpecialFolder]::Desktop) |
} |
function GetPartitionTypeName { |
param($GptType, $MbrType, $FileSystem) |
if ($GptType) { |
if ($GptType -ieq '{de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac}') { |
return '微软恢复分区' |
} |
elseif ($GptType -ieq '{c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b}') { |
return 'EFI 系统分区' |
} |
elseif ($GptType -ieq '{e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215ae}') { |
return '微软保留分区' |
} |
elseif ($GptType -ieq '{ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}') { |
return '基本数据分区' |
} |
elseif ($GptType -ieq '{af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad}') { |
return '逻辑磁盘管理器元数据分区' |
} |
elseif ($GptType -ieq '{af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad}') { |
return '逻辑磁盘管理器数据分区' |
} |
} |
if ($MbrType) { |
if ($MbrType -ieq '1') { |
return 'FAT12 分区' |
} |
elseif ($MbrType -ieq '4') { |
return 'FAT16 分区' |
} |
elseif ($MbrType -ieq '5') { |
return '扩展分区' |
} |
elseif ($MbrType -ieq '6') { |
return '逻辑分区' |
} |
elseif ($MbrType -ieq '7') { |
return "$FileSystem 分区" |
} |
elseif ($MbrType -ieq '12') { |
return 'FAT32 分区' |
} |
} |
return '未知分区' |
} |
function GetCurrentDisk { |
$CurrentDisks = [ordered]@{} |
Get-Disk | ForEach-Object { |
$Partitions = [ordered]@{} |
$PhydicalDisk = Get-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName $_.FriendlyName |
Get-Partition -DiskNumber $_.DiskNumber | ForEach-Object { |
$Volume = Get-Volume -Partition $_ |
$PartitionTypeName = GetPartitionTypeName -GptType $_.GptType -MbrType $_.MbrType ` |
-FileSystem $Volume.FileSystem |
$Partition = @{ |
'Guid' = $_.Guid; # 分区 ID |
'PartitionNumber' = $_.PartitionNumber; # 分区编号,值从 1 开始 |
'DiskNumber' = $_.DiskNumber; # 所属硬盘编号,值从 0 开始 |
'GptType' = $_.GptType; # 分区类型的 ID |
'DriveLetter' = $_.DriveLetter; # 驱动器号,如 C |
'FileSystem' = $Volume.FileSystem; # 分区文件系统类型 |
'FileSystemType' = $Volume.FileSystemType; # 分区文件系统类型 |
'SizeRemaining' = $Volume.SizeRemaining; # 分区可用空间大小,单位为 Byte |
'Size' = $_.Size; # 分区容量,单位为 Byte |
'Type' = $_.Type; # GPT 分区类型,System 表示 EFI 分区,Basic 表示基本数据分区,Reserved 表示 MSR 保留分区 |
'TypeName' = $PartitionTypeName; |
'MbrType' = $_.MbrType; # MBR 分区类型的 ID |
'IsHidden' = $_.IsHidden; # 是否隐藏分区 |
'IsBoot' = $_.IsBoot; # 是否启动分区 |
'IsSystem' = $_.IsSystem; # 是否 EFI 系统分区 |
'IsActive' = $_.IsActive # 是否活动分区,MBR 才有意义,GPT 无意义 |
} |
$Partitions.Add($_.PartitionNumber, $Partition) |
} |
$Disk = @{ |
'DiskNumber' = $_.DiskNumber; # 硬盘编号,值从 0 开始 |
'PartitionStyle' = $_.PartitionStyle; # 分区类型,如 GPT 或 MBR |
'MediaType' = $PhydicalDisk.MediaType; # 硬盘类型,如 SSD 或 HDD |
'OperationalStatus' = $_.OperationalStatus; # 硬盘状态,如 Online |
'HealthStatus' = $_.HealthStatus; # 硬盘健康状态,如 Healthy |
'BusType' = $_.BusType; # 硬盘接口类型,如 RAID 或 USB |
'BootFromDisk' = $_.BootFromDisk; # 是否从该硬盘启动 |
'FirmwareVersion' = $_.FirmwareVersion; # 硬盘固件版本 |
'FriendlyName' = $_.FriendlyName; # 硬盘名称 |
'IsBoot' = $_.IsBoot; # 是否从该硬盘启动 |
'IsSystem' = $_.IsSystem; # 是否系统盘 |
'Manufacturer' = $_.Manufacturer; # 硬盘制造商 |
'Model' = $_.Model; # 硬盘型号 |
'NumberOfPartitions' = $_.NumberOfPartitions; # 硬盘分区数量 |
'Size' = $_.Size; # 硬盘容量,单位为 Byte |
'AllocatedSize' = $PhydicalDisk.AllocatedSize; # 已分配容量,单位为 Byte |
'Partitions' = $Partitions |
} |
$CurrentDisks.Add($_.DiskNumber, $Disk) |
} |
return $CurrentDisks |
} |
function GetSystemDiskId { |
$CurrentDisks = GetCurrentDisk |
foreach ($_ in $CurrentDisks.GetEnumerator()) { |
if ($_.Value['IsBoot']) { |
return $_.Value['DiskNumber'] |
} |
} |
return 0 |
} |
function GetSystemPartitionId { |
$CurrentDisks = GetCurrentDisk |
foreach ($_ in $CurrentDisks.GetEnumerator()) { |
foreach ($__ in $_.Value['Partitions'].GetEnumerator()) { |
if ($__.Value['IsBoot']) { |
return $__.Value['PartitionNumber'] |
} |
} |
} |
return 1 |
} |
function FormatSize { |
param($Size) |
$Tb = [Math]::Round($Size * 1.0 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2) |
if ($Tb -gt 1) { |
return "$Tb" + ' TB' |
} |
$Gb = [Math]::Round($Size * 1.0 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2) |
if ($Gb -gt 1) { |
return "$Gb" + ' GB' |
} |
$Mb = [Math]::Round($Size * 1.0 / 1024 / 1024, 2) |
if ($Mb -gt 1) { |
return "$Mb" + ' MB' |
} |
$Kb = [Math]::Round($Size * 1.0 / 1024, 2) |
if ($Kb -gt 1) { |
return "$Kb" + ' KB' |
} |
if ($Size -le 0) { |
return '0 Byte' |
} |
return "$Size" + ' Byte' |
} |
function ShowLanguageSelect { |
Write-Host -Object '============================' |
Write-Host -Object '选择要安装系统的语言,推荐 1' |
Write-Host -Object '============================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '1: 简体中文 zh-CN' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '2: 英文 en-US' |
while ($true) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt '请输入选择的序号(默认为 1),按回车键确认' |
