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The development server will be available at http://localhost:3000/examples/browser/demo.html in your favorite browser.
The development server will be available at http://localhost:3000/examples/browser/demo.html in your favorite browser.
It will automatically rebuild `tesseract.dev.js` and `worker.dev.js` when you change files in the **src** folder.
It will automatically rebuild `tesseract.dev.js` and `worker.dev.js` when you change files in the **src** folder.
You can also run the development server in Gitpod ( a free online IDE and dev environment for GitHub that will automate your dev setup ) with a single click.
### Online Setup with a single Click
You can use Gitpod(A free online VS Code like IDE) for contributing. With a single click it will launch a ready to code workspace with the build & start scripts already in process and within a few seconeds it will spin up the dev server so that you can start contributing straight away without wasting any time.
[![Open in Gitpod](https://gitpod.io/button/open-in-gitpod.svg)](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/blob/master/examples/browser/demo.html)
[![Open in Gitpod](https://gitpod.io/button/open-in-gitpod.svg)](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/blob/master/examples/browser/demo.html)