/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; var sharedUtil = require('../shared/util.js'); var corePrimitives = require('./primitives.js'); var coreCrypto = require('./crypto.js'); var coreParser = require('./parser.js'); var coreChunkedStream = require('./chunked_stream.js'); var coreColorSpace = require('./colorspace.js'); var InvalidPDFException = sharedUtil.InvalidPDFException; var MissingDataException = sharedUtil.MissingDataException; var XRefParseException = sharedUtil.XRefParseException; var assert = sharedUtil.assert; var bytesToString = sharedUtil.bytesToString; var createPromiseCapability = sharedUtil.createPromiseCapability; var error = sharedUtil.error; var info = sharedUtil.info; var isArray = sharedUtil.isArray; var isBool = sharedUtil.isBool; var isInt = sharedUtil.isInt; var isString = sharedUtil.isString; var shadow = sharedUtil.shadow; var stringToPDFString = sharedUtil.stringToPDFString; var stringToUTF8String = sharedUtil.stringToUTF8String; var warn = sharedUtil.warn; var createValidAbsoluteUrl = sharedUtil.createValidAbsoluteUrl; var Util = sharedUtil.Util; var Dict = corePrimitives.Dict; var Ref = corePrimitives.Ref; var RefSet = corePrimitives.RefSet; var RefSetCache = corePrimitives.RefSetCache; var isName = corePrimitives.isName; var isCmd = corePrimitives.isCmd; var isDict = corePrimitives.isDict; var isRef = corePrimitives.isRef; var isRefsEqual = corePrimitives.isRefsEqual; var isStream = corePrimitives.isStream; var CipherTransformFactory = coreCrypto.CipherTransformFactory; var Lexer = coreParser.Lexer; var Parser = coreParser.Parser; var ChunkedStream = coreChunkedStream.ChunkedStream; var ColorSpace = coreColorSpace.ColorSpace; var Catalog = function CatalogClosure() { function Catalog(pdfManager, xref, pageFactory) { this.pdfManager = pdfManager; this.xref = xref; this.catDict = xref.getCatalogObj(); assert(isDict(this.catDict), 'catalog object is not a dictionary'); this.fontCache = new RefSetCache(); this.builtInCMapCache = Object.create(null); this.pageKidsCountCache = new RefSetCache(); this.pageFactory = pageFactory; this.pagePromises = []; } Catalog.prototype = { get metadata() { var streamRef = this.catDict.getRaw('Metadata'); if (!isRef(streamRef)) { return shadow(this, 'metadata', null); } var encryptMetadata = !this.xref.encrypt ? false : this.xref.encrypt.encryptMetadata; var stream = this.xref.fetch(streamRef, !encryptMetadata); var metadata; if (stream && isDict(stream.dict)) { var type = stream.dict.get('Type'); var subtype = stream.dict.get('Subtype'); if (isName(type, 'Metadata') && isName(subtype, 'XML')) { try { metadata = stringToUTF8String(bytesToString(stream.getBytes())); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) { throw e; } info('Skipping invalid metadata.'); } } } return shadow(this, 'metadata', metadata); }, get toplevelPagesDict() { var pagesObj = this.catDict.get('Pages'); assert(isDict(pagesObj), 'invalid top-level pages dictionary'); return shadow(this, 'toplevelPagesDict', pagesObj); }, get documentOutline() { var obj = null; try { obj = this.readDocumentOutline(); } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof MissingDataException) { throw ex; } warn('Unable to read document outline'); } return shadow(this, 'documentOutline', obj); }, readDocumentOutline: function Catalog_readDocumentOutline() { var obj = this.catDict.get('Outlines'); if (!isDict(obj)) { return null; } obj = obj.getRaw('First'); if (!isRef(obj)) { return null; } var root = { items: [] }; var queue = [{ obj: obj, parent: root }]; var processed = new RefSet(); processed.put(obj); var xref = this.xref, blackColor = new Uint8Array(3); while (queue.length > 0) { var i = queue.shift(); var outlineDict = xref.fetchIfRef(i.obj); if (outlineDict === null) { continue; } assert(outlineDict.has('Title'), 'Invalid outline item'); var data = { url: null, dest: null }; Catalog.parseDestDictionary({ destDict: outlineDict, resultObj: data, docBaseUrl: this.pdfManager.docBaseUrl }); var title = outlineDict.get('Title'); var flags = outlineDict.get('F') || 0; var color = outlineDict.getArray('C'), rgbColor = blackColor; if (isArray(color) && color.length === 3 && (color[0] !== 0 || color[1] !== 0 || color[2] !== 0)) { rgbColor = ColorSpace.singletons.rgb.getRgb(color, 0); } var outlineItem = { dest: data.dest, url: data.url, unsafeUrl: data.unsafeUrl, newWindow: data.newWindow, title: stringToPDFString(title), color: rgbColor, count: outlineDict.get('Count'), bold: !!(flags & 2), italic: !!