if ($InputOption -ieq '' -or $InputOption -ieq '1') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'zh-CN' |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '2') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'en-US' |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '选择无效,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowOsVersionSelect { |
Write-Host -Object '============================' |
Write-Host -Object '选择要安装系统的版本,推荐 1' |
Write-Host -Object '============================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '1: Windows 11' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '2: Windows 10' |
while ($true) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt '请输入选择的序号(默认为 1),按回车键确认' |
if ($InputOption -ieq '' -or $InputOption -ieq '1') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 11 |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '2') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 10 |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '选择无效,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowWindowsProductNameSelect { |
Write-Host -Object '============================' |
Write-Host -Object '选择要安装系统的产品,推荐 1' |
Write-Host -Object '============================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '1: 企业版 Enterprise' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '2: 教育版 Education' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '3: 专业版 Pro' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '4: 专业教育版 Pro Education' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '5: 专业工作站版 Pro For Workstations' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '6: 其他' |
while ($true) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt '请输入选择的序号(默认为 1),按回车键确认' |
if ($InputOption -ieq '' -or $InputOption -ieq '1') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'Enterprise' |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '2') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'Education' |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '3') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'Pro' |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '4') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'Pro Education' |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '5') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'Pro For Workstations' |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '6') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return '' |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '选择无效,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowArchitectureSelect { |
param($OsVersion) |
if ($OsVersion -eq 11) { |
return 'x64' |
} |
Write-Host -Object '============================' |
Write-Host -Object '选择要安装系统的架构,推荐 1' |
Write-Host -Object '============================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '1: 64 位系统 x64' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '2: 32 位系统 x86' |
while ($true) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt '请输入选择的序号(默认为 1),按回车键确认' |
if ($InputOption -ieq '' -or $InputOption -ieq '1') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'x64' |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '2') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'x86' |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '选择无效,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowDiskIdSelect { |
$SystemDiskId = GetSystemDiskId |
$CurrentDisks = GetCurrentDisk |
Write-Host -Object '================================================' |
Write-Host -Object "选择要安装系统的硬盘编号,推荐当前系统所在硬盘 $SystemDiskId" |
Write-Host -Object '================================================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '当前系统识别到的硬盘如下:红色字体的硬盘为当前系统所在硬盘,红色字体的分区为当前系统所在分区' |
$CurrentDisks.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { |
$msg = '硬盘编号: ' + $_.Value['DiskNumber'] + ', 硬盘类型: ' + $_.Value['MediaType'] + ', 接口类型: ' ` |
+ $_.Value['BusType'] + ', 分区类型: ' + $_.Value['PartitionStyle'] + ', 硬盘容量: ' ` |
+ (FormatSize -Size $_.Value['Size']) + ', 硬盘名称: ' + $_.Value['FriendlyName'] |
Write-Host -Object '' |
if ($_.Value['IsBoot']) { |
Write-Host -Object $msg -ForegroundColor Red |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object $msg |
} |
$_.Value['Partitions'].GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { |
$msg = ' |- 分区编号: ' + $_.Value['PartitionNumber'] + ', 驱动器: ' + $_.Value['DriveLetter'] ` |
+ ', 是否隐藏: ' + $_.Value['IsHidden'] + ', 文件系统: ' + $_.Value['FileSystem'] + ', 类型: ' ` |
+ $_.Value['TypeName'] + ', 可用空间: ' + (FormatSize -Size $_.Value['SizeRemaining']) + ', 容量: ' ` |
+ ( FormatSize -Size $_.Value['Size']) |
Write-Host -Object ' |' |
if ($_.Value['IsBoot']) { |
Write-Host -Object $msg -ForegroundColor Red |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object $msg |
} |
} |
} |
while ($true) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
try { |
[System.Int32]$InputOption = Read-Host ` |
