Generic build of PDF.js library.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

425 lines
17 KiB

* @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the
* Javascript code in this page
* Copyright 2018 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @licend The above is the entire license notice for the
* Javascript code in this page
"use strict";
var _util = require("../../shared/util");
var _primitives = require("../../core/primitives");
var _test_utils = require("./test_utils");
function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
describe('util', function () {
describe('bytesToString', function () {
it('handles non-array arguments', function () {
expect(function () {
(0, _util.bytesToString)(null);
}).toThrow(new Error('Invalid argument for bytesToString'));
it('handles array arguments with a length not exceeding the maximum', function () {
expect((0, _util.bytesToString)(new Uint8Array([]))).toEqual('');
expect((0, _util.bytesToString)(new Uint8Array([102, 111, 111]))).toEqual('foo');
it('handles array arguments with a length exceeding the maximum', function () {
var length = 10000;
var bytes = new Uint8Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
bytes[i] = 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
var string = Array(length + 1).join('a');
expect((0, _util.bytesToString)(bytes)).toEqual(string);
describe('getInheritableProperty', function () {
it('handles non-dictionary arguments', function () {
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: null,
key: 'foo'
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: undefined,
key: 'foo'
it('handles dictionaries that do not contain the property', function () {
var emptyDict = new _primitives.Dict();
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: emptyDict,
key: 'foo'
var filledDict = new _primitives.Dict();
filledDict.set('bar', 'baz');
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: filledDict,
key: 'foo'
it('fetches the property if it is not inherited', function () {
var ref = new _primitives.Ref(10, 0);
var xref = new _test_utils.XRefMock([{
ref: ref,
data: 'quux'
var dict = new _primitives.Dict(xref);
dict.set('foo', 'bar');
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: dict,
key: 'foo'
dict.set('baz', ['qux', ref]);
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: dict,
key: 'baz',
getArray: true
})).toEqual(['qux', 'quux']);
it('fetches the property if it is inherited and present on one level', function () {
var ref = new _primitives.Ref(10, 0);
var xref = new _test_utils.XRefMock([{
ref: ref,
data: 'quux'
var firstDict = new _primitives.Dict(xref);
var secondDict = new _primitives.Dict(xref);
firstDict.set('Parent', secondDict);
secondDict.set('foo', 'bar');
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: firstDict,
key: 'foo'
secondDict.set('baz', ['qux', ref]);
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: firstDict,
key: 'baz',
getArray: true
})).toEqual(['qux', 'quux']);
it('fetches the property if it is inherited and present on multiple levels', function () {
var ref = new _primitives.Ref(10, 0);
var xref = new _test_utils.XRefMock([{
ref: ref,
data: 'quux'
var firstDict = new _primitives.Dict(xref);
var secondDict = new _primitives.Dict(xref);
firstDict.set('Parent', secondDict);
firstDict.set('foo', 'bar1');
secondDict.set('foo', 'bar2');
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: firstDict,
key: 'foo'
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: firstDict,
key: 'foo',
getArray: false,
stopWhenFound: false
})).toEqual(['bar1', 'bar2']);
firstDict.set('baz', ['qux1', ref]);
secondDict.set('baz', ['qux2', ref]);
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: firstDict,
key: 'baz',
getArray: true,
stopWhenFound: false
})).toEqual([['qux1', 'quux'], ['qux2', 'quux']]);
it('stops searching when the loop limit is reached', function () {
var dict = new _primitives.Dict();
var currentDict = dict;
var parentDict = null;
for (var i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
parentDict = new _primitives.Dict();
currentDict.set('Parent', parentDict);
currentDict = parentDict;
parentDict.set('foo', 'bar');
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: dict,
key: 'foo'
dict.set('foo', 'baz');
expect((0, _util.getInheritableProperty)({
dict: dict,
key: 'foo',
getArray: false,
stopWhenFound: false
describe('isArrayBuffer', function () {
it('handles array buffer values', function () {
expect((0, _util.isArrayBuffer)(new ArrayBuffer(0))).toEqual(true);
expect((0, _util.isArrayBuffer)(new Uint8Array(0))).toEqual(true);
it('handles non-array buffer values', function () {