(flags & 1), items: [] }; i.parent.items.push(outlineItem); obj = outlineDict.getRaw('First'); if (isRef(obj) && !processed.has(obj)) { queue.push({ obj: obj, parent: outlineItem }); processed.put(obj); } obj = outlineDict.getRaw('Next'); if (isRef(obj) && !processed.has(obj)) { queue.push({ obj: obj, parent: i.parent }); processed.put(obj); } } return root.items.length > 0 ? root.items : null; }, get numPages() { var obj = this.toplevelPagesDict.get('Count'); assert(isInt(obj), 'page count in top level pages object is not an integer'); return shadow(this, 'num', obj); }, get destinations() { function fetchDestination(dest) { return isDict(dest) ? dest.get('D') : dest; } var xref = this.xref; var dests = {}, nameTreeRef, nameDictionaryRef; var obj = this.catDict.get('Names'); if (obj && obj.has('Dests')) { nameTreeRef = obj.getRaw('Dests'); } else if (this.catDict.has('Dests')) { nameDictionaryRef = this.catDict.get('Dests'); } if (nameDictionaryRef) { obj = nameDictionaryRef; obj.forEach(function catalogForEach(key, value) { if (!value) { return; } dests[key] = fetchDestination(value); }); } if (nameTreeRef) { var nameTree = new NameTree(nameTreeRef, xref); var names = nameTree.getAll(); for (var name in names) { dests[name] = fetchDestination(names[name]); } } return shadow(this, 'destinations', dests); }, getDestination: function Catalog_getDestination(destinationId) { function fetchDestination(dest) { return isDict(dest) ? dest.get('D') : dest; } var xref = this.xref; var dest = null, nameTreeRef, nameDictionaryRef; var obj = this.catDict.get('Names'); if (obj && obj.has('Dests')) { nameTreeRef = obj.getRaw('Dests'); } else if (this.catDict.has('Dests')) { nameDictionaryRef = this.catDict.get('Dests'); } if (nameDictionaryRef) { var value = nameDictionaryRef.get(destinationId); if (value) { dest = fetchDestination(value); } } if (nameTreeRef) { var nameTree = new NameTree(nameTreeRef, xref); dest = fetchDestination(nameTree.get(destinationId)); } return dest; }, get pageLabels() { var obj = null; try { obj = this.readPageLabels(); } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof MissingDataException) { throw ex; } warn('Unable to read page labels.'); } return shadow(this, 'pageLabels', obj); }, readPageLabels: function Catalog_readPageLabels() { var obj = this.catDict.getRaw('PageLabels'); if (!obj) { return null; } var pageLabels = new Array(this.numPages); var style = null; var prefix = ''; var numberTree = new NumberTree(obj, this.xref); var nums = numberTree.getAll(); var currentLabel = '', currentIndex = 1; for (var i = 0, ii = this.numPages; i < ii; i++) { if (i in nums) { var labelDict = nums[i]; assert(isDict(labelDict), 'The PageLabel is not a dictionary.'); var type = labelDict.get('Type'); assert(!type || isName(type, 'PageLabel'), 'Invalid type in PageLabel dictionary.'); var s = labelDict.get('S'); assert(!s || isName(s), 'Invalid style in PageLabel dictionary.'); style = s ? s.name : null; var p = labelDict.get('P'); assert(!p || isString(p), 'Invalid prefix in PageLabel dictionary.'); prefix = p ? stringToPDFString(p) : ''; var st = labelDict.get('St'); assert(!st || isInt(st) && st >= 1, 'Invalid start in PageLabel dictionary.'); currentIndex = st || 1; } switch (style) { case 'D': currentLabel = currentIndex; break; case 'R': case 'r': currentLabel = Util.toRoman(currentIndex, style === 'r'); break; case 'A': case 'a': var LIMIT = 26; var A_UPPER_CASE = 0x41, A_LOWER_CASE = 0x61; var baseCharCode = style === 'a' ? A_LOWER_CASE : A_UPPER_CASE; var letterIndex = currentIndex - 1; var character = String.fromCharCode(baseCharCode + letterIndex % LIMIT); var charBuf = []; for (var j = 0, jj = letterIndex / LIMIT | 0; j <= jj; j++) { charBuf.push(character); } currentLabel = charBuf.join(''); break; default: assert(!style, 'Invalid style "' + style + '" in PageLabel dictionary.'); } pageLabels[i] = prefix + currentLabel; currentLabel = ''; currentIndex++; } return pageLabels; }, get attachments() { var xref = this.xref; var attachments = null, nameTreeRef; var obj = this.catDict.get('Names'); if (obj) { nameTreeRef = obj.getRaw('EmbeddedFiles'); } if (nameTreeRef) { var nameTree = new NameTree(nameTreeRef, xref); var names = nameTree.getAll(); for (var name in names) { var fs = new FileSpec(names[name], xref); if (!attachments) { attachments = Object.create(null); } attachments[stringToPDFString(name)] = fs.serializable; } } return shadow(this, 'attachments', attachments); }, get javaScript() { var xref = this.xref; var obj = this.catDict.get('Names'); var javaScript = []; function appendIfJavaScriptDict(jsDict) { var type = jsDict.get('S'); if (!isName(type, 'JavaScript')) { return; } var js = jsDict.get('JS'); if (isStream(js)) { js = bytesToString(js.getBytes()); } else if (!isString(js)) { return; } javaScript.push(stringToPDFString(js)); } if (obj && obj.has('JavaScript')) { var nameTree = new NameTree(obj.getRaw('JavaScript'), xref); var names = nameTree.getAll(); for (var name in names) { var jsDict = names[name]; if (isDict(jsDict)) { appendIfJavaScriptDict(jsDict); } } } var openactionDict = this.catDict.get('OpenAction'); if (isDict(openactionDict, 'Action')) { var actionType = openactionDict.get('S'); if (isName(actionType, 'Named')) { var action = openactionDict.get('N'); if (isName(action, 'Print')) { javaScript.push('print({});'); } } else { appendIfJavaScriptDict(openactionDict); } } return shadow(this, 'javaScript', javaScript); }, cleanup: function Catalog_cleanup() { this.pageKidsCountCache.clear(); var promises = []; this.fontCache.forEach(function (promise) { promises.push(promise); }); return Promise.all(promises).then(function (translatedFonts) { for (var i = 0, ii = translatedFonts.length; i < ii; i++) { var font = translatedFonts[i].dict; delete font.translated; } this.fontCache.clear(); this.builtInCMapCache = Object.create(null); }.bind(this)); }, getPage: function Catalog_getPage(pageIndex) { if (!(pageIndex in this.pagePromises)) { this.pagePromises[pageIndex] = this.getPageDict(pageIndex).then(function (a) { var dict = a[0]; var ref = a[1]; return this.pageFactory.createPage(pageIndex, dict, ref, this.fontCache, this.builtInCMapCache); }.bind(this)); } return this.pagePromises[pageIndex]; }, getPageDict: function Catalog_getPageDict(pageIndex) { var capability = createPromiseCapability(); var nodesToVisit = [this.catDict.getRaw('Pages')]; var count, currentPageIndex = 0; var xref = this.xref, pageKidsCountCache = this.pageKidsCountCache; function next() { while (nodesToVisit.length) { var currentNode = nodesToVisit.pop(); if (isRef(currentNode)) { count = pageKidsCountCache.get(currentNode); if (count > 0 && currentPageIndex + count < pageIndex) { currentPageIndex += count; continue; } xref.fetchAsync(currentNode).then(function (obj) { if (isDict(obj, 'Page') || isDict(obj) && !obj.has('Kids')) { if (pageIndex === currentPageIndex) { if (currentNode && !pageKidsCountCache.has(currentNode)) { pageKidsCountCache.put(currentNode, 1); } capability.resolve([obj, currentNode]); } else { currentPageIndex++; next(); } return; } nodesToVisit.push(obj); next(); }, capability.reject); return; } assert(isDict(currentNode), 'page dictionary kid reference points to wrong type of object'); count = currentNode.get('Count'); var objId = currentNode.objId; if (objId && !pageKidsCountCache.has(objId)) { pageKidsCountCache.put(objId, count); } if (currentPageIndex + count <= pageIndex) { currentPageIndex += count; continue; } var kids = currentNode.get('Kids'); assert(isArray(kids), 'page dictionary kids object is not an array'); for (var last = kids.length - 1; last >= 0; last--) { nodesToVisit.push(kids[last]); } } capability.reject('Page index ' + pageIndex + ' not found.'); } next(); return capability.promise; }, getPageIndex: function Catalog_getPageIndex(pageRef) { var xref = this.xref; function pagesBeforeRef(kidRef) { var total = 0; var parentRef; return xref.fetchAsync(kidRef).then(function (node) { if (isRefsEqual(kidRef, pageRef) && !isDict(node, 'Page') && !(isDict(node) && !node.has('Type') && node.has('Contents'))) { throw new Error('The reference does not point to a /Page Dict.'); } if (!node) { return null; } assert(isDict(node), 'node must be a Dict.'); parentRef = node.getRaw('Parent'); return node.getAsync('Parent'); }).then(function (parent) { if (!parent) { return null; } assert(isDict(parent), 'parent must be a Dict.'); return parent.getAsync('Kids'); }).then(function (kids) { if (!kids) { return null; } var kidPromises = []; var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) { var kid = kids[i]; assert(isRef(kid), 'kid must be a Ref.'); if (kid.num === kidRef.num) { found = true; break; } kidPromises.push(xref.fetchAsync(kid).then(function (kid) { if (kid.has('Count')) { var count = kid.get('Count'); total += count; } else { total++; } })); } if (!found) { error('kid ref not found in parents kids'); } return Promise.all(kidPromises).then(function () { return [total, parentRef]; }); }); } var total = 0; function next(ref) { return pagesBeforeRef(ref).then(function (args) { if (!args) { return total; } var count = args[0]; var parentRef = args[1]; total += count; return next(parentRef); }); } return next(pageRef); } }; Catalog.parseDestDictionary = function Catalog_parseDestDictionary(params) { function addDefaultProtocolToUrl(url) { if (url.indexOf('www.') === 0) { return 'http://' + url; } return url; } function tryConvertUrlEncoding(url) { try { return stringToUTF8String(url); } catch (e) { return url; } } var destDict = params.destDict; if (!isDict(destDict)) { warn('Catalog_parseDestDictionary: "destDict" must be a dictionary.'); return; } var resultObj = params.resultObj; if ((typeof resultObj === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(resultObj)) !