-Prompt "请输入选择的硬盘编号(硬盘编号从 0 开始,默认为 $SystemDiskId),按回车键确认" |
if ($InputOption -ge 0) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $InputOption |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '输入无效,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
catch { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '输入无效,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowWipeDiskSelect { |
param($DiskId) |
$CurrentDisks = GetCurrentDisk |
$SelectDisk = $CurrentDisks[$DiskId] |
$DefalultSelect = 0 |
if ($SelectDisk -and $SelectDisk['PartitionStyle'] -ine 'GPT') { |
Write-Host -Object '==================================' |
Write-Host -Object '选择是否对所选硬盘进行分区,推荐 1' |
Write-Host -Object '==================================' |
$DefalultSelect = 1 |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '==================================' |
Write-Host -Object '选择是否对所选硬盘进行分区,推荐 0' |
Write-Host -Object '==================================' |
$DefalultSelect = 0 |
} |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '0: 否' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '1: GPT 分区,注意:安装系统时会清除所选硬盘的数据,请及时备份所选硬盘的数据' -ForegroundColor Red |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '2: MBR 分区,注意:安装系统时会清除所选硬盘的数据,请及时备份所选硬盘的数据' -ForegroundColor Red |
while ($true) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt "请输入选择的序号(默认为 $DefalultSelect),按回车键确认" |
if ($InputOption -ieq '') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $DefalultSelect |
} |
elseif ('0' -ieq $InputOption) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 0 |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '1') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 1 |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '2') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 2 |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '选择无效,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowNewPartition { |
param($CreatePartitionInfo) |
Write-Host -Object '所选硬盘重新分区如下:红色字体的分区为系统安装分区' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$CreatePartitionInfo.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { |
$VolumeSize = '硬盘剩余所有空间' |
if (!$_.Value['Extend']) { |
$VolumeSize = FormatSize -Size $($_.Value['Size'] * 1024 * 1024) |
} |
$msg = '分区编号: ' + $_.Value['Order'] + ', 是否隐藏: ' + $_.Value['IsHidden'] + ', 文件系统: ' ` |
+ $_.Value['FileSystem'] + ', 类型: ' + $_.Value['TypeName'] + ', 容量: ' + $VolumeSize |
if ($_.Value['IsBoot']) { |
Write-Host -Object $msg -ForegroundColor Red |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object $msg |
} |
Write-Host -Object '' |
} |
} |
function ShowAddNewPartition { |
while ($true) { |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt '是否增加新分区(0: 否, 1: 是),按回车键确认' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
if ($InputOption -ieq '0') { |
return $false |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '1') { |
return $true |
} |
else { |
Write-Warning -Message '输入无效,请重新输入' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowIsBoot { |
param($CreatePartitionInfo) |
Write-Host -Object '================================================' |
Write-Host -Object '选择要安装系统的分区编号,类型必须为基本数据分区' |
Write-Host -Object '================================================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
ShowNewPartition -CreatePartitionInfo $CreatePartitionInfo |
while ($true) { |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt '请输入选择的分区编号(分区编号从 1 开始,类型必须为基本数据分区),按回车键确认' |
$SelectPartition = $CreatePartitionInfo[$InputOption] |
if ($SelectPartition) { |
if ($SelectPartition['Type'] -ieq 'Primary') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$SelectPartition['IsBoot'] = $true |
$Script:PartitionId = $SelectPartition['Order'] |
return |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '所选分区非基本数据分区,只能选择基本数据分区,请重新输入' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
} |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '所选分区不存在,请重新输入' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowCreatePartition { |
if (1 -eq $script:WipeDisk) { |
$CreatePartitionInfo = [ordered]@{ |
'1' = @{ |
'Order' = 1; |
'Size' = 100; |
'Type' = 'EFI'; |
'TypeName' = 'EFI 分区'; |
'FileSystem' = 'FAT32'; |
'Extend' = $false; |
'IsHidden' = $true; |
'IsBoot' = $false |
}; |
'2' = @{ |
'Order' = 2; |
'Size' = 128; |
'Type' = 'MSR'; |
'TypeName' = '微软保留分区'; |
'FileSystem' = ''; |
'Extend' = $false; |
'IsHidden' = $true; |
'IsBoot' = $false |
} |
} |
$PartitionNumber = 2 |
Write-Host -Object '===============' |
Write-Host -Object '创建新 GPT 分区' |
Write-Host -Object '===============' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
} |
else { |
$CreatePartitionInfo = [ordered]@{} |
$PartitionNumber = 0 |
Write-Host -Object '======================================' |
Write-Host -Object '创建新 MBR 分区,最多支持创建 4 个分区' |
Write-Host -Object '======================================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
