Generic build of PDF.js library.

381 lines
13 KiB

/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.TilingPattern = exports.getShadingPatternFromIR = undefined;
var _util = require('../shared/util');
var _webgl = require('./webgl');
var ShadingIRs = {};
ShadingIRs.RadialAxial = {
fromIR: function RadialAxial_fromIR(raw) {
var type = raw[1];
var colorStops = raw[2];
var p0 = raw[3];
var p1 = raw[4];
var r0 = raw[5];
var r1 = raw[6];
return {
type: 'Pattern',
getPattern: function RadialAxial_getPattern(ctx) {
var grad;
if (type === 'axial') {
grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(p0[0], p0[1], p1[0], p1[1]);
} else if (type === 'radial') {
grad = ctx.createRadialGradient(p0[0], p0[1], r0, p1[0], p1[1], r1);
for (var i = 0, ii = colorStops.length; i < ii; ++i) {
var c = colorStops[i];
grad.addColorStop(c[0], c[1]);
return grad;
var createMeshCanvas = function createMeshCanvasClosure() {
function drawTriangle(data, context, p1, p2, p3, c1, c2, c3) {
var coords = context.coords,
colors = context.colors;
var bytes =,
rowSize = data.width * 4;
var tmp;
if (coords[p1 + 1] > coords[p2 + 1]) {
tmp = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = tmp;
tmp = c1;
c1 = c2;
c2 = tmp;
if (coords[p2 + 1] > coords[p3 + 1]) {
tmp = p2;
p2 = p3;
p3 = tmp;
tmp = c2;
c2 = c3;
c3 = tmp;
if (coords[p1 + 1] > coords[p2 + 1]) {
tmp = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = tmp;
tmp = c1;
c1 = c2;
c2 = tmp;
var x1 = (coords[p1] + context.offsetX) * context.scaleX;
var y1 = (coords[p1 + 1] + context.offsetY) * context.scaleY;
var x2 = (coords[p2] + context.offsetX) * context.scaleX;
var y2 = (coords[p2 + 1] + context.offsetY) * context.scaleY;
var x3 = (coords[p3] + context.offsetX) * context.scaleX;
var y3 = (coords[p3 + 1] + context.offsetY) * context.scaleY;
if (y1 >= y3) {
var c1r = colors[c1],
c1g = colors[c1 + 1],
c1b = colors[c1 + 2];
var c2r = colors[c2],
c2g = colors[c2 + 1],
c2b = colors[c2 + 2];
var c3r = colors[c3],
c3g = colors[c3 + 1],
c3b = colors[c3 + 2];
var minY = Math.round(y1),
maxY = Math.round(y3);
var xa, car, cag, cab;
var xb, cbr, cbg, cbb;
var k;
for (var y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) {
if (y < y2) {
k = y < y1 ? 0 : y1 === y2 ? 1 : (y1 - y) / (y1 - y2);
xa = x1 - (x1 - x2) * k;
car = c1r - (c1r - c2r) * k;
cag = c1g - (c1g - c2g) * k;
cab = c1b - (c1b - c2b) * k;
} else {
k = y > y3 ? 1 : y2 === y3 ? 0 : (y2 - y) / (y2 - y3);
xa = x2 - (x2 - x3) * k;
car = c2r - (c2r - c3r) * k;
cag = c2g - (c2g - c3g) * k;
cab = c2b - (c2b - c3b) * k;
k = y < y1 ? 0 : y > y3 ? 1 : (y1 - y) / (y1 - y3);
xb = x1 - (x1 - x3) * k;
cbr = c1r - (c1r - c3r) * k;
cbg = c1g - (c1g - c3g) * k;
cbb = c1b - (c1b - c3b) * k;
var x1_ = Math.round(Math.min(xa, xb));
var x2_ = Math.round(Math.max(xa, xb));
var j = rowSize * y + x1_ * 4;
for (var x = x1_; x <= x2_; x++) {
k = (xa - x) / (xa - xb);
k = k < 0 ? 0 : k > 1 ? 1 : k;
bytes[j++] = car - (car - cbr) * k | 0;
bytes[j++] = cag - (cag - cbg) * k | 0;
bytes[j++] = cab - (cab - cbb) * k | 0;
bytes[j++] = 255;
function drawFigure(data, figure, context) {
var ps = figure.coords;
var cs = figure.colors;
var i, ii;
switch (figure.type) {
case 'lattice':
var verticesPerRow = figure.verticesPerRow;
var rows = Math.floor(ps.length / verticesPerRow) - 1;
var cols = verticesPerRow - 1;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
var q = i * verticesPerRow;
for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++, q++) {
drawTriangle(data, context, ps[q], ps[q + 1], ps[q + verticesPerRow], cs[q], cs[q + 1], cs[q + verticesPerRow]);
drawTriangle(data, context, ps[q + verticesPerRow + 1], ps[q + 1], ps[q + verticesPerRow], cs[q + verticesPerRow + 1], cs[q + 1], cs[q + verticesPerRow]);