== 'object') { warn('Catalog_parseDestDictionary: "resultObj" must be an object.'); return; } var docBaseUrl = params.docBaseUrl || null; var action = destDict.get('A'), url, dest; if (isDict(action)) { var linkType = action.get('S').name; switch (linkType) { case 'URI': url = action.get('URI'); if (isName(url)) { url = '/' + url.name; } else if (isString(url)) { url = addDefaultProtocolToUrl(url); } break; case 'GoTo': dest = action.get('D'); break; case 'Launch': case 'GoToR': var urlDict = action.get('F'); if (isDict(urlDict)) { url = urlDict.get('F') || null; } else if (isString(urlDict)) { url = urlDict; } var remoteDest = action.get('D'); if (remoteDest) { if (isName(remoteDest)) { remoteDest = remoteDest.name; } if (isString(url)) { var baseUrl = url.split('#')[0]; if (isString(remoteDest)) { url = baseUrl + '#' + (/^\d+$/.test(remoteDest) ? 'nameddest=' : '') + remoteDest; } else if (isArray(remoteDest)) { url = baseUrl + '#' + JSON.stringify(remoteDest); } } } var newWindow = action.get('NewWindow'); if (isBool(newWindow)) { resultObj.newWindow = newWindow; } break; case 'Named': var namedAction = action.get('N'); if (isName(namedAction)) { resultObj.action = namedAction.name; } break; case 'JavaScript': var jsAction = action.get('JS'), js; if (isStream(jsAction)) { js = bytesToString(jsAction.getBytes()); } else if (isString(jsAction)) { js = jsAction; } if (js) { var URL_OPEN_METHODS = ['app.launchURL', 'window.open']; var regex = new RegExp('^\\s*(' + URL_OPEN_METHODS.join('|').split('.').join('\\.') + ')\\((?:\'|\")([^\'\"]*)(?:\'|\")(?:,\\s*(\\w+)\\)|\\))', 'i'); var jsUrl = regex.exec(stringToPDFString(js)); if (jsUrl && jsUrl[2]) { url = jsUrl[2]; if (jsUrl[3] === 'true' && jsUrl[1] === 'app.launchURL') { resultObj.newWindow = true; } break; } } default: warn('Catalog_parseDestDictionary: Unrecognized link type "' + linkType + '".'); break; } } else if (destDict.has('Dest')) { dest = destDict.get('Dest'); } if (isString(url)) { url = tryConvertUrlEncoding(url); var absoluteUrl = createValidAbsoluteUrl(url, docBaseUrl); if (absoluteUrl) { resultObj.url = absoluteUrl.href; } resultObj.unsafeUrl = url; } if (dest) { if (isName(dest)) { dest = dest.name; } if (isString(dest) || isArray(dest)) { resultObj.dest = dest; } } }; return Catalog; }(); var XRef = function XRefClosure() { function XRef(stream, pdfManager) { this.stream = stream; this.pdfManager = pdfManager; this.entries = []; this.xrefstms = Object.create(null); this.cache = []; this.stats = { streamTypes: [], fontTypes: [] }; } XRef.prototype = { setStartXRef: function XRef_setStartXRef(startXRef) { this.startXRefQueue = [startXRef]; }, parse: function XRef_parse(recoveryMode) { var trailerDict; if (!recoveryMode) { trailerDict = this.readXRef(); } else { warn('Indexing all PDF objects'); trailerDict = this.indexObjects(); } trailerDict.assignXref(this); this.trailer = trailerDict; var encrypt = trailerDict.get('Encrypt'); if (isDict(encrypt)) { var ids = trailerDict.get('ID'); var fileId = ids && ids.length ? ids[0] : ''; encrypt.suppressEncryption = true; this.encrypt = new CipherTransformFactory(encrypt, fileId, this.pdfManager.password); } if (!(this.root = trailerDict.get('Root'))) { error('Invalid root reference'); } }, processXRefTable: function XRef_processXRefTable(parser) { if (!('tableState' in this)) { this.tableState = { entryNum: 0, streamPos: parser.lexer.stream.pos, parserBuf1: parser.buf1, parserBuf2: parser.buf2 }; } var obj = this.readXRefTable(parser); if (!isCmd(obj, 'trailer')) { error('Invalid XRef table: could not find trailer dictionary'); } var dict = parser.getObj(); if (!isDict(dict) && dict.dict) { dict = dict.dict; } if (!isDict(dict)) { error('Invalid XRef table: could not parse trailer dictionary'); } delete this.tableState; return dict; }, readXRefTable: function XRef_readXRefTable(parser) { var stream = parser.lexer.stream; var tableState = this.tableState; stream.pos = tableState.streamPos; parser.buf1 = tableState.parserBuf1; parser.buf2 = tableState.parserBuf2; var obj; while (true) { if (!('firstEntryNum' in tableState) || !