You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1779 lines
58 KiB
1779 lines
58 KiB
/** |
* @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the |
* Javascript code in this page |
* |
* Copyright 2019 Mozilla Foundation |
* |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
* You may obtain a copy of the License at |
* |
* |
* |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
* limitations under the License. |
* |
* @licend The above is the entire license notice for the |
* Javascript code in this page |
*/ |
"use strict"; |
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { |
value: true |
}); |
exports.SVGGraphics = void 0; |
var _util = require("../shared/util"); |
var _display_utils = require("./display_utils"); |
var _is_node = _interopRequireDefault(require("../shared/is_node")); |
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } |
function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); } |
function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); } |
function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter); } |
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } } |
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); } |
function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } |
function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } |
function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; } |
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } |
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } |
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } |
var SVGGraphics = function SVGGraphics() { |
throw new Error('Not implemented: SVGGraphics'); |
}; |
exports.SVGGraphics = SVGGraphics; |
{ |
var opListToTree = function opListToTree(opList) { |
var opTree = []; |
var tmp = []; |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true; |
var _didIteratorError = false; |
var _iteratorError = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _iterator = opList[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) { |
var opListElement = _step.value; |
if (opListElement.fn === 'save') { |
opTree.push({ |
'fnId': 92, |
'fn': 'group', |
'items': [] |
}); |
tmp.push(opTree); |
opTree = opTree[opTree.length - 1].items; |
continue; |
} |
if (opListElement.fn === 'restore') { |
opTree = tmp.pop(); |
} else { |
opTree.push(opListElement); |
} |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError = true; |
_iteratorError = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator["return"] != null) { |
_iterator["return"](); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError) { |
throw _iteratorError; |
} |
} |
} |
return opTree; |
}; |
var pf = function pf(value) { |
if (Number.isInteger(value)) { |
return value.toString(); |
} |
var s = value.toFixed(10); |
var i = s.length - 1; |
if (s[i] !== '0') { |
return s; |
} |
do { |
i--; |
} while (s[i] === '0'); |
return s.substring(0, s[i] === '.' ? i : i + 1); |
}; |
var pm = function pm(m) { |
if (m[4] === 0 && m[5] === 0) { |
if (m[1] === 0 && m[2] === 0) { |
if (m[0] === 1 && m[3] === 1) { |
return ''; |
} |
return "scale(".concat(pf(m[0]), " ").concat(pf(m[3]), ")"); |
} |
if (m[0] === m[3] && m[1] === -m[2]) { |
var a = Math.acos(m[0]) * 180 / Math.PI; |
return "rotate(".concat(pf(a), ")"); |
} |
} else { |
if (m[0] === 1 && m[1] === 0 && m[2] === 0 && m[3] === 1) { |
return "translate(".concat(pf(m[4]), " ").concat(pf(m[5]), ")"); |
} |
} |
return "matrix(".concat(pf(m[0]), " ").concat(pf(m[1]), " ").concat(pf(m[2]), " ").concat(pf(m[3]), " ").concat(pf(m[4]), " ") + "".concat(pf(m[5]), ")"); |
}; |
var SVG_DEFAULTS = { |
fontStyle: 'normal', |
fontWeight: 'normal', |
fillColor: '#000000' |
}; |
var XML_NS = ''; |
var XLINK_NS = ''; |
var LINE_CAP_STYLES = ['butt', 'round', 'square']; |
var LINE_JOIN_STYLES = ['miter', 'round', 'bevel']; |
var convertImgDataToPng = function () { |
var PNG_HEADER = new Uint8Array([0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a]); |
var crcTable = new Int32Array(256); |
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { |
var c = i; |
for (var h = 0; h < 8; h++) { |
if (c & 1) { |
c = 0xedB88320 ^ c >> 1 & 0x7fffffff; |
} else { |
c = c >> 1 & 0x7fffffff; |
} |
} |
crcTable[i] = c; |
} |
function crc32(data, start, end) { |
var crc = -1; |
for (var _i = start; _i < end; _i++) { |
var a = (crc ^ data[_i]) & 0xff; |
var b = crcTable[a]; |
crc = crc >>> 8 ^ b; |
} |
return crc ^ -1; |
} |
function writePngChunk(type, body, data, offset) { |
var p = offset; |
var len = body.length; |
data[p] = len >> 24 & 0xff; |
data[p + 1] = len >> 16 & 0xff; |
data[p + 2] = len >> 8 & 0xff; |
data[p + 3] = len & 0xff; |
p += 4; |
data[p] = type.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff; |
data[p + 1] = type.charCodeAt(1) & 0xff; |
data[p + 2] = type.charCodeAt(2) & 0xff; |
data[p + 3] = type.charCodeAt(3) & 0xff; |
p += 4; |
data.set(body, p); |
p += body.length; |
var crc = crc32(data, offset + 4, p); |
data[p] = crc >> 24 & 0xff; |
data[p + 1] = crc >> 16 & 0xff; |
data[p + 2] = crc >> 8 & 0xff; |
data[p + 3] = crc & 0xff; |
} |
function adler32(data, start, end) { |
var a = 1; |
var b = 0; |
for (var _i2 = start; _i2 < end; ++_i2) { |
a = (a + (data[_i2] & 0xff)) % 65521; |
b = (b + a) % 65521; |
} |
return b << 16 | a; |
} |
function deflateSync(literals) { |
if (!(0, _is_node["default"])()) { |
return deflateSyncUncompressed(literals); |
} |
try { |
var input; |
if (parseInt(process.versions.node) >= 8) { |
input = literals; |
} else { |
input = new Buffer(literals); |
} |
var output = require('zlib').deflateSync(input, { |
level: 9 |
}); |
return output instanceof Uint8Array ? output : new Uint8Array(output); |
} catch (e) { |
(0, _util.warn)('Not compressing PNG because zlib.deflateSync is unavailable: ' + e); |
} |
return deflateSyncUncompressed(literals); |
} |
function deflateSyncUncompressed(literals) { |
var len = literals.length; |
var maxBlockLength = 0xFFFF; |
var deflateBlocks = Math.ceil(len / maxBlockLength); |
var idat = new Uint8Array(2 + len + deflateBlocks * 5 + 4); |
var pi = 0; |
idat[pi++] = 0x78; |
idat[pi++] = 0x9c; |
var pos = 0; |
while (len > maxBlockLength) { |
idat[pi++] = 0x00; |
idat[pi++] = 0xff; |
idat[pi++] = 0xff; |
idat[pi++] = 0x00; |
idat[pi++] = 0x00; |
idat.set(literals.subarray(pos, pos + maxBlockLength), pi); |
pi += maxBlockLength; |
pos += maxBlockLength; |
