You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
819 lines
30 KiB
819 lines
30 KiB
/** |
* @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the |
* Javascript code in this page |
* |
* Copyright 2018 Mozilla Foundation |
* |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
* You may obtain a copy of the License at |
* |
* |
* |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
* limitations under the License. |
* |
* @licend The above is the entire license notice for the |
* Javascript code in this page |
*/ |
"use strict"; |
var _ui_utils = require("../../web/ui_utils"); |
var _util = require("../../shared/util"); |
var _is_node = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../shared/is_node")); |
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } |
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); } |
function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } |
function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } |
function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; } |
describe('ui_utils', function () { |
describe('binary search', function () { |
function isTrue(boolean) { |
return boolean; |
} |
function isGreater3(number) { |
return number > 3; |
} |
it('empty array', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.binarySearchFirstItem)([], isTrue)).toEqual(0); |
}); |
it('single boolean entry', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.binarySearchFirstItem)([false], isTrue)).toEqual(1); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.binarySearchFirstItem)([true], isTrue)).toEqual(0); |
}); |
it('three boolean entries', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.binarySearchFirstItem)([true, true, true], isTrue)).toEqual(0); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.binarySearchFirstItem)([false, true, true], isTrue)).toEqual(1); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.binarySearchFirstItem)([false, false, true], isTrue)).toEqual(2); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.binarySearchFirstItem)([false, false, false], isTrue)).toEqual(3); |
}); |
it('three numeric entries', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.binarySearchFirstItem)([0, 1, 2], isGreater3)).toEqual(3); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.binarySearchFirstItem)([2, 3, 4], isGreater3)).toEqual(2); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.binarySearchFirstItem)([4, 5, 6], isGreater3)).toEqual(0); |
}); |
}); |
describe('getPDFFileNameFromURL', function () { |
it('gets PDF filename', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('/pdfs/file1.pdf')).toEqual('file1.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('')).toEqual('file2.pdf'); |
}); |
it('gets fallback filename', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('/pdfs/file1.txt')).toEqual('document.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('')).toEqual('document.pdf'); |
}); |
it('gets custom fallback filename', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('/pdfs/file1.txt', 'qwerty1.pdf')).toEqual('qwerty1.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('', 'qwerty2.pdf')).toEqual('qwerty2.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('/pdfs/file3.txt', '')).toEqual(''); |
}); |
it('gets fallback filename when url is not a string', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)(null)).toEqual('document.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)(null, 'file.pdf')).toEqual('file.pdf'); |
}); |
it('gets PDF filename from URL containing leading/trailing whitespace', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)(' /pdfs/file1.pdf ')).toEqual('file1.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)(' ')).toEqual('file2.pdf'); |
}); |
it('gets PDF filename from query string', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('/pdfs/pdfs.html?name=file1.pdf')).toEqual('file1.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('')).toEqual('file2.pdf'); |
}); |
it('gets PDF filename from hash string', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('/pdfs/pdfs.html#name=file1.pdf')).toEqual('file1.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('')).toEqual('file2.pdf'); |
}); |
it('gets correct PDF filename when multiple ones are present', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('/pdfs/file1.pdf?name=file.pdf')).toEqual('file1.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('')).toEqual('file2.pdf'); |
}); |
it('gets PDF filename from URI-encoded data', function () { |