} |
ShowNewPartition -CreatePartitionInfo $CreatePartitionInfo |
while ($true) { |
try { |
$PartitionNumber = $PartitionNumber + 1 |
[System.Int32]$InputOption = Read-Host ` |
-Prompt "输入第 $PartitionNumber 个分区的大小,0 表示占用硬盘所有剩余空间(默认为 0),单位为 MB,按回车键确认" |
if ($InputOption -eq 0) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$CreatePartitionInfo.Add([System.String]$PartitionNumber, @{ |
'Order' = $PartitionNumber; |
'Size' = 0; |
'Type' = 'Primary'; |
'TypeName' = '基本数据分区'; |
'FileSystem' = 'NTFS'; |
'Extend' = $true; |
'IsHidden' = $false; |
'IsBoot' = $false |
}) |
ShowNewPartition -CreatePartitionInfo $CreatePartitionInfo |
break |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -gt 0) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$CreatePartitionInfo.Add([System.String]$PartitionNumber, @{ |
'Order' = $PartitionNumber; |
'Size' = $InputOption; |
'Type' = 'Primary'; |
'TypeName' = '基本数据分区'; |
'FileSystem' = 'NTFS'; |
'Extend' = $false; |
'IsHidden' = $false; |
'IsBoot' = $false |
}) |
ShowNewPartition -CreatePartitionInfo $CreatePartitionInfo |
} |
else { |
$PartitionNumber = $PartitionNumber - 1 |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '输入无效,请重新输入' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
continue |
} |
if (2 -eq $script:WipeDisk -and $PartitionNumber -ge 4) { |
$ShowAddNewPartition = $false |
} |
else { |
$ShowAddNewPartition = ShowAddNewPartition |
} |
if (!$ShowAddNewPartition) { |
$CreatePartitionInfo["$PartitionNumber"]['Extend'] = $true |
break |
} |
} |
catch { |
$PartitionNumber = $PartitionNumber - 1 |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '输入无效,请重新输入' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
} |
} |
ShowIsBoot -CreatePartitionInfo $CreatePartitionInfo |
ShowNewPartition -CreatePartitionInfo $CreatePartitionInfo |
return $CreatePartitionInfo |
} |
function ShowPartitionIdSelect { |
param($DiskId) |
$DefalultSelect = GetSystemPartitionId |
$CurrentDisks = GetCurrentDisk |
$SelectDisk = $CurrentDisks[$DiskId] |
if ($SelectDisk) { |
Write-Host -Object '================================================' |
Write-Host -Object "选择要安装系统的分区编号,推荐当前系统所在分区 $DefalultSelect" |
Write-Host -Object '================================================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '所选硬盘的分区如下:红色字体的分区为当前系统所在分区' |
$SelectDisk['Partitions'].GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { |
$msg = '分区编号: ' + $_.Value['PartitionNumber'] + ', 驱动器: ' + $_.Value['DriveLetter'] + ', 是否隐藏: ' ` |
+ $_.Value['IsHidden'] + ', 文件系统: ' + $_.Value['FileSystem'] + ', 类型: ' + $_.Value['TypeName'] ` |
+ ', 可用空间: ' + (FormatSize -Size $_.Value['SizeRemaining']) + ', 容量: ' ` |
+ (FormatSize -Size $_.Value['Size']) |
Write-Host -Object '' |
if ($_.Value['IsBoot']) { |
Write-Host -Object $msg -ForegroundColor Red |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object $msg |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '================================' |
Write-Host -Object "选择要安装系统的分区编号,推荐 $DefalultSelect" |
Write-Host -Object '================================' |
} |
while ($true) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt "请输入选择的分区编号(分区编号从 1 开始,默认为 $DefalultSelect),按回车键确认" |
if ($InputOption -ieq '') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $DefalultSelect |
} |
try { |
[System.Int32]$InputOption1 = [System.Int32]$InputOption |
if ($InputOption1 -eq 0) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '输入无效,请重新输入' |
continue |
} |
if ($InputOption1 -ge 1) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $InputOption1 |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '输入无效,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
catch { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '输入无效,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowFomatSelect { |
Write-Host -Object '================================' |
Write-Host -Object '选择是否对所选分区格式化,推荐 2' |
Write-Host -Object '================================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '1: 否' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '2: 是,注意:安装系统时会清除所选分区的数据,请及时备份所选分区的数据' -ForegroundColor Red |
while ($true) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt '请输入选择的序号(默认为 2),按回车键确认' |
if ($InputOption -ieq '' -or $InputOption -ieq '2') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $true |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '1') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $false |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '选择无效,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowPartitionStyleSelect { |
param($DiskId) |
$CurrentDisks = GetCurrentDisk |
$SelectDisk = $CurrentDisks[$DiskId] |
$DefalultSelect = 1 |
$DefaultPartitionStyle = 'GPT' |
if ($SelectDisk -and $SelectDisk['PartitionStyle'] -ine 'GPT') { |
$DefalultSelect = 2 |
