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9 years ago
# Tesseract Parameters
You can override the following parameters in the options object passed to `Tesseract.recognize`:
9 years ago
| Parameter | Default Value | Description |
| ambigs_debug_level | 0 | Debug level for unichar ambiguities |
| applybox_debug | 1 | Debug level |
| applybox_exposure_pattern | .exp | Exposure value follows this pattern in the image filename. The name of the image files are expected to be in the form [lang].[fontname].exp[num].tif |
| applybox_learn_chars_and_char_frags_mode | 0 | Learn both character fragments (as is done in the special low exposure mode) as well as unfragmented characters. |
| applybox_learn_ngrams_mode | 0 | Each bounding box is assumed to contain ngrams. Only learn the ngrams whose outlines overlap horizontally. |
| applybox_page | 0 | Page number to apply boxes from |
| assume_fixed_pitch_char_segment | 0 | include fixed-pitch heuristics in char segmentation |
| bestrate_pruning_factor | 2 | Multiplying factor of current best rate to prune other hypotheses |
| bidi_debug | 0 | Debug level for BiDi |
| bland_unrej | 0 | unrej potential with no chekcs |
| certainty_scale | 20 | Certainty scaling factor |
| certainty_scale | 20 | Certainty scaling factor |
| chop_center_knob | 0.15 | Split center adjustment |
| chop_centered_maxwidth | 90 | Width of (smaller) chopped blobs above which we don't care that a chop is not near the center. |
| chop_debug | 0 | Chop debug |
| chop_enable | 1 | Chop enable |
| chop_good_split | 50 | Good split limit |
| chop_inside_angle | -50 | Min Inside Angle Bend |
| chop_min_outline_area | 2000 | Min Outline Area |
| chop_min_outline_points | 6 | Min Number of Points on Outline |
| chop_new_seam_pile | 1 | Use new seam_pile |
| chop_ok_split | 100 | OK split limit |
| chop_overlap_knob | 0.9 | Split overlap adjustment |
| chop_same_distance | 2 | Same distance |
| chop_seam_pile_size | 150 | Max number of seams in seam_pile |
| chop_sharpness_knob | 0.06 | Split sharpness adjustment |
| chop_split_dist_knob | 0.5 | Split length adjustment |
| chop_split_length | 10000 | Split Length |
| chop_vertical_creep | 0 | Vertical creep |
| chop_width_change_knob | 5 | Width change adjustment |
| chop_x_y_weight | 3 | X / Y length weight |
| chs_leading_punct | ('`" | Leading punctuation |
| chs_trailing_punct1 | ).,;:?! | 1st Trailing punctuation |
| chs_trailing_punct2 | )'`" | 2nd Trailing punctuation |
| classify_adapt_feature_threshold | 230 | Threshold for good features during adaptive 0-255 |
| classify_adapt_proto_threshold | 230 | Threshold for good protos during adaptive 0-255 |
| classify_adapted_pruning_factor | 2.5 | Prune poor adapted results this much worse than best result |
| classify_adapted_pruning_threshold | -1 | Threshold at which classify_adapted_pruning_factor starts |
| classify_bln_numeric_mode | 0 | Assume the input is numbers [0-9]. |
| classify_char_norm_range | 0.2 | Character Normalization Range ... |
| classify_character_fragments_garbage_certainty_threshold | -3 | Exclude fragments that do not look like whole characters from training and adaption |
| classify_class_pruner_multiplier | 15 | Class Pruner Multiplier 0-255: |
| classify_class_pruner_threshold | 229 | Class Pruner Threshold 0-255 |
| classify_cp_angle_pad_loose | 45 | Class Pruner Angle Pad Loose |
| classify_cp_angle_pad_medium | 20 | Class Pruner Angle Pad Medium |
| classify_cp_angle_pad_tight | 10 | CLass Pruner Angle Pad Tight |
| classify_cp_cutoff_strength | 7 | Class Pruner CutoffStrength: |
| classify_cp_end_pad_loose | 0.5 | Class Pruner End Pad Loose |
| classify_cp_end_pad_medium | 0.5 | Class Pruner End Pad Medium |
| classify_cp_end_pad_tight | 0.5 | Class Pruner End Pad Tight |
| classify_cp_side_pad_loose | 2.5 | Class Pruner Side Pad Loose |
| classify_cp_side_pad_medium | 1.2 | Class Pruner Side Pad Medium |
| classify_cp_side_pad_tight | 0.6 | Class Pruner Side Pad Tight |
| classify_debug_character_fragments | 0 | Bring up graphical debugging windows for fragments training |
| classify_debug_level | 0 | Classify debug level |
| classify_enable_adaptive_debugger | 0 | Enable match debugger |
| classify_enable_adaptive_matcher | 1 | Enable adaptive classifier |
| classify_enable_learning | 1 | Enable adaptive classifier |
| classify_font_name | UnknownFont | Default font name to be used in training |
| classify_integer_matcher_multiplier | 10 | Integer Matcher Multiplier 0-255: |
| classify_learn_debug_str | | Class str to debug learning |
| classify_learning_debug_level | 0 | Learning Debug Level: |
| classify_max_certainty_margin | 5.5 | Veto difference between classifier certainties |
| classify_max_norm_scale_x | 0.325 | Max char x-norm scale ... |
| classify_max_norm_scale_y | 0.325 | Max char y-norm scale ... |
| classify_max_rating_ratio | 1.5 | Veto ratio between classifier ratings |
| classify_max_slope | 2.41421 | Slope above which lines are called vertical |
| classify_min_norm_scale_x | 0 | Min char x-norm scale ... |
| classify_min_norm_scale_y | 0 | Min char y-norm scale ... |
| classify_min_slope | 0.414214 | Slope below which lines are called horizontal |
| classify_misfit_junk_penalty | 0 | Penalty to apply when a non-alnum is vertically out of its expected textline position |
| classify_nonlinear_norm | 0 | Non-linear stroke-density normalization |
| classify_norm_adj_curl | 2 | Norm adjust curl ... |
| classify_norm_adj_midpoint | 32 | Norm adjust midpoint ... |
| classify_norm_method | 1 | Normalization Method ... |
| classify_num_cp_levels | 3 | Number of Class Pruner Levels |
| classify_pico_feature_length | 0.05 | Pico Feature Length |
| classify_pp_angle_pad | 45 | Proto Pruner Angle Pad |
| classify_pp_end_pad | 0.5 | Proto Prune End Pad |
| classify_pp_side_pad | 2.5 | Proto Pruner Side Pad |
| classify_save_adapted_templates | 0 | Save adapted templates to a file |
| classify_training_file | MicroFeatures | Training file |
| classify_use_pre_adapted_templates | 0 | Use pre-adapted classifier templates |
| conflict_set_I_l_1 | Il1[] | Il1 conflict set |
