/ * C o p y r i g h t 2 0 1 4 M o z i l l a F o u n d a t i o n
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
( function ( root , factory ) {
'use strict' ;
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define . amd ) {
define ( 'pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer' , [
'exports' ,
] , factory ) ;
} else if ( typeof exports !== 'undefined' ) {
factory ( exports , require ( '../build/pdf.js' ) ) ;
} else {
factory ( root . pdfjsDistWebPDFViewer = { } , root . pdfjsDistBuildPdf ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports , pdfjsLib ) {
'use strict' ;
var pdfViewerLibs = { pdfjsWebPDFJS : pdfjsLib } ;
( function ( ) {
( function ( root , factory ) {
factory ( root . pdfjsWebPDFRenderingQueue = { } ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports ) {
var CLEANUP _TIMEOUT = 30000 ;
var RenderingStates = {
PAUSED : 2 ,
} ;
/ * *
* Controls rendering of the views for pages and thumbnails .
* @ class
* /
var PDFRenderingQueue = function PDFRenderingQueueClosure ( ) {
/ * *
* @ constructs
* /
function PDFRenderingQueue ( ) {
this . pdfViewer = null ;
this . pdfThumbnailViewer = null ;
this . onIdle = null ;
this . highestPriorityPage = null ;
this . idleTimeout = null ;
this . printing = false ;
this . isThumbnailViewEnabled = false ;
PDFRenderingQueue . prototype = /** @lends PDFRenderingQueue.prototype */
/ * *
* @ param { PDFViewer } pdfViewer
* /
setViewer : function PDFRenderingQueue _setViewer ( pdfViewer ) {
this . pdfViewer = pdfViewer ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { PDFThumbnailViewer } pdfThumbnailViewer
* /
setThumbnailViewer : function PDFRenderingQueue _setThumbnailViewer ( pdfThumbnailViewer ) {
this . pdfThumbnailViewer = pdfThumbnailViewer ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { IRenderableView } view
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
isHighestPriority : function PDFRenderingQueue _isHighestPriority ( view ) {
return this . highestPriorityPage === view . renderingId ;
} ,
renderHighestPriority : function PDFRenderingQueue _renderHighestPriority ( currentlyVisiblePages ) {
if ( this . idleTimeout ) {
clearTimeout ( this . idleTimeout ) ;
this . idleTimeout = null ;
// Pages have a higher priority than thumbnails, so check them first.
if ( this . pdfViewer . forceRendering ( currentlyVisiblePages ) ) {
return ;
// No pages needed rendering so check thumbnails.
if ( this . pdfThumbnailViewer && this . isThumbnailViewEnabled ) {
if ( this . pdfThumbnailViewer . forceRendering ( ) ) {
return ;
if ( this . printing ) {
// If printing is currently ongoing do not reschedule cleanup.
return ;
if ( this . onIdle ) {
this . idleTimeout = setTimeout ( this . onIdle . bind ( this ) , CLEANUP _TIMEOUT ) ;
} ,
getHighestPriority : function PDFRenderingQueue _getHighestPriority ( visible , views , scrolledDown ) {
// The state has changed figure out which page has the highest priority to
// render next (if any).
// Priority:
// 1 visible pages
// 2 if last scrolled down page after the visible pages
// 2 if last scrolled up page before the visible pages
var visibleViews = visible . views ;
var numVisible = visibleViews . length ;
if ( numVisible === 0 ) {
return false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < numVisible ; ++ i ) {
var view = visibleViews [ i ] . view ;
if ( ! this . isViewFinished ( view ) ) {
return view ;
// All the visible views have rendered, try to render next/previous pages.
if ( scrolledDown ) {
var nextPageIndex = visible . last . id ;
// ID's start at 1 so no need to add 1.
if ( views [ nextPageIndex ] && ! this . isViewFinished ( views [ nextPageIndex ] ) ) {
return views [ nextPageIndex ] ;
} else {
var previousPageIndex = visible . first . id - 2 ;
if ( views [ previousPageIndex ] && ! this . isViewFinished ( views [ previousPageIndex ] ) ) {
return views [ previousPageIndex ] ;
// Everything that needs to be rendered has been.
return null ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { IRenderableView } view
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
isViewFinished : function PDFRenderingQueue _isViewFinished ( view ) {
return view . renderingState === RenderingStates . FINISHED ;
} ,
/ * *
* Render a page or thumbnail view . This calls the appropriate function
* based on the views state . If the view is already rendered it will return
* false .
* @ param { IRenderableView } view
* /
renderView : function PDFRenderingQueue _renderView ( view ) {
var state = view . renderingState ;
switch ( state ) {
case RenderingStates . FINISHED :
return false ;
case RenderingStates . PAUSED :
this . highestPriorityPage = view . renderingId ;
view . resume ( ) ;
break ;
case RenderingStates . RUNNING :
this . highestPriorityPage = view . renderingId ;
break ;
case RenderingStates . INITIAL :
this . highestPriorityPage = view . renderingId ;
var continueRendering = function ( ) {
this . renderHighestPriority ( ) ;
} . bind ( this ) ;
view . draw ( ) . then ( continueRendering , continueRendering ) ;
break ;
return true ;
} ;
return PDFRenderingQueue ;
} ( ) ;
exports . RenderingStates = RenderingStates ;
exports . PDFRenderingQueue = PDFRenderingQueue ;
} ) ) ;
( function ( root , factory ) {
factory ( root . pdfjsWebDownloadManager = { } , root . pdfjsWebPDFJS ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports , pdfjsLib ) {
function download ( blobUrl , filename ) {
var a = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
if ( a . click ) {
// Use a.click() if available. Otherwise, Chrome might show
// "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to initiate a navigation change
// for frame with URL" and not open the PDF at all.
// Supported by (not mentioned = untested):
// - Firefox 6 - 19 (4- does not support a.click, 5 ignores a.click)
// - Chrome 19 - 26 (18- does not support a.click)
// - Opera 9 - 12.15
// - Internet Explorer 6 - 10
// - Safari 6 (5.1- does not support a.click)
a . href = blobUrl ;
a . target = '_parent' ;
// Use a.download if available. This increases the likelihood that
// the file is downloaded instead of opened by another PDF plugin.
if ( 'download' in a ) {
a . download = filename ;
// <a> must be in the document for IE and recent Firefox versions.
// (otherwise .click() is ignored)
( document . body || document . documentElement ) . appendChild ( a ) ;
a . click ( ) ;
a . parentNode . removeChild ( a ) ;
} else {
if ( window . top === window && blobUrl . split ( '#' ) [ 0 ] === window . location . href . split ( '#' ) [ 0 ] ) {
// If _parent == self, then opening an identical URL with different
// location hash will only cause a navigation, not a download.
var padCharacter = blobUrl . indexOf ( '?' ) === - 1 ? '?' : '&' ;
blobUrl = blobUrl . replace ( /#|$/ , padCharacter + '$&' ) ;
window . open ( blobUrl , '_parent' ) ;
function DownloadManager ( ) {
DownloadManager . prototype = {
downloadUrl : function DownloadManager _downloadUrl ( url , filename ) {
if ( ! pdfjsLib . createValidAbsoluteUrl ( url , 'http://example.com' ) ) {
return ;
// restricted/invalid URL
download ( url + '#pdfjs.action=download' , filename ) ;
} ,
downloadData : function DownloadManager _downloadData ( data , filename , contentType ) {
if ( navigator . msSaveBlob ) {
// IE10 and above
return navigator . msSaveBlob ( new Blob ( [ data ] , { type : contentType } ) , filename ) ;
var blobUrl = pdfjsLib . createObjectURL ( data , contentType , pdfjsLib . PDFJS . disableCreateObjectURL ) ;
download ( blobUrl , filename ) ;
} ,
download : function DownloadManager _download ( blob , url , filename ) {
if ( ! URL ) {
// URL.createObjectURL is not supported
this . downloadUrl ( url , filename ) ;
return ;
if ( navigator . msSaveBlob ) {
// IE10 / IE11
if ( ! navigator . msSaveBlob ( blob , filename ) ) {
this . downloadUrl ( url , filename ) ;
return ;
var blobUrl = URL . createObjectURL ( blob ) ;
download ( blobUrl , filename ) ;
} ;
exports . DownloadManager = DownloadManager ;
} ) ) ;
( function ( root , factory ) {
factory ( root . pdfjsWebUIUtils = { } , root . pdfjsWebPDFJS ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports , pdfjsLib ) {
var CSS _UNITS = 96.0 / 72.0 ;
var DEFAULT _SCALE _VALUE = 'auto' ;
var DEFAULT _SCALE = 1.0 ;
var UNKNOWN _SCALE = 0 ;
var MAX _AUTO _SCALE = 1.25 ;
var mozL10n = document . mozL10n || document . webL10n ;
var PDFJS = pdfjsLib . PDFJS ;
/ * *
* Disables fullscreen support , and by extension Presentation Mode ,
* in browsers which support the fullscreen API .
* @ var { boolean }
* /
PDFJS . disableFullscreen = PDFJS . disableFullscreen === undefined ? false : PDFJS . disableFullscreen ;
/ * *
* Enables CSS only zooming .
* @ var { boolean }
* /
PDFJS . useOnlyCssZoom = PDFJS . useOnlyCssZoom === undefined ? false : PDFJS . useOnlyCssZoom ;
/ * *
* The maximum supported canvas size in total pixels e . g . width * height .
* The default value is 4096 * 4096. Use - 1 for no limit .
* @ var { number }
* /
PDFJS . maxCanvasPixels = PDFJS . maxCanvasPixels === undefined ? 16777216 : PDFJS . maxCanvasPixels ;
/ * *
* Disables saving of the last position of the viewed PDF .
* @ var { boolean }
* /
PDFJS . disableHistory = PDFJS . disableHistory === undefined ? false : PDFJS . disableHistory ;
/ * *
* Disables creation of the text layer that used for text selection and search .
* @ var { boolean }
* /
PDFJS . disableTextLayer = PDFJS . disableTextLayer === undefined ? false : PDFJS . disableTextLayer ;
/ * *
* Disables maintaining the current position in the document when zooming .
* /
PDFJS . ignoreCurrentPositionOnZoom = PDFJS . ignoreCurrentPositionOnZoom === undefined ? false : PDFJS . ignoreCurrentPositionOnZoom ;
/ * *
* Interface locale settings .
* @ var { string }
* /
PDFJS . locale = PDFJS . locale === undefined ? navigator . language : PDFJS . locale ;
/ * *
* Returns scale factor for the canvas . It makes sense for the HiDPI displays .
* @ return { Object } The object with horizontal ( sx ) and vertical ( sy )
scales . The scaled property is set to false if scaling is
not required , true otherwise .
* /
function getOutputScale ( ctx ) {
var devicePixelRatio = window . devicePixelRatio || 1 ;
var backingStoreRatio = ctx . webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx . mozBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx . msBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx . oBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx . backingStorePixelRatio || 1 ;
var pixelRatio = devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio ;
return {
sx : pixelRatio ,
sy : pixelRatio ,
scaled : pixelRatio !== 1
} ;
/ * *
* Scrolls specified element into view of its parent .
* @ param { Object } element - The element to be visible .
* @ param { Object } spot - An object with optional top and left properties ,
* specifying the offset from the top left edge .
* @ param { boolean } skipOverflowHiddenElements - Ignore elements that have
* the CSS rule ` overflow: hidden; ` set . The default is false .
* /
function scrollIntoView ( element , spot , skipOverflowHiddenElements ) {
// Assuming offsetParent is available (it's not available when viewer is in
// hidden iframe or object). We have to scroll: if the offsetParent is not set
// producing the error. See also animationStartedClosure.
var parent = element . offsetParent ;
if ( ! parent ) {
console . error ( 'offsetParent is not set -- cannot scroll' ) ;
return ;
var checkOverflow = skipOverflowHiddenElements || false ;
var offsetY = element . offsetTop + element . clientTop ;
var offsetX = element . offsetLeft + element . clientLeft ;
while ( parent . clientHeight === parent . scrollHeight || checkOverflow && getComputedStyle ( parent ) . overflow === 'hidden' ) {
if ( parent . dataset . _scaleY ) {
offsetY /= parent . dataset . _scaleY ;
offsetX /= parent . dataset . _scaleX ;
offsetY += parent . offsetTop ;
offsetX += parent . offsetLeft ;
parent = parent . offsetParent ;
if ( ! parent ) {
return ;
// no need to scroll
if ( spot ) {
if ( spot . top !== undefined ) {
offsetY += spot . top ;
if ( spot . left !== undefined ) {
offsetX += spot . left ;
parent . scrollLeft = offsetX ;
parent . scrollTop = offsetY ;
/ * *
* Helper function to start monitoring the scroll event and converting them into
* PDF . js friendly one : with scroll debounce and scroll direction .
* /
function watchScroll ( viewAreaElement , callback ) {
var debounceScroll = function debounceScroll ( evt ) {
if ( rAF ) {
return ;
// schedule an invocation of scroll for next animation frame.
rAF = window . requestAnimationFrame ( function viewAreaElementScrolled ( ) {
rAF = null ;
var currentY = viewAreaElement . scrollTop ;
var lastY = state . lastY ;
if ( currentY !== lastY ) {
state . down = currentY > lastY ;
state . lastY = currentY ;
callback ( state ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var state = {
down : true ,
lastY : viewAreaElement . scrollTop ,
_eventHandler : debounceScroll
} ;
var rAF = null ;
viewAreaElement . addEventListener ( 'scroll' , debounceScroll , true ) ;
return state ;
/ * *
* Helper function to parse query string ( e . g . ? param1 = value & parm2 = ... ) .
* /
function parseQueryString ( query ) {
var parts = query . split ( '&' ) ;
var params = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 , ii = parts . length ; i < ii ; ++ i ) {
var param = parts [ i ] . split ( '=' ) ;
var key = param [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( ) ;
var value = param . length > 1 ? param [ 1 ] : null ;
params [ decodeURIComponent ( key ) ] = decodeURIComponent ( value ) ;
return params ;
/ * *
* Use binary search to find the index of the first item in a given array which
* passes a given condition . The items are expected to be sorted in the sense
* that if the condition is true for one item in the array , then it is also true
* for all following items .
* @ returns { Number } Index of the first array element to pass the test ,
* or | items . length | if no such element exists .
* /
function binarySearchFirstItem ( items , condition ) {
var minIndex = 0 ;
var maxIndex = items . length - 1 ;
if ( items . length === 0 || ! condition ( items [ maxIndex ] ) ) {
return items . length ;
if ( condition ( items [ minIndex ] ) ) {
return minIndex ;
while ( minIndex < maxIndex ) {
var currentIndex = minIndex + maxIndex >> 1 ;
var currentItem = items [ currentIndex ] ;
if ( condition ( currentItem ) ) {
maxIndex = currentIndex ;
} else {
minIndex = currentIndex + 1 ;
return minIndex ;
/* === maxIndex */
/ * *
* Approximates float number as a fraction using Farey sequence ( max order
* of 8 ) .
* @ param { number } x - Positive float number .
* @ returns { Array } Estimated fraction : the first array item is a numerator ,
* the second one is a denominator .
* /
function approximateFraction ( x ) {
// Fast paths for int numbers or their inversions.
if ( Math . floor ( x ) === x ) {
return [
x ,
] ;
var xinv = 1 / x ;
var limit = 8 ;
if ( xinv > limit ) {
return [
1 ,
] ;
} else if ( Math . floor ( xinv ) === xinv ) {
return [
1 ,
] ;
var x _ = x > 1 ? xinv : x ;
// a/b and c/d are neighbours in Farey sequence.
var a = 0 , b = 1 , c = 1 , d = 1 ;
// Limiting search to order 8.
while ( true ) {
// Generating next term in sequence (order of q).
var p = a + c , q = b + d ;
if ( q > limit ) {
break ;
if ( x _ <= p / q ) {
c = p ;
d = q ;
} else {
a = p ;
b = q ;
// Select closest of the neighbours to x.
if ( x _ - a / b < c / d - x _ ) {
return x _ === x ? [
a ,
] : [
b ,
] ;
} else {
return x _ === x ? [
c ,
] : [
d ,
] ;
function roundToDivide ( x , div ) {
var r = x % div ;
return r === 0 ? x : Math . round ( x - r + div ) ;
/ * *
* Generic helper to find out what elements are visible within a scroll pane .
