Markdown 語法說明中文版
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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14 years ago
Markdown: Basics
Getting the Gist of Markdown's Formatting Syntax
This page offers a brief overview of what it's like to use Markdown.
The [syntax page] [s] provides complete, detailed documentation for
every feature, but Markdown should be very easy to pick up simply by
looking at a few examples of it in action. The examples on this page
are written in a before/after style, showing example syntax and the
HTML output produced by Markdown.
14 years ago
這頁提供了 Markdown 簡單的概觀給想使用的人, [語法說明][s] 頁提供了
完整詳細的文件,說明每項功能,但是 Markdown 其實很簡單就可以上手,
這頁文件提供了一些範例,並且每個範例都有提供輸出的 HTML 結果。
14 years ago
It's also helpful to simply try Markdown out; the [Dingus] [d] is a
web application that allows you type your own Markdown-formatted text
and translate it to XHTML.
14 years ago
其實直接試試看也是一個很不錯的方法, [Dingus][d] 是一個網頁應用程式,
讓你可以把你的 Markdown 文件轉成 XHTML。
14 years ago
**Note:** This document is itself written using Markdown; you
can [see the source for it by adding '.text' to the URL] [src].
14 years ago
**Note:** 這份文件本身也是用 Markdown 寫的,你也可以看看 [它的原始碼][src]
[s]: "Markdown Syntax"
[d]: "Markdown Dingus"
14 years ago
## Paragraphs, Headers, Blockquotes ##
A paragraph is simply one or more consecutive lines of text, separated
by one or more blank lines. (A blank line is any line that looks like
a blank line -- a line containing nothing but spaces or tabs is
considered blank.) Normal paragraphs should not be indented with
spaces or tabs.
14 years ago
(空行的定義是顯示上看起來像是空行,就被視為空行,例如有一行只有空白和 tab,
14 years ago
Markdown offers two styles of headers: *Setext* and *atx*.
Setext-style headers for `<h1>` and `<h2>` are created by
"underlining" with equal signs (`=`) and hyphens (`-`), respectively.
To create an atx-style header, you put 1-6 hash marks (`#`) at the
beginning of the line -- the number of hashes equals the resulting
HTML header level.
14 years ago
Markdown 支援兩種標題的語法,[Setext] [1] 和 [atx] [2] 形式。
Setext 形式是用底線的形式,利用 `=` (最高階標題)和 `-` (第二階標題),
Atx 形式在行首插入 1 到 6 個 `#` ,對應到標題 1 到 6 階。
14 years ago
Blockquotes are indicated using email-style '`>`' angle brackets.
14 years ago
區塊引言則使用 email 形式的 '`>`' 角括號。
14 years ago
A First Level Header
A Second Level Header
Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country. This is just a
regular paragraph.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog's back.
### Header 3
> This is a blockquote.
> This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.
> ## This is an H2 in a blockquote
14 years ago
14 years ago
<h1>A First Level Header</h1>
<h2>A Second Level Header</h2>
<p>Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country. This is just a
regular paragraph.</p>
<p>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog's back.</p>
<h3>Header 3</h3>
<p>This is a blockquote.</p>
<p>This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.</p>
<h2>This is an H2 in a blockquote</h2>
### Phrase Emphasis ###
Markdown uses asterisks and underscores to indicate spans of emphasis.
14 years ago
Markdown 使用星號和底線來標記需要強調的區段。
14 years ago
Some of these words *are emphasized*.
Some of these words _are emphasized also_.
Use two asterisks for **strong emphasis**.
Or, if you prefer, __use two underscores instead__.
<p>Some of these words <em>are emphasized</em>.
Some of these words <em>are emphasized also</em>.</p>
<p>Use two asterisks for <strong>strong emphasis</strong>.
Or, if you prefer, <strong>use two underscores instead</strong>.</p>
## Lists ##
Unordered (bulleted) lists use asterisks, pluses, and hyphens (`*`,
`+`, and `-`) as list markers. These three markers are
interchangable; this:
14 years ago
14 years ago
* Candy.
* Gum.
* Booze.
14 years ago
14 years ago
+ Candy.
+ Gum.
+ Booze.
and this:
14 years ago
14 years ago
- Candy.
- Gum.