expect((0, _util.isArrayBuffer)('true')).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isArrayBuffer)(1)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isArrayBuffer)(null)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isArrayBuffer)(undefined)).toEqual(false);
describe('isBool', function () {
it('handles boolean values', function () {
expect((0, _util.isBool)(true)).toEqual(true);
expect((0, _util.isBool)(false)).toEqual(true);
it('handles non-boolean values', function () {
expect((0, _util.isBool)('true')).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isBool)('false')).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isBool)(1)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isBool)(0)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isBool)(null)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isBool)(undefined)).toEqual(false);
describe('isEmptyObj', function () {
it('handles empty objects', function () {
expect((0, _util.isEmptyObj)({})).toEqual(true);
it('handles non-empty objects', function () {
expect((0, _util.isEmptyObj)({
foo: 'bar'
describe('isNum', function () {
it('handles numeric values', function () {
expect((0, _util.isNum)(1)).toEqual(true);
expect((0, _util.isNum)(0)).toEqual(true);
expect((0, _util.isNum)(-1)).toEqual(true);
expect((0, _util.isNum)(1000000000000000000)).toEqual(true);
expect((0, _util.isNum)(12.34)).toEqual(true);
it('handles non-numeric values', function () {
expect((0, _util.isNum)('true')).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isNum)(true)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isNum)(null)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isNum)(undefined)).toEqual(false);
describe('isSpace', function () {
it('handles space characters', function () {
expect((0, _util.isSpace)(0x20)).toEqual(true);
expect((0, _util.isSpace)(0x09)).toEqual(true);
expect((0, _util.isSpace)(0x0D)).toEqual(true);
expect((0, _util.isSpace)(0x0A)).toEqual(true);
it('handles non-space characters', function () {
expect((0, _util.isSpace)(0x0B)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isSpace)(null)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isSpace)(undefined)).toEqual(false);
describe('isString', function () {
it('handles string values', function () {
expect((0, _util.isString)('foo')).toEqual(true);
expect((0, _util.isString)('')).toEqual(true);
it('handles non-string values', function () {
expect((0, _util.isString)(true)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isString)(1)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isString)(null)).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isString)(undefined)).toEqual(false);
describe('log2', function () {
it('handles values smaller than/equal to zero', function () {
expect((0, _util.log2)(0)).toEqual(0);
expect((0, _util.log2)(-1)).toEqual(0);
it('handles values larger than zero', function () {
expect((0, _util.log2)(1)).toEqual(0);
expect((0, _util.log2)(2)).toEqual(1);
expect((0, _util.log2)(3)).toEqual(2);
expect((0, _util.log2)(3.14)).toEqual(2);
describe('string32', function () {
it('converts unsigned 32-bit integers to strings', function () {
expect((0, _util.string32)(0x74727565)).toEqual('true');
expect((0, _util.string32)(0x74797031)).toEqual('typ1');
expect((0, _util.string32)(0x4F54544F)).toEqual('OTTO');
describe('stringToBytes', function () {
it('handles non-string arguments', function () {
expect(function () {
(0, _util.stringToBytes)(null);
}).toThrow(new Error('Invalid argument for stringToBytes'));
it('handles string arguments', function () {
expect((0, _util.stringToBytes)('')).toEqual(new Uint8Array([]));
expect((0, _util.stringToBytes)('foo')).toEqual(new Uint8Array([102, 111, 111]));
describe('stringToPDFString', function () {
it('handles ISO Latin 1 strings', function () {
var str = '\x8Dstring\x8E';
expect((0, _util.stringToPDFString)(str)).toEqual("\u201Cstring\u201D");
it('handles UTF-16BE strings', function () {
var str = '\xFE\xFF\x00\x73\x00\x74\x00\x72\x00\x69\x00\x6E\x00\x67';
expect((0, _util.stringToPDFString)(str)).toEqual('string');
it('handles empty strings', function () {
var str1 = '';
expect((0, _util.stringToPDFString)(str1)).toEqual('');
var str2 = '\xFE\xFF';
expect((0, _util.stringToPDFString)(str2)).toEqual('');
describe('removeNullCharacters', function () {
it('should not modify string without null characters', function () {
var str = 'string without null chars';
expect((0, _util.removeNullCharacters)(str)).toEqual('string without null chars');
it('should modify string with null characters', function () {
var str = 'string\x00With\x00Null\x00Chars';
expect((0, _util.removeNullCharacters)(str)).toEqual('stringWithNullChars');
describe('ReadableStream', function () {
it('should return an Object', function () {
var readable = new _util.ReadableStream();