* /
function getVisibleElements ( scrollEl , views , sortByVisibility ) {
var top = scrollEl . scrollTop , bottom = top + scrollEl . clientHeight ;
var left = scrollEl . scrollLeft , right = left + scrollEl . clientWidth ;
function isElementBottomBelowViewTop ( view ) {
var element = view . div ;
var elementBottom = element . offsetTop + element . clientTop + element . clientHeight ;
return elementBottom > top ;
var visible = [ ] , view , element ;
var currentHeight , viewHeight , hiddenHeight , percentHeight ;
var currentWidth , viewWidth ;
var firstVisibleElementInd = views . length === 0 ? 0 : binarySearchFirstItem ( views , isElementBottomBelowViewTop ) ;
for ( var i = firstVisibleElementInd , ii = views . length ; i < ii ; i ++ ) {
view = views [ i ] ;
element = view . div ;
currentHeight = element . offsetTop + element . clientTop ;
viewHeight = element . clientHeight ;
if ( currentHeight > bottom ) {
break ;
currentWidth = element . offsetLeft + element . clientLeft ;
viewWidth = element . clientWidth ;
if ( currentWidth + viewWidth < left || currentWidth > right ) {
continue ;
hiddenHeight = Math . max ( 0 , top - currentHeight ) + Math . max ( 0 , currentHeight + viewHeight - bottom ) ;
percentHeight = ( viewHeight - hiddenHeight ) * 100 / viewHeight | 0 ;
visible . push ( {
id : view . id ,
x : currentWidth ,
y : currentHeight ,
view : view ,
percent : percentHeight
} ) ;
var first = visible [ 0 ] ;
var last = visible [ visible . length - 1 ] ;
if ( sortByVisibility ) {
visible . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
var pc = a . percent - b . percent ;
if ( Math . abs ( pc ) > 0.001 ) {
return - pc ;
return a . id - b . id ;
} ) ;
// ensure stability
return {
first : first ,
last : last ,
views : visible
} ;
/ * *
* Event handler to suppress context menu .
* /
function noContextMenuHandler ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the filename or guessed filename from the url ( see issue 3455 ) .
* url { String } The original PDF location .
* @ return { String } Guessed PDF file name .
* /
function getPDFFileNameFromURL ( url ) {
var reURI = /^(?:([^:]+:)?\/\/[^\/]+)?([^?#]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?$/ ;
// Pattern to get last matching NAME.pdf
var reFilename = /[^\/?#=]+\.pdf\b(?!.*\.pdf\b)/i ;
var splitURI = reURI . exec ( url ) ;
var suggestedFilename = reFilename . exec ( splitURI [ 1 ] ) || reFilename . exec ( splitURI [ 2 ] ) || reFilename . exec ( splitURI [ 3 ] ) ;
if ( suggestedFilename ) {
suggestedFilename = suggestedFilename [ 0 ] ;
if ( suggestedFilename . indexOf ( '%' ) !== - 1 ) {
// URL-encoded %2Fpath%2Fto%2Ffile.pdf should be file.pdf
try {
suggestedFilename = reFilename . exec ( decodeURIComponent ( suggestedFilename ) ) [ 0 ] ;
} catch ( e ) {
return suggestedFilename || 'document.pdf' ;
function normalizeWheelEventDelta ( evt ) {
var delta = Math . sqrt ( evt . deltaX * evt . deltaX + evt . deltaY * evt . deltaY ) ;
var angle = Math . atan2 ( evt . deltaY , evt . deltaX ) ;
if ( - 0.25 * Math . PI < angle && angle < 0.75 * Math . PI ) {
// All that is left-up oriented has to change the sign.
delta = - delta ;
var MOUSE _LINES _PER _PAGE = 30 ;
// Converts delta to per-page units
if ( evt . deltaMode === MOUSE _DOM _DELTA _PIXEL _MODE ) {
} else if ( evt . deltaMode === MOUSE _DOM _DELTA _LINE _MODE ) {
delta /= MOUSE _LINES _PER _PAGE ;
return delta ;
/ * *
* Simple event bus for an application . Listeners are attached using the
* ` on ` and ` off ` methods . To raise an event , the ` dispatch ` method shall be
* used .
* /
var EventBus = function EventBusClosure ( ) {
function EventBus ( ) {
this . _listeners = Object . create ( null ) ;
EventBus . prototype = {
on : function EventBus _on ( eventName , listener ) {
var eventListeners = this . _listeners [ eventName ] ;
if ( ! eventListeners ) {
eventListeners = [ ] ;
this . _listeners [ eventName ] = eventListeners ;
eventListeners . push ( listener ) ;
} ,
off : function EventBus _on ( eventName , listener ) {
var eventListeners = this . _listeners [ eventName ] ;
var i ;
if ( ! eventListeners || ( i = eventListeners . indexOf ( listener ) ) < 0 ) {
return ;
eventListeners . splice ( i , 1 ) ;
} ,
dispatch : function EventBus _dispath ( eventName ) {
var eventListeners = this . _listeners [ eventName ] ;
if ( ! eventListeners || eventListeners . length === 0 ) {
return ;
// Passing all arguments after the eventName to the listeners.
var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) ;
// Making copy of the listeners array in case if it will be modified
// during dispatch.
eventListeners . slice ( 0 ) . forEach ( function ( listener ) {
listener . apply ( null , args ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
return EventBus ;
} ( ) ;
var ProgressBar = function ProgressBarClosure ( ) {
function clamp ( v , min , max ) {
return Math . min ( Math . max ( v , min ) , max ) ;
function ProgressBar ( id , opts ) {
this . visible = true ;
// Fetch the sub-elements for later.
this . div = document . querySelector ( id + ' .progress' ) ;
// Get the loading bar element, so it can be resized to fit the viewer.
this . bar = this . div . parentNode ;
// Get options, with sensible defaults.
this . height = opts . height || 100 ;
this . width = opts . width || 100 ;
this . units = opts . units || '%' ;
// Initialize heights.
this . div . style . height = this . height + this . units ;
this . percent = 0 ;
ProgressBar . prototype = {
updateBar : function ProgressBar _updateBar ( ) {
if ( this . _indeterminate ) {
this . div . classList . add ( 'indeterminate' ) ;
this . div . style . width = this . width + this . units ;
return ;
this . div . classList . remove ( 'indeterminate' ) ;
var progressSize = this . width * this . _percent / 100 ;
this . div . style . width = progressSize + this . units ;
} ,
get percent ( ) {
return this . _percent ;
} ,
set percent ( val ) {
this . _indeterminate = isNaN ( val ) ;
this . _percent = clamp ( val , 0 , 100 ) ;
this . updateBar ( ) ;
} ,
setWidth : function ProgressBar _setWidth ( viewer ) {
if ( viewer ) {
var container = viewer . parentNode ;
var scrollbarWidth = container . offsetWidth - viewer . offsetWidth ;
if ( scrollbarWidth > 0 ) {
this . bar . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'width: calc(100% - ' + scrollbarWidth + 'px);' ) ;
} ,
hide : function ProgressBar _hide ( ) {
if ( ! this . visible ) {
return ;
this . visible = false ;
this . bar . classList . add ( 'hidden' ) ;
document . body . classList . remove ( 'loadingInProgress' ) ;
} ,
show : function ProgressBar _show ( ) {
if ( this . visible ) {
return ;
this . visible = true ;
document . body . classList . add ( 'loadingInProgress' ) ;
this . bar . classList . remove ( 'hidden' ) ;
} ;
return ProgressBar ;
} ( ) ;
exports . CSS _UNITS = CSS _UNITS ;
exports . mozL10n = mozL10n ;
exports . EventBus = EventBus ;
exports . ProgressBar = ProgressBar ;
exports . getPDFFileNameFromURL = getPDFFileNameFromURL ;
exports . noContextMenuHandler = noContextMenuHandler ;
exports . parseQueryString = parseQueryString ;
exports . getVisibleElements = getVisibleElements ;
exports . roundToDivide = roundToDivide ;
exports . approximateFraction = approximateFraction ;
exports . getOutputScale = getOutputScale ;
exports . scrollIntoView = scrollIntoView ;
exports . watchScroll = watchScroll ;
exports . binarySearchFirstItem = binarySearchFirstItem ;
exports . normalizeWheelEventDelta = normalizeWheelEventDelta ;
} ) ) ;
( function ( root , factory ) {
factory ( root . pdfjsWebDOMEvents = { } , root . pdfjsWebUIUtils ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports , uiUtils ) {
var EventBus = uiUtils . EventBus ;
// Attaching to the application event bus to dispatch events to the DOM for
// backwards viewer API compatibility.
function attachDOMEventsToEventBus ( eventBus ) {
eventBus . on ( 'documentload' , function ( ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'documentload' , true , true , { } ) ;
window . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'pagerendered' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'pagerendered' , true , true , {
pageNumber : e . pageNumber ,
cssTransform : e . cssTransform
} ) ;
e . source . div . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'textlayerrendered' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'textlayerrendered' , true , true , { pageNumber : e . pageNumber } ) ;
e . source . textLayerDiv . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'pagechange' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'UIEvents' ) ;
event . initUIEvent ( 'pagechange' , true , true , window , 0 ) ;
event . pageNumber = e . pageNumber ;
e . source . container . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'pagesinit' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'pagesinit' , true , true , null ) ;
e . source . container . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'pagesloaded' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'pagesloaded' , true , true , { pagesCount : e . pagesCount } ) ;
e . source . container . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'scalechange' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'UIEvents' ) ;
event . initUIEvent ( 'scalechange' , true , true , window , 0 ) ;
event . scale = e . scale ;
event . presetValue = e . presetValue ;
e . source . container . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'updateviewarea' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'UIEvents' ) ;
event . initUIEvent ( 'updateviewarea' , true , true , window , 0 ) ;
event . location = e . location ;
e . source . container . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'find' , function ( e ) {
if ( e . source === window ) {
return ;
// event comes from FirefoxCom, no need to replicate
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'find' + e . type , true , true , {
query : e . query ,
phraseSearch : e . phraseSearch ,
caseSensitive : e . caseSensitive ,
highlightAll : e . highlightAll ,
findPrevious : e . findPrevious
} ) ;
window . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'attachmentsloaded' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'attachmentsloaded' , true , true , { attachmentsCount : e . attachmentsCount } ) ;
e . source . container . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'sidebarviewchanged' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'sidebarviewchanged' , true , true , { view : e . view } ) ;
e . source . outerContainer . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'pagemode' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'pagemode' , true , true , { mode : e . mode } ) ;
e . source . pdfViewer . container . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'namedaction' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'namedaction' , true , true , { action : e . action } ) ;
e . source . pdfViewer . container . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'presentationmodechanged' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'presentationmodechanged' , true , true , {
active : e . active ,
switchInProgress : e . switchInProgress
} ) ;
window . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
eventBus . on ( 'outlineloaded' , function ( e ) {
var event = document . createEvent ( 'CustomEvent' ) ;
event . initCustomEvent ( 'outlineloaded' , true , true , { outlineCount : e . outlineCount } ) ;
e . source . container . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ) ;
var globalEventBus = null ;
function getGlobalEventBus ( ) {
if ( globalEventBus ) {
return globalEventBus ;
globalEventBus = new EventBus ( ) ;
attachDOMEventsToEventBus ( globalEventBus ) ;
return globalEventBus ;
exports . attachDOMEventsToEventBus = attachDOMEventsToEventBus ;
exports . getGlobalEventBus = getGlobalEventBus ;
} ) ) ;
( function ( root , factory ) {
factory ( root . pdfjsWebPDFFindController = { } , root . pdfjsWebUIUtils ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports , uiUtils ) {
var scrollIntoView = uiUtils . scrollIntoView ;
var FindStates = {
} ;
var FIND _SCROLL _OFFSET _TOP = - 50 ;
var FIND _SCROLL _OFFSET _LEFT = - 400 ;
'\u2018' : '\'' ,
// Left single quotation mark
'\u2019' : '\'' ,
// Right single quotation mark
'\u201A' : '\'' ,
// Single low-9 quotation mark
'\u201B' : '\'' ,
// Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark
'\u201C' : '"' ,
// Left double quotation mark
'\u201D' : '"' ,
// Right double quotation mark
'\u201E' : '"' ,
// Double low-9 quotation mark
'\u201F' : '"' ,
// Double high-reversed-9 quotation mark
'\u00BC' : '1/4' ,
// Vulgar fraction one quarter
'\u00BD' : '1/2' ,
// Vulgar fraction one half
'\u00BE' : '3/4'
} ;
// Vulgar fraction three quarters
/ * *
* Provides "search" or "find" functionality for the PDF .
* This object actually performs the search for a given string .
* /
var PDFFindController = function PDFFindControllerClosure ( ) {
function PDFFindController ( options ) {
this . pdfViewer = options . pdfViewer || null ;
this . onUpdateResultsCount = null ;
this . onUpdateState = null ;
this . reset ( ) ;
// Compile the regular expression for text normalization once.
var replace = Object . keys ( CHARACTERS _TO _NORMALIZE ) . join ( '' ) ;
this . normalizationRegex = new RegExp ( '[' + replace + ']' , 'g' ) ;
PDFFindController . prototype = {
reset : function PDFFindController _reset ( ) {
this . startedTextExtraction = false ;
this . extractTextPromises = [ ] ;
this . pendingFindMatches = Object . create ( null ) ;
this . active = false ;
// If active, find results will be highlighted.
this . pageContents = [ ] ;
// Stores the text for each page.
this . pageMatches = [ ] ;
this . pageMatchesLength = null ;
this . matchCount = 0 ;
this . selected = {
// Currently selected match.
pageIdx : - 1 ,
matchIdx : - 1
} ;
this . offset = {
// Where the find algorithm currently is in the document.
pageIdx : null ,
matchIdx : null
} ;
this . pagesToSearch = null ;
this . resumePageIdx = null ;
this . state = null ;
this . dirtyMatch = false ;
this . findTimeout = null ;
this . firstPagePromise = new Promise ( function ( resolve ) {
this . resolveFirstPage = resolve ;
} . bind ( this ) ) ;
} ,
normalize : function PDFFindController _normalize ( text ) {
return text . replace ( this . normalizationRegex , function ( ch ) {
} ) ;
} ,
// Helper for multiple search - fills matchesWithLength array
// and takes into account cases when one search term
// include another search term (for example, "tamed tame" or "this is").
// Looking for intersecting terms in the 'matches' and
// leave elements with a longer match-length.
_prepareMatches : function PDFFindController _prepareMatches ( matchesWithLength , matches , matchesLength ) {
function isSubTerm ( matchesWithLength , currentIndex ) {
var currentElem , prevElem , nextElem ;
currentElem = matchesWithLength [ currentIndex ] ;
nextElem = matchesWithLength [ currentIndex + 1 ] ;
// checking for cases like "TAMEd TAME"
if ( currentIndex < matchesWithLength . length - 1 && currentElem . match === nextElem . match ) {
currentElem . skipped = true ;
return true ;
// checking for cases like "thIS IS"
for ( var i = currentIndex - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
prevElem = matchesWithLength [ i ] ;
if ( prevElem . skipped ) {
continue ;
if ( prevElem . match + prevElem . matchLength < currentElem . match ) {
break ;
if ( prevElem . match + prevElem . matchLength >= currentElem . match + currentElem . matchLength ) {
currentElem . skipped = true ;
return true ;
return false ;
var i , len ;
// Sorting array of objects { match: <match>, matchLength: <matchLength> }
// in increasing index first and then the lengths.
matchesWithLength . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return a . match === b . match ? a . matchLength - b . matchLength : a . match - b . match ;
} ) ;
for ( i = 0 , len = matchesWithLength . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( isSubTerm ( matchesWithLength , i ) ) {
continue ;
matches . push ( matchesWithLength [ i ] . match ) ;
matchesLength . push ( matchesWithLength [ i ] . matchLength ) ;
} ,
calcFindPhraseMatch : function PDFFindController _calcFindPhraseMatch ( query , pageIndex , pageContent ) {
var matches = [ ] ;
var queryLen = query . length ;
var matchIdx = - queryLen ;
while ( true ) {
matchIdx = pageContent . indexOf ( query , matchIdx + queryLen ) ;
if ( matchIdx === - 1 ) {
break ;
matches . push ( matchIdx ) ;
this . pageMatches [ pageIndex ] = matches ;
} ,
calcFindWordMatch : function PDFFindController _calcFindWordMatch ( query , pageIndex , pageContent ) {
var matchesWithLength = [ ] ;
// Divide the query into pieces and search for text on each piece.
var queryArray = query . match ( /\S+/g ) ;
var subquery , subqueryLen , matchIdx ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = queryArray . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
subquery = queryArray [ i ] ;
subqueryLen = subquery . length ;
matchIdx = - subqueryLen ;
while ( true ) {
matchIdx = pageContent . indexOf ( subquery , matchIdx + subqueryLen ) ;
if ( matchIdx === - 1 ) {
break ;
// Other searches do not, so we store the length.
matchesWithLength . push ( {
match : matchIdx ,
matchLength : subqueryLen ,
skipped : false
} ) ;
// Prepare arrays for store the matches.