len -= maxBlockLength; |
} |
idat[pi++] = 0x01; |
idat[pi++] = len & 0xff; |
idat[pi++] = len >> 8 & 0xff; |
idat[pi++] = ~len & 0xffff & 0xff; |
idat[pi++] = (~len & 0xffff) >> 8 & 0xff; |
idat.set(literals.subarray(pos), pi); |
pi += literals.length - pos; |
var adler = adler32(literals, 0, literals.length); |
idat[pi++] = adler >> 24 & 0xff; |
idat[pi++] = adler >> 16 & 0xff; |
idat[pi++] = adler >> 8 & 0xff; |
idat[pi++] = adler & 0xff; |
return idat; |
} |
function encode(imgData, kind, forceDataSchema, isMask) { |
var width = imgData.width; |
var height = imgData.height; |
var bitDepth, colorType, lineSize; |
var bytes =; |
switch (kind) { |
case _util.ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP: |
colorType = 0; |
bitDepth = 1; |
lineSize = width + 7 >> 3; |
break; |
case _util.ImageKind.RGB_24BPP: |
colorType = 2; |
bitDepth = 8; |
lineSize = width * 3; |
break; |
case _util.ImageKind.RGBA_32BPP: |
colorType = 6; |
bitDepth = 8; |
lineSize = width * 4; |
break; |
default: |
throw new Error('invalid format'); |
} |
var literals = new Uint8Array((1 + lineSize) * height); |
var offsetLiterals = 0, |
offsetBytes = 0; |
for (var y = 0; y < height; ++y) { |
literals[offsetLiterals++] = 0; |
literals.set(bytes.subarray(offsetBytes, offsetBytes + lineSize), offsetLiterals); |
offsetBytes += lineSize; |
offsetLiterals += lineSize; |
} |
if (kind === _util.ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP && isMask) { |
offsetLiterals = 0; |
for (var _y = 0; _y < height; _y++) { |
offsetLiterals++; |
for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < lineSize; _i3++) { |
literals[offsetLiterals++] ^= 0xFF; |
} |
} |
} |
var ihdr = new Uint8Array([width >> 24 & 0xff, width >> 16 & 0xff, width >> 8 & 0xff, width & 0xff, height >> 24 & 0xff, height >> 16 & 0xff, height >> 8 & 0xff, height & 0xff, bitDepth, colorType, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]); |
var idat = deflateSync(literals); |
var pngLength = PNG_HEADER.length + CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE * 3 + ihdr.length + idat.length; |
var data = new Uint8Array(pngLength); |
var offset = 0; |
data.set(PNG_HEADER, offset); |
offset += PNG_HEADER.length; |
writePngChunk('IHDR', ihdr, data, offset); |
offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + ihdr.length; |
writePngChunk('IDATA', idat, data, offset); |
offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + idat.length; |
writePngChunk('IEND', new Uint8Array(0), data, offset); |
return (0, _util.createObjectURL)(data, 'image/png', forceDataSchema); |
} |
return function convertImgDataToPng(imgData, forceDataSchema, isMask) { |
var kind = imgData.kind === undefined ? _util.ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP : imgData.kind; |
return encode(imgData, kind, forceDataSchema, isMask); |
}; |
}(); |
var SVGExtraState = |
/*#__PURE__*/ |
function () { |
function SVGExtraState() { |
_classCallCheck(this, SVGExtraState); |
this.fontSizeScale = 1; |
this.fontWeight = SVG_DEFAULTS.fontWeight; |
this.fontSize = 0; |
this.textMatrix = _util.IDENTITY_MATRIX; |
this.fontMatrix = _util.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX; |
this.leading = 0; |
this.textRenderingMode = _util.TextRenderingMode.FILL; |
this.textMatrixScale = 1; |
this.x = 0; |
this.y = 0; |
this.lineX = 0; |
this.lineY = 0; |
this.charSpacing = 0; |
this.wordSpacing = 0; |
this.textHScale = 1; |
this.textRise = 0; |
this.fillColor = SVG_DEFAULTS.fillColor; |
this.strokeColor = '#000000'; |
this.fillAlpha = 1; |
this.strokeAlpha = 1; |
this.lineWidth = 1; |
this.lineJoin = ''; |
this.lineCap = ''; |
this.miterLimit = 0; |
this.dashArray = []; |
this.dashPhase = 0; |
this.dependencies = []; |
this.activeClipUrl = null; |
this.clipGroup = null; |
this.maskId = ''; |
} |
_createClass(SVGExtraState, [{ |
key: "clone", |
value: function clone() { |
return Object.create(this); |
} |
}, { |
key: "setCurrentPoint", |
value: function setCurrentPoint(x, y) { |
this.x = x; |
this.y = y; |
} |
}]); |
return SVGExtraState; |
}(); |
var clipCount = 0; |
var maskCount = 0; |
var shadingCount = 0; |
exports.SVGGraphics = SVGGraphics = |
/*#__PURE__*/ |
function () { |
function SVGGraphics(commonObjs, objs, forceDataSchema) { |
_classCallCheck(this, SVGGraphics); |
this.svgFactory = new _display_utils.DOMSVGFactory(); |
this.current = new SVGExtraState(); |
this.transformMatrix = _util.IDENTITY_MATRIX; |
this.transformStack = []; |
this.extraStack = []; |
this.commonObjs = commonObjs; |
this.objs = objs; |
this.pendingClip = null; |
this.pendingEOFill = false; |
this.embedFonts = false; |
this.embeddedFonts = Object.create(null); |
this.cssStyle = null; |
this.forceDataSchema = !!forceDataSchema; |
this._operatorIdMapping = []; |
for (var op in _util.OPS) { |
this._operatorIdMapping[_util.OPS[op]] = op; |
} |
} |
_createClass(SVGGraphics, [{ |
key: "save", |
value: function save() { |
this.transformStack.push(this.transformMatrix); |
var old = this.current; |
this.extraStack.push(old); |
this.current = old.clone(); |
} |
}, { |
key: "restore", |
value: function restore() { |
this.transformMatrix = this.transformStack.pop(); |
this.current = this.extraStack.pop(); |
this.pendingClip = null; |
this.tgrp = null; |
} |
}, { |
key: "group", |
value: function group(items) { |
|; |
this.executeOpTree(items); |
this.restore(); |
} |
}, { |
key: "loadDependencies", |
value: function loadDependencies(operatorList) { |
var _this = this; |
var fnArray = operatorList.fnArray; |
var argsArray = operatorList.argsArray; |
for (var i = 0, ii = fnArray.length; i < ii; i++) { |
if (fnArray[i] !== _util.OPS.dependency) { |
continue; |
} |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true; |
var _didIteratorError2 = false; |
var _iteratorError2 = undefined; |
try { |
var _loop = function _loop() { |
var obj = _step2.value; |
var objsPool = obj.startsWith('g_') ? _this.commonObjs : _this.objs; |
var promise = new Promise(function (resolve) { |
objsPool.get(obj, resolve); |
}); |
_this.current.dependencies.push(promise); |
}; |
for (var _iterator2 = argsArray[i][Symbol.iterator](), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) { |
_loop(); |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError2 = true; |
_iteratorError2 = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2["return"] != null) { |
