In browser environment, `tesseract.js` simply provides the API layer. Internally, it opens a WebWorker to handle requests. That worker itself loads code from the Emscripten-built `tesseract.js-core` which itself is hosted on a CDN. Then it dynamically loads language files hosted on another CDN.
Because of this we recommend loading `tesseract.js` from a CDN. But if you really need to have all your files local, you can pass extra arguments to `TesseractWorker` to specify custom paths for workers, languages, and core.
A string specifying the location of the [worker.js](./dist/worker.min.js) file.
### langPath
A string specifying the location of the tesseract language files, with default value ''. Language file URLs are calculated according to the formula `langPath + langCode + '.traineddata.gz'`.
A string specifying the location of the [tesseract.js-core library](, with default value ''.
Another WASM option is '' which is a script that loads ''. But it fails to fetch at this moment.