('entryCount' in tableState)) { if (isCmd(obj = parser.getObj(), 'trailer')) { break; } tableState.firstEntryNum = obj; tableState.entryCount = parser.getObj(); } var first = tableState.firstEntryNum; var count = tableState.entryCount; if (!isInt(first) || !isInt(count)) { error('Invalid XRef table: wrong types in subsection header'); } for (var i = tableState.entryNum; i < count; i++) { tableState.streamPos = stream.pos; tableState.entryNum = i; tableState.parserBuf1 = parser.buf1; tableState.parserBuf2 = parser.buf2; var entry = {}; entry.offset = parser.getObj(); entry.gen = parser.getObj(); var type = parser.getObj(); if (isCmd(type, 'f')) { entry.free = true; } else if (isCmd(type, 'n')) { entry.uncompressed = true; } if (!isInt(entry.offset) || !isInt(entry.gen) || !(entry.free || entry.uncompressed)) { error('Invalid entry in XRef subsection: ' + first + ', ' + count); } if (i === 0 && entry.free && first === 1) { first = 0; } if (!this.entries[i + first]) { this.entries[i + first] = entry; } } tableState.entryNum = 0; tableState.streamPos = stream.pos; tableState.parserBuf1 = parser.buf1; tableState.parserBuf2 = parser.buf2; delete tableState.firstEntryNum; delete tableState.entryCount; } if (this.entries[0] && !this.entries[0].free) { error('Invalid XRef table: unexpected first object'); } return obj; }, processXRefStream: function XRef_processXRefStream(stream) { if (!('streamState' in this)) { var streamParameters = stream.dict; var byteWidths = streamParameters.get('W'); var range = streamParameters.get('Index'); if (!range) { range = [0, streamParameters.get('Size')]; } this.streamState = { entryRanges: range, byteWidths: byteWidths, entryNum: 0, streamPos: stream.pos }; } this.readXRefStream(stream); delete this.streamState; return stream.dict; }, readXRefStream: function XRef_readXRefStream(stream) { var i, j; var streamState = this.streamState; stream.pos = streamState.streamPos; var byteWidths = streamState.byteWidths; var typeFieldWidth = byteWidths[0]; var offsetFieldWidth = byteWidths[1]; var generationFieldWidth = byteWidths[2]; var entryRanges = streamState.entryRanges; while (entryRanges.length > 0) { var first = entryRanges[0]; var n = entryRanges[1]; if (!isInt(first) || !isInt(n)) { error('Invalid XRef range fields: ' + first + ', ' + n); } if (!isInt(typeFieldWidth) || !isInt(offsetFieldWidth) || !isInt(generationFieldWidth)) { error('Invalid XRef entry fields length: ' + first + ', ' + n); } for (i = streamState.entryNum; i < n; ++i) { streamState.entryNum = i; streamState.streamPos = stream.pos; var type = 0, offset = 0, generation = 0; for (j = 0; j < typeFieldWidth; ++j) { type = type << 8 | stream.getByte(); } if (typeFieldWidth === 0) { type = 1; } for (j = 0; j < offsetFieldWidth; ++j) { offset = offset << 8 | stream.getByte(); } for (j = 0; j < generationFieldWidth; ++j) { generation = generation << 8 | stream.getByte(); } var entry = {}; entry.offset = offset; entry.gen = generation; switch (type) { case 0: entry.free = true; break; case 1: entry.uncompressed = true; break; case 2: break; default: error('Invalid XRef entry type: ' + type); } if (!this.entries[first + i]) { this.entries[first + i] = entry; } } streamState.entryNum = 0; streamState.streamPos = stream.pos; entryRanges.splice(0, 2); } }, indexObjects: function XRef_indexObjects() { var TAB = 0x9, LF = 0xA, CR = 0xD, SPACE = 0x20; var PERCENT = 0x25, LT = 0x3C; function readToken(data, offset) { var token = '', ch = data[offset]; while (ch !== LF && ch !== CR && ch !== LT) { if (++offset >= data.length) { break; } token += String.fromCharCode(ch); ch = data[offset]; } return token; } function skipUntil(data, offset, what) { var length = what.length, dataLength = data.length; var skipped = 0; while (offset < dataLength) { var i = 0; while (i < length && data[offset + i] === what[i]) { ++i; } if (i >= length) { break; } offset++; skipped++; } return skipped; } var objRegExp = /^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+obj\b/; var trailerBytes = new Uint8Array([116, 114, 97, 105, 108, 101, 114]); var startxrefBytes = new Uint8Array([115, 116, 97, 114, 116, 120, 114, 101, 102]); var endobjBytes = new Uint8Array([101, 110, 100, 111, 98, 106]); var xrefBytes = new Uint8Array([47, 88, 82, 101, 102]); this.entries.length = 0; var stream = this.stream; stream.pos = 0; var buffer = stream.getBytes(); var position = stream.start, length = buffer.length; var trailers = [], xrefStms = []; while (position < length) { var ch = buffer[position]; if (ch === TAB || ch === LF || ch === CR || ch === SPACE) { ++position; continue; } if (ch === PERCENT) { do { ++position; if (position >= length) { break; } ch = buffer[position]; } while (ch !