Generic build of PDF.js library.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the
* Javascript code in this page
* Copyright 2018 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @licend The above is the entire license notice for the
* Javascript code in this page
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getSupplementalGlyphMapForCalibri = exports.getSupplementalGlyphMapForArialBlack = exports.getGlyphMapForStandardFonts = exports.getSymbolsFonts = exports.getSerifFonts = exports.getNonStdFontMap = exports.getStdFontMap = void 0;
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var getStdFontMap = (0, _util.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) {
t['ArialNarrow'] = 'Helvetica';
t['ArialNarrow-Bold'] = 'Helvetica-Bold';
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t['ArialBlack-Italic'] = 'Helvetica-Oblique';
t['Arial-Black'] = 'Helvetica';
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t['Arial-Black-BoldItalic'] = 'Helvetica-BoldOblique';
t['Arial-Black-Italic'] = 'Helvetica-Oblique';
t['Arial'] = 'Helvetica';
t['Arial-Bold'] = 'Helvetica-Bold';
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t['Arial-Italic'] = 'Helvetica-Oblique';
t['Arial-BoldItalicMT'] = 'Helvetica-BoldOblique';
t['Arial-BoldMT'] = 'Helvetica-Bold';
t['Arial-ItalicMT'] = 'Helvetica-Oblique';
t['ArialMT'] = 'Helvetica';
t['Courier-Bold'] = 'Courier-Bold';
t['Courier-BoldItalic'] = 'Courier-BoldOblique';
t['Courier-Italic'] = 'Courier-Oblique';
t['CourierNew'] = 'Courier';
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t['CourierNew-BoldItalic'] = 'Courier-BoldOblique';
t['CourierNew-Italic'] = 'Courier-Oblique';
t['CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT'] = 'Courier-BoldOblique';
t['CourierNewPS-BoldMT'] = 'Courier-Bold';
t['CourierNewPS-ItalicMT'] = 'Courier-Oblique';
t['CourierNewPSMT'] = 'Courier';
t['Helvetica'] = 'Helvetica';
t['Helvetica-Bold'] = 'Helvetica-Bold';
t['Helvetica-BoldItalic'] = 'Helvetica-BoldOblique';
t['Helvetica-BoldOblique'] = 'Helvetica-BoldOblique';
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t['Helvetica-Oblique'] = 'Helvetica-Oblique';
t['SegoeUISymbol'] = 'Helvetica';
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t['Symbol-Italic'] = 'Symbol';
t['TimesNewRoman'] = 'Times-Roman';
t['TimesNewRoman-Bold'] = 'Times-Bold';
t['TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic'] = 'Times-BoldItalic';
t['TimesNewRoman-Italic'] = 'Times-Italic';
t['TimesNewRomanPS'] = 'Times-Roman';
t['TimesNewRomanPS-Bold'] = 'Times-Bold';
t['TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalic'] = 'Times-BoldItalic';
t['TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT'] = 'Times-BoldItalic';
t['TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT'] = 'Times-Bold';
t['TimesNewRomanPS-Italic'] = 'Times-Italic';
t['TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT'] = 'Times-Italic';
t['TimesNewRomanPSMT'] = 'Times-Roman';
t['TimesNewRomanPSMT-Bold'] = 'Times-Bold';
t['TimesNewRomanPSMT-BoldItalic'] = 'Times-BoldItalic';
t['TimesNewRomanPSMT-Italic'] = 'Times-Italic';