$DefaultPartitionStyle = 'MBR' |
} |
Write-Host -Object '====================================' |
Write-Host -Object "请确认所选硬盘分区的分区类型,推荐 $DefalultSelect" |
Write-Host -Object '====================================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '1: GPT 分区' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '2: MBR 分区' |
while ($true) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt "请输入选择的序号(默认为 $DefalultSelect),按回车键确认" |
if ($InputOption -ieq '') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $DefaultPartitionStyle |
} |
if ($InputOption -ieq '1') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'GPT' |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '2') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'MBR' |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '选择无效,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowNameInput { |
Write-Host -Object '==================================================' |
Write-Host -Object '输入系统安装后的登录账号名,账号名建议符合如下要求' |
Write-Host -Object '==================================================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '1: 推荐英文字母或数字的组合,尽量不使用特殊字符' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '2: 尽量不使用中文,防止某些应用软件不支持中文而无法使用' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt '请输入登录账号名(默认为 MyPC),按回车键确认' |
if ($InputOption -ieq '') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return 'MyPC' |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $InputOption |
} |
} |
function ShowPasswordInput { |
Write-Host -Object '======================================================================' |
Write-Host -Object '输入系统安装后的登录账号密码,推荐不设置密码,系统安装后再自行设置密码' |
Write-Host -Object '======================================================================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt '请输入登录账号密码(默认无密码),按回车键确认' |
if ($InputOption -ieq '') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return '' |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $InputOption |
} |
} |
function ShowVentoyDriverLetterSelect { |
$CurrentDisks = GetCurrentDisk |
Write-Host -Object '===============================' |
Write-Host -Object '输入已安装 Ventoy 的 U 盘驱动器' |
Write-Host -Object '===============================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '当前系统识别到的驱动器如下:' |
$CurrentDisks.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { |
$msg = '硬盘类型: ' + $_.Value['MediaType'] + ', 接口类型: ' + $_.Value['BusType'] + ', 分区类型: ' ` |
+ $_.Value['PartitionStyle'] + ', 硬盘容量: ' + (FormatSize -Size $_.Value['Size']) + ', 硬盘名称: ' ` |
+ $_.Value['FriendlyName'] |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object $msg |
$_.Value['Partitions'].GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { |
if ($_.Value['DriveLetter']) { |
$msg = ' |- 驱动器: ' + $_.Value['DriveLetter'] + ', 文件系统: ' + $_.Value['FileSystem'] ` |
+ ', 可用空间: ' + (FormatSize -Size $_.Value['SizeRemaining']) + ', 容量: ' ` |
+ (FormatSize -Size $_.Value['Size']) |
Write-Host -Object ' |' |
Write-Host -Object $msg |
} |
} |
} |
while ($true) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host ` |
-Prompt '请输入已安装 Ventoy 的 U 盘驱动器(0 表示将应答文件保存到当前用户的桌面上),按回车键确认' |
if ($InputOption -ieq '') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '选择无效,请重新输入' |
} |
elseif ($InputOption -ieq '0') { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return '' |
} |
elseif (Test-Path -Path $InputOption -PathType Container) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $InputOption |
} |
elseif (Test-Path -Path $($InputOption + ':\') -PathType Container) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $($InputOption + ':\') |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '驱动器不存在,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
} |
function ShowGetISOPath { |
param($Path) |
Write-Host -Object '===============================' |
Write-Host -Object '选择使用应答文件的 ISO 镜像文件' |
Write-Host -Object '===============================' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '搜索 ISO 镜像文件中......' |
$ISOFiles = [ordered]@{} |
$Index = 0; |
try { |
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Include '*.iso' -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { |
$Index = $Index + 1 |
$ISOFiles.Add([System.String]$Index, $_.FullName) |
} |
} |
catch { |
$msg = $Path + ' 无权限' |
Write-Warning -Message $msg |
} |
if ($ISOFiles.Count -gt 0) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '搜索到的镜像文件如下:' |
$ISOFiles.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$msg = '镜像文件序号: ' + $_.Key + ', 镜像文件路径: ' + $_.Value |
Write-Host -Object $msg |
} |
while ($true) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$InputOption = Read-Host -Prompt '请输入使用应答文件的 ISO 镜像文件序号,按回车键确认' |
$ISOFile = $ISOFiles[$InputOption] |
if ($ISOFile) { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return $ISOFile |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Warning -Message '镜像文件序号不存在,请重新输入' |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