== LF && ch !== CR); continue; } var token = readToken(buffer, position); var m; if (token.indexOf('xref') === 0 && (token.length === 4 || /\s/.test(token[4]))) { position += skipUntil(buffer, position, trailerBytes); trailers.push(position); position += skipUntil(buffer, position, startxrefBytes); } else if (m = objRegExp.exec(token)) { if (typeof this.entries[m[1]] === 'undefined') { this.entries[m[1]] = { offset: position - stream.start, gen: m[2] | 0, uncompressed: true }; } var contentLength = skipUntil(buffer, position, endobjBytes) + 7; var content = buffer.subarray(position, position + contentLength); var xrefTagOffset = skipUntil(content, 0, xrefBytes); if (xrefTagOffset < contentLength && content[xrefTagOffset + 5] < 64) { xrefStms.push(position - stream.start); this.xrefstms[position - stream.start] = 1; } position += contentLength; } else if (token.indexOf('trailer') === 0 && (token.length === 7 || /\s/.test(token[7]))) { trailers.push(position); position += skipUntil(buffer, position, startxrefBytes); } else { position += token.length + 1; } } var i, ii; for (i = 0, ii = xrefStms.length; i < ii; ++i) { this.startXRefQueue.push(xrefStms[i]); this.readXRef(true); } var dict; for (i = 0, ii = trailers.length; i < ii; ++i) { stream.pos = trailers[i]; var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), true, this, true); var obj = parser.getObj(); if (!isCmd(obj, 'trailer')) { continue; } dict = parser.getObj(); if (!isDict(dict)) { continue; } if (dict.has('ID')) { return dict; } } if (dict) { return dict; } throw new InvalidPDFException('Invalid PDF structure'); }, readXRef: function XRef_readXRef(recoveryMode) { var stream = this.stream; try { while (this.startXRefQueue.length) { var startXRef = this.startXRefQueue[0]; stream.pos = startXRef + stream.start; var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), true, this); var obj = parser.getObj(); var dict; if (isCmd(obj, 'xref')) { dict = this.processXRefTable(parser); if (!this.topDict) { this.topDict = dict; } obj = dict.get('XRefStm'); if (isInt(obj)) { var pos = obj; if (!(pos in this.xrefstms)) { this.xrefstms[pos] = 1; this.startXRefQueue.push(pos); } } } else if (isInt(obj)) { if (!isInt(parser.getObj()) || !isCmd(parser.getObj(), 'obj') || !isStream(obj = parser.getObj())) { error('Invalid XRef stream'); } dict = this.processXRefStream(obj); if (!this.topDict) { this.topDict = dict; } if (!dict) { error('Failed to read XRef stream'); } } else { error('Invalid XRef stream header'); } obj = dict.get('Prev'); if (isInt(obj)) { this.startXRefQueue.push(obj); } else if (isRef(obj)) { this.startXRefQueue.push(obj.num); } this.startXRefQueue.shift(); } return this.topDict; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) { throw e; } info('(while reading XRef): ' + e); } if (recoveryMode) { return; } throw new XRefParseException(); }, getEntry: function XRef_getEntry(i) { var xrefEntry = this.entries[i]; if (xrefEntry && !xrefEntry.free && xrefEntry.offset) { return xrefEntry; } return null; }, fetchIfRef: function XRef_fetchIfRef(obj, suppressEncryption) { if (!isRef(obj)) { return obj; } return this.fetch(obj, suppressEncryption); }, fetch: function XRef_fetch(ref, suppressEncryption) { assert(isRef(ref), 'ref object is not a reference'); var num = ref.num; if (num in this.cache) { var cacheEntry = this.cache[num]; if (cacheEntry instanceof Dict && !cacheEntry.objId) { cacheEntry.objId = ref.toString(); } return cacheEntry; } var xrefEntry = this.getEntry(num); if (xrefEntry === null) { return this.cache[num] = null; } if (xrefEntry.uncompressed) { xrefEntry = this.fetchUncompressed(ref, xrefEntry, suppressEncryption); } else { xrefEntry = this.fetchCompressed(xrefEntry, suppressEncryption); } if (isDict(xrefEntry)) { xrefEntry.objId = ref.toString(); } else if (isStream(xrefEntry)) { xrefEntry.dict.objId = ref.toString(); } return xrefEntry; }, fetchUncompressed: function XRef_fetchUncompressed(ref, xrefEntry, suppressEncryption) { var gen = ref.gen; var num = ref.num; if (xrefEntry.gen !== gen) { error('inconsistent generation in XRef'); } var stream = this.stream.makeSubStream(xrefEntry.offset + this.stream.start); var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), true, this); var obj1 = parser.getObj(); var obj2 = parser.getObj(); var obj3 = parser.getObj(); if (!isInt(obj1) || parseInt(obj1, 10) !== num || !isInt(obj2) || parseInt(obj2, 10) !