| crunch_accept_ok | 1 | Use acceptability in okstring |
| crunch_debug | 0 | As it says |
| crunch_del_cert | -10 | POTENTIAL crunch cert lt this |
| crunch_del_high_word | 1.5 | Del if word gt xht x this above bl |
| crunch_del_low_word | 0.5 | Del if word gt xht x this below bl |
| crunch_del_max_ht | 3 | Del if word ht gt xht x this |
| crunch_del_min_ht | 0.7 | Del if word ht lt xht x this |
| crunch_del_min_width | 3 | Del if word width lt xht x this |
| crunch_del_rating | 60 | POTENTIAL crunch rating lt this |
| crunch_early_convert_bad_unlv_chs | 0 | Take out ~^ early? |
| crunch_early_merge_tess_fails | 1 | Before word crunch? |
| crunch_include_numerals | 0 | Fiddle alpha figures |
| crunch_leave_accept_strings | 0 | Dont pot crunch sensible strings |
| crunch_leave_lc_strings | 4 | Dont crunch words with long lower case strings |
| crunch_leave_ok_strings | 1 | Dont touch sensible strings |
| crunch_leave_uc_strings | 4 | Dont crunch words with long lower case strings |
| crunch_long_repetitions | 3 | Crunch words with long repetitions |
| crunch_poor_garbage_cert | -9 | crunch garbage cert lt this |
| crunch_poor_garbage_rate | 60 | crunch garbage rating lt this |
| crunch_pot_garbage | 1 | POTENTIAL crunch garbage |
| crunch_pot_indicators | 1 | How many potential indicators needed |
| crunch_pot_poor_cert | -8 | POTENTIAL crunch cert lt this |
| crunch_pot_poor_rate | 40 | POTENTIAL crunch rating lt this |
| crunch_rating_max | 10 | For adj length in rating per ch |
| crunch_small_outlines_size | 0.6 | Small if lt xht x this |
| crunch_terrible_garbage | 1 | As it says |
| crunch_terrible_rating | 80 | crunch rating lt this |
| cube_debug_level | 0 | Print cube debug info. |
| dawg_debug_level | 0 | Set to 1 for general debug info, to 2 for more details, to 3 to see all the debug messages |
| debug_acceptable_wds | 0 | Dump word pass/fail chk |
| debug_file | | File to send tprintf output to |
| debug_fix_space_level | 0 | Contextual fixspace debug |
| debug_noise_removal | 0 | Debug reassignment of small outlines |
| debug_x_ht_level | 0 | Reestimate debug |
| devanagari_split_debugimage | 0 | Whether to create a debug image for split shiro-rekha process. |
| devanagari_split_debuglevel | 0 | Debug level for split shiro-rekha process. |
| disable_character_fragments | 1 | Do not include character fragments in the results of the classifier |
| doc_dict_certainty_threshold | -2.25 | Worst certainty for words that can be inserted into thedocument dictionary |
| doc_dict_pending_threshold | 0 | Worst certainty for using pending dictionary |
| docqual_excuse_outline_errs | 0 | Allow outline errs in unrejection? |
| edges_boxarea | 0.875 | Min area fraction of grandchild for box |
| edges_childarea | 0.5 | Min area fraction of child outline |
| edges_children_count_limit | 45 | Max holes allowed in blob |
| edges_children_fix | 0 | Remove boxy parents of char-like children |
| edges_children_per_grandchild | 10 | Importance ratio for chucking outlines |
| edges_debug | 0 | turn on debugging for this module |
| edges_max_children_layers | 5 | Max layers of nested children inside a character outline |
| edges_max_children_per_outline | 10 | Max number of children inside a character outline |
| edges_min_nonhole | 12 | Min pixels for potential char in box |
| edges_patharea_ratio | 40 | Max lensq/area for acceptable child outline |
| edges_use_new_outline_complexity | 0 | Use the new outline complexity module |
| editor_dbwin_height | 24 | Editor debug window height |
| editor_dbwin_name | EditorDBWin | Editor debug window name |
| editor_dbwin_width | 80 | Editor debug window width |
| editor_dbwin_xpos | 50 | Editor debug window X Pos |
| editor_dbwin_ypos | 500 | Editor debug window Y Pos |
| editor_debug_config_file | | Config file to apply to single words |
| editor_image_blob_bb_color | 4 | Blob bounding box colour |
| editor_image_menuheight | 50 | Add to image height for menu bar |
| editor_image_text_color | 2 | Correct text colour |
| editor_image_win_name | EditorImage | Editor image window name |
| editor_image_word_bb_color | 7 | Word bounding box colour |
| editor_image_xpos | 590 | Editor image X Pos |
| editor_image_ypos | 10 | Editor image Y Pos |
| editor_word_height | 240 | Word window height |
| editor_word_name | BlnWords | BL normalized word window |
| editor_word_width | 655 | Word window width |
| editor_word_xpos | 60 | Word window X Pos |
| editor_word_ypos | 510 | Word window Y Pos |
| enable_new_segsearch | 0 | Enable new segmentation search path. |
| enable_noise_removal | 1 | Remove and conditionally reassign small outlines when they confuse layout analysis, determining diacritics vs noise |
| equationdetect_save_bi_image | 0 | Save input bi image |
| equationdetect_save_merged_image | 0 | Save the merged image |
| equationdetect_save_seed_image | 0 | Save the seed image |
| equationdetect_save_spt_image | 0 | Save special character image |
| file_type | .tif | Filename extension |
| fixsp_done_mode | 1 | What constitues done for spacing |
| fixsp_non_noise_limit | 1 | How many non-noise blbs either side? |
| fixsp_small_outlines_size | 0.28 | Small if lt xht x this |
| force_word_assoc | 0 | force associator to run regardless of what enable_assoc is.This is used for CJK where component grouping is necessary. |
| fragments_debug | 0 | Debug character fragments |
| fragments_guide_chopper | 0 | Use information from fragments to guide chopping process |
| fx_debugfile | FXDebug | Name of debugfile |
| gapmap_big_gaps | 1.75 | xht multiplier |
| gapmap_debug | 0 | Say which blocks have tables |
| gapmap_no_isolated_quanta | 0 | Ensure gaps not less than 2quanta wide |
| gapmap_use_ends | 0 | Use large space at start and end of rows |
| heuristic_max_char_wh_ratio | 2 | max char width-to-height ratio allowed in segmentation |
| heuristic_segcost_rating_base | 1.25 | base factor for adding segmentation cost into word rating.It's a multiplying factor, the larger the value above 1, the bigger the effect of segmentation cost. |
| heuristic_weight_rating | 1 | weight associated with char rating in combined cost ofstate |