_iterator2["return"](); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError2) { |
throw _iteratorError2; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return Promise.all(this.current.dependencies); |
} |
}, { |
key: "transform", |
value: function transform(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
var transformMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f]; |
this.transformMatrix = _util.Util.transform(this.transformMatrix, transformMatrix); |
this.tgrp = null; |
} |
}, { |
key: "getSVG", |
value: function getSVG(operatorList, viewport) { |
var _this2 = this; |
this.viewport = viewport; |
var svgElement = this._initialize(viewport); |
return this.loadDependencies(operatorList).then(function () { |
_this2.transformMatrix = _util.IDENTITY_MATRIX; |
_this2.executeOpTree(_this2.convertOpList(operatorList)); |
return svgElement; |
}); |
} |
}, { |
key: "convertOpList", |
value: function convertOpList(operatorList) { |
var operatorIdMapping = this._operatorIdMapping; |
var argsArray = operatorList.argsArray; |
var fnArray = operatorList.fnArray; |
var opList = []; |
for (var i = 0, ii = fnArray.length; i < ii; i++) { |
var fnId = fnArray[i]; |
opList.push({ |
'fnId': fnId, |
'fn': operatorIdMapping[fnId], |
'args': argsArray[i] |
}); |
} |
return opListToTree(opList); |
} |
}, { |
key: "executeOpTree", |
value: function executeOpTree(opTree) { |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true; |
var _didIteratorError3 = false; |
var _iteratorError3 = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _iterator3 = opTree[Symbol.iterator](), _step3; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion3 = (_step3 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true) { |
var opTreeElement = _step3.value; |
var fn = opTreeElement.fn; |
var fnId = opTreeElement.fnId; |
var args = opTreeElement.args; |
switch (fnId | 0) { |
case _util.OPS.beginText: |
this.beginText(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.dependency: |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setLeading: |
this.setLeading(args); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setLeadingMoveText: |
this.setLeadingMoveText(args[0], args[1]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setFont: |
this.setFont(args); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.showText: |
this.showText(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.showSpacedText: |
this.showText(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.endText: |
this.endText(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.moveText: |
this.moveText(args[0], args[1]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setCharSpacing: |
this.setCharSpacing(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setWordSpacing: |
this.setWordSpacing(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setHScale: |
this.setHScale(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setTextMatrix: |
this.setTextMatrix(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setTextRise: |
this.setTextRise(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setTextRenderingMode: |
this.setTextRenderingMode(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setLineWidth: |
this.setLineWidth(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setLineJoin: |
this.setLineJoin(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setLineCap: |
this.setLineCap(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setMiterLimit: |
this.setMiterLimit(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setFillRGBColor: |
this.setFillRGBColor(args[0], args[1], args[2]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setStrokeRGBColor: |
this.setStrokeRGBColor(args[0], args[1], args[2]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setStrokeColorN: |
this.setStrokeColorN(args); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setFillColorN: |
this.setFillColorN(args); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.shadingFill: |
this.shadingFill(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setDash: |
this.setDash(args[0], args[1]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setRenderingIntent: |
this.setRenderingIntent(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setFlatness: |
this.setFlatness(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.setGState: |
this.setGState(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.fill: |
this.fill(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.eoFill: |
this.eoFill(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.stroke: |
this.stroke(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.fillStroke: |
this.fillStroke(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.eoFillStroke: |
this.eoFillStroke(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.clip: |
this.clip('nonzero'); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.eoClip: |
this.clip('evenodd'); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.paintSolidColorImageMask: |
this.paintSolidColorImageMask(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.paintJpegXObject: |
this.paintJpegXObject(args[0], args[1], args[2]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.paintImageXObject: |
this.paintImageXObject(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.paintInlineImageXObject: |
this.paintInlineImageXObject(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.paintImageMaskXObject: |
this.paintImageMaskXObject(args[0]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.paintFormXObjectBegin: |
this.paintFormXObjectBegin(args[0], args[1]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.paintFormXObjectEnd: |
this.paintFormXObjectEnd(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.closePath: |
this.closePath(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.closeStroke: |
this.closeStroke(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.closeFillStroke: |
this.closeFillStroke(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.closeEOFillStroke: |
this.closeEOFillStroke(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.nextLine: |
this.nextLine(); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.transform: |
this.transform(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.constructPath: |
this.constructPath(args[0], args[1]); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.endPath: |
this.endPath(); |