Write-Host -Object '' |
Write-Host -Object '未搜索到 ISO 镜像文件' |
Write-Host -Object '' |
return '' |
} |
} |
function UpdateVentoyConfig { |
param( |
$ISOPath, |
$UnattendPath, |
$VentoyConfigParentPath |
) |
if (!$ISOPath) { |
return |
} |
if (!$UnattendPath) { |
return |
} |
if (!$VentoyConfigParentPath) { |
return |
} |
$ISOPath = Split-Path -Path $ISOPath -NoQualifier |
$ISOPath = $ISOPath.Replace('\', '/') |
$UnattendPath = Split-Path -Path $UnattendPath -NoQualifier |
$UnattendPath = $UnattendPath.Replace('\', '/') |
$VentoyConfigJsonPath = Join-Path -Path $VentoyConfigParentPath -ChildPath 'ventoy.json' |
$JSONContent = $null |
if (Test-Path -Path $VentoyConfigJsonPath -PathType Leaf) { |
try { |
$JSONContent = Get-Content -Path $VentoyConfigJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json |
} |
catch { |
$msg = $VentoyConfigJsonPath + ' 解析失败' |
Write-Warning -Message $msg |
} |
} |
if (!$JSONContent -or !($JSONContent -is [PSCustomObject])) { |
$JSONContent = [PSCustomObject]@{ |
'control' = @(@{ |
}); |
'auto_install' = @(@{ |
'image' = $ISOPath; |
'template' = $UnattendPath |
}) |
} |
$JSONString = $JSONContent | ConvertTo-Json |
$Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.UTF8Encoding -ArgumentList $false |
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($VentoyConfigJsonPath, $JSONString, $Utf8NoBomEncoding) |
return |
} |
$Controls = $JSONContent.'control' |
if ($null -eq $Controls -or !($Controls -is [System.Array])) { |
Add-Member -InputObject $JSONContent -Force ` |
-NotePropertyMembers @{ 'control' = @(@{ 'VTOY_WIN11_BYPASS_CHECK' = '1' }) } |
} |
else { |
$AddFlag = $false |
foreach ($Control in $Controls) { |
if ($null -eq $Control) { |
$AddFlag = $true |
Add-Member -InputObject $Control -Force -NotePropertyMembers @{ 'VTOY_WIN11_BYPASS_CHECK' = '1' } |
break |
} |
$Check = $Control.'VTOY_WIN11_BYPASS_CHECK' |
if ($null -eq $Check) { |
continue |
} |
$AddFlag = $true |
Add-Member -InputObject $Control -Force -NotePropertyMembers @{ 'VTOY_WIN11_BYPASS_CHECK' = '1' } |
break |
} |
if (!$AddFlag) { |
$Controls += [PSCustomObject]@{ 'VTOY_WIN11_BYPASS_CHECK' = '1' } |
$JSONContent.'control' = $Controls |
} |
} |
$Installs = $JSONContent.'auto_install' |
if ($null -eq $Installs -or !($Installs -is [System.Array])) { |
Add-Member -InputObject $JSONContent -Force ` |
-NotePropertyMembers @{ 'auto_install' = @(@{ 'image' = $ISOPath; 'template' = $UnattendPath }) } |
} |
else { |
$AddFlag = $false |
foreach ($Install in $Installs) { |
if ($null -eq $Install) { |
Add-Member -InputObject $Install -Force ` |
-NotePropertyMembers @{ 'image' = $ISOPath; 'template' = $UnattendPath } |
$AddFlag = $true |
break |
} |
$Image = $Install.'image' |
if ($null -eq $Image) { |
Add-Member -InputObject $Install -Force ` |
-NotePropertyMembers @{ 'image' = $ISOPath; 'template' = $UnattendPath } |
$AddFlag = $true |
break |
} |
if ($Image -ne $ISOPath) { |
continue |
} |
Add-Member -InputObject $Install -Force ` |
-NotePropertyMembers @{ 'image' = $ISOPath; 'template' = $UnattendPath } |
$AddFlag = $true |
break |
} |
if (!$AddFlag) { |
$Installs += [PSCustomObject]@{ 'image' = $ISOPath; 'template' = $UnattendPath } |
$JSONContent.'auto_install' = $Installs |
} |
} |
$JSONString = $JSONContent | ConvertTo-Json |
$Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.UTF8Encoding -ArgumentList $false |
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($VentoyConfigJsonPath, $JSONString, $Utf8NoBomEncoding) |
} |
function GetVertion { |
$ProductJsonPath = "$PSScriptRoot\product.json" |
if (!(Test-Path -Path $ProductJsonPath -PathType Leaf)) { |
Write-Warning -Message ("$ProductJsonPath 不存在") |
[System.Environment]::Exit(0) |
} |
$ProductInfo = $null |
try { |
$ProductInfo = Get-Content -Path $ProductJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json |
} |
catch { |
Write-Warning -Message ("$ProductJsonPath 解析失败") |
[System.Environment]::Exit(0) |
} |
if (!$ProductInfo -or $ProductInfo -isNot [PSCustomObject]) { |
Write-Warning -Message ("$ProductJsonPath 解析失败") |
[System.Environment]::Exit(0) |
} |
$Version = $ProductInfo.'version' |
if (!$Version) { |
Write-Warning -Message ("$ProductJsonPath 不存在 version 信息") |
[System.Environment]::Exit(0) |
} |
return $Version |
} |
$VersionInfo = GetVertion |
if ($Version) { |
return $VersionInfo |
} |
Clear-Host |
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8' |
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = 'Windows 应答文件生成' |
Set-Location -Path $PSScriptRoot |
Write-Host -Object "=====> Windows 系统自动安装应答文件生成 v$VersionInfo <=====" |
Write-Host -Object '' |
$WipeDisk = 0 |
$Token = '31bf3856ad364e35' |
$WindowsProduct = [ordered]@{ |
'Enterprise' = @{ |
'CN' = '企业版'; |
'US' = 'Enterprise'; |
'NoSpaceName' = 'Enterprise'; |
