const { createWorker } = Tesseract; const FS_WAIT = 500; let worker; before(async function cb() { this.timeout(0); worker = await createWorker(OPTIONS); return worker.load(); }); describe('FS', async () => { it('should write and read text from FS (using FS only)', () => { [ SIMPLE_TEXT, ].forEach(async (text) => { const path = 'tmp.txt'; await worker.FS('writeFile', [path, SIMPLE_TEXT]); setTimeout(async () => { const { data } = await worker.FS('readFile', [path]); await worker.FS('unlink', [path]); expect(data.toString()); }, FS_WAIT); }); }).timeout(TIMEOUT); it('should write and read text from FS (using writeFile, readFile)', () => { [ SIMPLE_TEXT, ].forEach(async (text) => { const path = 'tmp2.txt'; await worker.writeText(path, SIMPLE_TEXT); setTimeout(async () => { const { data } = await worker.readText(path); await worker.removeFile(path); expect(data.toString()); }, FS_WAIT); }); }).timeout(TIMEOUT); });