it('should have property getReader', function () {
var readable = new _util.ReadableStream();
describe('toRomanNumerals', function () {
it('handles invalid arguments', function () {
var _arr = ['foo', -1, 0];
var _loop = function _loop() {
var input = _arr[_i];
expect(function () {
(0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(input);
}).toThrow(new Error('The number should be a positive integer.'));
for (var _i = 0; _i < _arr.length; _i++) {
it('converts numbers to uppercase Roman numerals', function () {
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(1)).toEqual('I');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(6)).toEqual('VI');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(7)).toEqual('VII');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(8)).toEqual('VIII');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(10)).toEqual('X');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(40)).toEqual('XL');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(100)).toEqual('C');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(500)).toEqual('D');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(1000)).toEqual('M');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(2019)).toEqual('MMXIX');
it('converts numbers to lowercase Roman numerals', function () {
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(1, true)).toEqual('i');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(6, true)).toEqual('vi');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(7, true)).toEqual('vii');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(8, true)).toEqual('viii');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(10, true)).toEqual('x');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(40, true)).toEqual('xl');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(100, true)).toEqual('c');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(500, true)).toEqual('d');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(1000, true)).toEqual('m');
expect((0, _util.toRomanNumerals)(2019, true)).toEqual('mmxix');
describe('URL', function () {
it('should return an Object', function () {
var url = new _util.URL('');
it('should have property `href`', function () {
var url = new _util.URL('');
describe('isSameOrigin', function () {
it('handles invalid base URLs', function () {
expect((0, _util.isSameOrigin)('/foo', '/bar')).toEqual(false);
expect((0, _util.isSameOrigin)('blob:foo', '/bar')).toEqual(false);
it('correctly checks if the origin of both URLs matches', function () {
expect((0, _util.isSameOrigin)('', '')).toEqual(true);
expect((0, _util.isSameOrigin)('', '')).toEqual(false);
describe('createValidAbsoluteUrl', function () {
it('handles invalid URLs', function () {
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)(undefined, undefined)).toEqual(null);
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)(null, null)).toEqual(null);
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('/foo', '/bar')).toEqual(null);
it('handles URLs that do not use a whitelisted protocol', function () {
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('magnet:?foo', null)).toEqual(null);
it('correctly creates a valid URL for whitelisted protocols', function () {
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('', null)).toEqual(new _util.URL(''));
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('/foo', '')).toEqual(new _util.URL(''));
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('', null)).toEqual(new _util.URL(''));
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('/foo', '')).toEqual(new _util.URL(''));
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('', null)).toEqual(new _util.URL(''));
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('/foo', '')).toEqual(new _util.URL(''));
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('mailto:foo@bar.baz', null)).toEqual(new _util.URL('mailto:foo@bar.baz'));
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('/foo', 'mailto:foo@bar.baz')).toEqual(null);
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('tel:+0123456789', null)).toEqual(new _util.URL('tel:+0123456789'));
expect((0, _util.createValidAbsoluteUrl)('/foo', 'tel:0123456789')).toEqual(null);
describe('createPromiseCapability', function () {
it('should resolve with correct data', function (done) {
var promiseCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)();
test: 'abc'
promiseCapability.promise.then(function (data) {
test: 'abc'
it('should reject with correct reason', function (done) {
var promiseCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)();
promiseCapability.reject(new Error('reason'));
promiseCapability.promise.then(, function (reason) {
expect(reason instanceof Error).toEqual(true);