break; |
case 92: |
|; |
break; |
default: |
(0, _util.warn)("Unimplemented operator ".concat(fn)); |
break; |
} |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError3 = true; |
_iteratorError3 = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion3 && _iterator3["return"] != null) { |
_iterator3["return"](); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError3) { |
throw _iteratorError3; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}, { |
key: "setWordSpacing", |
value: function setWordSpacing(wordSpacing) { |
this.current.wordSpacing = wordSpacing; |
} |
}, { |
key: "setCharSpacing", |
value: function setCharSpacing(charSpacing) { |
this.current.charSpacing = charSpacing; |
} |
}, { |
key: "nextLine", |
value: function nextLine() { |
this.moveText(0, this.current.leading); |
} |
}, { |
key: "setTextMatrix", |
value: function setTextMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
var current = this.current; |
current.textMatrix = current.lineMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f]; |
current.textMatrixScale = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b); |
current.x = current.lineX = 0; |
current.y = current.lineY = 0; |
current.xcoords = []; |
current.tspan = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:tspan'); |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-family', current.fontFamily); |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-size', "".concat(pf(current.fontSize), "px")); |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y)); |
current.txtElement = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:text'); |
current.txtElement.appendChild(current.tspan); |
} |
}, { |
key: "beginText", |
value: function beginText() { |
var current = this.current; |
current.x = current.lineX = 0; |
current.y = current.lineY = 0; |
current.textMatrix = _util.IDENTITY_MATRIX; |
current.lineMatrix = _util.IDENTITY_MATRIX; |
current.textMatrixScale = 1; |
current.tspan = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:tspan'); |
current.txtElement = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:text'); |
current.txtgrp = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:g'); |
current.xcoords = []; |
} |
}, { |
key: "moveText", |
value: function moveText(x, y) { |
var current = this.current; |
current.x = current.lineX += x; |
current.y = current.lineY += y; |
current.xcoords = []; |
current.tspan = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:tspan'); |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-family', current.fontFamily); |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-size', "".concat(pf(current.fontSize), "px")); |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y)); |
} |
}, { |
key: "showText", |
value: function showText(glyphs) { |
var current = this.current; |
var font = current.font; |
var fontSize = current.fontSize; |
if (fontSize === 0) { |
return; |
} |
var charSpacing = current.charSpacing; |
var wordSpacing = current.wordSpacing; |
var fontDirection = current.fontDirection; |
var textHScale = current.textHScale * fontDirection; |
var vertical = font.vertical; |
var widthAdvanceScale = fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0]; |
var x = 0; |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true; |
var _didIteratorError4 = false; |
var _iteratorError4 = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _iterator4 = glyphs[Symbol.iterator](), _step4; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion4 = (_step4 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true) { |
var glyph = _step4.value; |
if (glyph === null) { |
x += fontDirection * wordSpacing; |
continue; |
} else if ((0, _util.isNum)(glyph)) { |
x += -glyph * fontSize * 0.001; |
continue; |
} |
var width = glyph.width; |
var character = glyph.fontChar; |
var spacing = (glyph.isSpace ? wordSpacing : 0) + charSpacing; |
var charWidth = width * widthAdvanceScale + spacing * fontDirection; |
if (!glyph.isInFont && !font.missingFile) { |
x += charWidth; |
continue; |
} |
current.xcoords.push(current.x + x * textHScale); |
current.tspan.textContent += character; |
x += charWidth; |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError4 = true; |
_iteratorError4 = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion4 && _iterator4["return"] != null) { |
_iterator4["return"](); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError4) { |
throw _iteratorError4; |
} |
} |
} |
if (vertical) { |
current.y -= x * textHScale; |
} else { |
current.x += x * textHScale; |
} |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'x',' ')); |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y)); |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-family', current.fontFamily); |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-size', "".concat(pf(current.fontSize), "px")); |
if (current.fontStyle !== SVG_DEFAULTS.fontStyle) { |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-style', current.fontStyle); |
} |
if (current.fontWeight !== SVG_DEFAULTS.fontWeight) { |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-weight', current.fontWeight); |
} |
var fillStrokeMode = current.textRenderingMode & _util.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE_MASK; |
if (fillStrokeMode === _util.TextRenderingMode.FILL || fillStrokeMode === _util.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) { |
if (current.fillColor !== SVG_DEFAULTS.fillColor) { |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', current.fillColor); |
} |
if (current.fillAlpha < 1) { |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill-opacity', current.fillAlpha); |
} |
} else if (current.textRenderingMode === _util.TextRenderingMode.ADD_TO_PATH) { |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'transparent'); |
} else { |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'none'); |
} |
if (fillStrokeMode === _util.TextRenderingMode.STROKE || fillStrokeMode === _util.TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) { |
var lineWidthScale = 1 / (current.textMatrixScale || 1); |
this._setStrokeAttributes(current.tspan, lineWidthScale); |
} |
var textMatrix = current.textMatrix; |
if (current.textRise !== 0) { |
textMatrix = textMatrix.slice(); |
textMatrix[5] += current.textRise; |
} |
current.txtElement.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', "".concat(pm(textMatrix), " scale(1, -1)")); |