if ( ! this . pageMatchesLength ) {
this . pageMatchesLength = [ ] ;
this . pageMatchesLength [ pageIndex ] = [ ] ;
this . pageMatches [ pageIndex ] = [ ] ;
// Sort matchesWithLength, clean up intersecting terms
// and put the result into the two arrays.
this . _prepareMatches ( matchesWithLength , this . pageMatches [ pageIndex ] , this . pageMatchesLength [ pageIndex ] ) ;
} ,
calcFindMatch : function PDFFindController _calcFindMatch ( pageIndex ) {
var pageContent = this . normalize ( this . pageContents [ pageIndex ] ) ;
var query = this . normalize ( this . state . query ) ;
var caseSensitive = this . state . caseSensitive ;
var phraseSearch = this . state . phraseSearch ;
var queryLen = query . length ;
if ( queryLen === 0 ) {
// Do nothing: the matches should be wiped out already.
return ;
if ( ! caseSensitive ) {
pageContent = pageContent . toLowerCase ( ) ;
query = query . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( phraseSearch ) {
this . calcFindPhraseMatch ( query , pageIndex , pageContent ) ;
} else {
this . calcFindWordMatch ( query , pageIndex , pageContent ) ;
this . updatePage ( pageIndex ) ;
if ( this . resumePageIdx === pageIndex ) {
this . resumePageIdx = null ;
this . nextPageMatch ( ) ;
// Update the matches count
if ( this . pageMatches [ pageIndex ] . length > 0 ) {
this . matchCount += this . pageMatches [ pageIndex ] . length ;
this . updateUIResultsCount ( ) ;
} ,
extractText : function PDFFindController _extractText ( ) {
if ( this . startedTextExtraction ) {
return ;
this . startedTextExtraction = true ;
this . pageContents = [ ] ;
var extractTextPromisesResolves = [ ] ;
var numPages = this . pdfViewer . pagesCount ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < numPages ; i ++ ) {
this . extractTextPromises . push ( new Promise ( function ( resolve ) {
extractTextPromisesResolves . push ( resolve ) ;
} ) ) ;
var self = this ;
function extractPageText ( pageIndex ) {
self . pdfViewer . getPageTextContent ( pageIndex ) . then ( function textContentResolved ( textContent ) {
var textItems = textContent . items ;
var str = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = textItems . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
str . push ( textItems [ i ] . str ) ;
// Store the pageContent as a string.
self . pageContents . push ( str . join ( '' ) ) ;
extractTextPromisesResolves [ pageIndex ] ( pageIndex ) ;
if ( pageIndex + 1 < self . pdfViewer . pagesCount ) {
extractPageText ( pageIndex + 1 ) ;
} ) ;
extractPageText ( 0 ) ;
} ,
executeCommand : function PDFFindController _executeCommand ( cmd , state ) {
if ( this . state === null || cmd !== 'findagain' ) {
this . dirtyMatch = true ;
this . state = state ;
this . updateUIState ( FindStates . FIND _PENDING ) ;
this . firstPagePromise . then ( function ( ) {
this . extractText ( ) ;
clearTimeout ( this . findTimeout ) ;
if ( cmd === 'find' ) {
// Only trigger the find action after 250ms of silence.
this . findTimeout = setTimeout ( this . nextMatch . bind ( this ) , 250 ) ;
} else {
this . nextMatch ( ) ;
} . bind ( this ) ) ;
} ,
updatePage : function PDFFindController _updatePage ( index ) {
if ( this . selected . pageIdx === index ) {
// If the page is selected, scroll the page into view, which triggers
// rendering the page, which adds the textLayer. Once the textLayer is
// build, it will scroll onto the selected match.
this . pdfViewer . currentPageNumber = index + 1 ;
var page = this . pdfViewer . getPageView ( index ) ;
if ( page . textLayer ) {
page . textLayer . updateMatches ( ) ;
} ,
nextMatch : function PDFFindController _nextMatch ( ) {
var previous = this . state . findPrevious ;
var currentPageIndex = this . pdfViewer . currentPageNumber - 1 ;
var numPages = this . pdfViewer . pagesCount ;
this . active = true ;
if ( this . dirtyMatch ) {
// Need to recalculate the matches, reset everything.
this . dirtyMatch = false ;
this . selected . pageIdx = this . selected . matchIdx = - 1 ;
this . offset . pageIdx = currentPageIndex ;
this . offset . matchIdx = null ;
this . hadMatch = false ;
this . resumePageIdx = null ;
this . pageMatches = [ ] ;
this . matchCount = 0 ;
this . pageMatchesLength = null ;
var self = this ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < numPages ; i ++ ) {
// Wipe out any previous highlighted matches.
this . updatePage ( i ) ;
// As soon as the text is extracted start finding the matches.
if ( ! ( i in this . pendingFindMatches ) ) {
this . pendingFindMatches [ i ] = true ;
this . extractTextPromises [ i ] . then ( function ( pageIdx ) {
delete self . pendingFindMatches [ pageIdx ] ;
self . calcFindMatch ( pageIdx ) ;
} ) ;
// If there's no query there's no point in searching.
if ( this . state . query === '' ) {
this . updateUIState ( FindStates . FIND _FOUND ) ;
return ;
// If we're waiting on a page, we return since we can't do anything else.
if ( this . resumePageIdx ) {
return ;
var offset = this . offset ;
// Keep track of how many pages we should maximally iterate through.
this . pagesToSearch = numPages ;
// If there's already a matchIdx that means we are iterating through a
// page's matches.
if ( offset . matchIdx !== null ) {
var numPageMatches = this . pageMatches [ offset . pageIdx ] . length ;
if ( ! previous && offset . matchIdx + 1 < numPageMatches || previous && offset . matchIdx > 0 ) {
// The simple case; we just have advance the matchIdx to select
// the next match on the page.
this . hadMatch = true ;
offset . matchIdx = previous ? offset . matchIdx - 1 : offset . matchIdx + 1 ;
this . updateMatch ( true ) ;
return ;
// We went beyond the current page's matches, so we advance to
// the next page.
this . advanceOffsetPage ( previous ) ;
// Start searching through the page.
this . nextPageMatch ( ) ;
} ,
matchesReady : function PDFFindController _matchesReady ( matches ) {
var offset = this . offset ;
var numMatches = matches . length ;
var previous = this . state . findPrevious ;
if ( numMatches ) {
// There were matches for the page, so initialize the matchIdx.
this . hadMatch = true ;
offset . matchIdx = previous ? numMatches - 1 : 0 ;
this . updateMatch ( true ) ;
return true ;
} else {
// No matches, so attempt to search the next page.
this . advanceOffsetPage ( previous ) ;
if ( offset . wrapped ) {
offset . matchIdx = null ;
if ( this . pagesToSearch < 0 ) {
// No point in wrapping again, there were no matches.
this . updateMatch ( false ) ;
// while matches were not found, searching for a page
// with matches should nevertheless halt.
return true ;
// Matches were not found (and searching is not done).
return false ;
} ,
/ * *
* The method is called back from the text layer when match presentation
* is updated .
* @ param { number } pageIndex - page index .
* @ param { number } index - match index .
* @ param { Array } elements - text layer div elements array .
* @ param { number } beginIdx - start index of the div array for the match .
* /
updateMatchPosition : function PDFFindController _updateMatchPosition ( pageIndex , index , elements , beginIdx ) {
if ( this . selected . matchIdx === index && this . selected . pageIdx === pageIndex ) {
var spot = {
} ;
scrollIntoView ( elements [ beginIdx ] , spot , /* skipOverflowHiddenElements = */
true ) ;
} ,
nextPageMatch : function PDFFindController _nextPageMatch ( ) {
if ( this . resumePageIdx !== null ) {
console . error ( 'There can only be one pending page.' ) ;
do {
var pageIdx = this . offset . pageIdx ;
var matches = this . pageMatches [ pageIdx ] ;
if ( ! matches ) {
// The matches don't exist yet for processing by "matchesReady",
// so set a resume point for when they do exist.
this . resumePageIdx = pageIdx ;
break ;
} while ( ! this . matchesReady ( matches ) ) ;
} ,
advanceOffsetPage : function PDFFindController _advanceOffsetPage ( previous ) {
var offset = this . offset ;
var numPages = this . extractTextPromises . length ;
offset . pageIdx = previous ? offset . pageIdx - 1 : offset . pageIdx + 1 ;
offset . matchIdx = null ;
this . pagesToSearch -- ;
if ( offset . pageIdx >= numPages || offset . pageIdx < 0 ) {
offset . pageIdx = previous ? numPages - 1 : 0 ;
offset . wrapped = true ;
} ,
updateMatch : function PDFFindController _updateMatch ( found ) {
var state = FindStates . FIND _NOTFOUND ;
var wrapped = this . offset . wrapped ;
this . offset . wrapped = false ;
if ( found ) {
var previousPage = this . selected . pageIdx ;
this . selected . pageIdx = this . offset . pageIdx ;
this . selected . matchIdx = this . offset . matchIdx ;
state = wrapped ? FindStates . FIND _WRAPPED : FindStates . FIND _FOUND ;
// Update the currently selected page to wipe out any selected matches.
if ( previousPage !== - 1 && previousPage !== this . selected . pageIdx ) {
this . updatePage ( previousPage ) ;
this . updateUIState ( state , this . state . findPrevious ) ;
if ( this . selected . pageIdx !== - 1 ) {
this . updatePage ( this . selected . pageIdx ) ;
} ,
updateUIResultsCount : function PDFFindController _updateUIResultsCount ( ) {
if ( this . onUpdateResultsCount ) {
this . onUpdateResultsCount ( this . matchCount ) ;
} ,
updateUIState : function PDFFindController _updateUIState ( state , previous ) {
if ( this . onUpdateState ) {
this . onUpdateState ( state , previous , this . matchCount ) ;
} ;
return PDFFindController ;
} ( ) ;
exports . FindStates = FindStates ;
exports . PDFFindController = PDFFindController ;
} ) ) ;
( function ( root , factory ) {
factory ( root . pdfjsWebPDFHistory = { } , root . pdfjsWebDOMEvents ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports , domEvents ) {
function PDFHistory ( options ) {
this . linkService = options . linkService ;
this . eventBus = options . eventBus || domEvents . getGlobalEventBus ( ) ;
this . initialized = false ;
this . initialDestination = null ;
this . initialBookmark = null ;
PDFHistory . prototype = {
/ * *
* @ param { string } fingerprint
* /
initialize : function pdfHistoryInitialize ( fingerprint ) {
this . initialized = true ;
this . reInitialized = false ;
this . allowHashChange = true ;
this . historyUnlocked = true ;
this . isViewerInPresentationMode = false ;
this . previousHash = window . location . hash . substring ( 1 ) ;
this . currentBookmark = '' ;
this . currentPage = 0 ;
this . updatePreviousBookmark = false ;
this . previousBookmark = '' ;
this . previousPage = 0 ;
this . nextHashParam = '' ;
this . fingerprint = fingerprint ;
this . currentUid = this . uid = 0 ;
this . current = { } ;
var state = window . history . state ;
if ( this . _isStateObjectDefined ( state ) ) {
// This corresponds to navigating back to the document
// from another page in the browser history.
if ( state . target . dest ) {
this . initialDestination = state . target . dest ;
} else {
this . initialBookmark = state . target . hash ;
this . currentUid = state . uid ;
this . uid = state . uid + 1 ;
this . current = state . target ;
} else {
// This corresponds to the loading of a new document.
if ( state && state . fingerprint && this . fingerprint !== state . fingerprint ) {
// Reinitialize the browsing history when a new document
// is opened in the web viewer.
this . reInitialized = true ;
this . _pushOrReplaceState ( { fingerprint : this . fingerprint } , true ) ;
var self = this ;
window . addEventListener ( 'popstate' , function pdfHistoryPopstate ( evt ) {
if ( ! self . historyUnlocked ) {
return ;
if ( evt . state ) {
// Move back/forward in the history.
self . _goTo ( evt . state ) ;
return ;
// If the state is not set, then the user tried to navigate to a
// different hash by manually editing the URL and pressing Enter, or by
// clicking on an in-page link (e.g. the "current view" link).
// Save the current view state to the browser history.
// Note: In Firefox, history.null could also be null after an in-page
// navigation to the same URL, and without dispatching the popstate
// event: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1183881
if ( self . uid === 0 ) {
// Replace the previous state if it was not explicitly set.
var previousParams = self . previousHash && self . currentBookmark && self . previousHash !== self . currentBookmark ? {
hash : self . currentBookmark ,
page : self . currentPage
} : { page : 1 } ;
replacePreviousHistoryState ( previousParams , function ( ) {
updateHistoryWithCurrentHash ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
updateHistoryWithCurrentHash ( ) ;
} , false ) ;
function updateHistoryWithCurrentHash ( ) {
self . previousHash = window . location . hash . slice ( 1 ) ;
self . _pushToHistory ( { hash : self . previousHash } , false , true ) ;
self . _updatePreviousBookmark ( ) ;
function replacePreviousHistoryState ( params , callback ) {
// To modify the previous history entry, the following happens:
// 1. history.back()
// 2. _pushToHistory, which calls history.replaceState( ... )
// 3. history.forward()
// Because a navigation via the history API does not immediately update
// the history state, the popstate event is used for synchronization.
self . historyUnlocked = false ;
// Suppress the hashchange event to avoid side effects caused by
// navigating back and forward.
self . allowHashChange = false ;
window . addEventListener ( 'popstate' , rewriteHistoryAfterBack ) ;
history . back ( ) ;
function rewriteHistoryAfterBack ( ) {
window . removeEventListener ( 'popstate' , rewriteHistoryAfterBack ) ;
window . addEventListener ( 'popstate' , rewriteHistoryAfterForward ) ;
self . _pushToHistory ( params , false , true ) ;
history . forward ( ) ;
function rewriteHistoryAfterForward ( ) {
window . removeEventListener ( 'popstate' , rewriteHistoryAfterForward ) ;
self . allowHashChange = true ;
self . historyUnlocked = true ;
callback ( ) ;
function pdfHistoryBeforeUnload ( ) {
var previousParams = self . _getPreviousParams ( null , true ) ;
if ( previousParams ) {
var replacePrevious = ! self . current . dest && self . current . hash !== self . previousHash ;
self . _pushToHistory ( previousParams , false , replacePrevious ) ;
self . _updatePreviousBookmark ( ) ;
// Remove the event listener when navigating away from the document,
// since 'beforeunload' prevents Firefox from caching the document.
window . removeEventListener ( 'beforeunload' , pdfHistoryBeforeUnload , false ) ;
window . addEventListener ( 'beforeunload' , pdfHistoryBeforeUnload , false ) ;
window . addEventListener ( 'pageshow' , function pdfHistoryPageShow ( evt ) {
// If the entire viewer (including the PDF file) is cached in
// the browser, we need to reattach the 'beforeunload' event listener
// since the 'DOMContentLoaded' event is not fired on 'pageshow'.
window . addEventListener ( 'beforeunload' , pdfHistoryBeforeUnload , false ) ;
} , false ) ;
self . eventBus . on ( 'presentationmodechanged' , function ( e ) {
self . isViewerInPresentationMode = e . active ;
} ) ;
} ,
clearHistoryState : function pdfHistory _clearHistoryState ( ) {
this . _pushOrReplaceState ( null , true ) ;
} ,
_isStateObjectDefined : function pdfHistory _isStateObjectDefined ( state ) {
return state && state . uid >= 0 && state . fingerprint && this . fingerprint === state . fingerprint && state . target && state . target . hash ? true : false ;
} ,
_pushOrReplaceState : function pdfHistory _pushOrReplaceState ( stateObj , replace ) {
if ( replace ) {
window . history . replaceState ( stateObj , '' , document . URL ) ;
} else {
window . history . pushState ( stateObj , '' , document . URL ) ;
} ,
get isHashChangeUnlocked ( ) {
if ( ! this . initialized ) {
return true ;
return this . allowHashChange ;
} ,
_updatePreviousBookmark : function pdfHistory _updatePreviousBookmark ( ) {
if ( this . updatePreviousBookmark && this . currentBookmark && this . currentPage ) {
this . previousBookmark = this . currentBookmark ;
this . previousPage = this . currentPage ;
this . updatePreviousBookmark = false ;
} ,
updateCurrentBookmark : function pdfHistoryUpdateCurrentBookmark ( bookmark , pageNum ) {
if ( this . initialized ) {
this . currentBookmark = bookmark . substring ( 1 ) ;
this . currentPage = pageNum | 0 ;
this . _updatePreviousBookmark ( ) ;
} ,
updateNextHashParam : function pdfHistoryUpdateNextHashParam ( param ) {
if ( this . initialized ) {
this . nextHashParam = param ;
} ,
push : function pdfHistoryPush ( params , isInitialBookmark ) {
if ( ! ( this . initialized && this . historyUnlocked ) ) {
return ;
if ( params . dest && ! params . hash ) {
params . hash = this . current . hash && this . current . dest && this . current . dest === params . dest ? this . current . hash : this . linkService . getDestinationHash ( params . dest ) . split ( '#' ) [ 1 ] ;
if ( params . page ) {
params . page |= 0 ;
if ( isInitialBookmark ) {
var target = window . history . state . target ;
if ( ! target ) {
// Invoked when the user specifies an initial bookmark,
// thus setting initialBookmark, when the document is loaded.
this . _pushToHistory ( params , false ) ;
this . previousHash = window . location . hash . substring ( 1 ) ;
this . updatePreviousBookmark = this . nextHashParam ? false : true ;
if ( target ) {
// If the current document is reloaded,
// avoid creating duplicate entries in the history.
this . _updatePreviousBookmark ( ) ;
return ;
if ( this . nextHashParam ) {
if ( this . nextHashParam === params . hash ) {
this . nextHashParam = null ;
this . updatePreviousBookmark = true ;
return ;
} else {
this . nextHashParam = null ;
if ( params . hash ) {
if ( this . current . hash ) {
if ( this . current . hash !== params . hash ) {
this . _pushToHistory ( params , true ) ;
} else {
if ( ! this . current . page && params . page ) {
this . _pushToHistory ( params , false , true ) ;
this . updatePreviousBookmark = true ;
} else {
this . _pushToHistory ( params , true ) ;
} else if ( this . current . page && params . page && this . current . page !== params . page ) {
this . _pushToHistory ( params , true ) ;
} ,
_getPreviousParams : function pdfHistory _getPreviousParams ( onlyCheckPage , beforeUnload ) {
if ( ! ( this . currentBookmark && this . currentPage ) ) {
return null ;
} else if ( this . updatePreviousBookmark ) {
this . updatePreviousBookmark = false ;
if ( this . uid > 0 && ! ( this . previousBookmark && this . previousPage ) ) {
// Prevent the history from getting stuck in the current state,
// effectively preventing the user from going back/forward in
// the history.