var encodedUrl = encodeURIComponent(''); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)(encodedUrl)).toEqual('file1.pdf'); |
var encodedUrlWithQuery = encodeURIComponent(''); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)(encodedUrlWithQuery)).toEqual('file2.pdf'); |
}); |
it('gets PDF filename from data mistaken for URI-encoded', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('/pdfs/%AA.pdf')).toEqual('%AA.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('/pdfs/%2F.pdf')).toEqual('%2F.pdf'); |
}); |
it('gets PDF filename from (some) standard protocols', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('')).toEqual('file1.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('')).toEqual('file2.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('file:///path/to/files/file3.pdf')).toEqual('file3.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)('')).toEqual('file4.pdf'); |
}); |
it('gets PDF filename from query string appended to "blob:" URL', function () { |
if ((0, _is_node.default)()) { |
pending('Blob in not supported in Node.js.'); |
} |
var typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); |
var blobUrl = (0, _util.createObjectURL)(typedArray, 'application/pdf'); |
expect(blobUrl.startsWith('blob:')).toEqual(true); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)(blobUrl + '?file.pdf')).toEqual('file.pdf'); |
}); |
it('gets fallback filename from query string appended to "data:" URL', function () { |
var typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); |
var dataUrl = (0, _util.createObjectURL)(typedArray, 'application/pdf', true); |
expect(dataUrl.startsWith('data:')).toEqual(true); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)(dataUrl + '?file1.pdf')).toEqual('document.pdf'); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getPDFFileNameFromURL)(' ' + dataUrl + '?file2.pdf')).toEqual('document.pdf'); |
}); |
}); |
describe('EventBus', function () { |
it('dispatch event', function () { |
var eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus(); |
var count = 0; |
eventBus.on('test', function (evt) { |
expect(evt).toEqual(undefined); |
count++; |
}); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
expect(count).toEqual(1); |
}); |
it('dispatch event with arguments', function () { |
var eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus(); |
var count = 0; |
eventBus.on('test', function (evt) { |
expect(evt).toEqual({ |
abc: 123 |
}); |
count++; |
}); |
eventBus.dispatch('test', { |
abc: 123 |
}); |
expect(count).toEqual(1); |
}); |
it('dispatch different event', function () { |
var eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus(); |
var count = 0; |
eventBus.on('test', function () { |
count++; |
}); |
eventBus.dispatch('nottest'); |
expect(count).toEqual(0); |
}); |
it('dispatch event multiple times', function () { |
var eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus(); |
var count = 0; |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
eventBus.on('test', function () { |
count++; |
}); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
expect(count).toEqual(2); |
}); |
it('dispatch event to multiple handlers', function () { |
var eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus(); |
var count = 0; |
eventBus.on('test', function () { |
count++; |
}); |
eventBus.on('test', function () { |
count++; |
}); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
expect(count).toEqual(2); |
}); |
it('dispatch to detached', function () { |
var eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus(); |
var count = 0; |
var listener = function listener() { |
count++; |
}; |
eventBus.on('test', listener); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
|'test', listener); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
expect(count).toEqual(1); |
}); |
it('dispatch to wrong detached', function () { |
var eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus(); |
var count = 0; |
eventBus.on('test', function () { |
count++; |
}); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
|'test', function () { |
count++; |
}); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
expect(count).toEqual(2); |
}); |
it('dispatch to detached during handling', function () { |
var eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus(); |
var count = 0; |
var listener1 = function listener1() { |
|'test', listener2); |
count++; |
}; |
var listener2 = function listener2() { |
|'test', listener1); |
count++; |
}; |
eventBus.on('test', listener1); |
eventBus.on('test', listener2); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