== gen || !isCmd(obj3)) { error('bad XRef entry'); } if (!isCmd(obj3, 'obj')) { if (obj3.cmd.indexOf('obj') === 0) { num = parseInt(obj3.cmd.substring(3), 10); if (!isNaN(num)) { return num; } } error('bad XRef entry'); } if (this.encrypt && !suppressEncryption) { xrefEntry = parser.getObj(this.encrypt.createCipherTransform(num, gen)); } else { xrefEntry = parser.getObj(); } if (!isStream(xrefEntry)) { this.cache[num] = xrefEntry; } return xrefEntry; }, fetchCompressed: function XRef_fetchCompressed(xrefEntry, suppressEncryption) { var tableOffset = xrefEntry.offset; var stream = this.fetch(new Ref(tableOffset, 0)); if (!isStream(stream)) { error('bad ObjStm stream'); } var first = stream.dict.get('First'); var n = stream.dict.get('N'); if (!isInt(first) || !isInt(n)) { error('invalid first and n parameters for ObjStm stream'); } var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), false, this); parser.allowStreams = true; var i, entries = [], num, nums = []; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { num = parser.getObj(); if (!isInt(num)) { error('invalid object number in the ObjStm stream: ' + num); } nums.push(num); var offset = parser.getObj(); if (!isInt(offset)) { error('invalid object offset in the ObjStm stream: ' + offset); } } for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { entries.push(parser.getObj()); if (isCmd(parser.buf1, 'endobj')) { parser.shift(); } num = nums[i]; var entry = this.entries[num]; if (entry && entry.offset === tableOffset && entry.gen === i) { this.cache[num] = entries[i]; } } xrefEntry = entries[xrefEntry.gen]; if (xrefEntry === undefined) { error('bad XRef entry for compressed object'); } return xrefEntry; }, fetchIfRefAsync: function XRef_fetchIfRefAsync(obj, suppressEncryption) { if (!isRef(obj)) { return Promise.resolve(obj); } return this.fetchAsync(obj, suppressEncryption); }, fetchAsync: function XRef_fetchAsync(ref, suppressEncryption) { var streamManager = this.stream.manager; var xref = this; return new Promise(function tryFetch(resolve, reject) { try { resolve(xref.fetch(ref, suppressEncryption)); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) { streamManager.requestRange(e.begin, e.end).then(function () { tryFetch(resolve, reject); }, reject); return; } reject(e); } }); }, getCatalogObj: function XRef_getCatalogObj() { return this.root; } }; return XRef; }(); var NameOrNumberTree = function NameOrNumberTreeClosure() { function NameOrNumberTree(root, xref) { throw new Error('Cannot initialize NameOrNumberTree.'); } NameOrNumberTree.prototype = { getAll: function NameOrNumberTree_getAll() { var dict = Object.create(null); if (!this.root) { return dict; } var xref = this.xref; var processed = new RefSet(); processed.put(this.root); var queue = [this.root]; while (queue.length > 0) { var i, n; var obj = xref.fetchIfRef(queue.shift()); if (!isDict(obj)) { continue; } if (obj.has('Kids')) { var kids = obj.get('Kids'); for (i = 0, n = kids.length; i < n; i++) { var kid = kids[i]; assert(!processed.has(kid), 'Duplicate entry in "' + this._type + '" tree.'); queue.push(kid); processed.put(kid); } continue; } var entries = obj.get(this._type); if (isArray(entries)) { for (i = 0, n = entries.length; i < n; i += 2) { dict[xref.fetchIfRef(entries[i])] = xref.fetchIfRef(entries[i + 1]); } } } return dict; }, get: function NameOrNumberTree_get(key) { if (!this.root) { return null; } var xref = this.xref; var kidsOrEntries = xref.fetchIfRef(this.root); var loopCount = 0; var MAX_LEVELS = 10; var l, r, m; while (kidsOrEntries.has('Kids')) { if (++loopCount > MAX_LEVELS) { warn('Search depth limit reached for "' + this._type + '" tree.'); return null; } var kids = kidsOrEntries.get('Kids'); if (!isArray(kids)) { return null; } l = 0; r = kids.length - 1; while (l <= r) { m = l + r >> 1; var kid = xref.fetchIfRef(kids[m]); var limits = kid.get('Limits'); if (key < xref.fetchIfRef(limits[0])) { r = m - 1; } else if (key > xref.fetchIfRef(limits[1])) { l = m + 1; } else { kidsOrEntries = xref.fetchIfRef(kids[m]); break; } } if (l > r) { return null; } } var entries = kidsOrEntries.get(this._type); if (isArray(entries)) { l = 0; r = entries.length - 2; while (l <= r) { m = l + r & ~1; var currentKey = xref.fetchIfRef(entries[m]); if (key < currentKey) { r = m - 2; } else if (key > currentKey) { l = m + 2; } else { return xref.fetchIfRef(entries[m + 1]); } } } return null; } }; return NameOrNumberTree; }(); var NameTree = function NameTreeClosure() { function NameTree(root, xref) { this.root = root; this.xref = xref; this._type = 'Names'; } Util.inherit(NameTree, NameOrNumberTree, {}); return NameTree; }(); var NumberTree = function NumberTreeClosure() { function