- Booze.
all produce the same output:
14 years ago
14 years ago
Ordered (numbered) lists use regular numbers, followed by periods, as
list markers:
14 years ago
14 years ago
1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
If you put blank lines between items, you'll get `<p>` tags for the
list item text. You can create multi-paragraph list items by indenting
the paragraphs by 4 spaces or 1 tab:
14 years ago
如果你在項目之間插入空行,那項目的內容會備用 `<p>` 包起來,你也可以在一個項目
內放上多個段落,只要在它前面縮排 4 個空白或 1 個 tab 。
14 years ago
* A list item.
With multiple paragraphs.
* Another item in the list.
<li><p>A list item.</p>
<p>With multiple paragraphs.</p></li>
<li><p>Another item in the list.</p></li>
### Links ###
Markdown supports two styles for creating links: *inline* and
*reference*. With both styles, you use square brackets to delimit the
text you want to turn into a link.
Markdown 支援兩種形式的連結語法: *行內**參考* 兩種形式,兩種都是使用角括號
14 years ago
Inline-style links use parentheses immediately after the link text.
For example:
14 years ago
This is an [example link](
<p>This is an <a href="">
example link</a>.</p>
Optionally, you may include a title attribute in the parentheses:
你也可以選擇性的加上 title 屬性:
14 years ago
This is an [example link]( "With a Title").
<p>This is an <a href="" title="With a Title">
example link</a>.</p>
Reference-style links allow you to refer to your links by names, which
you define elsewhere in your document:
14 years ago
I get 10 times more traffic from [Google][1] than from
[Yahoo][2] or [MSN][3].
[1]: "Google"
[2]: "Yahoo Search"
[3]: "MSN Search"
<p>I get 10 times more traffic from <a href=""
title="Google">Google</a> than from <a href=""
title="Yahoo Search">Yahoo</a> or <a href=""
title="MSN Search">MSN</a>.</p>
The title attribute is optional. Link names may contain letters,
numbers and spaces, but are *not* case sensitive:
title 屬性是選擇性的,連結名稱可以用字母、數字和空格,但是不分大小寫:
14 years ago
I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
[The New York Times][NY Times].
[ny times]:
<p>I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
<a href="">The New York Times</a>.</p>
### Images ###
Image syntax is very much like link syntax.
14 years ago
Inline (titles are optional):
行內形式(title 是選擇性的):
14 years ago
![alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Title")
14 years ago
![alt text][id]
[id]: /path/to/img.jpg "Title"
Both of the above examples produce the same output:
14 years ago
<img src="/path/to/img.jpg" alt="alt text" title="Title" />
### Code ###
In a regular paragraph, you can create code span by wrapping text in
backtick quotes. Any ampersands (`&`) and angle brackets (`<` or
`>`) will automatically be translated into HTML entities. This makes
it easy to use Markdown to write about HTML example code:
在一般的段落文字中,你可以使用反引號 `` ` `` 來標記程式碼區段,區段內的 `&`
、`<` 和 `>` 都會被自動的轉換成 HTML 實體,這項特性讓你可以很容易的在程式碼
區段內插入 HTML 碼:
14 years ago
I strongly recommend against using any `<blink>` tags.
I wish SmartyPants used named entities like `&mdash;`
instead of decimal-encoded entites like `&#8212;`.
14 years ago
<p>I strongly recommend against using any
<code>&lt;blink&gt;</code> tags.</p>
<p>I wish SmartyPants used named entities like
<code>&amp;mdash;</code> instead of decimal-encoded
entites like <code>&amp;#8212;</code>.</p>
To specify an entire block of pre-formatted code, indent every line of
the block by 4 spaces or 1 tab. Just like with code spans, `&`, `<`,
and `>` characters will be escaped automatically.
如果要建立一個已經格式化好的程式碼區塊,只要每行都縮排 4 個空格或是一個 tab
就可以了,而 `&`、`<` 和 `>` 也一樣會自動轉成 HTML 實體。
14 years ago
If you want your page to validate under XHTML 1.0 Strict,
you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes:
<p>For example.</p>
<p>If you want your page to validate under XHTML 1.0 Strict,
you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes:</p>
&lt;p&gt;For example.&lt;/p&gt;