| heuristic_weight_seamcut | 0 | weight associated with seam cut in combined cost of state |
| heuristic_weight_width | 1000 | weight associated with width evidence in combined cost of state |
| hocr_font_info | 0 | Add font info to hocr output |
| hyphen_debug_level | 0 | Debug level for hyphenated words. |
| il1_adaption_test | 0 | Dont adapt to i/I at beginning of word |
| include_page_breaks | 0 | Include page separator string in output text after each image/page. |
| interactive_display_mode | 0 | Run interactively? |
| language_model_debug_level | 0 | Language model debug level |
| language_model_fixed_length_choices_depth | 3 | Depth of blob choice lists to explore when fixed length dawgs are on |
| language_model_min_compound_length | 3 | Minimum length of compound words |
| language_model_ngram_nonmatch_score | -40 | Average classifier score of a non-matching unichar. |
| language_model_ngram_on | 0 | Turn on/off the use of character ngram model |
| language_model_ngram_order | 8 | Maximum order of the character ngram model |
| language_model_ngram_rating_factor | 16 | Factor to bring log-probs into the same range as ratings when multiplied by outline length |
| language_model_ngram_scale_factor | 0.03 | Strength of the character ngram model relative to the character classifier |
| language_model_ngram_small_prob | 1e-06 | To avoid overly small denominators use this as the floor of the probability returned by the ngram model. |
| language_model_ngram_space_delimited_language | 1 | Words are delimited by space |
| language_model_ngram_use_only_first_uft8_step | 0 | Use only the first UTF8 step of the given string when computing log probabilities. |
| language_model_penalty_case | 0.1 | Penalty for inconsistent case |
| language_model_penalty_chartype | 0.3 | Penalty for inconsistent character type |
| language_model_penalty_font | 0 | Penalty for inconsistent font |
| language_model_penalty_increment | 0.01 | Penalty increment |
| language_model_penalty_non_dict_word | 0.15 | Penalty for non-dictionary words |
| language_model_penalty_non_freq_dict_word | 0.1 | Penalty for words not in the frequent word dictionary |
| language_model_penalty_punc | 0.2 | Penalty for inconsistent punctuation |
| language_model_penalty_script | 0.5 | Penalty for inconsistent script |
| language_model_penalty_spacing | 0.05 | Penalty for inconsistent spacing |
| language_model_use_sigmoidal_certainty | 0 | Use sigmoidal score for certainty |
| language_model_viterbi_list_max_num_prunable | 10 | Maximum number of prunable (those for which PrunablePath() is true) entries in each viterbi list recorded in BLOB_CHOICEs |
| language_model_viterbi_list_max_size | 500 | Maximum size of viterbi lists recorded in BLOB_CHOICEs |
| load_bigram_dawg | 1 | Load dawg with special word bigrams. |
| load_fixed_length_dawgs | 1 | Load fixed length dawgs (e.g. for non-space delimited languages) |
| load_freq_dawg | 1 | Load frequent word dawg. |
| load_number_dawg | 1 | Load dawg with number patterns. |
| load_punc_dawg | 1 | Load dawg with punctuation patterns. |
| load_system_dawg | 1 | Load system word dawg. |
| load_unambig_dawg | 1 | Load unambiguous word dawg. |
| m_data_sub_dir | tessdata/ | Directory for data files |
| matcher_avg_noise_size | 12 | Avg. noise blob length |
| matcher_bad_match_pad | 0.15 | Bad Match Pad (0-1) |
| matcher_clustering_max_angle_delta | 0.015 | Maximum angle delta for prototype clustering |
| matcher_debug_flags | 0 | Matcher Debug Flags |
| matcher_debug_level | 0 | Matcher Debug Level |
| matcher_debug_separate_windows | 0 | Use two different windows for debugging the matching: One for the protos and one for the features. |
| matcher_good_threshold | 0.125 | Good Match (0-1) |
| matcher_great_threshold | 0 | Great Match (0-1) |
| matcher_min_examples_for_prototyping | 3 | Reliable Config Threshold |
| matcher_perfect_threshold | 0.02 | Perfect Match (0-1) |
| matcher_permanent_classes_min | 1 | Min # of permanent classes |
| matcher_rating_margin | 0.1 | New template margin (0-1) |
| matcher_sufficient_examples_for_prototyping | 5 | Enable adaption even if the ambiguities have not been seen |
| max_permuter_attempts | 10000 | Maximum number of different character choices to consider during permutation. This limit is especially useful when user patterns are specified, since overly generic patterns can result in dawg search exploring an overly large number of options. |
| max_viterbi_list_size | 10 | Maximum size of viterbi list. |
| merge_fragments_in_matrix | 1 | Merge the fragments in the ratings matrix and delete them after merging |
| min_orientation_margin | 7 | Min acceptable orientation margin |
| min_sane_x_ht_pixels | 8 | Reject any x-ht lt or eq than this |
| ngram_permuter_activated | 0 | Activate character-level n-gram-based permuter |
| noise_cert_basechar | -8 | Hingepoint for base char certainty |
| noise_cert_disjoint | -1 | Hingepoint for disjoint certainty |
| noise_cert_factor | 0.375 | Scaling on certainty diff from Hingepoint |
| noise_cert_punc | -3 | Threshold for new punc char certainty |
| noise_maxperblob | 8 | Max diacritics to apply to a blob |
| noise_maxperword | 16 | Max diacritics to apply to a word |
| numeric_punctuation | ., | Punct. chs expected WITHIN numbers |
| ocr_devanagari_split_strategy | 0 | Whether to use the top-line splitting process for Devanagari documents while performing ocr. |
| ok_repeated_ch_non_alphanum_wds | -?*= | Allow NN to unrej |
| oldbl_corrfix | 1 | Improve correlation of heights |
| oldbl_dot_error_size | 1.26 | Max aspect ratio of a dot |
| oldbl_holed_losscount | 10 | Max lost before fallback line used |
| oldbl_xhfix | 0 | Fix bug in modes threshold for xheights |
| oldbl_xhfract | 0.4 | Fraction of est allowed in calc |
| outlines_2 | ij!?%":; | Non standard number of outlines |
| outlines_odd | %| | Non standard number of outlines |
| output_ambig_words_file | | Output file for ambiguities found in the dictionary |
| page_separator |
| pageseg_devanagari_split_strategy | 0 | Whether to use the top-line splitting process for Devanagari documents while performing page-segmentation. |