// This happens if the current position in the document didn't change
// when the history was previously updated. The reasons for this are
// either:
// 1. The current zoom value is such that the document does not need to,
// or cannot, be scrolled to display the destination.
// 2. The previous destination is broken, and doesn't actally point to a
// position within the document.
// (This is either due to a bad PDF generator, or the user making a
// mistake when entering a destination in the hash parameters.)
return null ;
if ( ! this . current . dest && ! onlyCheckPage || beforeUnload ) {
if ( this . previousBookmark === this . currentBookmark ) {
return null ;
} else if ( this . current . page || onlyCheckPage ) {
if ( this . previousPage === this . currentPage ) {
return null ;
} else {
return null ;
var params = {
hash : this . currentBookmark ,
page : this . currentPage
} ;
if ( this . isViewerInPresentationMode ) {
params . hash = null ;
return params ;
} ,
_stateObj : function pdfHistory _stateObj ( params ) {
return {
fingerprint : this . fingerprint ,
uid : this . uid ,
target : params
} ;
} ,
_pushToHistory : function pdfHistory _pushToHistory ( params , addPrevious , overwrite ) {
if ( ! this . initialized ) {
return ;
if ( ! params . hash && params . page ) {
params . hash = 'page=' + params . page ;
if ( addPrevious && ! overwrite ) {
var previousParams = this . _getPreviousParams ( ) ;
if ( previousParams ) {
var replacePrevious = ! this . current . dest && this . current . hash !== this . previousHash ;
this . _pushToHistory ( previousParams , false , replacePrevious ) ;
this . _pushOrReplaceState ( this . _stateObj ( params ) , overwrite || this . uid === 0 ) ;
this . currentUid = this . uid ++ ;
this . current = params ;
this . updatePreviousBookmark = true ;
} ,
_goTo : function pdfHistory _goTo ( state ) {
if ( ! ( this . initialized && this . historyUnlocked && this . _isStateObjectDefined ( state ) ) ) {
return ;
if ( ! this . reInitialized && state . uid < this . currentUid ) {
var previousParams = this . _getPreviousParams ( true ) ;
if ( previousParams ) {
this . _pushToHistory ( this . current , false ) ;
this . _pushToHistory ( previousParams , false ) ;
this . currentUid = state . uid ;
window . history . back ( ) ;
return ;
this . historyUnlocked = false ;
if ( state . target . dest ) {
this . linkService . navigateTo ( state . target . dest ) ;
} else {
this . linkService . setHash ( state . target . hash ) ;
this . currentUid = state . uid ;
if ( state . uid > this . uid ) {
this . uid = state . uid ;
this . current = state . target ;
this . updatePreviousBookmark = true ;
var currentHash = window . location . hash . substring ( 1 ) ;
if ( this . previousHash !== currentHash ) {
this . allowHashChange = false ;
this . previousHash = currentHash ;
this . historyUnlocked = true ;
} ,
back : function pdfHistoryBack ( ) {
this . go ( - 1 ) ;
} ,
forward : function pdfHistoryForward ( ) {
this . go ( 1 ) ;
} ,
go : function pdfHistoryGo ( direction ) {
if ( this . initialized && this . historyUnlocked ) {
var state = window . history . state ;
if ( direction === - 1 && state && state . uid > 0 ) {
window . history . back ( ) ;
} else if ( direction === 1 && state && state . uid < this . uid - 1 ) {
window . history . forward ( ) ;
} ;
exports . PDFHistory = PDFHistory ;
} ) ) ;
( function ( root , factory ) {
factory ( root . pdfjsWebPDFLinkService = { } , root . pdfjsWebUIUtils , root . pdfjsWebDOMEvents ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports , uiUtils , domEvents ) {
var parseQueryString = uiUtils . parseQueryString ;
var PageNumberRegExp = /^\d+$/ ;
function isPageNumber ( str ) {
return PageNumberRegExp . test ( str ) ;
/ * *
* @ typedef { Object } PDFLinkServiceOptions
* @ property { EventBus } eventBus - The application event bus .
* /
/ * *
* Performs navigation functions inside PDF , such as opening specified page ,
* or destination .
* @ class
* @ implements { IPDFLinkService }
* /
var PDFLinkService = function PDFLinkServiceClosure ( ) {
/ * *
* @ constructs PDFLinkService
* @ param { PDFLinkServiceOptions } options
* /
function PDFLinkService ( options ) {
options = options || { } ;
this . eventBus = options . eventBus || domEvents . getGlobalEventBus ( ) ;
this . baseUrl = null ;
this . pdfDocument = null ;
this . pdfViewer = null ;
this . pdfHistory = null ;
this . _pagesRefCache = null ;
PDFLinkService . prototype = {
setDocument : function PDFLinkService _setDocument ( pdfDocument , baseUrl ) {
this . baseUrl = baseUrl ;
this . pdfDocument = pdfDocument ;
this . _pagesRefCache = Object . create ( null ) ;
} ,
setViewer : function PDFLinkService _setViewer ( pdfViewer ) {
this . pdfViewer = pdfViewer ;
} ,
setHistory : function PDFLinkService _setHistory ( pdfHistory ) {
this . pdfHistory = pdfHistory ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ returns { number }
* /
get pagesCount ( ) {
return this . pdfDocument ? this . pdfDocument . numPages : 0 ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ returns { number }
* /
get page ( ) {
return this . pdfViewer . currentPageNumber ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { number } value
* /
set page ( value ) {
this . pdfViewer . currentPageNumber = value ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param dest - The PDF destination object .
* /
navigateTo : function PDFLinkService _navigateTo ( dest ) {
var destString = '' ;
var self = this ;
var goToDestination = function ( destRef ) {
// dest array looks like that: <page-ref> </XYZ|/FitXXX> <args..>
var pageNumber ;
if ( destRef instanceof Object ) {
pageNumber = self . _cachedPageNumber ( destRef ) ;
} else if ( ( destRef | 0 ) === destRef ) {
// Integer
pageNumber = destRef + 1 ;
} else {
console . error ( 'PDFLinkService_navigateTo: "' + destRef + '" is not a valid destination reference.' ) ;
return ;
if ( pageNumber ) {
if ( pageNumber < 1 || pageNumber > self . pagesCount ) {
console . error ( 'PDFLinkService_navigateTo: "' + pageNumber + '" is a non-existent page number.' ) ;
return ;
self . pdfViewer . scrollPageIntoView ( {
pageNumber : pageNumber ,
destArray : dest
} ) ;
if ( self . pdfHistory ) {
// Update the browsing history.
self . pdfHistory . push ( {
dest : dest ,
hash : destString ,
page : pageNumber
} ) ;
} else {
self . pdfDocument . getPageIndex ( destRef ) . then ( function ( pageIndex ) {
self . cachePageRef ( pageIndex + 1 , destRef ) ;
goToDestination ( destRef ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( ) {
console . error ( 'PDFLinkService_navigateTo: "' + destRef + '" is not a valid page reference.' ) ;
return ;
} ) ;
} ;
var destinationPromise ;
if ( typeof dest === 'string' ) {
destString = dest ;
destinationPromise = this . pdfDocument . getDestination ( dest ) ;
} else {
destinationPromise = Promise . resolve ( dest ) ;
destinationPromise . then ( function ( destination ) {
dest = destination ;
if ( ! ( destination instanceof Array ) ) {
console . error ( 'PDFLinkService_navigateTo: "' + destination + '" is not a valid destination array.' ) ;
return ;
goToDestination ( destination [ 0 ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param dest - The PDF destination object .
* @ returns { string } The hyperlink to the PDF object .
* /
getDestinationHash : function PDFLinkService _getDestinationHash ( dest ) {
if ( typeof dest === 'string' ) {
// In practice, a named destination may contain only a number.
// If that happens, use the '#nameddest=' form to avoid the link
// redirecting to a page, instead of the correct destination.
return this . getAnchorUrl ( '#' + ( isPageNumber ( dest ) ? 'nameddest=' : '' ) + escape ( dest ) ) ;
if ( dest instanceof Array ) {
var str = JSON . stringify ( dest ) ;
return this . getAnchorUrl ( '#' + escape ( str ) ) ;
return this . getAnchorUrl ( '' ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Prefix the full url on anchor links to make sure that links are resolved
* relative to the current URL instead of the one defined in < base href > .
* @ param { String } anchor The anchor hash , including the # .
* @ returns { string } The hyperlink to the PDF object .
* /
getAnchorUrl : function PDFLinkService _getAnchorUrl ( anchor ) {
return ( this . baseUrl || '' ) + anchor ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { string } hash
* /
setHash : function PDFLinkService _setHash ( hash ) {
var pageNumber , dest ;
if ( hash . indexOf ( '=' ) >= 0 ) {
var params = parseQueryString ( hash ) ;
if ( 'search' in params ) {
this . eventBus . dispatch ( 'findfromurlhash' , {
source : this ,
query : params [ 'search' ] . replace ( /"/g , '' ) ,
phraseSearch : params [ 'phrase' ] === 'true'
} ) ;
// borrowing syntax from "Parameters for Opening PDF Files"
if ( 'nameddest' in params ) {
if ( this . pdfHistory ) {
this . pdfHistory . updateNextHashParam ( params . nameddest ) ;
this . navigateTo ( params . nameddest ) ;
return ;
if ( 'page' in params ) {
pageNumber = params . page | 0 || 1 ;
if ( 'zoom' in params ) {
// Build the destination array.
var zoomArgs = params . zoom . split ( ',' ) ;
// scale,left,top
var zoomArg = zoomArgs [ 0 ] ;
var zoomArgNumber = parseFloat ( zoomArg ) ;
if ( zoomArg . indexOf ( 'Fit' ) === - 1 ) {
// If the zoomArg is a number, it has to get divided by 100. If it's
// a string, it should stay as it is.
dest = [
null ,
{ name : 'XYZ' } ,
zoomArgs . length > 1 ? zoomArgs [ 1 ] | 0 : null ,
zoomArgs . length > 2 ? zoomArgs [ 2 ] | 0 : null ,
zoomArgNumber ? zoomArgNumber / 100 : zoomArg
] ;
} else {
if ( zoomArg === 'Fit' || zoomArg === 'FitB' ) {
dest = [
null ,
{ name : zoomArg }
] ;
} else if ( zoomArg === 'FitH' || zoomArg === 'FitBH' || ( zoomArg === 'FitV' || zoomArg === 'FitBV' ) ) {
dest = [
null ,
{ name : zoomArg } ,
zoomArgs . length > 1 ? zoomArgs [ 1 ] | 0 : null
] ;
} else if ( zoomArg === 'FitR' ) {
if ( zoomArgs . length !== 5 ) {
console . error ( 'PDFLinkService_setHash: ' + 'Not enough parameters for \'FitR\'.' ) ;
} else {
dest = [
null ,
{ name : zoomArg } ,
zoomArgs [ 1 ] | 0 ,
zoomArgs [ 2 ] | 0 ,
zoomArgs [ 3 ] | 0 ,
zoomArgs [ 4 ] | 0
] ;
} else {
console . error ( 'PDFLinkService_setHash: \'' + zoomArg + '\' is not a valid zoom value.' ) ;
if ( dest ) {
this . pdfViewer . scrollPageIntoView ( {
pageNumber : pageNumber || this . page ,
destArray : dest ,
allowNegativeOffset : true
} ) ;
} else if ( pageNumber ) {
this . page = pageNumber ;
// simple page
if ( 'pagemode' in params ) {
this . eventBus . dispatch ( 'pagemode' , {
source : this ,
mode : params . pagemode
} ) ;
} else {
// Named (or explicit) destination.
if ( isPageNumber ( hash ) && hash <= this . pagesCount ) {
console . warn ( 'PDFLinkService_setHash: specifying a page number ' + 'directly after the hash symbol (#) is deprecated, ' + 'please use the "#page=' + hash + '" form instead.' ) ;
this . page = hash | 0 ;
dest = unescape ( hash ) ;
try {
dest = JSON . parse ( dest ) ;
if ( ! ( dest instanceof Array ) ) {
// Avoid incorrectly rejecting a valid named destination, such as
// e.g. "4.3" or "true", because `JSON.parse` converted its type.
dest = dest . toString ( ) ;
} catch ( ex ) {
if ( typeof dest === 'string' || isValidExplicitDestination ( dest ) ) {
if ( this . pdfHistory ) {
this . pdfHistory . updateNextHashParam ( dest ) ;
this . navigateTo ( dest ) ;
return ;
console . error ( 'PDFLinkService_setHash: \'' + unescape ( hash ) + '\' is not a valid destination.' ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { string } action
* /
executeNamedAction : function PDFLinkService _executeNamedAction ( action ) {
// See PDF reference, table 8.45 - Named action
switch ( action ) {
case 'GoBack' :
if ( this . pdfHistory ) {
this . pdfHistory . back ( ) ;
break ;
case 'GoForward' :
if ( this . pdfHistory ) {
this . pdfHistory . forward ( ) ;
break ;
case 'NextPage' :
if ( this . page < this . pagesCount ) {
this . page ++ ;
break ;
case 'PrevPage' :
if ( this . page > 1 ) {
this . page -- ;
break ;
case 'LastPage' :
this . page = this . pagesCount ;
break ;
case 'FirstPage' :
this . page = 1 ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// No action according to spec
this . eventBus . dispatch ( 'namedaction' , {
source : this ,
action : action
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { number } pageNum - page number .
* @ param { Object } pageRef - reference to the page .
* /
cachePageRef : function PDFLinkService _cachePageRef ( pageNum , pageRef ) {
var refStr = pageRef . num + ' ' + pageRef . gen + ' R' ;
this . _pagesRefCache [ refStr ] = pageNum ;
} ,
_cachedPageNumber : function PDFLinkService _cachedPageNumber ( pageRef ) {
var refStr = pageRef . num + ' ' + pageRef . gen + ' R' ;
return this . _pagesRefCache && this . _pagesRefCache [ refStr ] || null ;
} ;
function isValidExplicitDestination ( dest ) {
if ( ! ( dest instanceof Array ) ) {
return false ;
var destLength = dest . length , allowNull = true ;
if ( destLength < 2 ) {
return false ;
var page = dest [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! ( typeof page === 'object' && typeof page . num === 'number' && ( page . num | 0 ) === page . num && typeof page . gen === 'number' && ( page . gen | 0 ) === page . gen ) && ! ( typeof page === 'number' && ( page | 0 ) === page && page >= 0 ) ) {
return false ;
var zoom = dest [ 1 ] ;
if ( ! ( typeof zoom === 'object' && typeof zoom . name === 'string' ) ) {
return false ;
switch ( zoom . name ) {
case 'XYZ' :
if ( destLength !== 5 ) {
return false ;
break ;
case 'Fit' :
case 'FitB' :
return destLength === 2 ;
case 'FitH' :
case 'FitBH' :
case 'FitV' :
case 'FitBV' :
if ( destLength !== 3 ) {
return false ;
break ;
case 'FitR' :
if ( destLength !== 6 ) {
return false ;
allowNull = false ;
break ;
default :
return false ;
for ( var i = 2 ; i < destLength ; i ++ ) {
var param = dest [ i ] ;
if ( ! ( typeof param === 'number' || allowNull && param === null ) ) {
return false ;
return true ;
return PDFLinkService ;
} ( ) ;
var SimpleLinkService = function SimpleLinkServiceClosure ( ) {
function SimpleLinkService ( ) {
SimpleLinkService . prototype = {
/ * *
* @ returns { number }
* /
get page ( ) {
return 0 ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { number } value
* /
set page ( value ) {
} ,
/ * *
* @ param dest - The PDF destination object .