expect(count).toEqual(2); |
}); |
it('should not, by default, re-dispatch to DOM', function (done) { |
if ((0, _is_node.default)()) { |
pending('Document in not supported in Node.js.'); |
} |
var eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus(); |
var count = 0; |
eventBus.on('test', function (evt) { |
expect(evt).toEqual(undefined); |
count++; |
}); |
function domEventListener() { |
|'shall not dispatch DOM event.'); |
} |
document.addEventListener('test', domEventListener); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
Promise.resolve().then(function () { |
expect(count).toEqual(1); |
document.removeEventListener('test', domEventListener); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should re-dispatch to DOM', function (done) { |
if ((0, _is_node.default)()) { |
pending('Document in not supported in Node.js.'); |
} |
var eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus({ |
dispatchToDOM: true |
}); |
var count = 0; |
eventBus.on('test', function (evt) { |
expect(evt).toEqual(undefined); |
count++; |
}); |
function domEventListener(evt) { |
expect(evt.detail).toEqual({}); |
count++; |
} |
document.addEventListener('test', domEventListener); |
eventBus.dispatch('test'); |
Promise.resolve().then(function () { |
expect(count).toEqual(2); |
document.removeEventListener('test', domEventListener); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should re-dispatch to DOM, with arguments (without internal listeners)', function (done) { |
if ((0, _is_node.default)()) { |
pending('Document in not supported in Node.js.'); |
} |
var eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus({ |
dispatchToDOM: true |
}); |
var count = 0; |
function domEventListener(evt) { |
expect(evt.detail).toEqual({ |
abc: 123 |
}); |
count++; |
} |
document.addEventListener('test', domEventListener); |
eventBus.dispatch('test', { |
abc: 123 |
}); |
Promise.resolve().then(function () { |
expect(count).toEqual(1); |
document.removeEventListener('test', domEventListener); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('isValidRotation', function () { |
it('should reject non-integer angles', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)()).toEqual(false); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)(null)).toEqual(false); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)(NaN)).toEqual(false); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)([90])).toEqual(false); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)('90')).toEqual(false); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)(90.5)).toEqual(false); |
}); |
it('should reject non-multiple of 90 degree angles', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)(45)).toEqual(false); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)(-123)).toEqual(false); |
}); |
it('should accept valid angles', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)(0)).toEqual(true); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)(90)).toEqual(true); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)(-270)).toEqual(true); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isValidRotation)(540)).toEqual(true); |
}); |
}); |
describe('isPortraitOrientation', function () { |
it('should be portrait orientation', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isPortraitOrientation)({ |
width: 200, |
height: 400 |
})).toEqual(true); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isPortraitOrientation)({ |
width: 500, |
height: 500 |
})).toEqual(true); |
}); |
it('should be landscape orientation', function () { |
expect((0, _ui_utils.isPortraitOrientation)({ |
width: 600, |
height: 300 |
})).toEqual(false); |
}); |
}); |
describe('waitOnEventOrTimeout', function () { |
var eventBus; |
beforeAll(function (done) { |
eventBus = new _ui_utils.EventBus(); |
done(); |
}); |
afterAll(function () { |
eventBus = null; |
}); |
it('should reject invalid parameters', function (done) { |
var invalidTarget = (0, _ui_utils.waitOnEventOrTimeout)({ |
target: 'window', |
name: 'DOMContentLoaded' |
}).then(function () { |
throw new Error('Should reject invalid parameters.'); |
}, function (reason) { |
expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); |
}); |
var invalidName = (0, _ui_utils.waitOnEventOrTimeout)({ |
target: eventBus, |
name: '' |
}).then(function () { |
throw new Error('Should reject invalid parameters.'); |
}, function (reason) { |
expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); |
}); |
var invalidDelay = (0, _ui_utils.waitOnEventOrTimeout)({ |