NumberTree(root, xref) { this.root = root; this.xref = xref; this._type = 'Nums'; } Util.inherit(NumberTree, NameOrNumberTree, {}); return NumberTree; }(); var FileSpec = function FileSpecClosure() { function FileSpec(root, xref) { if (!root || !isDict(root)) { return; } this.xref = xref; this.root = root; if (root.has('FS')) { this.fs = root.get('FS'); } this.description = root.has('Desc') ? stringToPDFString(root.get('Desc')) : ''; if (root.has('RF')) { warn('Related file specifications are not supported'); } this.contentAvailable = true; if (!root.has('EF')) { this.contentAvailable = false; warn('Non-embedded file specifications are not supported'); } } function pickPlatformItem(dict) { if (dict.has('UF')) { return dict.get('UF'); } else if (dict.has('F')) { return dict.get('F'); } else if (dict.has('Unix')) { return dict.get('Unix'); } else if (dict.has('Mac')) { return dict.get('Mac'); } else if (dict.has('DOS')) { return dict.get('DOS'); } return null; } FileSpec.prototype = { get filename() { if (!this._filename && this.root) { var filename = pickPlatformItem(this.root) || 'unnamed'; this._filename = stringToPDFString(filename).replace(/\\\\/g, '\\').replace(/\\\//g, '/').replace(/\\/g, '/'); } return this._filename; }, get content() { if (!this.contentAvailable) { return null; } if (!this.contentRef && this.root) { this.contentRef = pickPlatformItem(this.root.get('EF')); } var content = null; if (this.contentRef) { var xref = this.xref; var fileObj = xref.fetchIfRef(this.contentRef); if (fileObj && isStream(fileObj)) { content = fileObj.getBytes(); } else { warn('Embedded file specification points to non-existing/invalid ' + 'content'); } } else { warn('Embedded file specification does not have a content'); } return content; }, get serializable() { return { filename: this.filename, content: this.content }; } }; return FileSpec; }(); var ObjectLoader = function () { function mayHaveChildren(value) { return isRef(value) || isDict(value) || isArray(value) || isStream(value); } function addChildren(node, nodesToVisit) { var value; if (isDict(node) || isStream(node)) { var map; if (isDict(node)) { map = node.map; } else { map = node.dict.map; } for (var key in map) { value = map[key]; if (mayHaveChildren(value)) { nodesToVisit.push(value); } } } else if (isArray(node)) { for (var i = 0, ii = node.length; i < ii; i++) { value = node[i]; if (mayHaveChildren(value)) { nodesToVisit.push(value); } } } } function ObjectLoader(obj, keys, xref) { this.obj = obj; this.keys = keys; this.xref = xref; this.refSet = null; this.capability = null; } ObjectLoader.prototype = { load: function ObjectLoader_load() { var keys = this.keys; this.capability = createPromiseCapability(); if (!(this.xref.stream instanceof ChunkedStream) || this.xref.stream.getMissingChunks().length === 0) { this.capability.resolve(); return this.capability.promise; } this.refSet = new RefSet(); var nodesToVisit = []; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { nodesToVisit.push(this.obj[keys[i]]); } this._walk(nodesToVisit); return this.capability.promise; }, _walk: function ObjectLoader_walk(nodesToVisit) { var nodesToRevisit = []; var pendingRequests = []; while (nodesToVisit.length) { var currentNode = nodesToVisit.pop(); if (isRef(currentNode)) { if (this.refSet.has(currentNode)) { continue; } try { var ref = currentNode; this.refSet.put(ref); currentNode = this.xref.fetch(currentNode); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof MissingDataException)) { throw e; } nodesToRevisit.push(currentNode); pendingRequests.push({ begin: e.begin, end: e.end }); } } if (currentNode && currentNode.getBaseStreams) { var baseStreams = currentNode.getBaseStreams(); var foundMissingData = false; for (var i = 0; i < baseStreams.length; i++) { var stream = baseStreams[i]; if (stream.getMissingChunks && stream.getMissingChunks().length) { foundMissingData = true; pendingRequests.push({ begin: stream.start, end: stream.end }); } } if (foundMissingData) { nodesToRevisit.push(currentNode); } } addChildren(currentNode, nodesToVisit); } if (pendingRequests.length) { this.xref.stream.manager.requestRanges(pendingRequests).then(function pendingRequestCallback() { nodesToVisit = nodesToRevisit; for (var i = 0; i < nodesToRevisit.length; i++) { var node = nodesToRevisit[i]; if (isRef(node)) { this.refSet.remove(node); } } this._walk(nodesToVisit); }.bind(this), this.capability.reject); return; } this.refSet = null; this.capability.resolve(); } }; return ObjectLoader; }(); exports.Catalog = Catalog; exports.ObjectLoader = ObjectLoader; exports.XRef = XRef; exports.FileSpec = FileSpec;