case 'triangles':
for (i = 0, ii = ps.length; i < ii; i += 3) {
drawTriangle(data, context, ps[i], ps[i + 1], ps[i + 2], cs[i], cs[i + 1], cs[i + 2]);
(0, _util.error)('illigal figure');
function createMeshCanvas(bounds, combinesScale, coords, colors, figures, backgroundColor, cachedCanvases) {
var MAX_PATTERN_SIZE = 3000;
var BORDER_SIZE = 2;
var offsetX = Math.floor(bounds[0]);
var offsetY = Math.floor(bounds[1]);
var boundsWidth = Math.ceil(bounds[2]) - offsetX;
var boundsHeight = Math.ceil(bounds[3]) - offsetY;
var width = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(boundsWidth * combinesScale[0] * EXPECTED_SCALE)), MAX_PATTERN_SIZE);
var height = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(boundsHeight * combinesScale[1] * EXPECTED_SCALE)), MAX_PATTERN_SIZE);
var scaleX = boundsWidth / width;
var scaleY = boundsHeight / height;
var context = {
coords: coords,
colors: colors,
offsetX: -offsetX,
offsetY: -offsetY,
scaleX: 1 / scaleX,
scaleY: 1 / scaleY
var paddedWidth = width + BORDER_SIZE * 2;
var paddedHeight = height + BORDER_SIZE * 2;
var canvas, tmpCanvas, i, ii;
if (_webgl.WebGLUtils.isEnabled) {
canvas = _webgl.WebGLUtils.drawFigures(width, height, backgroundColor, figures, context);
tmpCanvas = cachedCanvases.getCanvas('mesh', paddedWidth, paddedHeight, false);
tmpCanvas.context.drawImage(canvas, BORDER_SIZE, BORDER_SIZE);
canvas = tmpCanvas.canvas;
} else {
tmpCanvas = cachedCanvases.getCanvas('mesh', paddedWidth, paddedHeight, false);
var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;
var data = tmpCtx.createImageData(width, height);
if (backgroundColor) {
var bytes =;
for (i = 0, ii = bytes.length; i < ii; i += 4) {
bytes[i] = backgroundColor[0];
bytes[i + 1] = backgroundColor[1];
bytes[i + 2] = backgroundColor[2];
bytes[i + 3] = 255;
for (i = 0; i < figures.length; i++) {
drawFigure(data, figures[i], context);
tmpCtx.putImageData(data, BORDER_SIZE, BORDER_SIZE);
canvas = tmpCanvas.canvas;
return {
canvas: canvas,
offsetX: offsetX - BORDER_SIZE * scaleX,
offsetY: offsetY - BORDER_SIZE * scaleY,
scaleX: scaleX,
scaleY: scaleY
return createMeshCanvas;
ShadingIRs.Mesh = {
fromIR: function Mesh_fromIR(raw) {
var coords = raw[2];
var colors = raw[3];
var figures = raw[4];
var bounds = raw[5];
var matrix = raw[6];
var background = raw[8];
return {
type: 'Pattern',
getPattern: function Mesh_getPattern(ctx, owner, shadingFill) {
var scale;
if (shadingFill) {
scale = _util.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(ctx.mozCurrentTransform);
} else {
scale = _util.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(owner.baseTransform);
if (matrix) {
var matrixScale = _util.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(matrix);
scale = [scale[0] * matrixScale[0], scale[1] * matrixScale[1]];
var temporaryPatternCanvas = createMeshCanvas(bounds, scale, coords, colors, figures, shadingFill ? null : background, owner.cachedCanvases);
if (!shadingFill) {
ctx.setTransform.apply(ctx, owner.baseTransform);
if (matrix) {
ctx.transform.apply(ctx, matrix);
ctx.translate(temporaryPatternCanvas.offsetX, temporaryPatternCanvas.offsetY);
ctx.scale(temporaryPatternCanvas.scaleX, temporaryPatternCanvas.scaleY);
return ctx.createPattern(temporaryPatternCanvas.canvas, 'no-repeat');
ShadingIRs.Dummy = {
fromIR: function Dummy_fromIR() {
return {
type: 'Pattern',
getPattern: function Dummy_fromIR_getPattern() {
return 'hotpink';
function getShadingPatternFromIR(raw) {
var shadingIR = ShadingIRs[raw[0]];
if (!shadingIR) {
(0, _util.error)('Unknown IR type: ' + raw[0]);
return shadingIR.fromIR(raw);
var TilingPattern = function TilingPatternClosure() {
var PaintType = {