target: eventBus, |
name: 'pagerendered', |
delay: -1000 |
}).then(function () { |
throw new Error('Should reject invalid parameters.'); |
}, function (reason) { |
expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true); |
}); |
Promise.all([invalidTarget, invalidName, invalidDelay]).then(done,; |
}); |
it('should resolve on event, using the DOM', function (done) { |
if ((0, _is_node.default)()) { |
pending('Document in not supported in Node.js.'); |
} |
var button = document.createElement('button'); |
var buttonClicked = (0, _ui_utils.waitOnEventOrTimeout)({ |
target: button, |
name: 'click', |
delay: 10000 |
}); |
|; |
buttonClicked.then(function (type) { |
expect(type).toEqual(_ui_utils.WaitOnType.EVENT); |
done(); |
},; |
}); |
it('should resolve on timeout, using the DOM', function (done) { |
if ((0, _is_node.default)()) { |
pending('Document in not supported in Node.js.'); |
} |
var button = document.createElement('button'); |
var buttonClicked = (0, _ui_utils.waitOnEventOrTimeout)({ |
target: button, |
name: 'click', |
delay: 10 |
}); |
buttonClicked.then(function (type) { |
expect(type).toEqual(_ui_utils.WaitOnType.TIMEOUT); |
done(); |
},; |
}); |
it('should resolve on event, using the EventBus', function (done) { |
var pageRendered = (0, _ui_utils.waitOnEventOrTimeout)({ |
target: eventBus, |
name: 'pagerendered', |
delay: 10000 |
}); |
eventBus.dispatch('pagerendered'); |
pageRendered.then(function (type) { |
expect(type).toEqual(_ui_utils.WaitOnType.EVENT); |
done(); |
},; |
}); |
it('should resolve on timeout, using the EventBus', function (done) { |
var pageRendered = (0, _ui_utils.waitOnEventOrTimeout)({ |
target: eventBus, |
name: 'pagerendered', |
delay: 10 |
}); |
pageRendered.then(function (type) { |
expect(type).toEqual(_ui_utils.WaitOnType.TIMEOUT); |
done(); |
},; |
}); |
}); |
describe('getPageSizeInches', function () { |
it('gets page size (in inches)', function () { |
var page = { |
view: [0, 0, 595.28, 841.89], |
userUnit: 1.0, |
rotate: 0 |
}; |
var _getPageSizeInches = (0, _ui_utils.getPageSizeInches)(page), |
width = _getPageSizeInches.width, |
height = _getPageSizeInches.height; |
expect(+width.toPrecision(3)).toEqual(8.27); |
expect(+height.toPrecision(4)).toEqual(11.69); |
}); |
it('gets page size (in inches), for non-default /Rotate entry', function () { |
var pdfPage1 = { |
view: [0, 0, 612, 792], |
userUnit: 1, |
rotate: 0 |
}; |
var _getPageSizeInches2 = (0, _ui_utils.getPageSizeInches)(pdfPage1), |
width1 = _getPageSizeInches2.width, |
height1 = _getPageSizeInches2.height; |
expect(width1).toEqual(8.5); |
expect(height1).toEqual(11); |
var pdfPage2 = { |
view: [0, 0, 612, 792], |
userUnit: 1, |
rotate: 90 |
}; |
var _getPageSizeInches3 = (0, _ui_utils.getPageSizeInches)(pdfPage2), |
width2 = _getPageSizeInches3.width, |
height2 = _getPageSizeInches3.height; |
expect(width2).toEqual(11); |
expect(height2).toEqual(8.5); |
}); |
}); |
describe('getVisibleElements', function () { |
var BORDER_WIDTH = 9; |
var SPACING = 2 * BORDER_WIDTH - 7; |
function makePages(lines) { |
var result = []; |
var lineTop = 0, |
id = 0; |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true; |
var _didIteratorError = false; |
var _iteratorError = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _iterator = lines[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) { |
var line = _step.value; |
var lineHeight = line.reduce(function (maxHeight, pair) { |
return Math.max(maxHeight, pair[1]); |
}, 0); |
var offsetLeft = -BORDER_WIDTH; |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true; |
var _didIteratorError2 = false; |
var _iteratorError2 = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _iterator2 = line[Symbol.iterator](), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) { |
var _step2$value = _slicedToArray(_step2.value, 2), |
clientWidth = _step2$value[0], |
clientHeight = _step2$value[1]; |
var offsetTop = lineTop + (lineHeight - clientHeight) / 2 - BORDER_WIDTH; |
var div = { |
offsetLeft: offsetLeft, |
offsetTop: offsetTop, |
clientWidth: clientWidth, |
clientHeight: clientHeight, |
clientLeft: BORDER_WIDTH, |
clientTop: BORDER_WIDTH |
}; |
result.push({ |
id: id, |
div: div |
}); |
++id; |
offsetLeft += clientWidth + SPACING; |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError2 = true; |
_iteratorError2 = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return != null) { |
_iterator2.return(); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError2) { |
throw _iteratorError2; |
} |
} |
} |