| paragraph_debug_level | 0 | Print paragraph debug info. |
| paragraph_text_based | 1 | Run paragraph detection on the post-text-recognition (more accurate) |
| permute_chartype_word | 0 | Turn on character type (property) consistency permuter |
| permute_debug | 0 | Debug char permutation process |
| permute_fixed_length_dawg | 0 | Turn on fixed-length phrasebook search permuter |
| permute_only_top | 0 | Run only the top choice permuter |
| permute_script_word | 0 | Turn on word script consistency permuter |
| pitsync_fake_depth | 1 | Max advance fake generation |
| pitsync_joined_edge | 0.75 | Dist inside big blob for chopping |
| pitsync_linear_version | 6 | Use new fast algorithm |
| pitsync_offset_freecut_fraction | 0.25 | Fraction of cut for free cuts |
| poly_allow_detailed_fx | 0 | Allow feature extractors to see the original outline |
| poly_debug | 0 | Debug old poly |
| poly_wide_objects_better | 1 | More accurate approx on wide things |
| preserve_interword_spaces | 0 | Preserve multiple interword spaces |
| prioritize_division | 0 | Prioritize blob division over chopping |
| quality_blob_pc | 0 | good_quality_doc gte good blobs limit |
| quality_char_pc | 0.95 | good_quality_doc gte good char limit |
| quality_min_initial_alphas_reqd | 2 | alphas in a good word |
| quality_outline_pc | 1 | good_quality_doc lte outline error limit |
| quality_rej_pc | 0.08 | good_quality_doc lte rejection limit |
| quality_rowrej_pc | 1.1 | good_quality_doc gte good char limit |
| rating_scale | 1.5 | Rating scaling factor |
| rej_1Il_trust_permuter_type | 1 | Dont double check |
| rej_1Il_use_dict_word | 0 | Use dictword test |
| rej_alphas_in_number_perm | 0 | Extend permuter check |
| rej_trust_doc_dawg | 0 | Use DOC dawg in 11l conf. detector |
| rej_use_good_perm | 1 | Individual rejection control |
| rej_use_sensible_wd | 0 | Extend permuter check |
| rej_use_tess_accepted | 1 | Individual rejection control |
| rej_use_tess_blanks | 1 | Individual rejection control |
| rej_whole_of_mostly_reject_word_fract | 0.85 | if >this fract |
| repair_unchopped_blobs | 1 | Fix blobs that aren't chopped |
| save_alt_choices | 1 | Save alternative paths found during chopping and segmentation search |
| save_doc_words | 0 | Save Document Words |
| save_raw_choices | 1 | Deprecated- backward compatablity only |
| segment_adjust_debug | 0 | Segmentation adjustment debug |
| segment_debug | 0 | Debug the whole segmentation process |
| segment_nonalphabetic_script | 0 | Don't use any alphabetic-specific tricks.Set to true in the traineddata config file for scripts that are cursive or inherently fixed-pitch |
| segment_penalty_dict_case_bad | 1.3125 | Default score multiplier for word matches, which may have case issues (lower is better). |
| segment_penalty_dict_case_ok | 1.1 | Score multiplier for word matches that have good case (lower is better). |
| segment_penalty_dict_frequent_word | 1 | Score multiplier for word matches which have good case andare frequent in the given language (lower is better). |
| segment_penalty_dict_nonword | 1.25 | Score multiplier for glyph fragment segmentations which do not match a dictionary word (lower is better). |
| segment_penalty_garbage | 1.5 | Score multiplier for poorly cased strings that are not in the dictionary and generally look like garbage (lower is better). |
9 years ago
| segment_penalty_ngram_best_choice | 1.24 | Multiplier to for the best choice from the ngram model. |
| segment_reward_chartype | 0.97 | Score multiplier for char type consistency within a word. |
| segment_reward_ngram_best_choice | 0.99 | Score multiplier for ngram permuter's best choice (only used in the Han script path). |
| segment_reward_script | 0.95 | Score multiplier for script consistency within a word. Being a 'reward' factor, it should be <= 1. Smaller value implies bigger reward. |
| segment_segcost_rating | 0 | incorporate segmentation cost in word rating? |
| segsearch_debug_level | 0 | SegSearch debug level |
| segsearch_max_char_wh_ratio | 2 | Maximum character width-to-height ratio |
| segsearch_max_fixed_pitch_char_wh_ratio | 2 | Maximum character width-to-height ratio for fixed-pitch fonts |
| segsearch_max_futile_classifications | 20 | Maximum number of pain point classifications per chunk thatdid not result in finding a better word choice. |
| segsearch_max_pain_points | 2000 | Maximum number of pain points stored in the queue |
| speckle_large_max_size | 0.3 | Max large speckle size |
| speckle_rating_penalty | 10 | Penalty to add to worst rating for noise |
9 years ago
| stopper_allowable_character_badness | 3 | Max certainty variation allowed in a word (in sigma) |
| stopper_certainty_per_char | -0.5 | Certainty to add for each dict char above small word size. |
| stopper_debug_level | 0 | Stopper debug level |
| stopper_no_acceptable_choices | 0 | Make AcceptableChoice() always return false. Useful when there is a need to explore all segmentations |
| stopper_nondict_certainty_base | -2.5 | Certainty threshold for non-dict words |
| stopper_phase2_certainty_rejection_offset | 1 | Reject certainty offset |
| stopper_smallword_size | 2 | Size of dict word to be treated as non-dict word |
| stream_filelist | 0 | Stream a filelist from stdin |
| subscript_max_y_top | 0.5 | Maximum top of a character measured as a multiple of x-height above the baseline for us to reconsider whether it's a subscript. |
| superscript_bettered_certainty | 0.97 | What reduction in badness do we think sufficient to choose a superscript over what we'd thought. For example, a value of 0.6 means we want to reduce badness of certainty by at least 40% |
| superscript_debug | 0 | Debug level for sub & superscript fixer |
| superscript_min_y_bottom | 0.3 | Minimum bottom of a character measured as a multiple of x-height above the baseline for us to reconsider whether it's a superscript. |
| superscript_scaledown_ratio | 0.4 | A superscript scaled down more than this is unbelievably small. For example, 0.3 means we expect the font size to be no smaller than 30% of the text line font size. |