* /
navigateTo : function ( dest ) {
} ,
/ * *
* @ param dest - The PDF destination object .
* @ returns { string } The hyperlink to the PDF object .
* /
getDestinationHash : function ( dest ) {
return '#' ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param hash - The PDF parameters / hash .
* @ returns { string } The hyperlink to the PDF object .
* /
getAnchorUrl : function ( hash ) {
return '#' ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { string } hash
* /
setHash : function ( hash ) {
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { string } action
* /
executeNamedAction : function ( action ) {
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { number } pageNum - page number .
* @ param { Object } pageRef - reference to the page .
* /
cachePageRef : function ( pageNum , pageRef ) {
} ;
return SimpleLinkService ;
} ( ) ;
exports . PDFLinkService = PDFLinkService ;
exports . SimpleLinkService = SimpleLinkService ;
} ) ) ;
( function ( root , factory ) {
factory ( root . pdfjsWebPDFPageView = { } , root . pdfjsWebUIUtils , root . pdfjsWebPDFRenderingQueue , root . pdfjsWebDOMEvents , root . pdfjsWebPDFJS ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports , uiUtils , pdfRenderingQueue , domEvents , pdfjsLib ) {
var CSS _UNITS = uiUtils . CSS _UNITS ;
var getOutputScale = uiUtils . getOutputScale ;
var approximateFraction = uiUtils . approximateFraction ;
var roundToDivide = uiUtils . roundToDivide ;
var RenderingStates = pdfRenderingQueue . RenderingStates ;
// ms
/ * *
* @ typedef { Object } PDFPageViewOptions
* @ property { HTMLDivElement } container - The viewer element .
* @ property { EventBus } eventBus - The application event bus .
* @ property { number } id - The page unique ID ( normally its number ) .
* @ property { number } scale - The page scale display .
* @ property { PageViewport } defaultViewport - The page viewport .
* @ property { PDFRenderingQueue } renderingQueue - The rendering queue object .
* @ property { IPDFTextLayerFactory } textLayerFactory
* @ property { IPDFAnnotationLayerFactory } annotationLayerFactory
* @ property { boolean } enhanceTextSelection - Turns on the text selection
* enhancement . The default is ` false ` .
* @ property { boolean } renderInteractiveForms - Turns on rendering of
* interactive form elements . The default is ` false ` .
* /
/ * *
* @ class
* @ implements { IRenderableView }
* /
var PDFPageView = function PDFPageViewClosure ( ) {
/ * *
* @ constructs PDFPageView
* @ param { PDFPageViewOptions } options
* /
function PDFPageView ( options ) {
var container = options . container ;
var id = options . id ;
var scale = options . scale ;
var defaultViewport = options . defaultViewport ;
var renderingQueue = options . renderingQueue ;
var textLayerFactory = options . textLayerFactory ;
var annotationLayerFactory = options . annotationLayerFactory ;
var enhanceTextSelection = options . enhanceTextSelection || false ;
var renderInteractiveForms = options . renderInteractiveForms || false ;
this . id = id ;
this . renderingId = 'page' + id ;
this . pageLabel = null ;
this . rotation = 0 ;
this . scale = scale || DEFAULT _SCALE ;
this . viewport = defaultViewport ;
this . pdfPageRotate = defaultViewport . rotation ;
this . hasRestrictedScaling = false ;
this . enhanceTextSelection = enhanceTextSelection ;
this . renderInteractiveForms = renderInteractiveForms ;
this . eventBus = options . eventBus || domEvents . getGlobalEventBus ( ) ;
this . renderingQueue = renderingQueue ;
this . textLayerFactory = textLayerFactory ;
this . annotationLayerFactory = annotationLayerFactory ;
this . renderTask = null ;
this . renderingState = RenderingStates . INITIAL ;
this . resume = null ;
this . onBeforeDraw = null ;
this . onAfterDraw = null ;
this . textLayer = null ;
this . zoomLayer = null ;
this . annotationLayer = null ;
var div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
div . id = 'pageContainer' + this . id ;
div . className = 'page' ;
div . style . width = Math . floor ( this . viewport . width ) + 'px' ;
div . style . height = Math . floor ( this . viewport . height ) + 'px' ;
div . setAttribute ( 'data-page-number' , this . id ) ;
this . div = div ;
container . appendChild ( div ) ;
PDFPageView . prototype = {
setPdfPage : function PDFPageView _setPdfPage ( pdfPage ) {
this . pdfPage = pdfPage ;
this . pdfPageRotate = pdfPage . rotate ;
var totalRotation = ( this . rotation + this . pdfPageRotate ) % 360 ;
this . viewport = pdfPage . getViewport ( this . scale * CSS _UNITS , totalRotation ) ;
this . stats = pdfPage . stats ;
this . reset ( ) ;
} ,
destroy : function PDFPageView _destroy ( ) {
this . zoomLayer = null ;
this . reset ( ) ;
if ( this . pdfPage ) {
this . pdfPage . cleanup ( ) ;
} ,
reset : function PDFPageView _reset ( keepZoomLayer , keepAnnotations ) {
this . cancelRendering ( ) ;
var div = this . div ;
div . style . width = Math . floor ( this . viewport . width ) + 'px' ;
div . style . height = Math . floor ( this . viewport . height ) + 'px' ;
var childNodes = div . childNodes ;
var currentZoomLayerNode = keepZoomLayer && this . zoomLayer || null ;
var currentAnnotationNode = keepAnnotations && this . annotationLayer && this . annotationLayer . div || null ;
for ( var i = childNodes . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
var node = childNodes [ i ] ;
if ( currentZoomLayerNode === node || currentAnnotationNode === node ) {
continue ;
div . removeChild ( node ) ;
div . removeAttribute ( 'data-loaded' ) ;
if ( currentAnnotationNode ) {
// Hide annotationLayer until all elements are resized
// so they are not displayed on the already-resized page
this . annotationLayer . hide ( ) ;
} else {
this . annotationLayer = null ;
if ( this . canvas && ! currentZoomLayerNode ) {
// Zeroing the width and height causes Firefox to release graphics
// resources immediately, which can greatly reduce memory consumption.
this . canvas . width = 0 ;
this . canvas . height = 0 ;
delete this . canvas ;
this . loadingIconDiv = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
this . loadingIconDiv . className = 'loadingIcon' ;
div . appendChild ( this . loadingIconDiv ) ;
} ,
update : function PDFPageView _update ( scale , rotation ) {
this . scale = scale || this . scale ;
if ( typeof rotation !== 'undefined' ) {
this . rotation = rotation ;
var totalRotation = ( this . rotation + this . pdfPageRotate ) % 360 ;
this . viewport = this . viewport . clone ( {
scale : this . scale * CSS _UNITS ,
rotation : totalRotation
} ) ;
var isScalingRestricted = false ;
if ( this . canvas && pdfjsLib . PDFJS . maxCanvasPixels > 0 ) {
var outputScale = this . outputScale ;
if ( ( Math . floor ( this . viewport . width ) * outputScale . sx | 0 ) * ( Math . floor ( this . viewport . height ) * outputScale . sy | 0 ) > pdfjsLib . PDFJS . maxCanvasPixels ) {
isScalingRestricted = true ;
if ( this . canvas ) {
if ( pdfjsLib . PDFJS . useOnlyCssZoom || this . hasRestrictedScaling && isScalingRestricted ) {
this . cssTransform ( this . canvas , true ) ;
this . eventBus . dispatch ( 'pagerendered' , {
source : this ,
pageNumber : this . id ,
cssTransform : true
} ) ;
return ;
if ( ! this . zoomLayer ) {
this . zoomLayer = this . canvas . parentNode ;
this . zoomLayer . style . position = 'absolute' ;
if ( this . zoomLayer ) {
this . cssTransform ( this . zoomLayer . firstChild ) ;
this . reset ( /* keepZoomLayer = */
true , /* keepAnnotations = */
true ) ;
} ,
cancelRendering : function PDFPageView _cancelRendering ( ) {
if ( this . renderTask ) {
this . renderTask . cancel ( ) ;
this . renderTask = null ;
this . renderingState = RenderingStates . INITIAL ;
this . resume = null ;
if ( this . textLayer ) {
this . textLayer . cancel ( ) ;
this . textLayer = null ;
} ,
/ * *
* Called when moved in the parent ' s container .
* /
updatePosition : function PDFPageView _updatePosition ( ) {
if ( this . textLayer ) {
this . textLayer . render ( TEXT _LAYER _RENDER _DELAY ) ;
} ,
cssTransform : function PDFPageView _transform ( canvas , redrawAnnotations ) {
var CustomStyle = pdfjsLib . CustomStyle ;
// Scale canvas, canvas wrapper, and page container.
var width = this . viewport . width ;
var height = this . viewport . height ;
var div = this . div ;
canvas . style . width = canvas . parentNode . style . width = div . style . width = Math . floor ( width ) + 'px' ;
canvas . style . height = canvas . parentNode . style . height = div . style . height = Math . floor ( height ) + 'px' ;
// The canvas may have been originally rotated, rotate relative to that.
var relativeRotation = this . viewport . rotation - canvas . _viewport . rotation ;
var absRotation = Math . abs ( relativeRotation ) ;
var scaleX = 1 , scaleY = 1 ;
if ( absRotation === 90 || absRotation === 270 ) {
// Scale x and y because of the rotation.
scaleX = height / width ;
scaleY = width / height ;
var cssTransform = 'rotate(' + relativeRotation + 'deg) ' + 'scale(' + scaleX + ',' + scaleY + ')' ;
CustomStyle . setProp ( 'transform' , canvas , cssTransform ) ;
if ( this . textLayer ) {
// Rotating the text layer is more complicated since the divs inside the
// the text layer are rotated.
// TODO: This could probably be simplified by drawing the text layer in
// one orientation then rotating overall.
var textLayerViewport = this . textLayer . viewport ;
var textRelativeRotation = this . viewport . rotation - textLayerViewport . rotation ;
var textAbsRotation = Math . abs ( textRelativeRotation ) ;
var scale = width / textLayerViewport . width ;
if ( textAbsRotation === 90 || textAbsRotation === 270 ) {
scale = width / textLayerViewport . height ;
var textLayerDiv = this . textLayer . textLayerDiv ;
var transX , transY ;
switch ( textAbsRotation ) {
case 0 :
transX = transY = 0 ;
break ;
case 90 :
transX = 0 ;
transY = '-' + textLayerDiv . style . height ;
break ;
case 180 :
transX = '-' + textLayerDiv . style . width ;
transY = '-' + textLayerDiv . style . height ;
break ;
case 270 :
transX = '-' + textLayerDiv . style . width ;
transY = 0 ;
break ;
default :
console . error ( 'Bad rotation value.' ) ;
break ;
CustomStyle . setProp ( 'transform' , textLayerDiv , 'rotate(' + textAbsRotation + 'deg) ' + 'scale(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ') ' + 'translate(' + transX + ', ' + transY + ')' ) ;
CustomStyle . setProp ( 'transformOrigin' , textLayerDiv , '0% 0%' ) ;
if ( redrawAnnotations && this . annotationLayer ) {
this . annotationLayer . render ( this . viewport , 'display' ) ;
} ,
get width ( ) {
return this . viewport . width ;
} ,
get height ( ) {
return this . viewport . height ;
} ,
getPagePoint : function PDFPageView _getPagePoint ( x , y ) {
return this . viewport . convertToPdfPoint ( x , y ) ;
} ,
draw : function PDFPageView _draw ( ) {
if ( this . renderingState !== RenderingStates . INITIAL ) {
console . error ( 'Must be in new state before drawing' ) ;
this . reset ( ) ;
// Ensure that we reset all state to prevent issues.
this . renderingState = RenderingStates . RUNNING ;
var pdfPage = this . pdfPage ;
var viewport = this . viewport ;
var div = this . div ;
// Wrap the canvas so if it has a css transform for highdpi the overflow
// will be hidden in FF.
var canvasWrapper = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
canvasWrapper . style . width = div . style . width ;
canvasWrapper . style . height = div . style . height ;
canvasWrapper . classList . add ( 'canvasWrapper' ) ;
var canvas = document . createElement ( 'canvas' ) ;
canvas . id = 'page' + this . id ;
// Keep the canvas hidden until the first draw callback, or until drawing
// is complete when `!this.renderingQueue`, to prevent black flickering.
canvas . setAttribute ( 'hidden' , 'hidden' ) ;
var isCanvasHidden = true ;
canvasWrapper . appendChild ( canvas ) ;
if ( this . annotationLayer && this . annotationLayer . div ) {
// annotationLayer needs to stay on top
div . insertBefore ( canvasWrapper , this . annotationLayer . div ) ;
} else {
div . appendChild ( canvasWrapper ) ;
this . canvas = canvas ;
canvas . mozOpaque = true ;
var ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' , { alpha : false } ) ;
var outputScale = getOutputScale ( ctx ) ;
this . outputScale = outputScale ;
if ( pdfjsLib . PDFJS . useOnlyCssZoom ) {
var actualSizeViewport = viewport . clone ( { scale : CSS _UNITS } ) ;
// Use a scale that will make the canvas be the original intended size
// of the page.
outputScale . sx *= actualSizeViewport . width / viewport . width ;
outputScale . sy *= actualSizeViewport . height / viewport . height ;
outputScale . scaled = true ;
if ( pdfjsLib . PDFJS . maxCanvasPixels > 0 ) {
var pixelsInViewport = viewport . width * viewport . height ;
var maxScale = Math . sqrt ( pdfjsLib . PDFJS . maxCanvasPixels / pixelsInViewport ) ;
if ( outputScale . sx > maxScale || outputScale . sy > maxScale ) {
outputScale . sx = maxScale ;
outputScale . sy = maxScale ;
outputScale . scaled = true ;
this . hasRestrictedScaling = true ;
} else {
this . hasRestrictedScaling = false ;
var sfx = approximateFraction ( outputScale . sx ) ;
var sfy = approximateFraction ( outputScale . sy ) ;
canvas . width = roundToDivide ( viewport . width * outputScale . sx , sfx [ 0 ] ) ;
canvas . height = roundToDivide ( viewport . height * outputScale . sy , sfy [ 0 ] ) ;
canvas . style . width = roundToDivide ( viewport . width , sfx [ 1 ] ) + 'px' ;
canvas . style . height = roundToDivide ( viewport . height , sfy [ 1 ] ) + 'px' ;
// Add the viewport so it's known what it was originally drawn with.
canvas . _viewport = viewport ;
var textLayerDiv = null ;
var textLayer = null ;
if ( this . textLayerFactory ) {
textLayerDiv = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
textLayerDiv . className = 'textLayer' ;
textLayerDiv . style . width = canvasWrapper . style . width ;
textLayerDiv . style . height = canvasWrapper . style . height ;
if ( this . annotationLayer && this . annotationLayer . div ) {
// annotationLayer needs to stay on top
div . insertBefore ( textLayerDiv , this . annotationLayer . div ) ;
} else {
div . appendChild ( textLayerDiv ) ;
textLayer = this . textLayerFactory . createTextLayerBuilder ( textLayerDiv , this . id - 1 , this . viewport , this . enhanceTextSelection ) ;
this . textLayer = textLayer ;
var resolveRenderPromise , rejectRenderPromise ;
var promise = new Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
resolveRenderPromise = resolve ;
rejectRenderPromise = reject ;
} ) ;
// Rendering area
var self = this ;
function pageViewDrawCallback ( error ) {
// The renderTask may have been replaced by a new one, so only remove
// the reference to the renderTask if it matches the one that is
// triggering this callback.
if ( renderTask === self . renderTask ) {
self . renderTask = null ;
if ( error === 'cancelled' ) {
rejectRenderPromise ( error ) ;
return ;
self . renderingState = RenderingStates . FINISHED ;
if ( isCanvasHidden ) {
self . canvas . removeAttribute ( 'hidden' ) ;
isCanvasHidden = false ;
if ( self . loadingIconDiv ) {
div . removeChild ( self . loadingIconDiv ) ;
delete self . loadingIconDiv ;
if ( self . zoomLayer ) {
// Zeroing the width and height causes Firefox to release graphics
// resources immediately, which can greatly reduce memory consumption.