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var getNonStdFontMap = (0, _util.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) {
t['Calibri'] = 'Helvetica';
t['Calibri-Bold'] = 'Helvetica-Bold';
t['Calibri-BoldItalic'] = 'Helvetica-BoldOblique';
t['Calibri-Italic'] = 'Helvetica-Oblique';
t['CenturyGothic'] = 'Helvetica';
t['CenturyGothic-Bold'] = 'Helvetica-Bold';
t['CenturyGothic-BoldItalic'] = 'Helvetica-BoldOblique';
t['CenturyGothic-Italic'] = 'Helvetica-Oblique';
t['ComicSansMS'] = 'Comic Sans MS';
t['ComicSansMS-Bold'] = 'Comic Sans MS-Bold';
t['ComicSansMS-BoldItalic'] = 'Comic Sans MS-BoldItalic';
t['ComicSansMS-Italic'] = 'Comic Sans MS-Italic';
t['LucidaConsole'] = 'Courier';
t['LucidaConsole-Bold'] = 'Courier-Bold';
t['LucidaConsole-BoldItalic'] = 'Courier-BoldOblique';
t['LucidaConsole-Italic'] = 'Courier-Oblique';
t['LucidaSans-Demi'] = 'Helvetica-Bold';
t['MS-Gothic'] = 'MS Gothic';
t['MS-Gothic-Bold'] = 'MS Gothic-Bold';
t['MS-Gothic-BoldItalic'] = 'MS Gothic-BoldItalic';
t['MS-Gothic-Italic'] = 'MS Gothic-Italic';
t['MS-Mincho'] = 'MS Mincho';
t['MS-Mincho-Bold'] = 'MS Mincho-Bold';
t['MS-Mincho-BoldItalic'] = 'MS Mincho-BoldItalic';
t['MS-Mincho-Italic'] = 'MS Mincho-Italic';
t['MS-PGothic'] = 'MS PGothic';
t['MS-PGothic-Bold'] = 'MS PGothic-Bold';
t['MS-PGothic-BoldItalic'] = 'MS PGothic-BoldItalic';
t['MS-PGothic-Italic'] = 'MS PGothic-Italic';
t['MS-PMincho'] = 'MS PMincho';
t['MS-PMincho-Bold'] = 'MS PMincho-Bold';
t['MS-PMincho-BoldItalic'] = 'MS PMincho-BoldItalic';
t['MS-PMincho-Italic'] = 'MS PMincho-Italic';
t['NuptialScript'] = 'Times-Italic';
t['Wingdings'] = 'ZapfDingbats';
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var getSerifFonts = (0, _util.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) {
t['Adobe Jenson'] = true;
t['Adobe Text'] = true;
t['Albertus'] = true;
t['Aldus'] = true;
t['Alexandria'] = true;
t['Algerian'] = true;
t['American Typewriter'] = true;
t['Antiqua'] = true;
t['Apex'] = true;
t['Arno'] = true;
t['Aster'] = true;
t['Aurora'] = true;
t['Baskerville'] = true;
t['Bell'] = true;
t['Bembo'] = true;
t['Bembo Schoolbook'] = true;
t['Benguiat'] = true;
t['Berkeley Old Style'] = true;
t['Bernhard Modern'] = true;
t['Berthold City'] = true;
t['Bodoni'] = true;
t['Bauer Bodoni'] = true;
t['Book Antiqua'] = true;
t['Bookman'] = true;
t['Bordeaux Roman'] = true;
t['Californian FB'] = true;
t['Calisto'] = true;
t['Calvert'] = true;
t['Capitals'] = true;
t['Cambria'] = true;
t['Cartier'] = true;
t['Caslon'] = true;
t['Catull'] = true;
t['Centaur'] = true;
t['Century Old Style'] = true;
t['Century Schoolbook'] = true;
t['Chaparral'] = true;
t['Charis SIL'] = true;
t['Cheltenham'] = true;
t['Cholla Slab'] = true;
t['Clarendon'] = true;
t['Clearface'] = true;
t['Cochin'] = true;
t['Colonna'] = true;
t['Computer Modern'] = true;
t['Concrete Roman'] = true;
t['Constantia'] = true;
t['Cooper Black'] = true;
t['Corona'] = true;
t['Ecotype'] = true;
t['Egyptienne'] = true;
t['Elephant'] = true;
t['Excelsior'] = true;
t['Fairfield'] = true;
t['FF Scala'] = true;
t['Folkard'] = true;
t['Footlight'] = true;
t['FreeSerif'] = true;
t['Friz Quadrata'] = true;
t['Garamond'] = true;
t['Gentium'] = true;