| superscript_worse_certainty | 2 | How many times worse certainty does a superscript position glyph need to be for us to try classifying it as a char with a different baseline? |
| suspect_accept_rating | -999.9 | Accept good rating limit |
| suspect_constrain_1Il | 0 | UNLV keep 1Il chars rejected |
| suspect_level | 99 | Suspect marker level |
| suspect_rating_per_ch | 999.9 | Dont touch bad rating limit |
| suspect_short_words | 2 | Dont Suspect dict wds longer than this |
| suspect_space_level | 100 | Min suspect level for rejecting spaces |
| tess_bn_matching | 0 | Baseline Normalized Matching |
| tess_cn_matching | 0 | Character Normalized Matching |
| tessdata_manager_debug_level | 0 | Debug level for TessdataManager functions. |
| tessedit_adaption_debug | 0 | Generate and print debug information for adaption |
| tessedit_ambigs_training | 0 | Perform training for ambiguities |
| tessedit_bigram_debug | 0 | Amount of debug output for bigram correction. |
| tessedit_certainty_threshold | -2.25 | Good blob limit |
| tessedit_char_blacklist | | Blacklist of chars not to recognize |
| tessedit_char_unblacklist | | List of chars to override tessedit_char_blacklist |
| tessedit_char_whitelist | | Whitelist of chars to recognize |
| tessedit_class_miss_scale | 0.00390625 | Scale factor for features not used |
| tessedit_consistent_reps | 1 | Force all rep chars the same |
| tessedit_create_boxfile | 0 | Output text with boxes |
| tessedit_create_hocr | 0 | Write .html hOCR output file |
| tessedit_create_pdf | 0 | Write .pdf output file |
| tessedit_create_txt | 1 | Write .txt output file |
| tessedit_debug_block_rejection | 0 | Block and Row stats |
| tessedit_debug_doc_rejection | 0 | Page stats |
| tessedit_debug_fonts | 0 | Output font info per char |
| tessedit_debug_quality_metrics | 0 | Output data to debug file |
| tessedit_display_outwords | 0 | Draw output words |
| tessedit_dont_blkrej_good_wds | 0 | Use word segmentation quality metric |
| tessedit_dont_rowrej_good_wds | 0 | Use word segmentation quality metric |
| tessedit_dump_choices | 0 | Dump char choices |
| tessedit_dump_pageseg_images | 0 | Dump intermediate images made during page segmentation |
| tessedit_enable_bigram_correction | 1 | Enable correction based on the word bigram dictionary. |
| tessedit_enable_dict_correction | 0 | Enable single word correction based on the dictionary. |
| tessedit_enable_doc_dict | 1 | Add words to the document dictionary |
| tessedit_fix_fuzzy_spaces | 1 | Try to improve fuzzy spaces |
| tessedit_fix_hyphens | 1 | Crunch double hyphens? |
| tessedit_flip_0O | 1 | Contextual 0O O0 flips |
| tessedit_good_doc_still_rowrej_wd | 1.1 | rej good doc wd if more than this fraction rejected |
| tessedit_good_quality_unrej | 1 | Reduce rejection on good docs |
| tessedit_image_border | 2 | Rej blbs near image edge limit |
| tessedit_init_config_only | 0 | Only initialize with the config file. Useful if the instance is not going to be used for OCR but say only for layout analysis. |
| tessedit_load_sublangs | | List of languages to load with this one |
| tessedit_lower_flip_hyphen | 1.5 | Aspect ratio dot/hyphen test |
| tessedit_make_boxes_from_boxes | 0 | Generate more boxes from boxed chars |
| tessedit_matcher_log | 0 | Log matcher activity |
| tessedit_minimal_rej_pass1 | 0 | Do minimal rejection on pass 1 output |
| tessedit_minimal_rejection | 0 | Only reject tess failures |
| tessedit_ocr_engine_mode | 0 | Which OCR engine(s) to run (Tesseract, Cube, both). Defaults to loading and running only Tesseract (no Cube,no combiner). Values from OcrEngineMode enum in tesseractclass.h) |
| tessedit_ok_mode | 5 | Acceptance decision algorithm |
| tessedit_override_permuter | 1 | According to dict_word |
9 years ago
| tessedit_page_number | -1 | -1 -> All pages , else specific page to process |
| tessedit_pageseg_mode | 6 | Page seg mode: 0=osd only, 1=auto+osd, 2=auto, 3=col, 4=block, 5=line, 6=word, 7=char (Values from PageSegMode enum in publictypes.h) |
| tessedit_parallelize | 0 | Run in parallel where possible |
| tessedit_prefer_joined_punct | 0 | Reward punctation joins |
| tessedit_preserve_blk_rej_perfect_wds | 1 | Only rej partially rejected words in block rejection |
| tessedit_preserve_min_wd_len | 2 | Only preserve wds longer than this |
| tessedit_preserve_row_rej_perfect_wds | 1 | Only rej partially rejected words in row rejection |
| tessedit_redo_xheight | 1 | Check/Correct x-height |
| tessedit_reject_bad_qual_wds | 1 | Reject all bad quality wds |
| tessedit_reject_block_percent | 45 | %rej allowed before rej whole block |
| tessedit_reject_doc_percent | 65 | %rej allowed before rej whole doc |
| tessedit_reject_mode | 0 | Rejection algorithm |
| tessedit_reject_row_percent | 40 | %rej allowed before rej whole row |
| tessedit_rejection_debug | 0 | Adaption debug |
| tessedit_resegment_from_boxes | 0 | Take segmentation and labeling from box file |
| tessedit_resegment_from_line_boxes | 0 | Conversion of word/line box file to char box file |
| tessedit_row_rej_good_docs | 1 | Apply row rejection to good docs |
| tessedit_single_match | 0 | Top choice only from CP |
| tessedit_tess_adaption_mode | 39 | Adaptation decision algorithm for tess |
| tessedit_test_adaption | 0 | Test adaption criteria |
| tessedit_test_adaption_mode | 3 | Adaptation decision algorithm for tess |
| tessedit_timing_debug | 0 | Print timing stats |
| tessedit_train_from_boxes | 0 | Generate training data from boxed chars |
| tessedit_truncate_wordchoice_log | 10 | Max words to keep in list |
| tessedit_unrej_any_wd | 0 | Dont bother with word plausibility |
| tessedit_upper_flip_hyphen | 1.8 | Aspect ratio dot/hyphen test |
| tessedit_use_primary_params_model | 0 | In multilingual mode use params model of the primary language |
| tessedit_use_reject_spaces | 1 | Reject spaces? |
| tessedit_whole_wd_rej_row_percent | 70 | Number of row rejects in whole word rejectswhich prevents whole row rejection |
| tessedit_word_for_word | 0 | Make output have exactly one word per WERD |
