/** * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the * Javascript code in this page * * Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @licend The above is the entire license notice for the * Javascript code in this page */ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.PDFPrintService = undefined; var _ui_utils = require('./ui_utils'); var _app = require('./app'); var activeService = null; var overlayManager = null; function renderPage(activeServiceOnEntry, pdfDocument, pageNumber, size) { var scratchCanvas = activeService.scratchCanvas; var PRINT_RESOLUTION = 150; var PRINT_UNITS = PRINT_RESOLUTION / 72.0; scratchCanvas.width = Math.floor(size.width * PRINT_UNITS); scratchCanvas.height = Math.floor(size.height * PRINT_UNITS); var width = Math.floor(size.width * _ui_utils.CSS_UNITS) + 'px'; var height = Math.floor(size.height * _ui_utils.CSS_UNITS) + 'px'; var ctx = scratchCanvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, scratchCanvas.width, scratchCanvas.height); ctx.restore(); return pdfDocument.getPage(pageNumber).then(function (pdfPage) { var renderContext = { canvasContext: ctx, transform: [PRINT_UNITS, 0, 0, PRINT_UNITS, 0, 0], viewport: pdfPage.getViewport(1, size.rotation), intent: 'print' }; return pdfPage.render(renderContext).promise; }).then(function () { return { width: width, height: height }; }); } function PDFPrintService(pdfDocument, pagesOverview, printContainer, l10n) { this.pdfDocument = pdfDocument; this.pagesOverview = pagesOverview; this.printContainer = printContainer; this.l10n = l10n || _ui_utils.NullL10n; this.disableCreateObjectURL = pdfDocument.loadingParams['disableCreateObjectURL']; this.currentPage = -1; this.scratchCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); } PDFPrintService.prototype = { layout: function layout() { this.throwIfInactive(); var body = document.querySelector('body'); body.setAttribute('data-pdfjsprinting', true); var hasEqualPageSizes = this.pagesOverview.every(function (size) { return size.width === this.pagesOverview[0].width && size.height === this.pagesOverview[0].height; }, this); if (!hasEqualPageSizes) { console.warn('Not all pages have the same size. The printed ' + 'result may be incorrect!'); } this.pageStyleSheet = document.createElement('style'); var pageSize = this.pagesOverview[0]; this.pageStyleSheet.textContent = '@supports ((size:A4) and (size:1pt 1pt)) {' + '@page { size: ' + pageSize.width + 'pt ' + pageSize.height + 'pt;}' + '}'; body.appendChild(this.pageStyleSheet); }, destroy: function destroy() { if (activeService !== this) { return; } this.printContainer.textContent = ''; if (this.pageStyleSheet) { this.pageStyleSheet.remove(); this.pageStyleSheet = null; } this.scratchCanvas.width = this.scratchCanvas.height = 0; this.scratchCanvas = null; activeService = null; ensureOverlay().then(function () { if (overlayManager.active !== 'printServiceOverlay') { return; } overlayManager.close('printServiceOverlay'); }); }, renderPages: function renderPages() { var _this = this; var pageCount = this.pagesOverview.length; var renderNextPage = function renderNextPage(resolve, reject) { _this.throwIfInactive(); if (++_this.currentPage >= pageCount) { renderProgress(pageCount, pageCount, _this.l10n); resolve(); return; } var index = _this.currentPage; renderProgress(index, pageCount, _this.l10n); renderPage(_this, _this.pdfDocument, index + 1, _this.pagesOverview[index]).then(_this.useRenderedPage.bind(_this)).then(function () { renderNextPage(resolve, reject); }, reject); }; return new Promise(renderNextPage); }, useRenderedPage: function useRenderedPage(printItem) { this.throwIfInactive(); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.style.width = printItem.width; img.style.height = printItem.height; var scratchCanvas = this.scratchCanvas; if ('toBlob' in scratchCanvas && !this.disableCreateObjectURL) { scratchCanvas.toBlob(function (blob) { img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); }); } else { img.src = scratchCanvas.toDataURL(); } var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.appendChild(img); this.printContainer.appendChild(wrapper); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { img.onload = resolve; img.onerror = reject; }); }, performPrint: function performPrint() { var _this2 = this; this.throwIfInactive(); return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(function () { if (!_this2.active) { resolve(); return; } print.call(window); setTimeout(resolve, 20); }, 0); }); }, get active() { return this === activeService; }, throwIfInactive: function throwIfInactive() { if (!this.active) { throw new Error('This print request was cancelled or completed.'); } } }; var print = window.print; window.print = function print() { if (activeService) { console.warn('Ignored window.print() because of a pending print job.'); return; } ensureOverlay().then(function () { if (activeService) { overlayManager.open('printServiceOverlay'); } }); try { dispatchEvent('beforeprint'); } finally { if (!activeService) { console.error('Expected print service to be initialized.'); ensureOverlay().then(function () { if (overlayManager.active === 'printServiceOverlay') { overlayManager.close('printServiceOverlay'); } }); return; } var activeServiceOnEntry = activeService; activeService.renderPages().then(function () { return activeServiceOnEntry.performPrint(); }).catch(function () {}).then(function () { if (activeServiceOnEntry.active) { abort(); } }); } }; function dispatchEvent(eventType) { var event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); event.initCustomEvent(eventType, false, false, 'custom'); window.dispatchEvent(event); } function abort() { if (activeService) { activeService.destroy(); dispatchEvent('afterprint'); } } function renderProgress(index, total, l10n) { var progressContainer = document.getElementById('printServiceOverlay'); var progress = Math.round(100 * index / total); var progressBar = progressContainer.querySelector('progress'); var progressPerc = progressContainer.querySelector('.relative-progress'); progressBar.value = progress; l10n.get('print_progress_percent', { progress: progress }, progress + '%').then(function (msg) { progressPerc.textContent = msg; }); } var hasAttachEvent = !!document.attachEvent; window.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 80 && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.altKey && (!event.shiftKey || window.chrome || window.opera)) { window.print(); if (hasAttachEvent) { return; } event.preventDefault(); if (event.stopImmediatePropagation) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } else { event.stopPropagation(); } return; } }, true); if (hasAttachEvent) { document.attachEvent('onkeydown', function (event) { event = event || window.event; if (event.keyCode === 80 && event.ctrlKey) { event.keyCode = 0; return false; } }); } if ('onbeforeprint' in window) { var stopPropagationIfNeeded = function stopPropagationIfNeeded(event) { if (event.detail !== 'custom' && event.stopImmediatePropagation) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } }; window.addEventListener('beforeprint', stopPropagationIfNeeded); window.addEventListener('afterprint', stopPropagationIfNeeded); } var overlayPromise = void 0; function ensureOverlay() { if (!overlayPromise) { overlayManager = _app.PDFViewerApplication.overlayManager; if (!overlayManager) { throw new Error('The overlay manager has not yet been initialized.'); } overlayPromise = overlayManager.register('printServiceOverlay', document.getElementById('printServiceOverlay'), abort, true); document.getElementById('printCancel').onclick = abort; } return overlayPromise; } _app.PDFPrintServiceFactory.instance = { supportsPrinting: true, createPrintService: function createPrintService(pdfDocument, pagesOverview, printContainer, l10n) { if (activeService) { throw new Error('The print service is created and active.'); } activeService = new PDFPrintService(pdfDocument, pagesOverview, printContainer, l10n); return activeService; } }; exports.PDFPrintService = PDFPrintService;