'gvlk' = 'NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43' |
}; |
'Education' = @{ |
'CN' = '教育版'; |
'US' = 'Education'; |
'NoSpaceName' = 'Education'; |
'gvlk' = '6TP4R-GNPTD-KYYHQ-7B7DP-J447Y' |
}; |
'Pro' = @{ |
'CN' = '专业版'; |
'US' = 'Pro'; |
'NoSpaceName' = 'Pro'; |
'gvlk' = 'W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX' |
}; |
'Pro Education' = @{ |
'CN' = '专业教育版'; |
'US' = 'Pro Education'; |
'NoSpaceName' = 'Pro_Education'; |
'gvlk' = '6TP4R-GNPTD-KYYHQ-7B7DP-J447Y' |
}; |
'Pro For Workstations' = @{ |
'CN' = '专业工作站版'; |
'US' = 'Pro For Workstations'; |
'NoSpaceName' = 'Pro_For_Workstations'; |
'gvlk' = 'NRG8B-VKK3Q-CXVCJ-9G2XF-6Q84J' |
} |
} |
$CurrentDisks = GetCurrentDisk |
if ($Interactive) { |
$Language = ShowLanguageSelect |
$OsVersion = ShowOsVersionSelect |
$WindowsProductName = ShowWindowsProductNameSelect |
$Architecture = ShowArchitectureSelect -OsVersion $OsVersion |
$DiskId = ShowDiskIdSelect |
$WipeDisk = ShowWipeDiskSelect -DiskId $DiskId |
if (1 -eq $WipeDisk -or 2 -eq $WipeDisk) { |
$CreatePartitionInfo = ShowCreatePartition |
} |
else { |
$PartitionId = ShowPartitionIdSelect -DiskId $DiskId |
$NotFormat = !$(ShowFomatSelect) |
if (!$NotFormat) { |
$PartitionStyle = ShowPartitionStyleSelect -DiskId $DiskId |
} |
} |
$FullName = ShowNameInput |
$Password = ShowPasswordInput |
$VentoyDriverLetter = ShowVentoyDriverLetterSelect |
if ($VentoyDriverLetter) { |
$ISOPath = ShowGetISOPath -Path $VentoyDriverLetter |
} |
} |
if ($Language -ine 'zh-CN' -and $Language -ine 'en-US') { |
Write-Warning -Message '参数 Language 只支持 zh-CN (简体中文), en-US (英文)' |
[System.Environment]::Exit(0) |
} |
if ($Language -ieq 'zh-CN') { |
$Language = 'zh-CN' |
} |
elseif ($Language -ieq 'en-US') { |
$Language = 'en-US' |
} |
if ($OsVersion -ne 10 -and $OsVersion -ne 11) { |
Write-Warning -Message '参数 OsVersion 只支持 10 (Windows 10), 11 (Windows 11)' |
[System.Environment]::Exit(0) |
} |
if ($WindowsProductName -and !$WindowsProduct.Contains($WindowsProductName)) { |
$WindowsProductNameArray = @($WindowsProduct.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { |
$_.Value['US'] + ' (' + $_.Value['CN'] + ')' |
}) |
$AllSupportProductName = [string]::join(', ', $WindowsProductNameArray) |
Write-Warning -Message "参数 WindowsProductName 只支持 $AllSupportProductName" |
[System.Environment]::Exit(0) |
} |
if ($OsVersion -eq 10) { |
if ($Architecture -ne 'x64' -and $Architecture -ne 'x86') { |
Write-Warning -Message '参数 OsVersion 为 Windows 10 时,参数 Architecture 只支持 x64 (64 位系统), x86 (32 位系统)' |
[System.Environment]::Exit(0) |
} |
} |
if ($OsVersion -eq 11) { |
if ($Architecture -ine 'x64') { |
Write-Warning -Message '参数 OsVersion 为 Windows 11 时,参数 Architecture 只支持 x64 (64 位系统)' |
[System.Environment]::Exit(0) |
} |
} |
$ArchitectureName = 'amd64' |
if ($Architecture -eq 'x86') { |
$ArchitectureName = 'x86' |
} |
if ($DiskId -eq -1) { |
$DiskId = GetSystemDiskId |
} |
if ($PartitionId -eq -1) { |
$PartitionId = GetSystemPartitionId |
} |
if ($PartitionStyle -ine 'GPT' -and $PartitionStyle -ine 'MBR') { |
Write-Warning -Message '参数 PartitionStyle 只支持 GPT, MBR' |
[System.Environment]::Exit(0) |
} |
if ($PartitionStyle -ieq 'GPT') { |
$PartitionStyle = 'GPT' |
} |
elseif ($PartitionStyle -ieq 'MBR') { |
$PartitionStyle = 'MBR' |
} |
if ('' -ieq $VentoyDriverLetter) { |
$ParentPath = GetDefaultFolderPath |
} |
else { |
$ParentPath = $VentoyDriverLetter |
if ($ISOPath) { |
$Letter1 = Split-Path -Path $ISOPath -Qualifier |
$Letter2 = Split-Path -Path $ISOPath -Qualifier |
if ($Letter1 -ine $Letter2) { |
Write-Warning -Message '参数 ISOPath 指定的路径必须和参数 VentoyDriverLetter 指定的驱动器属于同一个驱动器' |
[System.Environment]::Exit(0) |
} |
} |
} |
$VentoyConfigParentPath = Join-Path -Path $ParentPath -ChildPath 'ventoy' |
if (!$(Test-Path -Path $VentoyConfigParentPath -PathType Container)) { |
New-Item -Path $VentoyConfigParentPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null |
} |
$VentoyConfigScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $VentoyConfigParentPath -ChildPath 'script' |
if (!$(Test-Path -Path $VentoyConfigScriptPath -PathType Container)) { |
New-Item -Path $VentoyConfigScriptPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null |
} |
$DiskTypeStr = '' |
if ($WipeDisk -eq 1) { |
$DiskTypeStr = '_CreateGPT' |
} |
elseif ($WipeDisk -eq 2) { |
$DiskTypeStr = '_CreateMBR' |
} |
elseif (!$NotFormat) { |
$DiskTypeStr = "_Format$PartitionStyle" |
} |
$ProductInfo = @{} |
if ('' -ieq $WindowsProductName) { |
$UnattendPath = $VentoyConfigScriptPath + '\Unattend_Windows_' + $OsVersion + '_' + $Architecture + '_' ` |
+ $Language + $DiskTypeStr + '_' + $FullName + '.xml' |
} |
else { |
$ProductInfo = $WindowsProduct[$WindowsProductName] |
$NoSpaceName = $ProductInfo['NoSpaceName'] |
$UnattendPath = $VentoyConfigScriptPath + '\Unattend_Windows_' + $OsVersion + '_' + $NoSpaceName + '_' ` |
