# API - [createWorker()](#create-worker) - [Worker.load](#worker-load) - [Worker.writeText](#worker-writeText) - [Worker.readText](#worker-readText) - [Worker.removeFile](#worker-removeFile) - [Worker.FS](#worker-FS) - [Worker.loadLanguage](#worker-load-language) - [Worker.initialize](#worker-initialize) - [Worker.setParameters](#worker-set-parameters) - [Worker.recognize](#worker-recognize) - [Worker.detect](#worker-detect) - [Worker.terminate](#worker-terminate) - [createScheduler()](#create-scheduler) - [Scheduler.addWorker](#scheduler-add-worker) - [Scheduler.addJob](#scheduler-add-job) - [Scheduler.getQueueLen](#scheduler-get-queue-len) - [Scheduler.getNumWorkers](#scheduler-get-num-workers) - [setLogging()](#set-logging) - [recognize()](#recognize) - [detect()](#detect) - [PSM](#psm) - [OEM](#oem) --- ## createWorker(options): Worker createWorker is a factory function that creates a tesseract worker, a worker is basically a Web Worker in browser and Child Process in Node. **Arguments:** - `options` an object of customized options - `corePath` path for tesseract-core.js script - `langPath` path for downloading traineddata, do not include `/` at the end of the path - `workerPath` path for downloading worker script - `dataPath` path for saving traineddata in WebAssembly file system, not common to modify - `cachePath` path for the cached traineddata, more useful for Node, for browser it only changes the key in IndexDB - `cacheMethod` a string to indicate the method of cache management, should be one of the following options - write: read cache and write back (default method) - readOnly: read cache and not to write back - refresh: not to read cache and write back - none: not to read cache and not to write back - `workerBlobURL` a boolean to define whether to use Blob URL for worker script, default: true - `gzip` a boolean to define whether the traineddata from the remote is gzipped, default: true - `logger` a function to log the progress, a quick example is `m => console.log(m)` - `errorHandler` a function to handle worker errors, a quick example is `err => console.error(err)` **Examples:** ```javascript const { createWorker } = Tesseract; const worker = createWorker({ langPath: '...', logger: m => console.log(m), }); ``` ## Worker A Worker helps you to do the OCR related tasks, it takes few steps to setup Worker before it is fully functional. The full flow is: - load - FS functions // optional - loadLanguauge - initialize - setParameters // optional - recognize or detect - terminate Each function is async, so using async/await or Promise is required. When it is resolved, you get an object: ```json { "jobId": "Job-1-123", "data": { ... } } ``` jobId is generated by Tesseract.js, but you can put your own when calling any of the function above. ### Worker.load(jobId): Promise Worker.load() loads tesseract.js-core scripts (download from remote if not presented), it makes Web Worker/Child Process ready for next action. **Arguments:** - `jobId` Please see details above **Examples:** ```javascript (async () => { await worker.load(); })(); ``` ### Worker.writeText(path, text, jobId): Promise Worker.writeText() writes a text file to the path specified in MEMFS, it is useful when you want to use some features that requires tesseract.js to read file from file system. **Arguments:** - `path` text file path - `text` content of the text file - `jobId` Please see details above **Examples:** ```javascript (async () => { await worker.writeText('tmp.txt', 'Hi\nTesseract.js\n'); })(); ``` ### Worker.readText(path, jobId): Promise Worker.readText() reads a text file to the path specified in MEMFS, it is useful when you want to check the content. **Arguments:** - `path` text file path - `jobId` Please see details above **Examples:** ```javascript (async () => { const { data } = await worker.readText('tmp.txt'); console.log(data); })(); ``` ### Worker.removeFile(path, jobId): Promise Worker.readFile() remove a file in MEMFS, it is useful when you want to free the memory. **Arguments:** - `path` file path - `jobId` Please see details above **Examples:** ```javascript (async () => { await worker.removeFile('tmp.txt'); })(); ``` ### Worker.FS(method, args, jobId): Promise Worker.FS() is a generic FS function to do anything you want, you can check [HERE](https://emscripten.org/docs/api_reference/Filesystem-API.html) for all functions. **Arguments:** - `method` method name - `args` array of arguments to pass - `jobId` Please see details above **Examples:** ```javascript (async () => { await worker.FS('writeFile', ['tmp.txt', 'Hi\nTesseract.js\n']); // equal to: // await worker.writeText('tmp.txt', 'Hi\nTesseract.js\n'); })(); ``` ### Worker.loadLanguage(langs, jobId): Promise Worker.loadLanguage() loads traineddata from cache or download traineddata from remote, and put traineddata into the WebAssembly file system. **Arguments:** - `langs` a string to indicate the languages traineddata to download, multiple languages are concated with **+**, ex: **eng+chi\_tra** - `jobId` Please see details above **Examples:** ```javascript (async () => { await worker.loadLanguage('eng+chi_tra'); })(); ``` ### Worker.initialize(langs, oem, jobId): Promise Worker.initialize() initializes the Tesseract API, make sure it is ready for doing OCR tasks. **Arguments:** - `langs` a string to indicate the languages loaded by Tesseract API, it can be the subset of the languauge traineddata you loaded from Worker.loadLanguage. - `oem` a enum to indicate the OCR Engine Mode you use - `jobId` Please see details above **Examples:** ```javascript (async () => { /** You can load more languages in advance, but use only part of them in Worker.initialize() */ await worker.loadLanguage('eng+chi_tra'); await worker.initialize('eng'); })(); ``` ### Worker.setParameters(params, jobId): Promise Worker.setParameters() set parameters for Tesseract API (using SetVariable()), it changes the behavior of Tesseract and some parameters like tessedit\_char\_whitelist is very useful. **Arguments:** - `params` an object with key and value of the parameters - `jobId` Please see details above **Supported Paramters:** | name | type | default value | description | | --------------------------- | ------ | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | tessedit\_ocr\_engine\_mode | enum | OEM.DEFAULT | Check [HERE](https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/blob/4.0.0/src/ccstruct/publictypes.h#L268) for definition of each mode | | tessedit\_pageseg\_mode | enum | PSM.SINGLE\_BLOCK | Check [HERE](https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/blob/4.0.0/src/ccstruct/publictypes.h#L163) for definition of each mode | | tessedit\_char\_whitelist | string | '' | setting white list characters makes the result only contains these characters, useful the content in image is limited | | preserve\_interword\_spaces | string | '0' | '0' or '1', keeps the space between words | | user\_defined\_dpi | string | '' | Define custom dpi, use to fix **Warning: Invalid resolution 0 dpi. Using 70 instead.