current.txtElement.setAttributeNS(XML_NS, 'xml:space', 'preserve'); |
current.txtElement.appendChild(current.tspan); |
current.txtgrp.appendChild(current.txtElement); |
this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(current.txtElement); |
} |
}, { |
key: "setLeadingMoveText", |
value: function setLeadingMoveText(x, y) { |
this.setLeading(-y); |
this.moveText(x, y); |
} |
}, { |
key: "addFontStyle", |
value: function addFontStyle(fontObj) { |
if (!this.cssStyle) { |
this.cssStyle = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:style'); |
this.cssStyle.setAttributeNS(null, 'type', 'text/css'); |
this.defs.appendChild(this.cssStyle); |
} |
var url = (0, _util.createObjectURL)(, fontObj.mimetype, this.forceDataSchema); |
this.cssStyle.textContent += "@font-face { font-family: \"".concat(fontObj.loadedName, "\";") + " src: url(".concat(url, "); }\n"); |
} |
}, { |
key: "setFont", |
value: function setFont(details) { |
var current = this.current; |
var fontObj = this.commonObjs.get(details[0]); |
var size = details[1]; |
current.font = fontObj; |
if (this.embedFonts && && !this.embeddedFonts[fontObj.loadedName]) { |
this.addFontStyle(fontObj); |
this.embeddedFonts[fontObj.loadedName] = fontObj; |
} |
current.fontMatrix = fontObj.fontMatrix ? fontObj.fontMatrix : _util.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX; |
var bold = ? fontObj.bold ? 'bolder' : 'bold' : fontObj.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal'; |
var italic = fontObj.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal'; |
if (size < 0) { |
size = -size; |
current.fontDirection = -1; |
} else { |
current.fontDirection = 1; |
} |
current.fontSize = size; |
current.fontFamily = fontObj.loadedName; |
current.fontWeight = bold; |
current.fontStyle = italic; |
current.tspan = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:tspan'); |
current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y)); |
current.xcoords = []; |
} |
}, { |
key: "endText", |
value: function endText() { |
var current = this.current; |
if (current.textRenderingMode & _util.TextRenderingMode.ADD_TO_PATH_FLAG && current.txtElement && current.txtElement.hasChildNodes()) { |
current.element = current.txtElement; |
this.clip('nonzero'); |
this.endPath(); |
} |
} |
}, { |
key: "setLineWidth", |
value: function setLineWidth(width) { |
if (width > 0) { |
this.current.lineWidth = width; |
} |
} |
}, { |
key: "setLineCap", |
value: function setLineCap(style) { |
this.current.lineCap = LINE_CAP_STYLES[style]; |
} |
}, { |
key: "setLineJoin", |
value: function setLineJoin(style) { |
this.current.lineJoin = LINE_JOIN_STYLES[style]; |
} |
}, { |
key: "setMiterLimit", |
value: function setMiterLimit(limit) { |
this.current.miterLimit = limit; |
} |
}, { |
key: "setStrokeAlpha", |
value: function setStrokeAlpha(strokeAlpha) { |
this.current.strokeAlpha = strokeAlpha; |
} |
}, { |
key: "setStrokeRGBColor", |
value: function setStrokeRGBColor(r, g, b) { |
this.current.strokeColor = _util.Util.makeCssRgb(r, g, b); |
} |
}, { |
key: "setFillAlpha", |
value: function setFillAlpha(fillAlpha) { |
this.current.fillAlpha = fillAlpha; |
} |
}, { |
key: "setFillRGBColor", |
value: function setFillRGBColor(r, g, b) { |
this.current.fillColor = _util.Util.makeCssRgb(r, g, b); |
this.current.tspan = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:tspan'); |
this.current.xcoords = []; |
} |
}, { |
key: "setStrokeColorN", |
value: function setStrokeColorN(args) { |
this.current.strokeColor = this._makeColorN_Pattern(args); |
} |
}, { |
key: "setFillColorN", |
value: function setFillColorN(args) { |
this.current.fillColor = this._makeColorN_Pattern(args); |
} |
}, { |
key: "shadingFill", |
value: function shadingFill(args) { |
var width = this.viewport.width; |
var height = this.viewport.height; |
var inv = _util.Util.inverseTransform(this.transformMatrix); |
var bl = _util.Util.applyTransform([0, 0], inv); |
var br = _util.Util.applyTransform([0, height], inv); |
var ul = _util.Util.applyTransform([width, 0], inv); |
var ur = _util.Util.applyTransform([width, height], inv); |
var x0 = Math.min(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]); |
var y0 = Math.min(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]); |
var x1 = Math.max(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]); |
var y1 = Math.max(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]); |
var rect = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:rect'); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', x0); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', y0); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', x1 - x0); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', y1 - y0); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', this._makeShadingPattern(args)); |
this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(rect); |
} |
}, { |
key: "_makeColorN_Pattern", |
value: function _makeColorN_Pattern(args) { |
if (args[0] === 'TilingPattern') { |
return this._makeTilingPattern(args); |
} |
return this._makeShadingPattern(args); |
} |
}, { |
key: "_makeTilingPattern", |
value: function _makeTilingPattern(args) { |
var color = args[1]; |
var operatorList = args[2]; |
var matrix = args[3] || _util.IDENTITY_MATRIX; |
var _args$ = _slicedToArray(args[4], 4), |
x0 = _args$[0], |
y0 = _args$[1], |
x1 = _args$[2], |
y1 = _args$[3]; |
var xstep = args[5]; |
var ystep = args[6]; |
var paintType = args[7]; |
var tilingId = "shading".concat(shadingCount++); |
var _Util$applyTransform = _util.Util.applyTransform([x0, y0], matrix), |
_Util$applyTransform2 = _slicedToArray(_Util$applyTransform, 2), |
tx0 = _Util$applyTransform2[0], |
ty0 = _Util$applyTransform2[1]; |
var _Util$applyTransform3 = _util.Util.applyTransform([x1, y1], matrix), |
_Util$applyTransform4 = _slicedToArray(_Util$applyTransform3, 2), |
tx1 = _Util$applyTransform4[0], |
ty1 = _Util$applyTransform4[1]; |
var _Util$singularValueDe = _util.Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(matrix), |
_Util$singularValueDe2 = _slicedToArray(_Util$singularValueDe, 2), |
xscale = _Util$singularValueDe2[0], |
yscale = _Util$singularValueDe2[1]; |
var txstep = xstep * xscale; |
var tystep = ystep * yscale; |
var tiling = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:pattern'); |
tiling.setAttributeNS(null, 'id', tilingId); |
