diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 55613c0..7077bc8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-> Just working on Firefox support!
# [Tesseract.js](http://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/)
Tesseract.js is a javascript library that gets words in [almost any language](./tesseract_lang_list.md) out of images. ([Demo](http://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/))
@@ -25,23 +22,11 @@ Tesseract.js works with a `
-Or you can grab copies of `tesseract.js` and `worker.js` from the [dist folder](https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/tree/master/dist) and include your local copies like this:
After including your scripts, the `Tesseract` variable should be defined! You can [head to the docs](#docs) for a full treatment of the API.
## npm
@@ -186,7 +171,7 @@ Sets `callback` as the function that will be called every time the job progresse
For example:
- .progress(function(message){console.log('progress is: 'message)})
+ .progress(function(message){console.log('progress is: ', message)})
The console will show something like:
@@ -252,7 +237,7 @@ A string specifying the location of the [tesseract.js-core library](https://gith
A string specifying the location of the [tesseract.worker.js](./dist/tesseract.worker.js) file, with default value 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/naptha/tesseract.js/8b915dc/dist/tesseract.worker.js'. Set this string before calling `Tesseract.recognize` and `Tesseract.detect` if you want Tesseract.js to use a different file.
### langPath
-A string specifying the location of the tesseract language files, with default value 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/naptha/tessdata/gh-pages/3.02/'. Language file urls are calculated according to the formula `Tesseract.langUrl + lang + '.traineddata.gz'`. Set this string before calling `Tesseract.recognize` and `Tesseract.detect` if you want Tesseract.js to use different language files.
+A string specifying the location of the tesseract language files, with default value 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/naptha/tessdata/gh-pages/3.02/'. Language file urls are calculated according to the formula `langPath + langCode + '.traineddata.gz'`. Set this string before calling `Tesseract.recognize` and `Tesseract.detect` if you want Tesseract.js to use different language files.
## Contributing