| tessedit_write_block_separators | 0 | Write block separators in output |
| tessedit_write_images | 0 | Capture the image from the IPE |
| tessedit_write_params_to_file | | Write all parameters to the given file. |
| tessedit_write_rep_codes | 0 | Write repetition char code |
| tessedit_write_unlv | 0 | Write .unlv output file |
| tessedit_zero_kelvin_rejection | 0 | Dont reject ANYTHING AT ALL |
| tessedit_zero_rejection | 0 | Dont reject ANYTHING |
| test_pt | 0 | Test for point |
| test_pt_x | 100000 | xcoord |
| test_pt_y | 100000 | ycoord |
9 years ago
| textord_all_prop | 0 | All doc is proportional text |
| textord_ascheight_mode_fraction | 0.08 | Min pile height to make ascheight |
| textord_ascx_ratio_max | 1.8 | Max cap/xheight |
| textord_ascx_ratio_min | 1.25 | Min cap/xheight |
| textord_balance_factor | 1 | Ding rate for unbalanced char cells |
| textord_baseline_debug | 0 | Baseline debug level |
| textord_biased_skewcalc | 1 | Bias skew estimates with line length |
| textord_blob_size_bigile | 95 | Percentile for large blobs |
| textord_blob_size_smallile | 20 | Percentile for small blobs |
| textord_blockndoc_fixed | 0 | Attempt whole doc/block fixed pitch |
| textord_blocksall_fixed | 0 | Moan about prop blocks |
| textord_blocksall_prop | 0 | Moan about fixed pitch blocks |
| textord_blocksall_testing | 0 | Dump stats when moaning |
| textord_blshift_maxshift | 0 | Max baseline shift |
| textord_blshift_xfraction | 9.99 | Min size of baseline shift |
| textord_chop_width | 1.5 | Max width before chopping |
| textord_chopper_test | 0 | Chopper is being tested. |
| textord_debug_baselines | 0 | Debug baseline generation |
| textord_debug_blob | 0 | Print test blob information |
| textord_debug_block | 0 | Block to do debug on |
| textord_debug_bugs | 0 | Turn on output related to bugs in tab finding |
| textord_debug_images | 0 | Use greyed image background for debug |
| textord_debug_pitch_metric | 0 | Write full metric stuff |
| textord_debug_pitch_test | 0 | Debug on fixed pitch test |
| textord_debug_printable | 0 | Make debug windows printable |
| textord_debug_tabfind | 0 | Debug tab finding |
| textord_debug_xheights | 0 | Test xheight algorithms |
| textord_descheight_mode_fraction | 0.08 | Min pile height to make descheight |
| textord_descx_ratio_max | 0.6 | Max desc/xheight |
| textord_descx_ratio_min | 0.25 | Min desc/xheight |
| textord_disable_pitch_test | 0 | Turn off dp fixed pitch algorithm |
| textord_dotmatrix_gap | 3 | Max pixel gap for broken pixed pitch |
| textord_dump_table_images | 0 | Paint table detection output |
| textord_equation_detect | 0 | Turn on equation detector |
| textord_excess_blobsize | 1.3 | New row made if blob makes row this big |
| textord_expansion_factor | 1 | Factor to expand rows by in expand_rows |
| textord_fast_pitch_test | 0 | Do even faster pitch algorithm |
| textord_fix_makerow_bug | 1 | Prevent multiple baselines |
| textord_fix_xheight_bug | 1 | Use spline baseline |
| textord_force_make_prop_words | 0 | Force proportional word segmentation on all rows |
| textord_fp_chop_error | 2 | Max allowed bending of chop cells |
| textord_fp_chop_snap | 0.5 | Max distance of chop pt from vertex |
| textord_fp_chopping | 1 | Do fixed pitch chopping |
| textord_fp_min_width | 0.5 | Min width of decent blobs |
| textord_fpiqr_ratio | 1.5 | Pitch IQR/Gap IQR threshold |
| textord_heavy_nr | 0 | Vigorously remove noise |
| textord_initialasc_ile | 0.9 | Ile of sizes for xheight guess |
| textord_initialx_ile | 0.75 | Ile of sizes for xheight guess |
| textord_interpolating_skew | 1 | Interpolate across gaps |
| textord_linespace_iqrlimit | 0.2 | Max iqr/median for linespace |
| textord_lms_line_trials | 12 | Number of linew fits to do |
| textord_max_blob_overlaps | 4 | Max number of blobs a big blob can overlap |
| textord_max_noise_size | 7 | Pixel size of noise |
| textord_max_pitch_iqr | 0.2 | Xh fraction noise in pitch |
| textord_min_blob_height_fraction | 0.75 | Min blob height/top to include blob top into xheight stats |
| textord_min_blobs_in_row | 4 | Min blobs before gradient counted |
| textord_min_linesize | 1.25 | * blob height for initial linesize |
| textord_min_xheight | 10 | Min credible pixel xheight |
| textord_minxh | 0.25 | fraction of linesize for min xheight |
| textord_new_initial_xheight | 1 | Use test xheight mechanism |
| textord_no_rejects | 0 | Don't remove noise blobs |
| textord_noise_area_ratio | 0.7 | Fraction of bounding box for noise |
| textord_noise_debug | 0 | Debug row garbage detector |
| textord_noise_hfract | 0.015625 | Height fraction to discard outlines as speckle noise |
| textord_noise_normratio | 2 | Dot to norm ratio for deletion |
| textord_noise_rejrows | 1 | Reject noise-like rows |
| textord_noise_rejwords | 1 | Reject noise-like words |
| textord_noise_rowratio | 6 | Dot to norm ratio for deletion |
| textord_noise_sizefraction | 10 | Fraction of size for maxima |
| textord_noise_sizelimit | 0.5 | Fraction of x for big t count |
| textord_noise_sncount | 1 | super norm blobs to save row |
| textord_noise_sxfract | 0.4 | xh fract width error for norm blobs |
| textord_noise_syfract | 0.2 | xh fract height error for norm blobs |
| textord_noise_translimit | 16 | Transitions for normal blob |
| textord_occupancy_threshold | 0.4 | Fraction of neighbourhood |
| textord_ocropus_mode | 0 | Make baselines for ocropus |
| textord_old_baselines | 1 | Use old baseline algorithm |
| textord_old_xheight | 0 | Use old xheight algorithm |
| textord_oldbl_debug | 0 | Debug old baseline generation |
| textord_oldbl_jumplimit | 0.15 | X fraction for new partition |
| textord_oldbl_merge_parts | 1 | Merge suspect partitions |
| textord_oldbl_paradef | 1 | Use para default mechanism |
| textord_oldbl_split_splines | 1 | Split stepped splines |
| textord_overlap_x | 0.375 | Fraction of linespace for good overlap |
| textord_parallel_baselines | 1 | Force parallel baselines |
| textord_pitch_cheat | 0 | Use correct answer for fixed/prop |
| textord_pitch_range | 2 | Max range test on pitch |
| textord_pitch_rowsimilarity | 0.08 | Fraction of xheight for sameness |