tiling.setAttributeNS(null, 'patternUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse'); |
tiling.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', txstep); |
tiling.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', tystep); |
tiling.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', "".concat(tx0)); |
tiling.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', "".concat(ty0)); |
var svg = this.svg; |
var transformMatrix = this.transformMatrix; |
var fillColor = this.current.fillColor; |
var strokeColor = this.current.strokeColor; |
var bbox = this.svgFactory.create(tx1 - tx0, ty1 - ty0); |
this.svg = bbox; |
this.transformMatrix = matrix; |
if (paintType === 2) { |
var cssColor = _util.Util.makeCssRgb.apply(_util.Util, _toConsumableArray(color)); |
this.current.fillColor = cssColor; |
this.current.strokeColor = cssColor; |
} |
this.executeOpTree(this.convertOpList(operatorList)); |
this.svg = svg; |
this.transformMatrix = transformMatrix; |
this.current.fillColor = fillColor; |
this.current.strokeColor = strokeColor; |
tiling.appendChild(bbox.childNodes[0]); |
this.defs.appendChild(tiling); |
return "url(#".concat(tilingId, ")"); |
} |
}, { |
key: "_makeShadingPattern", |
value: function _makeShadingPattern(args) { |
switch (args[0]) { |
case 'RadialAxial': |
var shadingId = "shading".concat(shadingCount++); |
var colorStops = args[2]; |
var gradient; |
switch (args[1]) { |
case 'axial': |
var point0 = args[3]; |
var point1 = args[4]; |
gradient = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:linearGradient'); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'id', shadingId); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'gradientUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse'); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'x1', point0[0]); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'y1', point0[1]); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'x2', point1[0]); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'y2', point1[1]); |
break; |
case 'radial': |
var focalPoint = args[3]; |
var circlePoint = args[4]; |
var focalRadius = args[5]; |
var circleRadius = args[6]; |
gradient = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:radialGradient'); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'id', shadingId); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'gradientUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse'); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'cx', circlePoint[0]); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'cy', circlePoint[1]); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'r', circleRadius); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'fx', focalPoint[0]); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'fy', focalPoint[1]); |
gradient.setAttributeNS(null, 'fr', focalRadius); |
break; |
default: |
throw new Error("Unknown RadialAxial type: ".concat(args[1])); |
} |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion5 = true; |
var _didIteratorError5 = false; |
var _iteratorError5 = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _iterator5 = colorStops[Symbol.iterator](), _step5; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion5 = (_step5 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion5 = true) { |
var colorStop = _step5.value; |
var stop = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:stop'); |
stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'offset', colorStop[0]); |
stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'stop-color', colorStop[1]); |
gradient.appendChild(stop); |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError5 = true; |
_iteratorError5 = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion5 && _iterator5["return"] != null) { |
_iterator5["return"](); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError5) { |
throw _iteratorError5; |
} |
} |
} |
this.defs.appendChild(gradient); |
return "url(#".concat(shadingId, ")"); |
case 'Mesh': |
(0, _util.warn)('Unimplemented pattern Mesh'); |
return null; |
case 'Dummy': |
return 'hotpink'; |
default: |
throw new Error("Unknown IR type: ".concat(args[0])); |
} |
} |
}, { |
key: "setDash", |
value: function setDash(dashArray, dashPhase) { |
this.current.dashArray = dashArray; |
this.current.dashPhase = dashPhase; |
} |
}, { |
key: "constructPath", |
value: function constructPath(ops, args) { |
var current = this.current; |
var x = current.x, |
y = current.y; |
var d = []; |
var j = 0; |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion6 = true; |
var _didIteratorError6 = false; |
var _iteratorError6 = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _iterator6 = ops[Symbol.iterator](), _step6; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion6 = (_step6 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion6 = true) { |
var op = _step6.value; |
switch (op | 0) { |
case _util.OPS.rectangle: |
x = args[j++]; |
y = args[j++]; |
var width = args[j++]; |
var height = args[j++]; |
var xw = x + width; |
var yh = y + height; |
d.push('M', pf(x), pf(y), 'L', pf(xw), pf(y), 'L', pf(xw), pf(yh), 'L', pf(x), pf(yh), 'Z'); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.moveTo: |
x = args[j++]; |
y = args[j++]; |
d.push('M', pf(x), pf(y)); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.lineTo: |
x = args[j++]; |
y = args[j++]; |
d.push('L', pf(x), pf(y)); |
break; |
case _util.OPS.curveTo: |
x = args[j + 4]; |
y = args[j + 5]; |
d.push('C', pf(args[j]), pf(args[j + 1]), pf(args[j + 2]), pf(args[j + 3]), pf(x), pf(y)); |
j += 6; |
break; |
case _util.OPS.curveTo2: |
x = args[j + 2]; |
y = args[j + 3]; |
d.push('C', pf(x), pf(y), pf(args[j]), pf(args[j + 1]), pf(args[j + 2]), pf(args[j + 3])); |
j += 4; |
break; |
case _util.OPS.curveTo3: |
x = args[j + 2]; |
y = args[j + 3]; |
d.push('C', pf(args[j]), pf(args[j + 1]), pf(x), pf(y), pf(x), pf(y)); |
j += 4; |
break; |
case _util.OPS.closePath: |
d.push('Z'); |
break; |
} |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError6 = true; |
_iteratorError6 = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion6 && _iterator6["return"] != null) { |
_iterator6["return"](); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError6) { |
throw _iteratorError6; |
} |
} |
} |
d = d.join(' '); |
if (current.path && ops.length > 0 && ops[0] !== _util.OPS.rectangle && ops[0] !== _util.OPS.moveTo) { |