var zoomLayerCanvas = self . zoomLayer . firstChild ;
zoomLayerCanvas . width = 0 ;
zoomLayerCanvas . height = 0 ;
if ( div . contains ( self . zoomLayer ) ) {
// Prevent "Node was not found" errors if the `zoomLayer` was
// already removed. This may occur intermittently if the scale
// changes many times in very quick succession.
div . removeChild ( self . zoomLayer ) ;
self . zoomLayer = null ;
self . error = error ;
self . stats = pdfPage . stats ;
if ( self . onAfterDraw ) {
self . onAfterDraw ( ) ;
self . eventBus . dispatch ( 'pagerendered' , {
source : self ,
pageNumber : self . id ,
cssTransform : false
} ) ;
if ( ! error ) {
resolveRenderPromise ( undefined ) ;
} else {
rejectRenderPromise ( error ) ;
var renderContinueCallback = null ;
if ( this . renderingQueue ) {
renderContinueCallback = function renderContinueCallback ( cont ) {
if ( ! self . renderingQueue . isHighestPriority ( self ) ) {
self . renderingState = RenderingStates . PAUSED ;
self . resume = function resumeCallback ( ) {
self . renderingState = RenderingStates . RUNNING ;
cont ( ) ;
} ;
return ;
if ( isCanvasHidden ) {
self . canvas . removeAttribute ( 'hidden' ) ;
isCanvasHidden = false ;
cont ( ) ;
} ;
var transform = ! outputScale . scaled ? null : [
outputScale . sx ,
0 ,
0 ,
outputScale . sy ,
0 ,
] ;
var renderContext = {
canvasContext : ctx ,
transform : transform ,
viewport : this . viewport ,
renderInteractiveForms : this . renderInteractiveForms
} ;
// intent: 'default', // === 'display'
var renderTask = this . renderTask = this . pdfPage . render ( renderContext ) ;
renderTask . onContinue = renderContinueCallback ;
this . renderTask . promise . then ( function pdfPageRenderCallback ( ) {
pageViewDrawCallback ( null ) ;
if ( textLayer ) {
self . pdfPage . getTextContent ( { normalizeWhitespace : true } ) . then ( function textContentResolved ( textContent ) {
textLayer . setTextContent ( textContent ) ;
textLayer . render ( TEXT _LAYER _RENDER _DELAY ) ;
} ) ;
} , function pdfPageRenderError ( error ) {
pageViewDrawCallback ( error ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . annotationLayerFactory ) {
if ( ! this . annotationLayer ) {
this . annotationLayer = this . annotationLayerFactory . createAnnotationLayerBuilder ( div , this . pdfPage , this . renderInteractiveForms ) ;
this . annotationLayer . render ( this . viewport , 'display' ) ;
div . setAttribute ( 'data-loaded' , true ) ;
if ( self . onBeforeDraw ) {
self . onBeforeDraw ( ) ;
return promise ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { string | null } label
* /
setPageLabel : function PDFView _setPageLabel ( label ) {
this . pageLabel = typeof label === 'string' ? label : null ;
if ( this . pageLabel !== null ) {
this . div . setAttribute ( 'data-page-label' , this . pageLabel ) ;
} else {
this . div . removeAttribute ( 'data-page-label' ) ;
} ;
return PDFPageView ;
} ( ) ;
exports . PDFPageView = PDFPageView ;
} ) ) ;
( function ( root , factory ) {
factory ( root . pdfjsWebTextLayerBuilder = { } , root . pdfjsWebDOMEvents , root . pdfjsWebPDFJS ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports , domEvents , pdfjsLib ) {
// ms
/ * *
* @ typedef { Object } TextLayerBuilderOptions
* @ property { HTMLDivElement } textLayerDiv - The text layer container .
* @ property { EventBus } eventBus - The application event bus .
* @ property { number } pageIndex - The page index .
* @ property { PageViewport } viewport - The viewport of the text layer .
* @ property { PDFFindController } findController
* @ property { boolean } enhanceTextSelection - Option to turn on improved
* text selection .
* /
/ * *
* TextLayerBuilder provides text - selection functionality for the PDF .
* It does this by creating overlay divs over the PDF text . These divs
* contain text that matches the PDF text they are overlaying . This object
* also provides a way to highlight text that is being searched for .
* @ class
* /
var TextLayerBuilder = function TextLayerBuilderClosure ( ) {
function TextLayerBuilder ( options ) {
this . textLayerDiv = options . textLayerDiv ;
this . eventBus = options . eventBus || domEvents . getGlobalEventBus ( ) ;
this . textContent = null ;
this . renderingDone = false ;
this . pageIdx = options . pageIndex ;
this . pageNumber = this . pageIdx + 1 ;
this . matches = [ ] ;
this . viewport = options . viewport ;
this . textDivs = [ ] ;
this . findController = options . findController || null ;
this . textLayerRenderTask = null ;
this . enhanceTextSelection = options . enhanceTextSelection ;
this . _bindMouse ( ) ;
TextLayerBuilder . prototype = {
/ * *
* @ private
* /
_finishRendering : function TextLayerBuilder _finishRendering ( ) {
this . renderingDone = true ;
if ( ! this . enhanceTextSelection ) {
var endOfContent = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
endOfContent . className = 'endOfContent' ;
this . textLayerDiv . appendChild ( endOfContent ) ;
this . eventBus . dispatch ( 'textlayerrendered' , {
source : this ,
pageNumber : this . pageNumber ,
numTextDivs : this . textDivs . length
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Renders the text layer .
* @ param { number } timeout ( optional ) if specified , the rendering waits
* for specified amount of ms .
* /
render : function TextLayerBuilder _render ( timeout ) {
if ( ! this . textContent || this . renderingDone ) {
return ;
this . cancel ( ) ;
this . textDivs = [ ] ;
var textLayerFrag = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) ;
this . textLayerRenderTask = pdfjsLib . renderTextLayer ( {
textContent : this . textContent ,
container : textLayerFrag ,
viewport : this . viewport ,
textDivs : this . textDivs ,
timeout : timeout ,
enhanceTextSelection : this . enhanceTextSelection
} ) ;
this . textLayerRenderTask . promise . then ( function ( ) {
this . textLayerDiv . appendChild ( textLayerFrag ) ;
this . _finishRendering ( ) ;
this . updateMatches ( ) ;
} . bind ( this ) , function ( reason ) {
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Cancels rendering of the text layer .
* /
cancel : function TextLayerBuilder _cancel ( ) {
if ( this . textLayerRenderTask ) {
this . textLayerRenderTask . cancel ( ) ;
this . textLayerRenderTask = null ;
} ,
setTextContent : function TextLayerBuilder _setTextContent ( textContent ) {
this . cancel ( ) ;
this . textContent = textContent ;
} ,
convertMatches : function TextLayerBuilder _convertMatches ( matches , matchesLength ) {
var i = 0 ;
var iIndex = 0 ;
var bidiTexts = this . textContent . items ;
var end = bidiTexts . length - 1 ;
var queryLen = this . findController === null ? 0 : this . findController . state . query . length ;
var ret = [ ] ;
if ( ! matches ) {
return ret ;
for ( var m = 0 , len = matches . length ; m < len ; m ++ ) {
// Calculate the start position.
var matchIdx = matches [ m ] ;
// Loop over the divIdxs.
while ( i !== end && matchIdx >= iIndex + bidiTexts [ i ] . str . length ) {
iIndex += bidiTexts [ i ] . str . length ;
i ++ ;
if ( i === bidiTexts . length ) {
console . error ( 'Could not find a matching mapping' ) ;
var match = {
begin : {
divIdx : i ,
offset : matchIdx - iIndex
} ;
// Calculate the end position.
if ( matchesLength ) {
// multiterm search
matchIdx += matchesLength [ m ] ;
} else {
// phrase search
matchIdx += queryLen ;
// Somewhat the same array as above, but use > instead of >= to get
// the end position right.
while ( i !== end && matchIdx > iIndex + bidiTexts [ i ] . str . length ) {
iIndex += bidiTexts [ i ] . str . length ;
i ++ ;
match . end = {
divIdx : i ,
offset : matchIdx - iIndex
} ;
ret . push ( match ) ;
return ret ;
} ,
renderMatches : function TextLayerBuilder _renderMatches ( matches ) {
// Early exit if there is nothing to render.
if ( matches . length === 0 ) {
return ;
var bidiTexts = this . textContent . items ;
var textDivs = this . textDivs ;
var prevEnd = null ;
var pageIdx = this . pageIdx ;
var isSelectedPage = this . findController === null ? false : pageIdx === this . findController . selected . pageIdx ;
var selectedMatchIdx = this . findController === null ? - 1 : this . findController . selected . matchIdx ;
var highlightAll = this . findController === null ? false : this . findController . state . highlightAll ;
var infinity = {
divIdx : - 1 ,
offset : undefined
} ;
function beginText ( begin , className ) {
var divIdx = begin . divIdx ;
textDivs [ divIdx ] . textContent = '' ;
appendTextToDiv ( divIdx , 0 , begin . offset , className ) ;
function appendTextToDiv ( divIdx , fromOffset , toOffset , className ) {
var div = textDivs [ divIdx ] ;
var content = bidiTexts [ divIdx ] . str . substring ( fromOffset , toOffset ) ;
var node = document . createTextNode ( content ) ;
if ( className ) {
var span = document . createElement ( 'span' ) ;
span . className = className ;
span . appendChild ( node ) ;
div . appendChild ( span ) ;
return ;
div . appendChild ( node ) ;
var i0 = selectedMatchIdx , i1 = i0 + 1 ;
if ( highlightAll ) {
i0 = 0 ;
i1 = matches . length ;
} else if ( ! isSelectedPage ) {
// Not highlighting all and this isn't the selected page, so do nothing.
return ;
for ( var i = i0 ; i < i1 ; i ++ ) {
var match = matches [ i ] ;
var begin = match . begin ;
var end = match . end ;
var isSelected = isSelectedPage && i === selectedMatchIdx ;
var highlightSuffix = isSelected ? ' selected' : '' ;
if ( this . findController ) {
this . findController . updateMatchPosition ( pageIdx , i , textDivs , begin . divIdx ) ;
// Match inside new div.
if ( ! prevEnd || begin . divIdx !== prevEnd . divIdx ) {
// If there was a previous div, then add the text at the end.
if ( prevEnd !== null ) {
appendTextToDiv ( prevEnd . divIdx , prevEnd . offset , infinity . offset ) ;
// Clear the divs and set the content until the starting point.
beginText ( begin ) ;
} else {
appendTextToDiv ( prevEnd . divIdx , prevEnd . offset , begin . offset ) ;
if ( begin . divIdx === end . divIdx ) {
appendTextToDiv ( begin . divIdx , begin . offset , end . offset , 'highlight' + highlightSuffix ) ;
} else {
appendTextToDiv ( begin . divIdx , begin . offset , infinity . offset , 'highlight begin' + highlightSuffix ) ;
for ( var n0 = begin . divIdx + 1 , n1 = end . divIdx ; n0 < n1 ; n0 ++ ) {
textDivs [ n0 ] . className = 'highlight middle' + highlightSuffix ;
beginText ( end , 'highlight end' + highlightSuffix ) ;
prevEnd = end ;
if ( prevEnd ) {
appendTextToDiv ( prevEnd . divIdx , prevEnd . offset , infinity . offset ) ;
} ,
updateMatches : function TextLayerBuilder _updateMatches ( ) {
// Only show matches when all rendering is done.
if ( ! this . renderingDone ) {
return ;
// Clear all matches.
var matches = this . matches ;
var textDivs = this . textDivs ;
var bidiTexts = this . textContent . items ;
var clearedUntilDivIdx = - 1 ;
// Clear all current matches.
for ( var i = 0 , len = matches . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
var match = matches [ i ] ;
var begin = Math . max ( clearedUntilDivIdx , match . begin . divIdx ) ;
for ( var n = begin , end = match . end . divIdx ; n <= end ; n ++ ) {
var div = textDivs [ n ] ;
div . textContent = bidiTexts [ n ] . str ;
div . className = '' ;
clearedUntilDivIdx = match . end . divIdx + 1 ;
if ( this . findController === null || ! this . findController . active ) {
return ;
// Convert the matches on the page controller into the match format
// used for the textLayer.
var pageMatches , pageMatchesLength ;
if ( this . findController !== null ) {
pageMatches = this . findController . pageMatches [ this . pageIdx ] || null ;
pageMatchesLength = this . findController . pageMatchesLength ? this . findController . pageMatchesLength [ this . pageIdx ] || null : null ;
this . matches = this . convertMatches ( pageMatches , pageMatchesLength ) ;
this . renderMatches ( this . matches ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Fixes text selection : adds additional div where mouse was clicked .
* This reduces flickering of the content if mouse slowly dragged down / up .
* @ private
* /
_bindMouse : function TextLayerBuilder _bindMouse ( ) {
var div = this . textLayerDiv ;
var self = this ;
var expandDivsTimer = null ;
div . addEventListener ( 'mousedown' , function ( e ) {
if ( self . enhanceTextSelection && self . textLayerRenderTask ) {
self . textLayerRenderTask . expandTextDivs ( true ) ;
if ( expandDivsTimer ) {
clearTimeout ( expandDivsTimer ) ;
expandDivsTimer = null ;
return ;
var end = div . querySelector ( '.endOfContent' ) ;
if ( ! end ) {
return ;
// On non-Firefox browsers, the selection will feel better if the height
// of the endOfContent div will be adjusted to start at mouse click
// location -- this will avoid flickering when selections moves up.
// However it does not work when selection started on empty space.
var adjustTop = e . target !== div ;
adjustTop = adjustTop && window . getComputedStyle ( end ) . getPropertyValue ( '-moz-user-select' ) !== 'none' ;
if ( adjustTop ) {
var divBounds = div . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
var r = Math . max ( 0 , ( e . pageY - divBounds . top ) / divBounds . height ) ;
end . style . top = ( r * 100 ) . toFixed ( 2 ) + '%' ;
end . classList . add ( 'active' ) ;
} ) ;
div . addEventListener ( 'mouseup' , function ( e ) {
if ( self . enhanceTextSelection && self . textLayerRenderTask ) {
expandDivsTimer = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( self . textLayerRenderTask ) {
self . textLayerRenderTask . expandTextDivs ( false ) ;
expandDivsTimer = null ;
return ;
var end = div . querySelector ( '.endOfContent' ) ;
if ( ! end ) {
return ;
end . style . top = '' ;
end . classList . remove ( 'active' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
return TextLayerBuilder ;
} ( ) ;
/ * *
* @ constructor
* @ implements IPDFTextLayerFactory
* /
function DefaultTextLayerFactory ( ) {
DefaultTextLayerFactory . prototype = {
/ * *
* @ param { HTMLDivElement } textLayerDiv
* @ param { number } pageIndex
* @ param { PageViewport } viewport
* @ param { boolean } enhanceTextSelection
* @ returns { TextLayerBuilder }
* /
createTextLayerBuilder : function ( textLayerDiv , pageIndex , viewport , enhanceTextSelection ) {
return new TextLayerBuilder ( {
textLayerDiv : textLayerDiv ,
pageIndex : pageIndex ,
viewport : viewport ,
enhanceTextSelection : enhanceTextSelection
} ) ;
} ;
exports . TextLayerBuilder = TextLayerBuilder ;
exports . DefaultTextLayerFactory = DefaultTextLayerFactory ;
} ) ) ;
( function ( root , factory ) {
factory ( root . pdfjsWebAnnotationLayerBuilder = { } , root . pdfjsWebUIUtils , root . pdfjsWebPDFLinkService , root . pdfjsWebPDFJS ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports , uiUtils , pdfLinkService , pdfjsLib ) {
var mozL10n = uiUtils . mozL10n ;
var SimpleLinkService = pdfLinkService . SimpleLinkService ;
/ * *
* @ typedef { Object } AnnotationLayerBuilderOptions
* @ property { HTMLDivElement } pageDiv
* @ property { PDFPage } pdfPage
* @ property { boolean } renderInteractiveForms
* @ property { IPDFLinkService } linkService
* @ property { DownloadManager } downloadManager
* /
/ * *
* @ class
* /
var AnnotationLayerBuilder = function AnnotationLayerBuilderClosure ( ) {
/ * *
* @ param { AnnotationLayerBuilderOptions } options
* @ constructs AnnotationLayerBuilder
* /
function AnnotationLayerBuilder ( options ) {
this . pageDiv = options . pageDiv ;
this . pdfPage = options . pdfPage ;
this . renderInteractiveForms = options . renderInteractiveForms ;
this . linkService = options . linkService ;
this . downloadManager = options . downloadManager ;
this . div = null ;
AnnotationLayerBuilder . prototype = /** @lends AnnotationLayerBuilder.prototype */
/ * *
* @ param { PageViewport } viewport
* @ param { string } intent ( default value is 'display' )
* /
render : function AnnotationLayerBuilder _render ( viewport , intent ) {
var self = this ;
var parameters = { intent : intent === undefined ? 'display' : intent } ;
this . pdfPage . getAnnotations ( parameters ) . then ( function ( annotations ) {
viewport = viewport . clone ( { dontFlip : true } ) ;
parameters = {
viewport : viewport ,
div : self . div ,
annotations : annotations ,
page : self . pdfPage ,
renderInteractiveForms : self . renderInteractiveForms ,
linkService : self . linkService ,
downloadManager : self . downloadManager
} ;
if ( self . div ) {
// If an annotationLayer already exists, refresh its children's
// transformation matrices.