** | | tessjs\_create\_hocr | string | '1' | only 2 values, '0' or '1', when the value is '1', tesseract.js includes hocr in the result | | tessjs\_create\_tsv | string | '1' | only 2 values, '0' or '1', when the value is '1', tesseract.js includes tsv in the result | | tessjs\_create\_box | string | '0' | only 2 values, '0' or '1', when the value is '1', tesseract.js includes box in the result | | tessjs\_create\_unlv | string | '0' | only 2 values, '0' or '1', when the value is '1', tesseract.js includes unlv in the result | | tessjs\_create\_osd | string | '0' | only 2 values, '0' or '1', when the value is '1', tesseract.js includes osd in the result | **Examples:** ```javascript (async () => { await worker.setParameters({ tessedit_char_whitelist: '0123456789', }); }) ``` ### Worker.recognize(image, options, jobId): Promise Worker.recognize() provides core function of Tesseract.js as it executes OCR Figures out what words are in `image`, where the words are in `image`, etc. > Note: `image` should be sufficiently high resolution. > Often, the same image will get much better results if you upscale it before calling `recognize`. **Arguments:** - `image` see [Image Format](./image-format.md) for more details. - `options` a object of customized options - `rectangle` an object to specify the regions you want to recognized in the image, should contain top, left, width and height, see example below. - `jobId` Please see details above **Output:** **Examples:** ```javascript const { createWorker } = Tesseract; (async () => { const worker = createWorker(); await worker.load(); await worker.loadLanguage('eng'); await worker.initialize('eng'); const { data: { text } } = await worker.recognize(image); console.log(text); })(); ``` With rectangle ```javascript const { createWorker } = Tesseract; (async () => { const worker = createWorker(); await worker.load(); await worker.loadLanguage('eng'); await worker.initialize('eng'); const { data: { text } } = await worker.recognize(image, { rectangle: { top: 0, left: 0, width: 100, height: 100 }, }); console.log(text); })(); ``` ### Worker.detect(image, jobId): Promise Worker.detect() does OSD (Orientation and Script Detection) to the image instead of OCR. **Arguments:** - `image` see [Image Format](./image-format.md) for more details. - `jobId` Please see details above **Examples:** ```javascript const { createWorker } = Tesseract; (async () => { const worker = createWorker(); await worker.load(); await worker.loadLanguage('eng'); await worker.initialize('eng'); const { data } = await worker.detect(image); console.log(data); })(); ``` ### Worker.terminate(jobId): Promise Worker.terminate() terminates the worker and cleans up ```javascript (async () => { await worker.terminate(); })(); ``` ## createScheduler(): Scheduler createScheduler() is a factory function to create a scheduler, a scheduler manages a job queue and workers to enable multiple workers to work together, it is useful when you want to speed up your performance. **Examples:** ```javascript const { createScheduler } = Tesseract; const scheduler = createScheduler(); ``` ### Scheduler ### Scheduler.addWorker(worker): string Scheduler.addWorker() adds a worker into the worker pool inside scheduler, it is suggested to add one worker to only one scheduler. **Arguments:** - `worker` see Worker above **Examples:** ```javascript const { createWorker, createScheduler } = Tesseract; const scheduler = createScheduler(); const worker = createWorker(); scheduler.addWorker(worker); ``` ### Scheduler.addJob(action, ...payload): Promise Scheduler.addJob() adds a job to the job queue and scheduler waits and finds an idle worker to take the job. **Arguments:** - `action` a string to indicate the action you want to do, right now only **recognize** and **detect** are supported - `payload` a arbitrary number of args depending on the action you called. **Examples:** ```javascript (async () => { const { data: { text } } = await scheduler.addJob('recognize', image, options); const { data } = await scheduler.addJob('detect', image); })(); ``` ### Scheduler.getQueueLen(): number Scheduler.getNumWorkers() returns the length of job queue. ### Scheduler.getNumWorkers(): number Scheduler.getNumWorkers() returns number of workers added into the scheduler ### Scheduler.terminate(): Promise Scheduler.terminate() terminates all workers added, useful to do quick clean up. **Examples:** ```javascript (async () => { await scheduler.terminate(); })(); ``` ## setLogging(logging: boolean) setLogging() sets the logging flag, you can `setLogging(true)` to see detailed information, useful for debugging. **Arguments:** - `logging` boolean to define whether to see detailed logs, default: false **Examples:** ```javascript const { setLogging } = Tesseract; setLogging(true); ``` ## recognize(image, langs, options): Promise recognize() is a function to quickly do recognize() task, it is not recommended to use in real application, but useful when you want to save some time. See [Tesseract.js](../src/Tesseract.js) ## detect(image, options): Promise Same background as recognize(), but it does detect instead. See [Tesseract.js](../src/Tesseract.js) ## PSM See [PSM.js](../src/constants/PSM.js) ## OEM See [OEM.js](../src/constants/OEM.js)