lineTop += lineHeight + SPACING; |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError = true; |
_iteratorError = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) { |
_iterator.return(); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError) { |
throw _iteratorError; |
} |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
function slowGetVisibleElements(scroll, pages) { |
var views = []; |
var scrollLeft = scroll.scrollLeft, |
scrollTop = scroll.scrollTop; |
var scrollRight = scrollLeft + scroll.clientWidth; |
var scrollBottom = scrollTop + scroll.clientHeight; |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true; |
var _didIteratorError3 = false; |
var _iteratorError3 = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _iterator3 = pages[Symbol.iterator](), _step3; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion3 = (_step3 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true) { |
var view = _step3.value; |
var div = view.div; |
var viewLeft = div.offsetLeft + div.clientLeft; |
var viewRight = viewLeft + div.clientWidth; |
var viewTop = div.offsetTop + div.clientTop; |
var viewBottom = viewTop + div.clientHeight; |
if (viewLeft < scrollRight && viewRight > scrollLeft && viewTop < scrollBottom && viewBottom > scrollTop) { |
var hiddenHeight = Math.max(0, scrollTop - viewTop) + Math.max(0, viewBottom - scrollBottom); |
var hiddenWidth = Math.max(0, scrollLeft - viewLeft) + Math.max(0, viewRight - scrollRight); |
var visibleArea = (div.clientHeight - hiddenHeight) * (div.clientWidth - hiddenWidth); |
var percent = visibleArea * 100 / div.clientHeight / div.clientWidth | 0; |
views.push({ |
id:, |
x: viewLeft, |
y: viewTop, |
view: view, |
percent: percent |
}); |
} |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError3 = true; |
_iteratorError3 = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion3 && _iterator3.return != null) { |
_iterator3.return(); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError3) { |
throw _iteratorError3; |
} |
} |
} |
return { |
first: views[0], |
last: views[views.length - 1], |
views: views |
}; |
} |
function scrollOverDocument(pages) { |
var horizontally = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; |
var size = pages.reduce(function (max, _ref) { |
var div = _ref.div; |
return Math.max(max, horizontally ? div.offsetLeft + div.clientLeft + div.clientWidth : div.offsetTop + div.clientTop + div.clientHeight); |
}, 0); |
for (var i = 0; i < size; i += 7) { |
for (var j = i + 5; j < size; j += j - i) { |
var scroll = horizontally ? { |
scrollTop: 0, |
scrollLeft: i, |
clientHeight: 10000, |
clientWidth: j - i |
} : { |
scrollTop: i, |
scrollLeft: 0, |
clientHeight: j - i, |
clientWidth: 10000 |
}; |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getVisibleElements)(scroll, pages, false, horizontally)).toEqual(slowGetVisibleElements(scroll, pages)); |
} |
} |
} |
it('with pages of varying height', function () { |
var pages = makePages([[[50, 20], [20, 50]], [[30, 12], [12, 30]], [[20, 50], [50, 20]], [[50, 20], [20, 50]]]); |
scrollOverDocument(pages); |
}); |
it('widescreen challenge', function () { |
var pages = makePages([[[10, 50], [10, 60], [10, 70], [10, 80], [10, 90]], [[10, 90], [10, 80], [10, 70], [10, 60], [10, 50]], [[10, 50], [10, 60], [10, 70], [10, 80], [10, 90]]]); |
scrollOverDocument(pages); |
}); |
it('works with horizontal scrolling', function () { |
var pages = makePages([[[10, 50], [20, 20], [30, 10]]]); |
scrollOverDocument(pages, true); |
}); |
it('handles `sortByVisibility` correctly', function () { |
var scrollEl = { |
scrollTop: 75, |
scrollLeft: 0, |
clientHeight: 750, |
clientWidth: 1500 |
}; |
var views = makePages([[[100, 150]], [[100, 150]], [[100, 150]]]); |
var visible = (0, _ui_utils.getVisibleElements)(scrollEl, views); |
var visibleSorted = (0, _ui_utils.getVisibleElements)(scrollEl, views, true); |
var viewsOrder = [], |
viewsSortedOrder = []; |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true; |
var _didIteratorError4 = false; |
var _iteratorError4 = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _iterator4 = visible.views[Symbol.iterator](), _step4; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion4 = (_step4 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true) { |
var view = _step4.value; |
viewsOrder.push(; |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError4 = true; |
_iteratorError4 = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion4 && _iterator4.return != null) { |
_iterator4.return(); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError4) { |
