Worker.readText() reads a text file to the path specified in MEMFS, it is useful when you want to check the content.
-`path` text file path
-`jobId` Please see details above
(async () => {
const { data } = await worker.readText('tmp.txt');
### Worker.removeFile(path, jobId): Promise
Worker.readFile() remove a file in MEMFS, it is useful when you want to free the memory.
-`path` file path
-`jobId` Please see details above
(async () => {
await worker.removeFile('tmp.txt');
### Worker.FS(method, args, jobId): Promise
Worker.FS() is a generic FS function to do anything you want, you can check [HERE](i for all functions.
Worker.loadLanguage() loads traineddata from cache or download traineddata from remote, and put traineddata into the WebAssembly file system.
-`langs` a string to indicate the languages traineddata to download, multiple languages are concated with **+**, ex: **eng+chi\_tra**
-`jobId` Please see details above
(async () => {
await worker.loadLanguage('eng+chi_tra');
### Worker.initialize(langs, oem, jobId): Promise
Worker.initialize() initializes the Tesseract API, make sure it is ready for doing OCR tasks.
-`langs` a string to indicate the languages loaded by Tesseract API, it can be the subset of the languauge traineddata you loaded from Worker.loadLanguage.
-`oem` a enum to indicate the OCR Engine Mode you use
-`jobId` Please see details above
(async () => {
/** You can load more languages in advance, but use only part of them in Worker.initialize() */
await worker.loadLanguage('eng+chi_tra');
await worker.initialize('eng');
### Worker.setParameters(params, jobId): Promise
Worker.setParameters() set parameters for Tesseract API (using SetVariable()), it changes the behavior of Tesseract and some parameters like tessedit\_char\_whitelist is very useful.
-`params` an object with key and value of the parameters
| tessedit\_ocr\_engine\_mode | enum | OEM.DEFAULT | Check [HERE]( for definition of each mode |
| tessedit\_pageseg\_mode | enum | PSM.SINGLE\_BLOCK | Check [HERE]( for definition of each mode |
| tessedit\_char\_whitelist | string | '' | setting white list characters makes the result only contains these characters, useful the content in image is limited |
| preserve\_interword\_spaces | string | '0' | '0' or '1', keeps the space between words |
createScheduler() is a factory function to create a scheduler, a scheduler manages a job queue and workers to enable multiple workers to work together, it is useful when you want to speed up your performance.
recognize() is a function to quickly do recognize() task, it is not recommended to use in real application, but useful when you want to save some time.