| textord_pitch_scalebigwords | 0 | Scale scores on big words |
| textord_projection_scale | 0.2 | Ding rate for mid-cuts |
| textord_really_old_xheight | 0 | Use original wiseowl xheight |
| textord_restore_underlines | 1 | Chop underlines & put back |
| textord_show_blobs | 0 | Display unsorted blobs |
| textord_show_boxes | 0 | Display unsorted blobs |
| textord_show_expanded_rows | 0 | Display rows after expanding |
| textord_show_final_blobs | 0 | Display blob bounds after pre-ass |
| textord_show_final_rows | 0 | Display rows after final fitting |
| textord_show_fixed_cuts | 0 | Draw fixed pitch cell boundaries |
| textord_show_fixed_words | 0 | Display forced fixed pitch words |
| textord_show_initial_rows | 0 | Display row accumulation |
| textord_show_initial_words | 0 | Display separate words |
| textord_show_new_words | 0 | Display separate words |
| textord_show_page_cuts | 0 | Draw page-level cuts |
| textord_show_parallel_rows | 0 | Display page correlated rows |
| textord_show_row_cuts | 0 | Draw row-level cuts |
| textord_show_tables | 0 | Show table regions |
| textord_single_height_mode | 0 | Script has no xheight, so use a single mode |
| textord_skew_ile | 0.5 | Ile of gradients for page skew |
| textord_skew_lag | 0.02 | Lag for skew on row accumulation |
| textord_skewsmooth_offset | 4 | For smooth factor |
| textord_skewsmooth_offset2 | 1 | For smooth factor |
| textord_space_size_is_variable | 0 | If true, word delimiter spaces are assumed to have variable width, even though characters have fixed pitch. |
| textord_spacesize_ratiofp | 2.8 | Min ratio space/nonspace |
| textord_spacesize_ratioprop | 2 | Min ratio space/nonspace |
| textord_spline_medianwin | 6 | Size of window for spline segmentation |
| textord_spline_minblobs | 8 | Min blobs in each spline segment |
| textord_spline_outlier_fraction | 0.1 | Fraction of line spacing for outlier |
| textord_spline_shift_fraction | 0.02 | Fraction of line spacing for quad |
| textord_straight_baselines | 0 | Force straight baselines |
| textord_tabfind_aligned_gap_fraction | 0.75 | Fraction of height used as a minimum gap for aligned blobs. |
| textord_tabfind_find_tables | 1 | run table detection |
| textord_tabfind_force_vertical_text | 0 | Force using vertical text page mode |
| textord_tabfind_only_strokewidths | 0 | Only run stroke widths |
| textord_tabfind_show_blocks | 0 | Show final block bounds |
| textord_tabfind_show_color_fit | 0 | Show stroke widths |
| textord_tabfind_show_columns | 0 | Show column bounds |
| textord_tabfind_show_finaltabs | 0 | Show tab vectors |
| textord_tabfind_show_images | 0 | Show image blobs |
| textord_tabfind_show_initial_partitions | 0 | Show partition bounds |
| textord_tabfind_show_initialtabs | 0 | Show tab candidates |
| textord_tabfind_show_partitions | 0 | Show partition bounds, waiting if >1 |
| textord_tabfind_show_reject_blobs | 0 | Show blobs rejected as noise |
| textord_tabfind_show_strokewidths | 0 | Show stroke widths |
| textord_tabfind_show_vlines | 0 | Debug line finding |
| textord_tabfind_vertical_horizontal_mix | 1 | find horizontal lines such as headers in vertical page mode |
| textord_tabfind_vertical_text | 1 | Enable vertical detection |
| textord_tabfind_vertical_text_ratio | 0.5 | Fraction of textlines deemed vertical to use vertical page mode |
| textord_tablefind_recognize_tables | 0 | Enables the table recognizer for table layout and filtering. |
| textord_tablefind_show_mark | 0 | Debug table marking steps in detail |
| textord_tablefind_show_stats | 0 | Show page stats used in table finding |
| textord_tabvector_vertical_box_ratio | 0.5 | Fraction of box matches required to declare a line vertical |
| textord_tabvector_vertical_gap_fraction | 0.5 | max fraction of mean blob width allowed for vertical gaps in vertical text |
| textord_test_landscape | 0 | Tests refer to land/port |
| textord_test_mode | 0 | Do current test |
| textord_test_x | -2147483647 | coord of test pt |
| textord_test_y | -2147483647 | coord of test pt |
| textord_testregion_bottom | 2147483647 | Bottom edge of debug rectangle |
| textord_testregion_left | -1 | Left edge of debug reporting rectangle |
| textord_testregion_right | 2147483647 | Right edge of debug rectangle |
| textord_testregion_top | -1 | Top edge of debug reporting rectangle |
| textord_underline_offset | 0.1 | Fraction of x to ignore |
| textord_underline_threshold | 0.5 | Fraction of width occupied |
| textord_underline_width | 2 | Multiple of line_size for underline |
| textord_use_cjk_fp_model | 0 | Use CJK fixed pitch model |
| textord_width_limit | 8 | Max width of blobs to make rows |
| textord_width_smooth_factor | 0.1 | Smoothing width stats |
| textord_words_def_fixed | 0.016 | Threshold for definite fixed |
| textord_words_def_prop | 0.09 | Threshold for definite prop |
| textord_words_default_maxspace | 3.5 | Max believable third space |
| textord_words_default_minspace | 0.6 | Fraction of xheight |
| textord_words_default_nonspace | 0.2 | Fraction of xheight |
| textord_words_definite_spread | 0.3 | Non-fuzzy spacing region |
| textord_words_initial_lower | 0.25 | Max inital cluster size |
| textord_words_initial_upper | 0.15 | Min initial cluster spacing |
| textord_words_maxspace | 4 | Multiple of xheight |
| textord_words_min_minspace | 0.3 | Fraction of xheight |
| textord_words_minlarge | 0.75 | Fraction of valid gaps needed |
| textord_words_pitchsd_threshold | 0.04 | Pitch sync threshold |
| textord_words_veto_power | 5 | Rows required to outvote a veto |
| textord_words_width_ile | 0.4 | Ile of blob widths for space est |
| textord_wordstats_smooth_factor | 0.05 | Smoothing gap stats |
| textord_xheight_error_margin | 0.1 | Accepted variation |
| textord_xheight_mode_fraction | 0.4 | Min pile height to make xheight |
| tosp_all_flips_fuzzy | 0 | Pass ANY flip to context? |
| tosp_block_use_cert_spaces | 1 | Only stat OBVIOUS spaces |
| tosp_debug_level | 0 | Debug data |
| tosp_dont_fool_with_small_kerns | -1 | Limit use of xht gap with odd small kns |
| tosp_enough_small_gaps | 0.65 | Fract of kerns reqd for isolated row stats |
