Tesseract.js is a pure javascript library that lets you get words written in English, Chinese, Russian, and [60 other languages](./tesseract_lang_list.md), out of scanned documents and other images. More specifically, Tesseract.js is a wrapper around an [emscripten](https://github.com/kripken/emscripten) port of the [Tesseract OCR Engine](https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract).
First grab copies of `tesseract.js` and `tesseract.worker.js` from the [dist folder](https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/tree/master/dist). Then include `tesseract.js` on your page, and set `Tesseract.workerUrl` like this:
The main Tesseract.js functions take an `image` parameter, which should be something that is 'image-like'.
That means `image` should be
- an `img` element or querySelector that matches an `img` element
- a `video` element or querySelector that matches a `video` element
- a `canvas` element or querySelector that matches a `canvas` element
- a CanvasRenderingContext2D (returned by `canvas.getContext('2d')`)
- the absolute `url` of an image from the same website that is running your script. Browser security policies don't allow access to the content of images from other websites :(
A string specifying the location of the [tesseract.js-core library](https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js-core), with default value 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/naptha/tesseract.js-core/master/index.js'. Set this string before calling `Tesseract.recognize` and `Tesseract.detect` if you want Tesseract.js to use a different file.
A string specifying the location of the [tesseract.worker.js](./dist/tesseract.worker.js) file, with default value 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/naptha/tesseract.js/8b915dc/dist/tesseract.worker.js'. Set this string before calling `Tesseract.recognize` and `Tesseract.detect` if you want Tesseract.js to use a different file.
A string specifying the location of the tesseract language files, with default value 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/naptha/tessdata/gh-pages/3.02/'. Language file urls are calculated according to the formula `Tesseract.langUrl + lang + '.traineddata.gz'`. Set this string before calling `Tesseract.recognize` and `Tesseract.detect` if you want Tesseract.js to use different language files.
In the following exampple, Tesseract.js will download the language file from 'https://absolute-path-to/lang/folder/rus.traineddata.gz':
Then open `http://localhost:7355` in your favorite browser. The devServer automatically rebuilds tesseract.js and tesseract.worker.js when you change files in the src folder.
## Building Static Files
After you've cloned the repo and run `npm install` as described in the [Development Section](#development), you can build static library files in the dist folder with