t['Georgia'] = true;
t['Gloucester'] = true;
t['Goudy Old Style'] = true;
t['Goudy Schoolbook'] = true;
t['Goudy Pro Font'] = true;
t['Granjon'] = true;
t['Guardian Egyptian'] = true;
t['Heather'] = true;
t['Hercules'] = true;
t['High Tower Text'] = true;
t['Hiroshige'] = true;
t['Hoefler Text'] = true;
t['Humana Serif'] = true;
t['Imprint'] = true;
t['Ionic No. 5'] = true;
t['Janson'] = true;
t['Joanna'] = true;
t['Korinna'] = true;
t['Lexicon'] = true;
t['Liberation Serif'] = true;
t['Linux Libertine'] = true;
t['Literaturnaya'] = true;
t['Lucida'] = true;
t['Lucida Bright'] = true;
t['Melior'] = true;
t['Memphis'] = true;
t['Miller'] = true;
t['Minion'] = true;
t['Modern'] = true;
t['Mona Lisa'] = true;
t['Mrs Eaves'] = true;
t['MS Serif'] = true;
t['Museo Slab'] = true;
t['New York'] = true;
t['Nimbus Roman'] = true;
t['NPS Rawlinson Roadway'] = true;
t['NuptialScript'] = true;
t['Palatino'] = true;
t['Perpetua'] = true;
t['Plantin'] = true;
t['Plantin Schoolbook'] = true;
t['Playbill'] = true;
t['Poor Richard'] = true;
t['Rawlinson Roadway'] = true;
t['Renault'] = true;
t['Requiem'] = true;
t['Rockwell'] = true;
t['Roman'] = true;
t['Rotis Serif'] = true;
t['Sabon'] = true;
t['Scala'] = true;
t['Seagull'] = true;
t['Sistina'] = true;
t['Souvenir'] = true;
t['STIX'] = true;
t['Stone Informal'] = true;
t['Stone Serif'] = true;
t['Sylfaen'] = true;
t['Times'] = true;
t['Trajan'] = true;
t['Trinité'] = true;
t['Trump Mediaeval'] = true;
t['Utopia'] = true;
t['Vale Type'] = true;
t['Bitstream Vera'] = true;
t['Vera Serif'] = true;
t['Versailles'] = true;
t['Wanted'] = true;
t['Weiss'] = true;
t['Wide Latin'] = true;
t['Windsor'] = true;
t['XITS'] = true;
exports.getSerifFonts = getSerifFonts;
var getSymbolsFonts = (0, _util.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) {
t['Dingbats'] = true;
t['Symbol'] = true;
t['ZapfDingbats'] = true;
exports.getSymbolsFonts = getSymbolsFonts;
var getGlyphMapForStandardFonts = (0, _util.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) {
t[2] = 10;
t[3] = 32;
t[4] = 33;
t[5] = 34;
t[6] = 35;
t[7] = 36;
t[8] = 37;
t[9] = 38;
t[10] = 39;
t[11] = 40;
t[12] = 41;
t[13] = 42;
t[14] = 43;
t[15] = 44;
t[16] = 45;
t[17] = 46;
t[18] = 47;
t[19] = 48;
t[20] = 49;
t[21] = 50;
t[22] = 51;
t[23] = 52;
t[24] = 53;
t[25] = 54;
t[26] = 55;
t[27] = 56;
t[28] = 57;
t[29] = 58;
t[30] = 894;
t[31] = 60;
t[32] = 61;
t[33] = 62;
t[34] = 63;
t[35] = 64;
t[36] = 65;
t[37] = 66;
t[38] = 67;
t[39] = 68;
t[40] = 69;
t[41] = 70;
t[42] = 71;
t[43] = 72;
t[44] = 73;
t[45] = 74;
t[46] = 75;
t[47] = 76;
t[48] = 77;
t[49] = 78;
t[50] = 79;
t[51] = 80;
t[52] = 81;
t[53] = 82;
t[54] = 83;
t[55] = 84;
t[56] = 85;
t[57] = 86;
t[58] = 87;
t[59] = 88;
t[60] = 89;
t[61] = 90;
t[62] = 91;
t[63] = 92;
t[64] = 93;
t[65] = 94;
t[66] = 95;
t[67] = 96;
t[68] = 97;
t[69] = 98;
t[70] = 99;
t[71] = 100;
t[72] = 101;
t[73] = 102;
t[74] = 103;
t[75] = 104;
t[76] = 105;
t[77] = 106;
t[78] = 107;
t[79] = 108;
t[80] = 109;
t[81] = 110;
t[82] = 111;
t[83] = 112;
t[84] = 113;
t[85] = 114;
t[86] = 115;
t[87] = 116;
t[88] = 117;
t[89] = 118;
t[90] = 119;
t[91] = 120;
t[92] = 121;
t[93] = 122;
t[94] = 123;
t[95] = 124;