var MAX_PATTERN_SIZE = 3000;
function TilingPattern(IR, color, ctx, canvasGraphicsFactory, baseTransform) {
this.operatorList = IR[2];
this.matrix = IR[3] || [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
this.bbox = _util.Util.normalizeRect(IR[4]);
this.xstep = IR[5];
this.ystep = IR[6];
this.paintType = IR[7];
this.tilingType = IR[8];
this.color = color;
this.canvasGraphicsFactory = canvasGraphicsFactory;
this.baseTransform = baseTransform;
this.type = 'Pattern';
this.ctx = ctx;
TilingPattern.prototype = {
createPatternCanvas: function TilinPattern_createPatternCanvas(owner) {
var operatorList = this.operatorList;
var bbox = this.bbox;
var xstep = this.xstep;
var ystep = this.ystep;
var paintType = this.paintType;
var tilingType = this.tilingType;
var color = this.color;
var canvasGraphicsFactory = this.canvasGraphicsFactory;
(0,'TilingType: ' + tilingType);
var x0 = bbox[0],
y0 = bbox[1],
x1 = bbox[2],
y1 = bbox[3];
var topLeft = [x0, y0];
var botRight = [x0 + xstep, y0 + ystep];
var width = botRight[0] - topLeft[0];
var height = botRight[1] - topLeft[1];
var matrixScale = _util.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(this.matrix);
var curMatrixScale = _util.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(this.baseTransform);
var combinedScale = [matrixScale[0] * curMatrixScale[0], matrixScale[1] * curMatrixScale[1]];
width = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(width * combinedScale[0])), MAX_PATTERN_SIZE);
height = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(height * combinedScale[1])), MAX_PATTERN_SIZE);
var tmpCanvas = owner.cachedCanvases.getCanvas('pattern', width, height, true);
var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;
var graphics = canvasGraphicsFactory.createCanvasGraphics(tmpCtx);
graphics.groupLevel = owner.groupLevel;
this.setFillAndStrokeStyleToContext(tmpCtx, paintType, color);
this.setScale(width, height, xstep, ystep);
var tmpTranslate = [1, 0, 0, 1, -topLeft[0], -topLeft[1]];
graphics.transform.apply(graphics, tmpTranslate);
this.clipBbox(graphics, bbox, x0, y0, x1, y1);
return tmpCanvas.canvas;
setScale: function TilingPattern_setScale(width, height, xstep, ystep) {
this.scale = [width / xstep, height / ystep];
transformToScale: function TilingPattern_transformToScale(graphics) {
var scale = this.scale;
var tmpScale = [scale[0], 0, 0, scale[1], 0, 0];
graphics.transform.apply(graphics, tmpScale);
scaleToContext: function TilingPattern_scaleToContext() {
var scale = this.scale;
this.ctx.scale(1 / scale[0], 1 / scale[1]);
clipBbox: function clipBbox(graphics, bbox, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
if ((0, _util.isArray)(bbox) && bbox.length === 4) {
var bboxWidth = x1 - x0;
var bboxHeight = y1 - y0;
graphics.ctx.rect(x0, y0, bboxWidth, bboxHeight);
setFillAndStrokeStyleToContext: function setFillAndStrokeStyleToContext(context, paintType, color) {
switch (paintType) {
case PaintType.COLORED:
var ctx = this.ctx;
context.fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
context.strokeStyle = ctx.strokeStyle;
case PaintType.UNCOLORED:
var cssColor = _util.Util.makeCssRgb(color[0], color[1], color[2]);
context.fillStyle = cssColor;
context.strokeStyle = cssColor;
(0, _util.error)('Unsupported paint type: ' + paintType);
getPattern: function TilingPattern_getPattern(ctx, owner) {
var temporaryPatternCanvas = this.createPatternCanvas(owner);
ctx = this.ctx;
ctx.setTransform.apply(ctx, this.baseTransform);
ctx.transform.apply(ctx, this.matrix);
return ctx.createPattern(temporaryPatternCanvas, 'repeat');
return TilingPattern;
exports.getShadingPatternFromIR = getShadingPatternFromIR;
exports.TilingPattern = TilingPattern;