# Dufs (Old Name: Duf) [](https://github.com/sigoden/dufs/actions/workflows/ci.yaml) [](https://crates.io/crates/dufs) Dufs is a distinctive utility file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav...  ## Features - Serve static files - Download folder as zip file - Upload files and folders (Drag & Drop) - Search files - Partial responses (Parallel/Resume download) - Path level access control - Support https - Support webdav - Easy to use with curl ## Install ### With cargo ``` cargo install dufs ``` ### With docker ``` docker run -v `pwd`:/data -p 5000:5000 --rm -it sigoden/dufs /data ``` ### Binaries on macOS, Linux, Windows Download from [Github Releases](https://github.com/sigoden/dufs/releases), unzip and add dufs to your $PATH. ## CLI ``` Dufs is a distinctive utility file server - https://github.com/sigoden/dufs USAGE: dufs [OPTIONS] [--] [path] ARGS: <path> Specific path to serve [default: .] OPTIONS: -b, --bind <addr>... Specify bind address -p, --port <port> Specify port to listen on [default: 5000] --path-prefix <path> Specify an path prefix -a, --auth <rule>... Add auth for path --auth-method <value> Select auth method [default: digest] [possible values: basic, digest] -A, --allow-all Allow all operations --allow-upload Allow upload files/folders --allow-delete Allow delete files/folders --allow-search Allow search files/folders --allow-symlink Allow symlink to files/folders outside root directory --enable-cors Enable CORS, sets `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` --render-index Serve index.html when requesting a directory, returns 404 if not found index.html --render-try-index Serve index.html when requesting a directory, returns file listing if not found index.html --render-spa Serve SPA(Single Page Application) --tls-cert <path> Path to an SSL/TLS certificate to serve with HTTPS --tls-key <path> Path to the SSL/TLS certificate's private key -h, --help Print help information -V, --version Print version information ``` ## Examples Serve current working directory ``` dufs ``` Explicitly allow all operations including upload/delete ``` dufs -A ``` Only allow upload operation ``` dufs --allow-upload ``` Serve a directory ``` dufs Downloads ``` Serve a single file ``` dufs linux-distro.iso ``` Serve index.html when requesting a directory ``` dufs --render-index ``` Serve SPA(Single Page Application) ``` dufs --render-spa ``` Require username/password ``` dufs -a /@admin:123 ``` Listen on a specific port ``` dufs -p 80 ``` Use https ``` dufs --tls-cert my.crt --tls-key my.key ``` ## API Download a file ``` curl ``` Download a folder as zip file ``` curl -o path-to-folder.zip ``` Upload a file ``` curl --upload-file path-to-file ``` Delete a file/folder ``` curl -X DELETE ``` ## Access Control Dufs supports path level access control. You can control who can do what on which path with `--auth`/`-a`. ``` dufs -a <path>@<readwrite>[@<readonly>] ``` - `<path>`: Path to protected - `<readwrite>`: Account with readwrite permission, required - `<readonly>`: Account with readonly permission, optional > `<readonly>` can be `*` means `<path>` is public, everyone can access/download it. For example: ``` dufs -a /@admin:pass@* -a /ui@designer:pass1 -A ``` - All files/folders are public to access/download. - Account `admin:pass` can upload/delete/download any files/folders. - Account `designer:pass1` can upload/delete/download any files/folders in the `ui` folder. ## License Copyright (c) 2022 dufs-developers. dufs is made available under the terms of either the MIT License or the Apache License 2.0, at your option. See the LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT files for license details.