t[96] = 125;
t[97] = 126;
t[98] = 196;
t[99] = 197;
t[100] = 199;
t[101] = 201;
t[102] = 209;
t[103] = 214;
t[104] = 220;
t[105] = 225;
t[106] = 224;
t[107] = 226;
t[108] = 228;
t[109] = 227;
t[110] = 229;
t[111] = 231;
t[112] = 233;
t[113] = 232;
t[114] = 234;
t[115] = 235;
t[116] = 237;
t[117] = 236;
t[118] = 238;
t[119] = 239;
t[120] = 241;
t[121] = 243;
t[122] = 242;
t[123] = 244;
t[124] = 246;
t[125] = 245;
t[126] = 250;
t[127] = 249;
t[128] = 251;
t[129] = 252;
t[130] = 8224;
t[131] = 176;
t[132] = 162;
t[133] = 163;
t[134] = 167;
t[135] = 8226;
t[136] = 182;
t[137] = 223;
t[138] = 174;
t[139] = 169;
t[140] = 8482;
t[141] = 180;
t[142] = 168;
t[143] = 8800;
t[144] = 198;
t[145] = 216;
t[146] = 8734;
t[147] = 177;
t[148] = 8804;
t[149] = 8805;
t[150] = 165;
t[151] = 181;
t[152] = 8706;
t[153] = 8721;
t[154] = 8719;
t[156] = 8747;
t[157] = 170;
t[158] = 186;
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t[160] = 230;
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t[162] = 191;
t[163] = 161;
t[164] = 172;
t[165] = 8730;
t[166] = 402;
t[167] = 8776;
t[168] = 8710;
t[169] = 171;
t[170] = 187;
t[171] = 8230;
t[210] = 218;
t[223] = 711;
t[224] = 321;
t[225] = 322;
t[227] = 353;
t[229] = 382;
t[234] = 253;
t[252] = 263;
t[253] = 268;
t[254] = 269;
t[258] = 258;
t[260] = 260;
t[261] = 261;
t[265] = 280;
t[266] = 281;
t[268] = 283;
t[269] = 313;
t[275] = 323;
t[276] = 324;
t[278] = 328;
t[284] = 345;
t[285] = 346;
t[286] = 347;
t[292] = 367;
t[295] = 377;
t[296] = 378;
t[298] = 380;
t[305] = 963;
t[306] = 964;
t[307] = 966;
t[308] = 8215;
t[309] = 8252;
t[310] = 8319;
t[311] = 8359;
t[312] = 8592;
t[313] = 8593;
t[337] = 9552;
t[493] = 1039;
t[494] = 1040;
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t[710] = 64288;
t[711] = 64298;
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t[761] = 1776;
t[763] = 1778;
t[775] = 1652;
t[777] = 1764;
t[778] = 1780;
t[779] = 1781;
t[780] = 1782;
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t[792] = 768;
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t[798] = 64337;
t[799] = 64342;
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t[801] = 64344;
t[802] = 64345;
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t[804] = 64363;
t[805] = 64364;
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t[2430] = 7827;
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t[2678] = 8045;
t[2679] = 8046;
t[2830] = 1552;
t[2838] = 686;
t[2840] = 751;
t[2842] = 753;
t[2843] = 754;
t[2844] = 755;
t[2846] = 757;
t[2856] = 767;
t[2857] = 848;
t[2858] = 849;
t[2862] = 853;
t[2863] = 854;
t[2864] = 855;
t[2865] = 861;
t[2866] = 862;
t[2906] = 7460;
t[2908] = 7462;
t[2909] = 7463;
t[2910] = 7464;
t[2912] = 7466;
t[2913] = 7467;
t[2914] = 7468;
t[2916] = 7470;
t[2917] = 7471;
t[2918] = 7472;
t[2920] = 7474;
t[2921] = 7475;
t[2922] = 7476;
t[2924] = 7478;
t[2925] = 7479;
t[2926] = 7480;
t[2928] = 7482;
t[2929] = 7483;
t[2930] = 7484;
t[2932] = 7486;
t[2933] = 7487;
t[2934] = 7488;
t[2936] = 7490;
t[2937] = 7491;
t[2938] = 7492;
t[2940] = 7494;
t[2941] = 7495;
t[2942] = 7496;
t[2944] = 7498;
t[2946] = 7500;
t[2948] = 7502;
t[2950] = 7504;
t[2951] = 7505;