d = current.path.getAttributeNS(null, 'd') + d; |
} else { |
current.path = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:path'); |
this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(current.path); |
} |
current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d); |
current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'none'); |
current.element = current.path; |
current.setCurrentPoint(x, y); |
} |
}, { |
key: "endPath", |
value: function endPath() { |
var current = this.current; |
current.path = null; |
if (!this.pendingClip) { |
return; |
} |
if (!current.element) { |
this.pendingClip = null; |
return; |
} |
var clipId = "clippath".concat(clipCount++); |
var clipPath = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:clipPath'); |
clipPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'id', clipId); |
clipPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(this.transformMatrix)); |
var clipElement = current.element.cloneNode(true); |
if (this.pendingClip === 'evenodd') { |
clipElement.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-rule', 'evenodd'); |
} else { |
clipElement.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-rule', 'nonzero'); |
} |
this.pendingClip = null; |
clipPath.appendChild(clipElement); |
this.defs.appendChild(clipPath); |
if (current.activeClipUrl) { |
current.clipGroup = null; |
this.extraStack.forEach(function (prev) { |
prev.clipGroup = null; |
}); |
clipPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path', current.activeClipUrl); |
} |
current.activeClipUrl = "url(#".concat(clipId, ")"); |
this.tgrp = null; |
} |
}, { |
key: "clip", |
value: function clip(type) { |
this.pendingClip = type; |
} |
}, { |
key: "closePath", |
value: function closePath() { |
var current = this.current; |
if (current.path) { |
var d = "".concat(current.path.getAttributeNS(null, 'd'), "Z"); |
current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d); |
} |
} |
}, { |
key: "setLeading", |
value: function setLeading(leading) { |
this.current.leading = -leading; |
} |
}, { |
key: "setTextRise", |
value: function setTextRise(textRise) { |
this.current.textRise = textRise; |
} |
}, { |
key: "setTextRenderingMode", |
value: function setTextRenderingMode(textRenderingMode) { |
this.current.textRenderingMode = textRenderingMode; |
} |
}, { |
key: "setHScale", |
value: function setHScale(scale) { |
this.current.textHScale = scale / 100; |
} |
}, { |
key: "setRenderingIntent", |
value: function setRenderingIntent(intent) {} |
}, { |
key: "setFlatness", |
value: function setFlatness(flatness) {} |
}, { |
key: "setGState", |
value: function setGState(states) { |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion7 = true; |
var _didIteratorError7 = false; |
var _iteratorError7 = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _iterator7 = states[Symbol.iterator](), _step7; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion7 = (_step7 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion7 = true) { |
var _step7$value = _slicedToArray(_step7.value, 2), |
key = _step7$value[0], |
value = _step7$value[1]; |
switch (key) { |
case 'LW': |
this.setLineWidth(value); |
break; |
case 'LC': |
this.setLineCap(value); |
break; |
case 'LJ': |
this.setLineJoin(value); |
break; |
case 'ML': |
this.setMiterLimit(value); |
break; |
case 'D': |
this.setDash(value[0], value[1]); |
break; |
case 'RI': |
this.setRenderingIntent(value); |
break; |
case 'FL': |
this.setFlatness(value); |
break; |
case 'Font': |
this.setFont(value); |
break; |
case 'CA': |
this.setStrokeAlpha(value); |
break; |
case 'ca': |
this.setFillAlpha(value); |
break; |
default: |
(0, _util.warn)("Unimplemented graphic state operator ".concat(key)); |
break; |
} |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError7 = true; |
_iteratorError7 = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion7 && _iterator7["return"] != null) { |
_iterator7["return"](); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError7) { |
throw _iteratorError7; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}, { |
key: "fill", |
value: function fill() { |
var current = this.current; |
if (current.element) { |
current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', current.fillColor); |
current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill-opacity', current.fillAlpha); |
this.endPath(); |
} |
} |
}, { |
key: "stroke", |
value: function stroke() { |
var current = this.current; |
if (current.element) { |
this._setStrokeAttributes(current.element); |
current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'none'); |
this.endPath(); |
} |
} |
}, { |
key: "_setStrokeAttributes", |
value: function _setStrokeAttributes(element) { |
var lineWidthScale = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1; |
var current = this.current; |
var dashArray = current.dashArray; |
if (lineWidthScale !== 1 && dashArray.length > 0) { |
dashArray = (value) { |
return lineWidthScale * value; |
}); |
} |
element.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', current.strokeColor); |
element.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-opacity', current.strokeAlpha); |
element.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-miterlimit', pf(current.miterLimit)); |
element.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-linecap', current.lineCap); |
element.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-linejoin', current.lineJoin); |
element.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', pf(lineWidthScale * current.lineWidth) + 'px'); |
element.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-dasharray',' ')); |
element.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-dashoffset', pf(lineWidthScale * current.dashPhase) + 'px'); |
} |
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key: "eoFill", |
value: function eoFill() { |
if (this.current.element) { |
this.current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill-rule', 'evenodd'); |
} |
this.fill(); |
} |
}, { |
key: "fillStroke", |
value: function fillStroke() { |
this.stroke(); |
this.fill(); |
} |
}, { |
key: "eoFillStroke", |
value: function eoFillStroke() { |
if (this.current.element) { |
this.current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill-rule', 'evenodd'); |
} |
this.fillStroke(); |
} |
}, { |
key: "closeStroke", |