+ $Architecture + '_' + $Language + $DiskTypeStr + '_' + $FullName + '.xml' |
} |
UpdateVentoyConfig -ISOPath $ISOPath -UnattendPath $UnattendPath -VentoyConfigParentPath $VentoyConfigParentPath |
if (Test-Path -Path $UnattendPath -PathType Leaf) { |
Remove-Item -Path $UnattendPath -Force |
} |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value '<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <settings pass="windowsPE">' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value (" <component name=`"Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE`"" ` |
+ " processorArchitecture=`"$ArchitectureName`" publicKeyToken=`"$Token`" language=`"neutral`"" ` |
+ " versionScope=`"nonSxS`" xmlns:wcm=`"`"" ` |
+ " xmlns:xsi=`"`">") |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <SetupUILanguage>' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <UILanguage>$Language</UILanguage>" |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' </SetupUILanguage>' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <InputLocale>$Language</InputLocale>" |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <UILanguage>$Language</UILanguage>" |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <SystemLocale>$Language</SystemLocale>" |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <UserLocale>$Language</UserLocale>" |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <UILanguageFallback>$Language</UILanguageFallback>" |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' </component>' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value '' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value (" <component name=`"Microsoft-Windows-Setup`"" ` |
+ " processorArchitecture=`"$ArchitectureName`" publicKeyToken=`"$Token`" language=`"neutral`"" ` |
+ " versionScope=`"nonSxS`" xmlns:wcm=`"`"" ` |
+ " xmlns:xsi=`"`">") |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <EnableNetwork>false</EnableNetwork>' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value '' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <UserData>' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <AcceptEula>true</AcceptEula>' |
if ($FullName) { |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <FullName>$FullName</FullName>" |
} |
if ($WindowsProductName) { |
$key = $ProductInfo['gvlk'] |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <ProductKey>' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <Key>$key</Key>" |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' </ProductKey>' |
} |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' </UserData>' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value '' |
if ($WipeDisk -ne 0) { |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <DiskConfiguration>' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <Disk wcm:action="add">' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <DiskID>$DiskId</DiskID>" |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value '' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <WillWipeDisk>true</WillWipeDisk>' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value '' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <CreatePartitions>' |
$CreatePartitionInfo.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <CreatePartition wcm:action="add">' |
if ($_.Value['Extend']) { |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <Extend>true</Extend>' |
} |
else { |
$Size = $_.Value['Size'] |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <Size>$Size</Size>" |
} |
$Order = $_.Value['Order'] |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <Order>$Order</Order>" |
$Type = $_.Value['Type'] |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <Type>$Type</Type>" |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' </CreatePartition>' |
} |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' </CreatePartitions>' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value '' |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <ModifyPartitions>' |
$CreatePartitionInfo.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <ModifyPartition wcm:action="add">' |
if ($WipeDisk -eq 2 -and $_.Value['IsBoot']) { |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' <Active>true</Active>' |
} |
$Format = $_.Value['FileSystem'] |
if ($Format) { |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <Format>$Format</Format>" |
} |
$Order = $_.Value['Order'] |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <Order>$Order</Order>" |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value " <PartitionID>$Order</PartitionID>" |
Add-Content -Path $UnattendPath -Value ' </ModifyPartition>' |
} |
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$ImageName = 'Windows ' + $OsVersion + ' ' + $ProductInfo['US'] |
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Read-Host -Prompt '按回车键关闭此窗口' |