pdfjsLib . AnnotationLayer . update ( parameters ) ;
} else {
// Create an annotation layer div and render the annotations
// if there is at least one annotation.
if ( annotations . length === 0 ) {
return ;
self . div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
self . div . className = 'annotationLayer' ;
self . pageDiv . appendChild ( self . div ) ;
parameters . div = self . div ;
pdfjsLib . AnnotationLayer . render ( parameters ) ;
if ( typeof mozL10n !== 'undefined' ) {
mozL10n . translate ( self . div ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
hide : function AnnotationLayerBuilder _hide ( ) {
if ( ! this . div ) {
return ;
this . div . setAttribute ( 'hidden' , 'true' ) ;
} ;
return AnnotationLayerBuilder ;
} ( ) ;
/ * *
* @ constructor
* @ implements IPDFAnnotationLayerFactory
* /
function DefaultAnnotationLayerFactory ( ) {
DefaultAnnotationLayerFactory . prototype = {
/ * *
* @ param { HTMLDivElement } pageDiv
* @ param { PDFPage } pdfPage
* @ param { boolean } renderInteractiveForms
* @ returns { AnnotationLayerBuilder }
* /
createAnnotationLayerBuilder : function ( pageDiv , pdfPage , renderInteractiveForms ) {
return new AnnotationLayerBuilder ( {
pageDiv : pageDiv ,
pdfPage : pdfPage ,
renderInteractiveForms : renderInteractiveForms ,
linkService : new SimpleLinkService ( )
} ) ;
} ;
exports . AnnotationLayerBuilder = AnnotationLayerBuilder ;
exports . DefaultAnnotationLayerFactory = DefaultAnnotationLayerFactory ;
} ) ) ;
( function ( root , factory ) {
factory ( root . pdfjsWebPDFViewer = { } , root . pdfjsWebUIUtils , root . pdfjsWebPDFPageView , root . pdfjsWebPDFRenderingQueue , root . pdfjsWebTextLayerBuilder , root . pdfjsWebAnnotationLayerBuilder , root . pdfjsWebPDFLinkService , root . pdfjsWebDOMEvents , root . pdfjsWebPDFJS ) ;
} ( this , function ( exports , uiUtils , pdfPageView , pdfRenderingQueue , textLayerBuilder , annotationLayerBuilder , pdfLinkService , domEvents , pdfjsLib ) {
var MAX _AUTO _SCALE = uiUtils . MAX _AUTO _SCALE ;
var CSS _UNITS = uiUtils . CSS _UNITS ;
var scrollIntoView = uiUtils . scrollIntoView ;
var watchScroll = uiUtils . watchScroll ;
var getVisibleElements = uiUtils . getVisibleElements ;
var PDFPageView = pdfPageView . PDFPageView ;
var RenderingStates = pdfRenderingQueue . RenderingStates ;
var PDFRenderingQueue = pdfRenderingQueue . PDFRenderingQueue ;
var TextLayerBuilder = textLayerBuilder . TextLayerBuilder ;
var AnnotationLayerBuilder = annotationLayerBuilder . AnnotationLayerBuilder ;
var SimpleLinkService = pdfLinkService . SimpleLinkService ;
var PresentationModeState = {
NORMAL : 1 ,
} ;
/ * *
* @ typedef { Object } PDFViewerOptions
* @ property { HTMLDivElement } container - The container for the viewer element .
* @ property { HTMLDivElement } viewer - ( optional ) The viewer element .
* @ property { EventBus } eventBus - The application event bus .
* @ property { IPDFLinkService } linkService - The navigation / linking service .
* @ property { DownloadManager } downloadManager - ( optional ) The download
* manager component .
* @ property { PDFRenderingQueue } renderingQueue - ( optional ) The rendering
* queue object .
* @ property { boolean } removePageBorders - ( optional ) Removes the border shadow
* around the pages . The default is false .
* @ property { boolean } enhanceTextSelection - ( optional ) Enables the improved
* text selection behaviour . The default is ` false ` .
* @ property { boolean } renderInteractiveForms - ( optional ) Enables rendering of
* interactive form elements . The default is ` false ` .
* /
/ * *
* Simple viewer control to display PDF content / pages .
* @ class
* @ implements { IRenderableView }
* /
var PDFViewer = function pdfViewer ( ) {
function PDFPageViewBuffer ( size ) {
var data = [ ] ;
this . push = function cachePush ( view ) {
var i = data . indexOf ( view ) ;
if ( i >= 0 ) {
data . splice ( i , 1 ) ;
data . push ( view ) ;
if ( data . length > size ) {
data . shift ( ) . destroy ( ) ;
} ;
this . resize = function ( newSize ) {
size = newSize ;
while ( data . length > size ) {
data . shift ( ) . destroy ( ) ;
} ;
function isSameScale ( oldScale , newScale ) {
if ( newScale === oldScale ) {
return true ;
if ( Math . abs ( newScale - oldScale ) < 1e-15 ) {
// Prevent unnecessary re-rendering of all pages when the scale
// changes only because of limited numerical precision.
return true ;
return false ;
/ * *
* @ constructs PDFViewer
* @ param { PDFViewerOptions } options
* /
function PDFViewer ( options ) {
this . container = options . container ;
this . viewer = options . viewer || options . container . firstElementChild ;
this . eventBus = options . eventBus || domEvents . getGlobalEventBus ( ) ;
this . linkService = options . linkService || new SimpleLinkService ( ) ;
this . downloadManager = options . downloadManager || null ;
this . removePageBorders = options . removePageBorders || false ;
this . enhanceTextSelection = options . enhanceTextSelection || false ;
this . renderInteractiveForms = options . renderInteractiveForms || false ;
this . defaultRenderingQueue = ! options . renderingQueue ;
if ( this . defaultRenderingQueue ) {
// Custom rendering queue is not specified, using default one
this . renderingQueue = new PDFRenderingQueue ( ) ;
this . renderingQueue . setViewer ( this ) ;
} else {
this . renderingQueue = options . renderingQueue ;
this . scroll = watchScroll ( this . container , this . _scrollUpdate . bind ( this ) ) ;
this . presentationModeState = PresentationModeState . UNKNOWN ;
this . _resetView ( ) ;
if ( this . removePageBorders ) {
this . viewer . classList . add ( 'removePageBorders' ) ;
PDFViewer . prototype = /** @lends PDFViewer.prototype */
get pagesCount ( ) {
return this . _pages . length ;
} ,
getPageView : function ( index ) {
return this . _pages [ index ] ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ returns { boolean } true if all { PDFPageView } objects are initialized .
* /
get pageViewsReady ( ) {
return this . _pageViewsReady ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ returns { number }
* /
get currentPageNumber ( ) {
return this . _currentPageNumber ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { number } val - The page number .
* /
set currentPageNumber ( val ) {
if ( ( val | 0 ) !== val ) {
// Ensure that `val` is an integer.
throw new Error ( 'Invalid page number.' ) ;
if ( ! this . pdfDocument ) {
this . _currentPageNumber = val ;
return ;
// The intent can be to just reset a scroll position and/or scale.
this . _setCurrentPageNumber ( val , /* resetCurrentPageView = */
true ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ private
* /
_setCurrentPageNumber : function PDFViewer _setCurrentPageNumber ( val , resetCurrentPageView ) {
if ( this . _currentPageNumber === val ) {
if ( resetCurrentPageView ) {
this . _resetCurrentPageView ( ) ;
return ;
if ( ! ( 0 < val && val <= this . pagesCount ) ) {
console . error ( 'PDFViewer_setCurrentPageNumber: "' + val + '" is out of bounds.' ) ;
return ;
var arg = {
source : this ,
pageNumber : val ,
pageLabel : this . _pageLabels && this . _pageLabels [ val - 1 ]
} ;
this . _currentPageNumber = val ;
this . eventBus . dispatch ( 'pagechanging' , arg ) ;
this . eventBus . dispatch ( 'pagechange' , arg ) ;
if ( resetCurrentPageView ) {
this . _resetCurrentPageView ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ returns { string | null } Returns the current page label ,
* or ` null ` if no page labels exist .
* /
get currentPageLabel ( ) {
return this . _pageLabels && this . _pageLabels [ this . _currentPageNumber - 1 ] ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { string } val - The page label .
* /
set currentPageLabel ( val ) {
var pageNumber = val | 0 ;
// Fallback page number.
if ( this . _pageLabels ) {
var i = this . _pageLabels . indexOf ( val ) ;
if ( i >= 0 ) {
pageNumber = i + 1 ;
this . currentPageNumber = pageNumber ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ returns { number }
* /
get currentScale ( ) {
return this . _currentScale !== UNKNOWN _SCALE ? this . _currentScale : DEFAULT _SCALE ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { number } val - Scale of the pages in percents .
* /
set currentScale ( val ) {
if ( isNaN ( val ) ) {
throw new Error ( 'Invalid numeric scale' ) ;
if ( ! this . pdfDocument ) {
this . _currentScale = val ;
this . _currentScaleValue = val !== UNKNOWN _SCALE ? val . toString ( ) : null ;
return ;
this . _setScale ( val , false ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ returns { string }
* /
get currentScaleValue ( ) {
return this . _currentScaleValue ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param val - The scale of the pages ( in percent or predefined value ) .
* /
set currentScaleValue ( val ) {
if ( ! this . pdfDocument ) {
this . _currentScale = isNaN ( val ) ? UNKNOWN _SCALE : val ;
this . _currentScaleValue = val . toString ( ) ;
return ;
this . _setScale ( val , false ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ returns { number }
* /
get pagesRotation ( ) {
return this . _pagesRotation ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { number } rotation - The rotation of the pages ( 0 , 90 , 180 , 270 ) .
* /
set pagesRotation ( rotation ) {
if ( ! ( typeof rotation === 'number' && rotation % 90 === 0 ) ) {
throw new Error ( 'Invalid pages rotation angle.' ) ;
this . _pagesRotation = rotation ;
if ( ! this . pdfDocument ) {
return ;
for ( var i = 0 , l = this . _pages . length ; i < l ; i ++ ) {
var pageView = this . _pages [ i ] ;
pageView . update ( pageView . scale , rotation ) ;
this . _setScale ( this . _currentScaleValue , true ) ;
if ( this . defaultRenderingQueue ) {
this . update ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param pdfDocument { PDFDocument }
* /
setDocument : function ( pdfDocument ) {
if ( this . pdfDocument ) {
this . _cancelRendering ( ) ;
this . _resetView ( ) ;
this . pdfDocument = pdfDocument ;
if ( ! pdfDocument ) {
return ;
var pagesCount = pdfDocument . numPages ;
var self = this ;
var resolvePagesPromise ;
var pagesPromise = new Promise ( function ( resolve ) {
resolvePagesPromise = resolve ;
} ) ;
this . pagesPromise = pagesPromise ;
pagesPromise . then ( function ( ) {
self . _pageViewsReady = true ;
self . eventBus . dispatch ( 'pagesloaded' , {
source : self ,
pagesCount : pagesCount
} ) ;
} ) ;
var isOnePageRenderedResolved = false ;
var resolveOnePageRendered = null ;
var onePageRendered = new Promise ( function ( resolve ) {
resolveOnePageRendered = resolve ;
} ) ;
this . onePageRendered = onePageRendered ;
var bindOnAfterAndBeforeDraw = function ( pageView ) {
pageView . onBeforeDraw = function pdfViewLoadOnBeforeDraw ( ) {
// Add the page to the buffer at the start of drawing. That way it can
// be evicted from the buffer and destroyed even if we pause its
// rendering.
self . _buffer . push ( this ) ;
} ;
pageView . onAfterDraw = function pdfViewLoadOnAfterDraw ( ) {
if ( ! isOnePageRenderedResolved ) {
isOnePageRenderedResolved = true ;
resolveOnePageRendered ( ) ;
} ;
} ;
var firstPagePromise = pdfDocument . getPage ( 1 ) ;
this . firstPagePromise = firstPagePromise ;
// Fetch a single page so we can get a viewport that will be the default
// viewport for all pages
return firstPagePromise . then ( function ( pdfPage ) {
var scale = this . currentScale ;
var viewport = pdfPage . getViewport ( scale * CSS _UNITS ) ;
for ( var pageNum = 1 ; pageNum <= pagesCount ; ++ pageNum ) {
var textLayerFactory = null ;
if ( ! pdfjsLib . PDFJS . disableTextLayer ) {
textLayerFactory = this ;
var pageView = new PDFPageView ( {
container : this . viewer ,
eventBus : this . eventBus ,
id : pageNum ,
scale : scale ,
defaultViewport : viewport . clone ( ) ,
renderingQueue : this . renderingQueue ,
textLayerFactory : textLayerFactory ,
annotationLayerFactory : this ,
enhanceTextSelection : this . enhanceTextSelection ,
renderInteractiveForms : this . renderInteractiveForms
} ) ;
bindOnAfterAndBeforeDraw ( pageView ) ;
this . _pages . push ( pageView ) ;
var linkService = this . linkService ;
// Fetch all the pages since the viewport is needed before printing
// starts to create the correct size canvas. Wait until one page is
// rendered so we don't tie up too many resources early on.
onePageRendered . then ( function ( ) {
if ( ! pdfjsLib . PDFJS . disableAutoFetch ) {
var getPagesLeft = pagesCount ;
for ( var pageNum = 1 ; pageNum <= pagesCount ; ++ pageNum ) {
pdfDocument . getPage ( pageNum ) . then ( function ( pageNum , pdfPage ) {
var pageView = self . _pages [ pageNum - 1 ] ;
if ( ! pageView . pdfPage ) {
pageView . setPdfPage ( pdfPage ) ;
linkService . cachePageRef ( pageNum , pdfPage . ref ) ;
getPagesLeft -- ;
if ( ! getPagesLeft ) {
resolvePagesPromise ( ) ;
} . bind ( null , pageNum ) ) ;
} else {
// XXX: Printing is semi-broken with auto fetch disabled.
resolvePagesPromise ( ) ;
} ) ;
self . eventBus . dispatch ( 'pagesinit' , { source : self } ) ;
if ( this . defaultRenderingQueue ) {
this . update ( ) ;
if ( this . findController ) {
this . findController . resolveFirstPage ( ) ;
} . bind ( this ) ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { Array | null } labels
* /
setPageLabels : function PDFViewer _setPageLabels ( labels ) {
if ( ! this . pdfDocument ) {
return ;
if ( ! labels ) {
this . _pageLabels = null ;
} else if ( ! ( labels instanceof Array && this . pdfDocument . numPages === labels . length ) ) {
this . _pageLabels = null ;
console . error ( 'PDFViewer_setPageLabels: Invalid page labels.' ) ;
} else {
this . _pageLabels = labels ;
// Update all the `PDFPageView` instances.
for ( var i = 0 , ii = this . _pages . length ; i < ii ; i ++ ) {
var pageView = this . _pages [ i ] ;
var label = this . _pageLabels && this . _pageLabels [ i ] ;
pageView . setPageLabel ( label ) ;
} ,
_resetView : function ( ) {
this . _pages = [ ] ;
this . _currentPageNumber = 1 ;
this . _currentScale = UNKNOWN _SCALE ;
this . _currentScaleValue = null ;
this . _pageLabels = null ;
this . _buffer = new PDFPageViewBuffer ( DEFAULT _CACHE _SIZE ) ;
this . _location = null ;
this . _pagesRotation = 0 ;
this . _pagesRequests = [ ] ;
this . _pageViewsReady = false ;
// Remove the pages from the DOM.