t[2952] = 7506;
t[2954] = 7508;
t[2955] = 7509;
t[2956] = 7510;
t[2958] = 7512;
t[2959] = 7513;
t[2960] = 7514;
t[2962] = 7516;
t[2963] = 7517;
t[2964] = 7518;
t[2966] = 7520;
t[2967] = 7521;
t[2968] = 7522;
t[2970] = 7524;
t[2971] = 7525;
t[2972] = 7526;
t[2974] = 7528;
t[2975] = 7529;
t[2976] = 7530;
t[2978] = 1537;
t[2979] = 1538;
t[2980] = 1539;
t[2982] = 1549;
t[2983] = 1551;
t[2984] = 1552;
t[2986] = 1554;
t[2987] = 1555;
t[2988] = 1556;
t[2990] = 1623;
t[2991] = 1624;
t[2995] = 1775;
t[2999] = 1791;
t[3002] = 64290;
t[3003] = 64291;
t[3004] = 64292;
t[3006] = 64294;
t[3007] = 64295;
t[3008] = 64296;
t[3011] = 1900;
t[3014] = 8223;
t[3015] = 8244;
t[3017] = 7532;
t[3018] = 7533;
t[3019] = 7534;
t[3075] = 7590;
t[3076] = 7591;
t[3079] = 7594;
t[3080] = 7595;
t[3083] = 7598;
t[3084] = 7599;
t[3087] = 7602;
t[3088] = 7603;
t[3091] = 7606;
t[3092] = 7607;
t[3095] = 7610;
t[3096] = 7611;
t[3099] = 7614;
t[3100] = 7615;
t[3103] = 7618;
t[3104] = 7619;
t[3107] = 8337;
t[3108] = 8338;
t[3116] = 1884;
t[3119] = 1885;
t[3120] = 1885;
t[3123] = 1886;
t[3124] = 1886;
t[3127] = 1887;
t[3128] = 1887;
t[3131] = 1888;
t[3132] = 1888;
t[3135] = 1889;
t[3136] = 1889;
t[3139] = 1890;
t[3140] = 1890;
t[3143] = 1891;
t[3144] = 1891;
t[3147] = 1892;
t[3148] = 1892;
t[3153] = 580;
t[3154] = 581;
t[3157] = 584;
t[3158] = 585;
t[3161] = 588;
t[3162] = 589;
t[3165] = 891;
t[3166] = 892;
t[3169] = 1274;
t[3170] = 1275;
t[3173] = 1278;
t[3174] = 1279;
t[3181] = 7622;
t[3182] = 7623;
t[3282] = 11799;
t[3316] = 578;
t[3379] = 42785;
t[3393] = 1159;
t[3416] = 8377;
exports.getGlyphMapForStandardFonts = getGlyphMapForStandardFonts;
var getSupplementalGlyphMapForArialBlack = (0, _util.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) {
t[227] = 322;
t[264] = 261;
t[291] = 346;
exports.getSupplementalGlyphMapForArialBlack = getSupplementalGlyphMapForArialBlack;
var getSupplementalGlyphMapForCalibri = (0, _util.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) {
t[1] = 32;
t[4] = 65;
t[17] = 66;
t[18] = 67;
t[24] = 68;
t[28] = 69;
t[38] = 70;
t[39] = 71;
t[44] = 72;
t[47] = 73;
t[58] = 74;
t[60] = 75;
t[62] = 76;
t[68] = 77;
t[69] = 78;
t[75] = 79;
t[87] = 80;
t[89] = 81;
t[90] = 82;
t[94] = 83;
t[100] = 84;
t[104] = 85;
t[115] = 86;
t[116] = 87;
t[121] = 88;
t[122] = 89;
t[127] = 90;
t[258] = 97;
t[268] = 261;
t[271] = 98;
t[272] = 99;
t[273] = 263;
t[282] = 100;
t[286] = 101;
t[295] = 281;
t[296] = 102;
t[336] = 103;
t[346] = 104;
t[349] = 105;
t[361] = 106;
t[364] = 107;
t[367] = 108;
t[371] = 322;
t[373] = 109;
t[374] = 110;
t[381] = 111;
t[383] = 243;
t[393] = 112;
t[395] = 113;
t[396] = 114;
t[400] = 115;
t[401] = 347;
t[410] = 116;
t[437] = 117;
t[448] = 118;
t[449] = 119;
t[454] = 120;
t[455] = 121;
t[460] = 122;
t[463] = 380;
t[853] = 44;
t[855] = 58;
t[856] = 46;
t[876] = 47;
t[878] = 45;
t[882] = 45;
t[894] = 40;
t[895] = 41;
t[896] = 91;
t[897] = 93;
t[923] = 64;
t[1004] = 48;
t[1005] = 49;
t[1006] = 50;
t[1007] = 51;
t[1008] = 52;
t[1009] = 53;
t[1010] = 54;
t[1011] = 55;
t[1012] = 56;
t[1013] = 57;
t[1081] = 37;
t[1085] = 43;
t[1086] = 45;
exports.getSupplementalGlyphMapForCalibri = getSupplementalGlyphMapForCalibri;