Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
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9 years ago
# Tesseract Languages
The `lang` property of the options object passed to `Tesseract.recognize` can have one of the following values (the default is `'eng'`.):
| `lang` | Language |
| 'afr' | Afrikaans |
| 'ara' | Arabic |
| 'aze' | Azerbaijani |
| 'bel' | Belarusian |
| 'ben' | Bengali |
| 'bul' | Bulgarian |
| 'cat' | Catalan |
| 'ces' | Czech |
| 'chi_sim' | Chinese |
| 'chi_tra' | Traditional Chinese |
| 'chr' | Cherokee |
| 'dan' | Danish |
| 'deu' | German |
| 'ell' | Greek |
| 'eng' | Enlish |
| 'enm' | English (Old) |
| 'epo' | Esperanto |
| 'epo_alt' | Esperanto alternative |
| 'equ' | Math |
| 'est' | Estonian |
| 'eus' | Basque |
| 'fin' | Finnish |
| 'fra' | French |
| 'frk' | Frankish |
| 'frm' | French (Old) |
| 'glg' | Galician |
| 'grc' | Ancient Greek |
| 'heb' | Hebrew |
| 'hin' | Hindi |
| 'hrv' | Croatian |
| 'hun' | Hungarian |
| 'ind' | Indonesian |
| 'isl' | Icelandic |
| 'ita' | Italian |
| 'ita_old' | Italian (Old) |
| 'jpn' | Japanese |
| 'kan' | Kannada |
| 'kor' | Korean |
| 'lav' | Latvian |
| 'lit' | Lithuanian |
| 'mal' | Malayalam |
| 'mkd' | Macedonian |
| 'mlt' | Maltese |
| 'msa' | Malay |
| 'nld' | Dutch |
| 'nor' | Norwegian |
| 'pol' | Polish |
| 'por' | Portuguese |
| 'ron' | Romanian |
| 'rus' | Russian |
| 'slk' | Slovakian |
| 'slv' | Slovenian |
| 'spa' | Spanish |
| 'spa_old' | Old Spanish |
| 'sqi' | Albanian |
| 'srp' | Serbian (Latin) |
| 'swa' | Swahili |
| 'swe' | Swedish |
| 'tam' | Tamil |
| 'tel' | Telugu |
| 'tgl' | Tagalog |
| 'tha' | Thai |
| 'tur' | Turkish |
| 'ukr' | Ukrainian |
| 'vie' | Vietnamese |