| tosp_enough_space_samples_for_median | 3 | or should we use mean |
| tosp_few_samples | 40 | No.gaps reqd with 1 large gap to treat as a table |
| tosp_flip_caution | 0 | Dont autoflip kn to sp when large separation |
| tosp_flip_fuzz_kn_to_sp | 1 | Default flip |
| tosp_flip_fuzz_sp_to_kn | 1 | Default flip |
| tosp_force_wordbreak_on_punct | 0 | Force word breaks on punct to break long lines in non-space delimited langs |
| tosp_fuzzy_kn_fraction | 0.5 | New fuzzy kn alg |
| tosp_fuzzy_limit_all | 1 | Dont restrict kn->sp fuzzy limit to tables |
| tosp_fuzzy_sp_fraction | 0.5 | New fuzzy sp alg |
| tosp_fuzzy_space_factor | 0.6 | Fract of xheight for fuzz sp |
| tosp_fuzzy_space_factor1 | 0.5 | Fract of xheight for fuzz sp |
| tosp_fuzzy_space_factor2 | 0.72 | Fract of xheight for fuzz sp |
| tosp_gap_factor | 0.83 | gap ratio to flip sp->kern |
| tosp_ignore_big_gaps | -1 | xht multiplier |
| tosp_ignore_very_big_gaps | 3.5 | xht multiplier |
| tosp_improve_thresh | 0 | Enable improvement heuristic |
| tosp_init_guess_kn_mult | 2.2 | Thresh guess - mult kn by this |
| tosp_init_guess_xht_mult | 0.28 | Thresh guess - mult xht by this |
| tosp_kern_gap_factor1 | 2 | gap ratio to flip kern->sp |
| tosp_kern_gap_factor2 | 1.3 | gap ratio to flip kern->sp |
| tosp_kern_gap_factor3 | 2.5 | gap ratio to flip kern->sp |
| tosp_large_kerning | 0.19 | Limit use of xht gap with large kns |
| tosp_max_sane_kn_thresh | 5 | Multiplier on kn to limit thresh |
| tosp_min_sane_kn_sp | 1.5 | Dont trust spaces less than this time kn |
| tosp_narrow_aspect_ratio | 0.48 | narrow if w/h less than this |
| tosp_narrow_blobs_not_cert | 1 | Only stat OBVIOUS spaces |
| tosp_narrow_fraction | 0.3 | Fract of xheight for narrow |
| tosp_near_lh_edge | 0 | Dont reduce box if the top left is non blank |
| tosp_old_sp_kn_th_factor | 2 | Factor for defining space threshold in terms of space and kern sizes |
| tosp_old_to_bug_fix | 0 | Fix suspected bug in old code |
| tosp_old_to_constrain_sp_kn | 0 | Constrain relative values of inter and intra-word gaps for old_to_method. |
| tosp_old_to_method | 0 | Space stats use prechopping? |
| tosp_only_small_gaps_for_kern | 0 | Better guess |
| tosp_only_use_prop_rows | 1 | Block stats to use fixed pitch rows? |
| tosp_only_use_xht_gaps | 0 | Only use within xht gap for wd breaks |
| tosp_pass_wide_fuzz_sp_to_context | 0.75 | How wide fuzzies need context |
| tosp_recovery_isolated_row_stats | 1 | Use row alone when inadequate cert spaces |
| tosp_redo_kern_limit | 10 | No.samples reqd to reestimate for row |
| tosp_rep_space | 1.6 | rep gap multiplier for space |
| tosp_row_use_cert_spaces | 1 | Only stat OBVIOUS spaces |
| tosp_row_use_cert_spaces1 | 1 | Only stat OBVIOUS spaces |
| tosp_rule_9_test_punct | 0 | Dont chng kn to space next to punct |
| tosp_sanity_method | 1 | How to avoid being silly |
| tosp_short_row | 20 | No.gaps reqd with few cert spaces to use certs |
| tosp_silly_kn_sp_gap | 0.2 | Dont let sp minus kn get too small |
| tosp_stats_use_xht_gaps | 1 | Use within xht gap for wd breaks |
| tosp_table_fuzzy_kn_sp_ratio | 3 | Fuzzy if less than this |
| tosp_table_kn_sp_ratio | 2.25 | Min difference of kn & sp in table |
| tosp_table_xht_sp_ratio | 0.33 | Expect spaces bigger than this |
| tosp_threshold_bias1 | 0 | how far between kern and space? |
| tosp_threshold_bias2 | 0 | how far between kern and space? |
| tosp_use_pre_chopping | 0 | Space stats use prechopping? |
| tosp_use_xht_gaps | 1 | Use within xht gap for wd breaks |
| tosp_wide_aspect_ratio | 0 | wide if w/h less than this |
| tosp_wide_fraction | 0.52 | Fract of xheight for wide |
| unlv_tilde_crunching | 1 | Mark v.bad words for tilde crunch |
| unrecognised_char | | | Output char for unidentified blobs |
| use_ambigs_for_adaption | 0 | Use ambigs for deciding whether to adapt to a character |
| use_definite_ambigs_for_classifier | 0 | Use definite ambiguities when running character classifier |
| use_new_state_cost | 0 | use new state cost heuristics for segmentation state evaluation |
| use_only_first_uft8_step | 0 | Use only the first UTF8 step of the given string when computing log probabilities. |
| user_patterns_file | | A filename of user-provided patterns. |
| user_patterns_suffix | | A suffix of user-provided patterns located in tessdata. |
| user_words_file | | A filename of user-provided words. |
| user_words_suffix | | A suffix of user-provided words located in tessdata. |
| word_to_debug | | Word for which stopper debug information should be printed to stdout |
| word_to_debug_lengths | | Lengths of unichars in word_to_debug |
| wordrec_blob_pause | 0 | Blob pause |
| wordrec_debug_blamer | 0 | Print blamer debug messages |
| wordrec_debug_level | 0 | Debug level for wordrec |
| wordrec_display_all_blobs | 0 | Display Blobs |
| wordrec_display_all_words | 0 | Display Words |
| wordrec_display_segmentations | 0 | Display Segmentations |
| wordrec_display_splits | 0 | Display splits |
| wordrec_enable_assoc | 1 | Associator Enable |
| wordrec_max_join_chunks | 4 | Max number of broken pieces to associate |
| wordrec_no_block | 0 | Don't output block information |
| wordrec_run_blamer | 0 | Try to set the blame for errors |
| wordrec_skip_no_truth_words | 0 | Only run OCR for words that had truth recorded in BlamerBundle |
| wordrec_worst_state | 1 | Worst segmentation state |
| words_default_fixed_limit | 0.6 | Allowed size variance |
| words_default_fixed_space | 0.75 | Fraction of xheight |
| words_default_prop_nonspace | 0.25 | Fraction of xheight |
| words_initial_lower | 0.5 | Max inital cluster size |
| words_initial_upper | 0.15 | Min initial cluster spacing |
| x_ht_acceptance_tolerance | 8 | Max allowed deviation of blob top outside of font data |
| x_ht_min_change | 8 | Min change in xht before actually trying it |
| xheight_penalty_inconsistent | 0.25 | Score penalty (0.1 = 10%) added if an xheight is inconsistent. |
| xheight_penalty_subscripts | 0.125 | Score penalty (0.1 = 10%) added if there are subscripts or superscripts in a word, but it is otherwise OK. |