this . viewer . textContent = '' ;
} ,
_scrollUpdate : function PDFViewer _scrollUpdate ( ) {
if ( this . pagesCount === 0 ) {
return ;
this . update ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , ii = this . _pages . length ; i < ii ; i ++ ) {
this . _pages [ i ] . updatePosition ( ) ;
} ,
_setScaleDispatchEvent : function pdfViewer _setScaleDispatchEvent ( newScale , newValue , preset ) {
var arg = {
source : this ,
scale : newScale ,
presetValue : preset ? newValue : undefined
} ;
this . eventBus . dispatch ( 'scalechanging' , arg ) ;
this . eventBus . dispatch ( 'scalechange' , arg ) ;
} ,
_setScaleUpdatePages : function pdfViewer _setScaleUpdatePages ( newScale , newValue , noScroll , preset ) {
this . _currentScaleValue = newValue . toString ( ) ;
if ( isSameScale ( this . _currentScale , newScale ) ) {
if ( preset ) {
this . _setScaleDispatchEvent ( newScale , newValue , true ) ;
return ;
for ( var i = 0 , ii = this . _pages . length ; i < ii ; i ++ ) {
this . _pages [ i ] . update ( newScale ) ;
this . _currentScale = newScale ;
if ( ! noScroll ) {
var page = this . _currentPageNumber , dest ;
if ( this . _location && ! pdfjsLib . PDFJS . ignoreCurrentPositionOnZoom && ! ( this . isInPresentationMode || this . isChangingPresentationMode ) ) {
page = this . _location . pageNumber ;
dest = [
null ,
{ name : 'XYZ' } ,
this . _location . left ,
this . _location . top ,
] ;
this . scrollPageIntoView ( {
pageNumber : page ,
destArray : dest ,
allowNegativeOffset : true
} ) ;
this . _setScaleDispatchEvent ( newScale , newValue , preset ) ;
if ( this . defaultRenderingQueue ) {
this . update ( ) ;
} ,
_setScale : function PDFViewer _setScale ( value , noScroll ) {
var scale = parseFloat ( value ) ;
if ( scale > 0 ) {
this . _setScaleUpdatePages ( scale , value , noScroll , false ) ;
} else {
var currentPage = this . _pages [ this . _currentPageNumber - 1 ] ;
if ( ! currentPage ) {
return ;
var hPadding = this . isInPresentationMode || this . removePageBorders ? 0 : SCROLLBAR _PADDING ;
var vPadding = this . isInPresentationMode || this . removePageBorders ? 0 : VERTICAL _PADDING ;
var pageWidthScale = ( this . container . clientWidth - hPadding ) / currentPage . width * currentPage . scale ;
var pageHeightScale = ( this . container . clientHeight - vPadding ) / currentPage . height * currentPage . scale ;
switch ( value ) {
case 'page-actual' :
scale = 1 ;
break ;
case 'page-width' :
scale = pageWidthScale ;
break ;
case 'page-height' :
scale = pageHeightScale ;
break ;
case 'page-fit' :
scale = Math . min ( pageWidthScale , pageHeightScale ) ;
break ;
case 'auto' :
var isLandscape = currentPage . width > currentPage . height ;
// For pages in landscape mode, fit the page height to the viewer
// *unless* the page would thus become too wide to fit horizontally.
var horizontalScale = isLandscape ? Math . min ( pageHeightScale , pageWidthScale ) : pageWidthScale ;
scale = Math . min ( MAX _AUTO _SCALE , horizontalScale ) ;
break ;
default :
console . error ( 'PDFViewer_setScale: "' + value + '" is an unknown zoom value.' ) ;
return ;
this . _setScaleUpdatePages ( scale , value , noScroll , true ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Refreshes page view : scrolls to the current page and updates the scale .
* @ private
* /
_resetCurrentPageView : function ( ) {
if ( this . isInPresentationMode ) {
// Fixes the case when PDF has different page sizes.
this . _setScale ( this . _currentScaleValue , true ) ;
var pageView = this . _pages [ this . _currentPageNumber - 1 ] ;
scrollIntoView ( pageView . div ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ typedef ScrollPageIntoViewParameters
* @ property { number } pageNumber - The page number .
* @ property { Array } destArray - ( optional ) The original PDF destination
* array , in the format : < page - ref > < / X Y Z | / F i t X X X > < a r g s . . >
* @ property { boolean } allowNegativeOffset - ( optional ) Allow negative page
* offsets . The default value is ` false ` .
* /
/ * *
* Scrolls page into view .
* @ param { ScrollPageIntoViewParameters } params
* /
scrollPageIntoView : function PDFViewer _scrollPageIntoView ( params ) {
if ( ! this . pdfDocument ) {
return ;
if ( arguments . length > 1 || typeof params === 'number' ) {
console . warn ( 'Call of scrollPageIntoView() with obsolete signature.' ) ;
var paramObj = { } ;
if ( typeof params === 'number' ) {
paramObj . pageNumber = params ;
// pageNumber argument was found.
if ( arguments [ 1 ] instanceof Array ) {
paramObj . destArray = arguments [ 1 ] ;
// destArray argument was found.
params = paramObj ;
var pageNumber = params . pageNumber || 0 ;
var dest = params . destArray || null ;
var allowNegativeOffset = params . allowNegativeOffset || false ;
if ( this . isInPresentationMode || ! dest ) {
this . _setCurrentPageNumber ( pageNumber , /* resetCurrentPageView */
true ) ;
return ;
var pageView = this . _pages [ pageNumber - 1 ] ;
if ( ! pageView ) {
console . error ( 'PDFViewer_scrollPageIntoView: ' + 'Invalid "pageNumber" parameter.' ) ;
return ;
var x = 0 , y = 0 ;
var width = 0 , height = 0 , widthScale , heightScale ;
var changeOrientation = pageView . rotation % 180 === 0 ? false : true ;
var pageWidth = ( changeOrientation ? pageView . height : pageView . width ) / pageView . scale / CSS _UNITS ;
var pageHeight = ( changeOrientation ? pageView . width : pageView . height ) / pageView . scale / CSS _UNITS ;
var scale = 0 ;
switch ( dest [ 1 ] . name ) {
case 'XYZ' :
x = dest [ 2 ] ;
y = dest [ 3 ] ;
scale = dest [ 4 ] ;
// If x and/or y coordinates are not supplied, default to
// _top_ left of the page (not the obvious bottom left,
// since aligning the bottom of the intended page with the
// top of the window is rarely helpful).
x = x !== null ? x : 0 ;
y = y !== null ? y : pageHeight ;
break ;
case 'Fit' :
case 'FitB' :
scale = 'page-fit' ;
break ;
case 'FitH' :
case 'FitBH' :
y = dest [ 2 ] ;
scale = 'page-width' ;
// According to the PDF spec, section, a `null` value in the
// parameter should maintain the position relative to the new page.
if ( y === null && this . _location ) {
x = this . _location . left ;
y = this . _location . top ;
break ;
case 'FitV' :
case 'FitBV' :
x = dest [ 2 ] ;
width = pageWidth ;
height = pageHeight ;
scale = 'page-height' ;
break ;
case 'FitR' :
x = dest [ 2 ] ;
y = dest [ 3 ] ;
width = dest [ 4 ] - x ;
height = dest [ 5 ] - y ;
var hPadding = this . removePageBorders ? 0 : SCROLLBAR _PADDING ;
var vPadding = this . removePageBorders ? 0 : VERTICAL _PADDING ;
widthScale = ( this . container . clientWidth - hPadding ) / width / CSS _UNITS ;
heightScale = ( this . container . clientHeight - vPadding ) / height / CSS _UNITS ;
scale = Math . min ( Math . abs ( widthScale ) , Math . abs ( heightScale ) ) ;
break ;
default :
console . error ( 'PDFViewer_scrollPageIntoView: \'' + dest [ 1 ] . name + '\' is not a valid destination type.' ) ;
return ;
if ( scale && scale !== this . _currentScale ) {
this . currentScaleValue = scale ;
} else if ( this . _currentScale === UNKNOWN _SCALE ) {
this . currentScaleValue = DEFAULT _SCALE _VALUE ;
if ( scale === 'page-fit' && ! dest [ 4 ] ) {
scrollIntoView ( pageView . div ) ;
return ;
var boundingRect = [
pageView . viewport . convertToViewportPoint ( x , y ) ,
pageView . viewport . convertToViewportPoint ( x + width , y + height )
] ;
var left = Math . min ( boundingRect [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , boundingRect [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
var top = Math . min ( boundingRect [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , boundingRect [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! allowNegativeOffset ) {
// Some bad PDF generators will create destinations with e.g. top values
// that exceeds the page height. Ensure that offsets are not negative,
// to prevent a previous page from becoming visible (fixes bug 874482).
left = Math . max ( left , 0 ) ;
top = Math . max ( top , 0 ) ;
scrollIntoView ( pageView . div , {
left : left ,
top : top
} ) ;
} ,
_updateLocation : function ( firstPage ) {
var currentScale = this . _currentScale ;
var currentScaleValue = this . _currentScaleValue ;
var normalizedScaleValue = parseFloat ( currentScaleValue ) === currentScale ? Math . round ( currentScale * 10000 ) / 100 : currentScaleValue ;
var pageNumber = firstPage . id ;
var pdfOpenParams = '#page=' + pageNumber ;
pdfOpenParams += '&zoom=' + normalizedScaleValue ;
var currentPageView = this . _pages [ pageNumber - 1 ] ;
var container = this . container ;
var topLeft = currentPageView . getPagePoint ( container . scrollLeft - firstPage . x , container . scrollTop - firstPage . y ) ;
var intLeft = Math . round ( topLeft [ 0 ] ) ;
var intTop = Math . round ( topLeft [ 1 ] ) ;
pdfOpenParams += ',' + intLeft + ',' + intTop ;
this . _location = {
pageNumber : pageNumber ,
scale : normalizedScaleValue ,
top : intTop ,
left : intLeft ,
pdfOpenParams : pdfOpenParams
} ;
} ,
update : function PDFViewer _update ( ) {
var visible = this . _getVisiblePages ( ) ;
var visiblePages = visible . views ;
if ( visiblePages . length === 0 ) {
return ;
var suggestedCacheSize = Math . max ( DEFAULT _CACHE _SIZE , 2 * visiblePages . length + 1 ) ;
this . _buffer . resize ( suggestedCacheSize ) ;
this . renderingQueue . renderHighestPriority ( visible ) ;
var currentId = this . _currentPageNumber ;
var firstPage = visible . first ;
for ( var i = 0 , ii = visiblePages . length , stillFullyVisible = false ; i < ii ; ++ i ) {
var page = visiblePages [ i ] ;
if ( page . percent < 100 ) {
break ;
if ( page . id === currentId ) {
stillFullyVisible = true ;
break ;
if ( ! stillFullyVisible ) {
currentId = visiblePages [ 0 ] . id ;
if ( ! this . isInPresentationMode ) {
this . _setCurrentPageNumber ( currentId ) ;
this . _updateLocation ( firstPage ) ;
this . eventBus . dispatch ( 'updateviewarea' , {
source : this ,
location : this . _location
} ) ;
} ,
containsElement : function ( element ) {
return this . container . contains ( element ) ;
} ,
focus : function ( ) {
this . container . focus ( ) ;
} ,
get isInPresentationMode ( ) {
return this . presentationModeState === PresentationModeState . FULLSCREEN ;
} ,
get isChangingPresentationMode ( ) {
return this . presentationModeState === PresentationModeState . CHANGING ;
} ,
get isHorizontalScrollbarEnabled ( ) {
return this . isInPresentationMode ? false : this . container . scrollWidth > this . container . clientWidth ;
} ,
_getVisiblePages : function ( ) {
if ( ! this . isInPresentationMode ) {
return getVisibleElements ( this . container , this . _pages , true ) ;
} else {
// The algorithm in getVisibleElements doesn't work in all browsers and
// configurations when presentation mode is active.
var visible = [ ] ;
var currentPage = this . _pages [ this . _currentPageNumber - 1 ] ;
visible . push ( {
id : currentPage . id ,
view : currentPage
} ) ;
return {
first : currentPage ,
last : currentPage ,
views : visible
} ;
} ,
cleanup : function ( ) {
for ( var i = 0 , ii = this . _pages . length ; i < ii ; i ++ ) {
if ( this . _pages [ i ] && this . _pages [ i ] . renderingState !== RenderingStates . FINISHED ) {
this . _pages [ i ] . reset ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ private
* /
_cancelRendering : function PDFViewer _cancelRendering ( ) {
for ( var i = 0 , ii = this . _pages . length ; i < ii ; i ++ ) {
if ( this . _pages [ i ] ) {
this . _pages [ i ] . cancelRendering ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { PDFPageView } pageView
* @ returns { PDFPage }
* @ private
* /
_ensurePdfPageLoaded : function ( pageView ) {
if ( pageView . pdfPage ) {
return Promise . resolve ( pageView . pdfPage ) ;
var pageNumber = pageView . id ;
if ( this . _pagesRequests [ pageNumber ] ) {
return this . _pagesRequests [ pageNumber ] ;
var promise = this . pdfDocument . getPage ( pageNumber ) . then ( function ( pdfPage ) {
pageView . setPdfPage ( pdfPage ) ;
this . _pagesRequests [ pageNumber ] = null ;
return pdfPage ;
} . bind ( this ) ) ;
this . _pagesRequests [ pageNumber ] = promise ;
return promise ;
} ,
forceRendering : function ( currentlyVisiblePages ) {
var visiblePages = currentlyVisiblePages || this . _getVisiblePages ( ) ;
var pageView = this . renderingQueue . getHighestPriority ( visiblePages , this . _pages , this . scroll . down ) ;
if ( pageView ) {
this . _ensurePdfPageLoaded ( pageView ) . then ( function ( ) {
this . renderingQueue . renderView ( pageView ) ;
} . bind ( this ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} ,
getPageTextContent : function ( pageIndex ) {
return this . pdfDocument . getPage ( pageIndex + 1 ) . then ( function ( page ) {
return page . getTextContent ( { normalizeWhitespace : true } ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { HTMLDivElement } textLayerDiv
* @ param { number } pageIndex
* @ param { PageViewport } viewport
* @ returns { TextLayerBuilder }
* /
createTextLayerBuilder : function ( textLayerDiv , pageIndex , viewport , enhanceTextSelection ) {
return new TextLayerBuilder ( {
textLayerDiv : textLayerDiv ,
eventBus : this . eventBus ,
pageIndex : pageIndex ,
viewport : viewport ,
findController : this . isInPresentationMode ? null : this . findController ,
enhanceTextSelection : this . isInPresentationMode ? false : enhanceTextSelection
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { HTMLDivElement } pageDiv
* @ param { PDFPage } pdfPage
* @ param { boolean } renderInteractiveForms
* @ returns { AnnotationLayerBuilder }
* /
createAnnotationLayerBuilder : function ( pageDiv , pdfPage , renderInteractiveForms ) {
return new AnnotationLayerBuilder ( {
pageDiv : pageDiv ,
pdfPage : pdfPage ,
renderInteractiveForms : renderInteractiveForms ,
linkService : this . linkService ,
downloadManager : this . downloadManager
} ) ;
} ,
setFindController : function ( findController ) {
this . findController = findController ;
} ,
/ * *
* Returns sizes of the pages .
* @ returns { Array } Array of objects with width / height fields .
* /
getPagesOverview : function ( ) {
return this . _pages . map ( function ( pageView ) {
var viewport = pageView . pdfPage . getViewport ( 1 ) ;
return {
width : viewport . width ,
height : viewport . height
} ;
} ) ;
} ;
return PDFViewer ;
} ( ) ;
exports . PresentationModeState = PresentationModeState ;
exports . PDFViewer = PDFViewer ;
} ) ) ;
} . call ( pdfViewerLibs ) ) ;
var PDFJS = pdfjsLib . PDFJS ;
PDFJS . PDFViewer = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebPDFViewer . PDFViewer ;
PDFJS . PDFPageView = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebPDFPageView . PDFPageView ;
PDFJS . PDFLinkService = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebPDFLinkService . PDFLinkService ;
PDFJS . TextLayerBuilder = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebTextLayerBuilder . TextLayerBuilder ;
PDFJS . DefaultTextLayerFactory = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebTextLayerBuilder . DefaultTextLayerFactory ;
PDFJS . AnnotationLayerBuilder = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebAnnotationLayerBuilder . AnnotationLayerBuilder ;
PDFJS . DefaultAnnotationLayerFactory = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebAnnotationLayerBuilder . DefaultAnnotationLayerFactory ;
PDFJS . PDFHistory = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebPDFHistory . PDFHistory ;
PDFJS . PDFFindController = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebPDFFindController . PDFFindController ;
PDFJS . EventBus = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebUIUtils . EventBus ;
PDFJS . DownloadManager = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebDownloadManager . DownloadManager ;
PDFJS . ProgressBar = pdfViewerLibs . pdfjsWebUIUtils . ProgressBar ;
exports . PDFJS = PDFJS ;
} ) ) ;