## TesseractWorker.recognize(image, lang, [, options]) -> [TesseractJob](#tesseractjob)
Figures out what words are in `image` , where the words are in `image` , etc.
> Note: `image` should be sufficiently high resolution.
> Often, the same image will get much better results if you upscale it before calling `recognize`.
- `image` see [Image Format ](./image-format.md ) for more details.
- `lang` property with a value from the [list of lang parameters ](./tesseract_lang_list.md ), you can use multiple languages separated by '+', ex. `eng+chi_tra`
- `options` a flat json object that may include properties that override some subset of the [default tesseract parameters ](./tesseract_parameters.md )
Returns a [TesseractJob ](#tesseractjob ) whose `then` , `progress` , `catch` and `finally` methods can be used to act on the result.
### Simple Example:
const worker = new Tessearct.TesseractWorker();
### More Complicated Example:
const worker = new Tessearct.TesseractWorker();
// if we know our image is of spanish words without the letter 'e':
.recognize(myImage, 'spa', {
tessedit_char_blacklist: 'e',
## TesseractWorker.detect(image) -> [TesseractJob](#tesseractjob)
Figures out what script (e.g. 'Latin', 'Chinese') the words in image are written in.
- `image` see [Image Format ](./image-format.md ) for more details.
Returns a [TesseractJob ](#tesseractjob ) whose `then` , `progress` , `catch` and `finally` methods can be used to act on the result of the script.
const worker = new Tessearct.TesseractWorker();
## TesseractJob
A TesseractJob is an object returned by a call to `recognize` or `detect` . It's inspired by the ES6 Promise interface and provides `then` and `catch` methods. It also provides `finally` method, which will be fired regardless of the job fate. One important difference is that these methods return the job itself (to enable chaining) rather than new.
Typical use is:
const worker = new Tessearct.TesseractWorker();
.progress(message => console.log(message))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
.then(result => console.log(result))
.finally(resultOrError => console.log(resultOrError));
Which is equivalent to:
const worker = new Tessearct.TesseractWorker();
const job1 = worker.recognize(myImage);
job1.progress(message => console.log(message));
job1.catch(err => console.error(err));
job1.then(result => console.log(result));
job1.finally(resultOrError => console.log(resultOrError));
### TesseractJob.progress(callback: function) -> TesseractJob
Sets `callback` as the function that will be called every time the job progresses.
- `callback` is a function with the signature `callback(progress)` where `progress` is a json object.
For example:
const worker = new Tessearct.TesseractWorker();
.progress(function(message){console.log('progress is: ', message)});
The console will show something like:
progress is: {loaded_lang_model: "eng", from_cache: true}
progress is: {initialized_with_lang: "eng"}
progress is: {set_variable: Object}
progress is: {set_variable: Object}
progress is: {recognized: 0}
progress is: {recognized: 0.3}
progress is: {recognized: 0.6}
progress is: {recognized: 0.9}
progress is: {recognized: 1}
### TesseractJob.then(callback: function) -> TesseractJob
Sets `callback` as the function that will be called if and when the job successfully completes.
- `callback` is a function with the signature `callback(result)` where `result` is a json object.
For example:
const worker = new Tessearct.TesseractWorker();
.then(function(result){console.log('result is: ', result)});
The console will show something like:
result is: {
blocks: Array[1]
confidence: 87
html: "< div class = 'ocr_page' id = 'page_1' . . . "
lines: Array[3]
oem: "DEFAULT"
paragraphs: Array[1]
symbols: Array[33]
text: "Hello World↵from beyond↵the Cosmic Void↵↵"
version: "3.04.00"
words: Array[7]
### TesseractJob.catch(callback: function) -> TesseractJob
Sets `callback` as the function that will be called if the job fails.
- `callback` is a function with the signature `callback(error)` where `error` is a json object.
### TesseractJob.finally(callback: function) -> TesseractJob
Sets `callback` as the function that will be called regardless if the job fails or success.
- `callback` is a function with the signature `callback(resultOrError)` where `resultOrError` is a json object.