const { TesseractWorker , utils : { loadLang } } = Tesseract ;
const IMAGE _PATH = 'http://localhost:3000/tests/assets/images' ;
const SIMPLE _TEXT = 'Tesseract.js\n' ;
const COMSIC _TEXT = 'HellO World\nfrom beyond\nthe Cosmic Void\n' ;
const TESTOCR _TEXT = 'This is a lot of 12 point text to test the\nocr code and see if it works on all types\nof file format.\n\nThe quick brown dog jumped over the\nlazy fox. The quick brown dog jumped\nover the lazy fox. The quick brown dog\njumped over the lazy fox. The quick\nbrown dog jumped over the lazy fox.\n' ;
const loadLangOptions = {
langPath : 'http://localhost:3000/tests/assets/traineddata' ,
cachePath : './tests/assets/traineddata' ,
} ;
const getWorker = options => (
new TesseractWorker ( {
cacheMethod : 'readOnly' ,
... loadLangOptions ,
... options ,
} )
) ;
before ( function cb ( done ) {
this . timeout ( 10000 ) ;
loadLang ( {
langs : 'eng' ,
cacheMethod : 'write' ,
langURI : loadLangOptions . langPath ,
... loadLangOptions ,
} ) . then ( ( ) => {
if ( typeof startServer !== 'undefined' ) {
startServer ( done ) ;
} else {
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
after ( ( done ) => {
if ( typeof stopServer !== 'undefined' ) {
stopServer ( done ) ;
} else {
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'recognize()' , ( ) => {
describe ( 'supports multiple formats' , ( ) => {
[ 'bmp' , 'jpg' , 'png' , 'pbm' ] . forEach ( format => (
it ( ` support ${ format } format ` , ( done ) => {
const worker = getWorker ( ) ;
. recognize ( ` ${ IMAGE _PATH } /simple. ${ format } ` )
. then ( ( result ) => {
expect ( result . text ) . to . be ( SIMPLE _TEXT ) ;
worker . terminate ( ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . timeout ( 10000 )
) ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '1 worker multiple recognition' , ( ) => {
[ 3 , 10 , 20 ] . forEach ( num => (
it ( ` recognize ${ num } images with 1 worker ` , ( done ) => {
const worker = getWorker ( ) ;
Promise . all (
Array ( num ) . fill ( 0 ) . map ( ( ) => worker . recognize ( ` ${ IMAGE _PATH } /simple.png ` ) ) ,
) . then ( ( results ) => {
results . forEach ( ( { text } ) => {
expect ( text ) . to . be ( SIMPLE _TEXT ) ;
} ) ;
worker . terminate ( ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . timeout ( 30000 )
) ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'should recognize in order' , ( ) => {
[ 1 , 2 ] . forEach ( ( num ) => {
it ( ` recognize ${ num * 2 } images with 1 worker in order ` , ( done ) => {
const worker = getWorker ( ) ;
const cases = Array ( num ) . fill ( 0 )
. reduce ( acc => (
acc . concat ( [
{ name : 'simple.png' , ans : SIMPLE _TEXT } ,
{ name : 'cosmic.png' , ans : COMSIC _TEXT } ,
] )
) ,
[ ] ) ;
Promise . all (
cases . map ( ( { name } ) => worker . recognize ( ` ${ IMAGE _PATH } / ${ name } ` ) ) ,
) . then ( ( results ) => {
results . forEach ( ( { text } , idx ) => {
expect ( text ) . to . be ( cases [ idx ] . ans ) ;
} ) ;
worker . terminate ( ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . timeout ( 30000 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'supports different complexity' , ( ) => {
{ name : 'simple.png' , desc : 'simple' , ans : SIMPLE _TEXT } ,
{ name : 'cosmic.png' , desc : 'normal' , ans : COMSIC _TEXT } ,
{ name : 'testocr.png' , desc : 'complex' , ans : TESTOCR _TEXT } ,
] . forEach ( ( { name , desc , ans } ) => (
it ( ` recongize ${ desc } image ` , ( done ) => {
const worker = getWorker ( ) ;
. recognize ( ` ${ IMAGE _PATH } / ${ name } ` )
. then ( ( { text } ) => {
expect ( text ) . to . be ( ans ) ;
worker . terminate ( ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . timeout ( 20000 )
) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;