throw _iteratorError4; |
} |
} |
} |
var _iteratorNormalCompletion5 = true; |
var _didIteratorError5 = false; |
var _iteratorError5 = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _iterator5 = visibleSorted.views[Symbol.iterator](), _step5; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion5 = (_step5 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion5 = true) { |
var _view = _step5.value; |
viewsSortedOrder.push(; |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_didIteratorError5 = true; |
_iteratorError5 = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion5 && _iterator5.return != null) { |
_iterator5.return(); |
} |
} finally { |
if (_didIteratorError5) { |
throw _iteratorError5; |
} |
} |
} |
expect(viewsOrder).toEqual([0, 1, 2]); |
expect(viewsSortedOrder).toEqual([1, 2, 0]); |
}); |
it('handles views being empty', function () { |
var scrollEl = { |
scrollTop: 10, |
scrollLeft: 0, |
clientHeight: 750, |
clientWidth: 1500 |
}; |
var views = []; |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getVisibleElements)(scrollEl, views)).toEqual({ |
first: undefined, |
last: undefined, |
views: [] |
}); |
}); |
it('handles all views being hidden (without errors)', function () { |
var scrollEl = { |
scrollTop: 100000, |
scrollLeft: 0, |
clientHeight: 750, |
clientWidth: 1500 |
}; |
var views = makePages([[[100, 150]], [[100, 150]], [[100, 150]]]); |
expect((0, _ui_utils.getVisibleElements)(scrollEl, views)).toEqual({ |
first: undefined, |
last: undefined, |
views: [] |
}); |
}); |
describe('backtrackBeforeAllVisibleElements', function () { |
var tallPage = [10, 50]; |
var shortPage = [10, 10]; |
var top1 = 20 + SPACING + 40; |
var top2 = 20 + SPACING + 10; |
it('handles case 1', function () { |
var pages = makePages([[[10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20]], [tallPage, shortPage, tallPage, shortPage], [[10, 50], [10, 50], [10, 50], [10, 50]], [[10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20]], [[10, 20]]]); |
var bsResult = 4; |
expect((0, _ui_utils.backtrackBeforeAllVisibleElements)(bsResult, pages, top1)).toEqual(4); |
}); |
it('handles case 2', function () { |
var pages = makePages([[[10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20]], [tallPage, shortPage, tallPage, tallPage], [[10, 50], [10, 50], [10, 50], [10, 50]], [[10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20]]]); |
var bsResult = 6; |
expect((0, _ui_utils.backtrackBeforeAllVisibleElements)(bsResult, pages, top1)).toEqual(4); |
}); |
it('handles case 3', function () { |
var pages = makePages([[[10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20]], [tallPage, shortPage, tallPage, shortPage], [[10, 50], [10, 50], [10, 50], [10, 50]], [[10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20]]]); |
var bsResult = 8; |
expect((0, _ui_utils.backtrackBeforeAllVisibleElements)(bsResult, pages, top1)).toEqual(4); |
}); |
it('handles case 4', function () { |
var pages = makePages([[[10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20]], [tallPage, shortPage, tallPage, shortPage], [[10, 50], [10, 50], [10, 50], [10, 50]], [[10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20]]]); |
var bsResult = 4; |
expect((0, _ui_utils.backtrackBeforeAllVisibleElements)(bsResult, pages, top2)).toEqual(4); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('moveToEndOfArray', function () { |
it('works on empty arrays', function () { |
var data = []; |
(0, _ui_utils.moveToEndOfArray)(data, function () {}); |
expect(data).toEqual([]); |
}); |
it('works when moving everything', function () { |
var data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; |
(0, _ui_utils.moveToEndOfArray)(data, function () { |
return true; |
}); |
expect(data).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); |
}); |
it('works when moving some things', function () { |
var data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; |
(0, _ui_utils.moveToEndOfArray)(data, function (x) { |
return x % 2 === 0; |
}); |
expect(data).toEqual([1, 3, 5, 2, 4]); |
}); |
it('works when moving one thing', function () { |
var data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; |
(0, _ui_utils.moveToEndOfArray)(data, function (x) { |
return x === 1; |
}); |
expect(data).toEqual([2, 3, 4, 5, 1]); |
}); |
it('works when moving nothing', function () { |
var data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; |
(0, _ui_utils.moveToEndOfArray)(data, function (x) { |
return x === 0; |
}); |
expect(data).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); |
}); |
}); |
}); |