# [Tesseract.js](http://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/) [](https://badge.fury.io/js/tesseract.js) Tesseract.js is a javascript library that gets words in [almost any language](./docs/tesseract_lang_list.md) out of images. ([Demo](http://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/)) [](http://tesseract.projectnaptha.com) Tesseract.js works with script tags, webpack/browserify, and node. [After you install it](#installation), using it is as simple as ```javascript Tesseract.recognize(myImage) .progress(function (p) { console.log('progress', p) }) .then(function (result) { console.log('result', result) }) ``` [Check out the docs](#docs) for a full treatment of the API. # Installation Tesseract.js works with a ` ``` After including your scripts, the `Tesseract` variable should be defined! You can [head to the docs](#docs) for a full treatment of the API. ## npm First: ```shell > npm install tesseract.js --save ``` Then ```javascript var Tesseract = require('tesseract.js') ``` or ```javascript import Tesseract from 'tesseract.js' ``` You can [head to the docs](#docs) for a full treatment of the API. # Docs * [Tesseract.recognize(image: ImageLike[, options]) -> [TesseractJob](#tesseractjob)](#tesseractrecognizeimage-imagelike-options---tesseractjob) + [Simple Example](#simple-example) + [More Complicated Example](#more-complicated-example) * [Tesseract.detect(image: ImageLike) -> [TesseractJob](#tesseractjob)](#tesseractdetectimage-imagelike---tesseractjob) * [ImageLike](#imagelike) * [TesseractJob](#tesseractjob) + [TesseractJob.progress(callback: function) -> TesseractJob](#tesseractjobprogresscallback-function---tesseractjob) + [TesseractJob.then(callback: function) -> TesseractJob](#tesseractjobthencallback-function---tesseractjob) + [TesseractJob.catch(callback: function) -> TesseractJob](#tesseractjoberrorcallback-function---tesseractjob) * [Local Installation](#local-installation) + [corePath](#corepath) + [workerPath](#workerpath) + [langPath](#langpath) * [Contributing](#contributing) + [Development](#development) + [Building Static Files](#building-static-files) + [Send us a Pull Request!](#send-us-a-pull-request) ## Tesseract.recognize(image: [ImageLike](#imagelike)[, options]) -> [TesseractJob](#tesseractjob) Figures out what words are in `image`, where the words are in `image`, etc. > Note: `image` should be be sufficiently high resolution. > Often, the same image will get much better results if you upscale it before calling `recognize`. - `image` is any [ImageLike](#imagelike) object. - `options` is either absent (in which case it is interpreted as `'eng'`), a string specifing a language short code from the [language list](./docs/tesseract_lang_list.md), or a flat json object that may: + include properties that override some subset of the [default tesseract parameters](./docs/tesseract_parameters.md) + include a `lang` property with a value from the [list of lang parameters](./docs/tesseract_lang_list.md) Returns a [TesseractJob](#tesseractjob) whose `then`, `progress`, and `catch` methods can be used to act on the result. ### Simple Example: ```javascript Tesseract.recognize(myImage) .then(function(result){ console.log(result) }) ``` ### More Complicated Example: ```javascript // if we know our image is of spanish words without the letter 'e': Tesseract.recognize(myImage, { lang: 'spa', tessedit_char_blacklist: 'e' }) .then(function(result){ console.log(result) }) ``` ## Tesseract.detect(image: [ImageLike](#imagelike)) -> [TesseractJob](#tesseractjob) Figures out what script (e.g. 'Latin', 'Chinese') the words in image are written in. - `image` is any [ImageLike](#imagelike) object. Returns a [TesseractJob](#tesseractjob) whose `then`, `progress`, and `error` methods can be used to act on the result of the script. ```javascript Tesseract.detect(myImage) .then(function(result){ console.log(result) }) ``` ## ImageLike The main Tesseract.js functions take an `image` parameter, which should be something that is like an image. What's considered "image-like" differs depending on whether it is being run from the browser or through NodeJS. On a browser, an image can be: - an `img`, `video`, or `canvas` element - a CanvasRenderingContext2D (returned by `canvas.getContext('2d')`) - a `File` object (from a file `` or drag-drop event) - a `Blob` object - a `ImageData` instance (an object containing `width`, `height` and `data` properties) - a path or URL to an accessible image (the image must either be hosted locally or accessible by CORS) In NodeJS, an image can be - a path to a local image - a `Buffer` instance containing a `PNG` or `JPEG` image - a `ImageData` instance (an object containing `width`, `height` and `data` properties) ## TesseractJob A TesseractJob is an an object returned by a call to `recognize` or `detect`. It's inspired by the ES6 Promise interface and provides `then` and `catch` methods. One important difference is that these methods return the job itself (to enable chaining) rather than new. Typical use is: ```javascript Tesseract.recognize(myImage) .progress(function(message){console.log(message)}) .catch(function(err){console.error(err)}) .then(function(result){console.log(result)}) ``` Which is equivalent to: ```javascript var job1 = Tesseract.recognize(myImage); job1.progress(function(message){console.log(message)}); job1.catch(function(err){console.error(err)}); job1.then(function(result){console.log(result)}) ``` ### TesseractJob.progress(callback: function) -> TesseractJob Sets `callback` as the function that will be called every time the job progresses. - `callback` is a function with the signature `callback(progress)` where `progress` is a json object. For example: ```javascript Tesseract.recognize(myImage) .progress(function(message){console.log('progress is: ', message)}) ``` The console will show something like: ```javascript progress is: {loaded_lang_model: "eng", from_cache: true} progress is: {initialized_with_lang: "eng"} progress is: {set_variable: Object} progress is: {set_variable: Object} progress is: {recognized: 0} progress is: {recognized: 0.3} progress is: {recognized: 0.6} progress is: {recognized: 0.9} progress is: {recognized: 1} ``` ### TesseractJob.then(callback: function) -> TesseractJob Sets `callback` as the function that will be called if and when the job successfully completes. - `callback` is a function with the signature `callback(result)` where `result` is a json object. For example: ```javascript Tesseract.recognize(myImage) .then(function(result){console.log('result is: ', result)}) ``` The console will show something like: ```javascript result is: { blocks: Array[1] confidence: 87 html: "