value: function closeStroke() { |
this.closePath(); |
this.stroke(); |
} |
}, { |
key: "closeFillStroke", |
value: function closeFillStroke() { |
this.closePath(); |
this.fillStroke(); |
} |
}, { |
key: "closeEOFillStroke", |
value: function closeEOFillStroke() { |
this.closePath(); |
this.eoFillStroke(); |
} |
}, { |
key: "paintSolidColorImageMask", |
value: function paintSolidColorImageMask() { |
var rect = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:rect'); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0'); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', '0'); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '1px'); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '1px'); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', this.current.fillColor); |
this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(rect); |
} |
}, { |
key: "paintJpegXObject", |
value: function paintJpegXObject(objId, w, h) { |
var imgObj = this.objs.get(objId); |
var imgEl = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:image'); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, 'xlink:href', imgObj.src); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(w)); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(h)); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0'); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-h)); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', "scale(".concat(pf(1 / w), " ").concat(pf(-1 / h), ")")); |
this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(imgEl); |
} |
}, { |
key: "paintImageXObject", |
value: function paintImageXObject(objId) { |
var imgData = this.objs.get(objId); |
if (!imgData) { |
(0, _util.warn)("Dependent image with object ID ".concat(objId, " is not ready yet")); |
return; |
} |
this.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData); |
} |
}, { |
key: "paintInlineImageXObject", |
value: function paintInlineImageXObject(imgData, mask) { |
var width = imgData.width; |
var height = imgData.height; |
var imgSrc = convertImgDataToPng(imgData, this.forceDataSchema, !!mask); |
var cliprect = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:rect'); |
cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0'); |
cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', '0'); |
cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(width)); |
cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(height)); |
this.current.element = cliprect; |
this.clip('nonzero'); |
var imgEl = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:image'); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, 'xlink:href', imgSrc); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0'); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-height)); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(width) + 'px'); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(height) + 'px'); |
imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', "scale(".concat(pf(1 / width), " ").concat(pf(-1 / height), ")")); |
if (mask) { |
mask.appendChild(imgEl); |
} else { |
this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(imgEl); |
} |
} |
}, { |
key: "paintImageMaskXObject", |
value: function paintImageMaskXObject(imgData) { |
var current = this.current; |
var width = imgData.width; |
var height = imgData.height; |
var fillColor = current.fillColor; |
current.maskId = "mask".concat(maskCount++); |
var mask = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:mask'); |
mask.setAttributeNS(null, 'id', current.maskId); |
var rect = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:rect'); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0'); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', '0'); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(width)); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(height)); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', fillColor); |
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'mask', "url(#".concat(current.maskId, ")")); |
this.defs.appendChild(mask); |
this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(rect); |
this.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData, mask); |
} |
}, { |
key: "paintFormXObjectBegin", |
value: function paintFormXObjectBegin(matrix, bbox) { |
if (Array.isArray(matrix) && matrix.length === 6) { |
this.transform(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]); |
} |
if (bbox) { |
var width = bbox[2] - bbox[0]; |
var height = bbox[3] - bbox[1]; |
var cliprect = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:rect'); |
cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', bbox[0]); |
cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', bbox[1]); |
cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(width)); |
cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(height)); |
this.current.element = cliprect; |
this.clip('nonzero'); |
this.endPath(); |
} |
} |
}, { |
key: "paintFormXObjectEnd", |
value: function paintFormXObjectEnd() {} |
}, { |
key: "_initialize", |
value: function _initialize(viewport) { |
var svg = this.svgFactory.create(viewport.width, viewport.height); |
var definitions = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:defs'); |
svg.appendChild(definitions); |
this.defs = definitions; |
var rootGroup = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:g'); |
rootGroup.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(viewport.transform)); |
svg.appendChild(rootGroup); |
this.svg = rootGroup; |
return svg; |
} |
}, { |
key: "_ensureClipGroup", |
value: function _ensureClipGroup() { |
if (!this.current.clipGroup) { |
var clipGroup = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:g'); |
clipGroup.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path', this.current.activeClipUrl); |
this.svg.appendChild(clipGroup); |
this.current.clipGroup = clipGroup; |
} |
return this.current.clipGroup; |
} |
}, { |
key: "_ensureTransformGroup", |
value: function _ensureTransformGroup() { |
if (!this.tgrp) { |
this.tgrp = this.svgFactory.createElement('svg:g'); |
this.tgrp.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(this.transformMatrix)); |
if (this.current.activeClipUrl) { |
this._ensureClipGroup().appendChild(this.tgrp); |
} else { |
this.svg.appendChild(this.tgrp); |
} |
} |
return this.tgrp; |
} |
}]); |
return SVGGraphics; |
}(); |
} |