Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
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Due for Release on Monday, Oct 3, 2016


Tesseract.js is a pure javascript version of the Tesseract OCR Engine that can recognize English, Chinese, Russian, and 60 other languages.

Tesseract.js lets your code get the words out of scanned documents and other images.


Tesseract.js works with a <script> tag via local copy or cdn, or with npm (if you're using webpack / browserify).

Script Tag


<script src='https://cdn.rawgit.com/naptha/tesseract.js/a01d2a2/dist/tesseract.js'></script>

    .progress(function (p) { console.log('progress', p) })
    .then(function (result) { console.log('result', result) })


First grab copies of tesseract.js and tesseract.worker.js from the dist folder. Then include tesseract.js on your page, and set Tesseract.workerUrl like this:

<script src='/path/to/tesseract.js'></script>

Tesseract.workerUrl = 'http://www.absolute-path-to/tesseract.worker.js'

    .progress(function (p) { console.log('progress', p) })
    .then(function (result) { console.log('result', result) })





The main Tesseract.js functions take an image parameter, which should be something that is 'image-like'. That means image should be

  • an img element or querySelector that matches an img element
  • a video element or querySelector that matches a video element
  • a canvas element or querySelector that matches a canvas element
  • a CanvasRenderingContext2D (returned by canvas.getContext('2d'))
  • the absolute url of an image from the same website that is running your script. Browser security policies don't allow access to the content of images from other websites :(

Tesseract.recognize(image: ImageLike[, options]) -> TesseractJob

Figures out what words are in image, where the words are in image, etc.

  • image is any ImageLike object.
  • options is an optional parameter that overrides some subset of the following parameters:
    Paramereter Default Value Description
    ambigs_debug_level 0 Debug level for unichar ambiguities

Returns a TesseractJob whose then, progress, and error methods can be used to act on the result.



Tesseract.detect(image: ImageLike) -> TesseractJob

Figures out what script (e.g. 'Latin', 'Chinese') the words in image are written in.

Returns a TesseractJob whose then, progress, and error methods can be used to act on the result of the script.



A TesseractJob is an an object returned by a call to recognize or detect. All methods of a TesseractJob return itself to enable chaining.

Typical use is:

var job1 = Tesseract.recognize('#my-image')


or more concisely:


TesseractJob.progress(callback: function) -> TesseractJob

Sets callback as the function that will be called every time the job progresses.

callback is a function with the signature callback(progress) where progress is json object.

For example:

    .progress(function(message){console.log('progress is: 'message)})

The console will show something like:

progress is: {loaded_lang_model: "eng", from_cache: true}
progress is: {initialized_with_lang: "eng"}
progress is: {set_variable: Object}
progress is: {set_variable: Object}
progress is: {recognized: 0}
progress is: {recognized: 0.3}
progress is: {recognized: 0.6}
progress is: {recognized: 0.9}
progress is: {recognized: 1}

TesseractJob.then(callback: function) -> TesseractJob

Sets callback as the function that will be called if and when the job successfully completes.

For example:

    .then(function(result){console.log('result is: 'result)})

The console will show something like:

progress is: {
    blocks: Array[1]
    confidence: 87
    html: "<div class='ocr_page' id='page_1' ..."
    lines: Array[3]
    oem: "DEFAULT"
    paragraphs: Array[1]
    psm: "SINGLE_BLOCK"
    symbols: Array[33]
    text: "Hello World↵from beyond↵the Cosmic Void↵↵"
    version: "3.04.00"
    words: Array[7]

TesseractJob.error(callback: function) -> TesseractJob

Sets callback as the function that will be called if and when the job successfully completes.



To run a development copy of tesseract.js, first clone this repo.

> git clone https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js.git

Then, cd in to the folder, npm install, and npm start

> cd tesseract.js
> npm install && npm start

  ... a bunch of npm stuff ... 

  tesseract.js@1.0.0 start /Users/guillermo/Desktop/code_static/tesseract.js
  node devServer.js

Listening at http://localhost:7355

Then open http://localhost:7355 in your favorite browser. The devServer automatically rebuilds tesseract.js and tesseract.worker.js when you change files in the src folder.

Building Static Files

After you've cloned the repo and run npm install as described in the Development Section, you can build static library files in the dist folder with

> npm run build

Send us a Pull Request!