/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.DefaultTextLayerFactory = exports.TextLayerBuilder = undefined; var _dom_events = require('pdfjs-web/dom_events'); var _pdfjs = require('pdfjs-web/pdfjs'); var EXPAND_DIVS_TIMEOUT = 300; var TextLayerBuilder = function TextLayerBuilderClosure() { function TextLayerBuilder(options) { this.textLayerDiv = options.textLayerDiv; this.eventBus = options.eventBus || _dom_events.domEvents.getGlobalEventBus(); this.textContent = null; this.renderingDone = false; this.pageIdx = options.pageIndex; this.pageNumber = this.pageIdx + 1; this.matches = []; this.viewport = options.viewport; this.textDivs = []; this.findController = options.findController || null; this.textLayerRenderTask = null; this.enhanceTextSelection = options.enhanceTextSelection; this._bindMouse(); } TextLayerBuilder.prototype = { _finishRendering: function TextLayerBuilder_finishRendering() { this.renderingDone = true; if (!this.enhanceTextSelection) { var endOfContent = document.createElement('div'); endOfContent.className = 'endOfContent'; this.textLayerDiv.appendChild(endOfContent); } this.eventBus.dispatch('textlayerrendered', { source: this, pageNumber: this.pageNumber, numTextDivs: this.textDivs.length }); }, render: function TextLayerBuilder_render(timeout) { if (!this.textContent || this.renderingDone) { return; } this.cancel(); this.textDivs = []; var textLayerFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); this.textLayerRenderTask = (0, _pdfjs.renderTextLayer)({ textContent: this.textContent, container: textLayerFrag, viewport: this.viewport, textDivs: this.textDivs, timeout: timeout, enhanceTextSelection: this.enhanceTextSelection }); this.textLayerRenderTask.promise.then(function () { this.textLayerDiv.appendChild(textLayerFrag); this._finishRendering(); this.updateMatches(); }.bind(this), function (reason) {}); }, cancel: function TextLayerBuilder_cancel() { if (this.textLayerRenderTask) { this.textLayerRenderTask.cancel(); this.textLayerRenderTask = null; } }, setTextContent: function TextLayerBuilder_setTextContent(textContent) { this.cancel(); this.textContent = textContent; }, convertMatches: function TextLayerBuilder_convertMatches(matches, matchesLength) { var i = 0; var iIndex = 0; var bidiTexts = this.textContent.items; var end = bidiTexts.length - 1; var queryLen = this.findController === null ? 0 : this.findController.state.query.length; var ret = []; if (!matches) { return ret; } for (var m = 0, len = matches.length; m < len; m++) { var matchIdx = matches[m]; while (i !== end && matchIdx >= iIndex + bidiTexts[i].str.length) { iIndex += bidiTexts[i].str.length; i++; } if (i === bidiTexts.length) { console.error('Could not find a matching mapping'); } var match = { begin: { divIdx: i, offset: matchIdx - iIndex } }; if (matchesLength) { matchIdx += matchesLength[m]; } else { matchIdx += queryLen; } while (i !== end && matchIdx > iIndex + bidiTexts[i].str.length) { iIndex += bidiTexts[i].str.length; i++; } match.end = { divIdx: i, offset: matchIdx - iIndex }; ret.push(match); } return ret; }, renderMatches: function TextLayerBuilder_renderMatches(matches) { if (matches.length === 0) { return; } var bidiTexts = this.textContent.items; var textDivs = this.textDivs; var prevEnd = null; var pageIdx = this.pageIdx; var isSelectedPage = this.findController === null ? false : pageIdx === this.findController.selected.pageIdx; var selectedMatchIdx = this.findController === null ? -1 : this.findController.selected.matchIdx; var highlightAll = this.findController === null ? false : this.findController.state.highlightAll; var infinity = { divIdx: -1, offset: undefined }; function beginText(begin, className) { var divIdx = begin.divIdx; textDivs[divIdx].textContent = ''; appendTextToDiv(divIdx, 0, begin.offset, className); } function appendTextToDiv(divIdx, fromOffset, toOffset, className) { var div = textDivs[divIdx]; var content = bidiTexts[divIdx].str.substring(fromOffset, toOffset); var node = document.createTextNode(content); if (className) { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = className; span.appendChild(node); div.appendChild(span); return; } div.appendChild(node); } var i0 = selectedMatchIdx, i1 = i0 + 1; if (highlightAll) { i0 = 0; i1 = matches.length; } else if (!isSelectedPage) { return; } for (var i = i0; i < i1; i++) { var match = matches[i]; var begin = match.begin; var end = match.end; var isSelected = isSelectedPage && i === selectedMatchIdx; var highlightSuffix = isSelected ? ' selected' : ''; if (this.findController) { this.findController.updateMatchPosition(pageIdx, i, textDivs, begin.divIdx); } if (!prevEnd || begin.divIdx !== prevEnd.divIdx) { if (prevEnd !== null) { appendTextToDiv(prevEnd.divIdx, prevEnd.offset, infinity.offset); } beginText(begin); } else { appendTextToDiv(prevEnd.divIdx, prevEnd.offset, begin.offset); } if (begin.divIdx === end.divIdx) { appendTextToDiv(begin.divIdx, begin.offset, end.offset, 'highlight' + highlightSuffix); } else { appendTextToDiv(begin.divIdx, begin.offset, infinity.offset, 'highlight begin' + highlightSuffix); for (var n0 = begin.divIdx + 1, n1 = end.divIdx; n0 < n1; n0++) { textDivs[n0].className = 'highlight middle' + highlightSuffix; } beginText(end, 'highlight end' + highlightSuffix); } prevEnd = end; } if (prevEnd) { appendTextToDiv(prevEnd.divIdx, prevEnd.offset, infinity.offset); } }, updateMatches: function TextLayerBuilder_updateMatches() { if (!this.renderingDone) { return; } var matches = this.matches; var textDivs = this.textDivs; var bidiTexts = this.textContent.items; var clearedUntilDivIdx = -1; for (var i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; i++) { var match = matches[i]; var begin = Math.max(clearedUntilDivIdx, match.begin.divIdx); for (var n = begin, end = match.end.divIdx; n <= end; n++) { var div = textDivs[n]; div.textContent = bidiTexts[n].str; div.className = ''; } clearedUntilDivIdx = match.end.divIdx + 1; } if (this.findController === null || !this.findController.active) { return; } var pageMatches, pageMatchesLength; if (this.findController !== null) { pageMatches = this.findController.pageMatches[this.pageIdx] || null; pageMatchesLength = this.findController.pageMatchesLength ? this.findController.pageMatchesLength[this.pageIdx] || null : null; } this.matches = this.convertMatches(pageMatches, pageMatchesLength); this.renderMatches(this.matches); }, _bindMouse: function TextLayerBuilder_bindMouse() { var div = this.textLayerDiv; var self = this; var expandDivsTimer = null; div.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { if (self.enhanceTextSelection && self.textLayerRenderTask) { self.textLayerRenderTask.expandTextDivs(true); if (expandDivsTimer) { clearTimeout(expandDivsTimer); expandDivsTimer = null; } return; } var end = div.querySelector('.endOfContent'); if (!end) { return; } var adjustTop = e.target !== div; adjustTop = adjustTop && window.getComputedStyle(end).getPropertyValue('-moz-user-select') !== 'none'; if (adjustTop) { var divBounds = div.getBoundingClientRect(); var r = Math.max(0, (e.pageY - divBounds.top) / divBounds.height); end.style.top = (r * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'; } end.classList.add('active'); }); div.addEventListener('mouseup', function (e) { if (self.enhanceTextSelection && self.textLayerRenderTask) { expandDivsTimer = setTimeout(function () { if (self.textLayerRenderTask) { self.textLayerRenderTask.expandTextDivs(false); } expandDivsTimer = null; }, EXPAND_DIVS_TIMEOUT); return; } var end = div.querySelector('.endOfContent'); if (!end) { return; } end.style.top = ''; end.classList.remove('active'); }); } }; return TextLayerBuilder; }(); function DefaultTextLayerFactory() {} DefaultTextLayerFactory.prototype = { createTextLayerBuilder: function (textLayerDiv, pageIndex, viewport, enhanceTextSelection) { return new TextLayerBuilder({ textLayerDiv: textLayerDiv, pageIndex: pageIndex, viewport: viewport, enhanceTextSelection: enhanceTextSelection }); } }; exports.TextLayerBuilder = TextLayerBuilder; exports.DefaultTextLayerFactory = DefaultTextLayerFactory;